The evening time. Terrence came back home a long time ago, having a wonderful mood. Unfortunately, he had to break the walk that got him reconciled with Raquelle and made her change her mind about a breakup because the man would be meeting Benjamin, who asked him about a meeting to talk about their fight. It was very hard for the lovers to say goodbye because they madly missed each other and wanted to spend more time together, but they said goodbye to each other with the thought that they would be seeing each other almost every day.
While waiting for Benjamin to come, Terrence is sitting on the sofa in the living room and calling the memories of the walk with Raquelle, feeling truly happy and understanding that his mood got much better and feeling a real relief in his soul.
“Today is the best day of my life,” Terrence thinks with a slight smile. “I’m madly grateful for getting back the girl that I love with all my heart. It’s the best thing that’s happened to me lately! I will think I got a gift on my belated birthday a little late. I couldn’t ask for a better gift! I only wanted to get Raquelle back and persuade her not to end the relationship with me. And I’ve finally gotten what I wanted!”
Terrence quickly looks around and sees Violetta and Christiana doing the homework somewhere far from here and talking about something.
“Listen, the people were right when saying it wasn’t time to give up,” Terrence thinks. “Everything happened as they said… Damn, I’m sorry that I didn’t listen to their words, which sounded almost the same from all the mouths. And I continued to think that girl would leave me, after all.”
Terrence leans back in the sofa, still smiling shyly.
“Anyway, I’ll always be grateful to them for trying to help us,” Terrence thinks. “For trying to support me somehow at such a hard moment.”
Terrence chuckles very quietly.
“And I think I’m still full of charm,” Terrence thinks. “Thanks to which I managed to charm Raquelle and make her confess her real feelings. But how could she actually resist such a handsome guy like me? I do know how unevenly she is breathing when being next to me…”
Terrence slightly raises his head up with a shy smile, feeling pretty proud.
“When I made some effort, she gave up immediately,” Terrence thinks. “And if she’d tried to make me sure she didn’t have feelings for me after that, I wouldn’t have believed her. I did make myself sure that I could easily guess what she thinks about… So, my darling Raquelle, you will hide nothing from me. I will bite you through quickly… You can pretend to be anyone, but I know everything about you.”
Terrence smiles at his own thoughts and leans back in the sofa with a proud look, stretching himself up. And some time later, a doorbell rings. But the man starts to think of something with a sly smile and does not even think of meeting a visitor. That’s why Blair opens the door after she goes by and sees he is not going to do it. The young girl quickly unlocks it and sees Benjamin in front of herself.
She looks at the man a little hesitantly, gets a little confused, and cannot stop looking at the one to be much taller than her. However, Benjamin also looks at this girl better, who he has never seen here before because he came here when the servants were busy or left. This little homely, little timid girl gets him attracted to her and makes him interested in her, even though she is not like any other exes or all the girls he has ever flirted and slept with before.
But understanding that the silence cannot last forever, Benjamin cleans his throat quickly, moving his eyes aside for a second, and shows his snow-white smile.
“Good afternoon,” Benjamin greets politely. “My name is Benjamin Parker. I would like to talk to Terrence MacClife. We agreed to meet at his home.”
“Erm, y-yes, of course,” Blair pronounces hesitantly, moves her eyes down for a second and smiles slightly. “Mr. MacClife warned that you would come… He is waiting for you in the living room. Erm… Come there, please…”
Blair steps back from the hall door and lets the attractive stranger with hazel-green eyes come into the house. Benjamin does it quite confidently, looking around with interest, and then gives his gorgeous smile to Blair. While the girl herself also smiles at the stranger slightly, but he does not see it because he leaves. And two seconds later, the girl clears her throat, puts all her thoughts aside, quickly locks the door after the visitor, and goes to the kitchen to do her business.
Meanwhile, Benjamin goes to the living room, where Terrence is sitting, who puts his thoughts aside, glances aside, and sees Parker, who feels a little awkward when he sees MacClife. Who gets up with a slight smile, behaving like he already forgot he fought with his friend some time ago to the hell.
“Hey, Terrence,” Benjamin greets quietly.
“Hi, Benjamin,” Terrence pronounces amicably and shakes Benjamin by the hand to welcome him. “Glad to see you.”
“Erm… Me too…” Benjamin breaks the handshake with Terrence. “Sorry for distracting you from your business. But I would really like to talk to you about what happened.”
“It’s okay, you didn’t bother me,” Terrence replies quietly. “I was also thinking of suggesting a meeting.”
“That’s how…”
“Let’s not waste time and talk about everything right now.”
“Okay,” Benjamin shrugs with a shy smile.
“Sit down.”
Terrence and Benjamin come to the sofa and sit down in front of each other, feeling some awkwardness but trying to pretend that everything is fine.
“So, you can speak now,” Terrence shrugs. “I’m ready to listen to you.”
“Erm, I…” Benjamin pronounces thoughtfully, scratching the back of his head. “Actually, I have nothing serious… Just… Erm…”
Benjamin exhales sharply and coughs quietly.
“I just want to apologize to you,” Benjamin confesses. “Forgive me for attacking you like that, saying not the nicest things, and starting to read lectures about how you should have behaved. I completely understand that every one of us wanted to make it better, but… We eventually fought to the fuck… Even though I didn’t want it.”
“It’s alright,” Terrence waves his hand with a slight smile. “I also want to apologize to you for starting to attack you and saying nobody knows what. That was the wrong thing I did.”
“C’mon, it’s okay!”
“I didn’t really want to insult or humiliate you. And I know I shouldn’t have done that. Because you were absolutely right. But I, idiot, didn’t listen to you and didn’t wanna confess it. You said everything right.”
“Yes, I’m still judging you for what you did, and I won’t change my mind. But that wasn’t a reason to fight so hard. You should’ve solved that by yourself, and I shouldn't have meddled and gone against you openly.”
“I get it.”
“So, I would be glad if you forgave me. And… Didn’t get mad at me for getting so wild and saying what still makes my hair stand on end.”
“You shouldn’t apologize, Benjamin,” Terrence smiles slightly. “You wanted to make it better, but I… I was just a psycho… The psycho, who refused to accept what was right.”
“I’m really sorry.”
“But believe me, everything’s otherwise now. I’ve realized much and understand that I wasn’t right.”
“You know, Terrence, honestly, you were really a psycho,” Benjamin cracks a smile. “You’ve actually always been crazy.”
“You’re right,” Terrence laughs shyly. “The thing that the people are right about is the fact that I can’t control myself and can easily get nuts. The fact that I may sometimes go too far.”
“I’m glad you understand it.”
“But I will be doing my best not to let it happen again. Because I understand that I may lose too much if I don't learn to control myself.”
“Maybe, you’re a psycho, but I really missed you. So… Would we keep being the same funny friends and try not to think about that misunderstanding?”
“Oh, yeah, we’re just crazy friends,” Terrence laughs shyly. “And damn… I also missed your stupid jokes! And your stories about your love affairs.”
“And I want to laugh at you because you think you’re irresistible,” Benjamin chuckles kindly. “I haven’t heard those things for ages…”
“Oh, damn, Parker…”
Silence settles in the air for two seconds, during which Terrence and Benjamin laugh shyly and shake their heads. But then Parker points his hand to MacClife, saying:
“So, is our strong male friendship still possible?”
“Sure!” Terrence exclaims with a slight smile. “I’m forgiving you, and you forgive me.”
“Deal, man!”
Benjamin and Terrence confirm their reconciliation with a handshake and then, getting up from the sofa, take each other in a strong amicable hug with a shy laugh, and share a slight clap on the back. But a few seconds later, the guys step away and sit down again.
“So, it seems like life is getting better!” Terrence notices cheerfully with a wide smile.
“You confirm it,” Benjamin chuckles kindly. “I noticed you have a very good mood…”
“I do.”
“Yeah… I haven’t seen you so happy for ages.”
“I just felt a real relief for the first time in a while…”
“M-m-m… I guess you are too happy with our reconciliation.”
“It’s just an addiction to what happened…” Terrence smiles mysteriously.
“Okay, MacClife, speak out what happened to you,” Benjamin says confidently. “Speak now if you don’t want me to question you and annoy you until you confess everything.”
“The case is that, my dear friend, a real miracle happened to me.”
“Come on? Have you been pronounced the sexiest man on the planet again?”
“I’m just planning to get a second title. But something much better happened to me.”
“I’m listening.”
Terrence keeps a short silence and then smiles much wider, saying happily and loudly:
“Raquelle and I are together again!”
“Go on!” Benjamin whoops happily.
“I’m not kidding! She’s back to me!”
“Fuck, dude, did you really reconcile with Raquelle?”
“Yes, Parker, I did!” Terrence exclaims cheerfully and shakes Benjamin by the shoulders slightly. “Dude, we’re together again! You see? My beloved girl is with me again!”
“So, it happens that there will not be a breakup?”
“A breakup has been canceled! Raquelle won't leave me and gave me one more chance today.”
“A-a-a-a, damn, man!” Benjamin whoops loudly. “I’m so happy for you!”
“It’s a miracle, buddy! The real miracle!”
“I knew it would happen!”
Benjamin sharply gets up from the sofa and takes Terrence in a strong, amicable hug, clapping him on the back slightly. But then the man steps back from his friend and sits down where he sat before.
“Congrats, friend!” Benjamin exclaims with a wide smile. “How it’s great you decided to give another chance to each other.”
“Thanks, Ben!” Terrence thanks with a slight smile.
“Yeah!” Benjamin claps his hands. “But you said there was no hope!”
“Honestly, I didn’t really think that a miracle would be possible. I thought we had only to break up. But as it turned out, there is nothing impossible. We had a chance to save our relationship. And we used it!”
“As you see, everything is possible if you really want. You should’ve just talked to your girlfriend, expressed a wish to save your relationship, say sorry, and promised to fix everything.”
“I will think it’s a gift on my belated birthday,” Terrence replies cheerfully. “Yes, I had it two weeks ago and forgot it, but still.”
“Right! No other gift can be compared with the miracle that happened!”
“Absolutely agree! And you can’t even imagine how happy I am!”
“Don’t miss a chance that Raquelle gave you! You have no right to disappoint her again. Remember, you will have no third chance.”
“Be sure, I understood all my mistakes and will try not to make them again.”
“I’d like to believe it.”
Terrence smiles mysteriously.
“I made much more sure about my natural charm and my ability to bite anyone through,” Terrence confesses with his head proudly raised. “When I used everything I have, Raquelle broke the wall and confessed her real feelings. It means she does love me, and I still have an incredible charm and can make anyone tell the truth.”
“A-a-a-a, shit!” Benjamin whoops happily. “I’m finally starting to recognize my old friend Terrence MacClife, whom I’ve known since childhood! He’s back! Ba-a-a-a-ack!”
“Hey, I’m still the same Terrence!” Terrence shakes his head with a kind chuckle. “He wasn’t gone! The present Terrence just got much happier and realized he almost lost the dearest thing he had because of his stupidity.”
“No, buddy, the former Terrence that I knew some time ago was different. But after Raquelle made a miracle, you came back to us. Back! Back!”
With these words, Benjamin claps Terrence on the shoulders and shakes him slightly, while the black-haired one chuckles shyly and says nothing, just watching his friend, who got too excited but calms down quickly enough.
“Hey, Parker, is that true you met Raquelle two weeks ago and talked to her about something?” Terrence asks.
“Yes, it’s true,” Benjamin nods. “But I swear, I didn’t know I’d meet her.”
“And how did it happen?”
“Somewhere two weeks ago, I just came to one club to drink a glass of alcohol. And Raquelle, Anna and Natalia, were there… So, I came to them, welcomed them, asked how they were doing, and asked Raquelle to talk to me face-to-face.”
“So, was she really there with Natalia and Anna?”
“Well, yeah. Before I came to them, the girls had been talking about something and laughing much.”
“That’s how…”
“Listen, buddy, Raquelle’s got very beautiful friends!” Benjamin smiles mysteriously. “They haven’t changed after our last meeting.”
“What?” Terrence frowns slightly.
“I’m sorry we didn’t talk more after it happened. Maybe, there would have been something between one of them and me.”
“Hey, hey, don’t open your mouth widely, dude!” Terrence exclaims and claps Benjamin on the hand with a kind chuckle.
“What’s wrong, MacClife? What’s wrong with what I said? I just said how beautiful the girls were!”
“While you had fun with other girls, and they shook their asses in front of you, Natalia and Anna’s hearts were stolen by the faster guys.”
“Really?” Benjamin rounds his eyes. “It happened that I’m not able to charm that cutie Natalia anymore? I did get her number and tried to call her a couple of times! But she never answered me. And when I met the girls at the club, the blonde let me know she would be happy to go somewhere with me.”
“You’re late, dude. The hearts of these beauties are taken now.”
“But there are Raquelle’s other friends, who were hanging out with her…” Terrence puts a finger on his lip. “Let me think… Emma, Olivia, Odette… Beautiful girls… You, Cody, and Joe didn’t move your eyes off them and were always next to them.”
“Yeah, those girls are very beautiful, but Joe and Cody liked them more. While I got a crush on Natalia…” Benjamin raises his head proudly. “You know how cool I felt when hanging out with her for the whole evening after Raquelle introduced her to me! It was a great honor to me!”
“May it be your only nice memory.”
“Hey, you’re lying to me! She’s absolutely single!”
“Why would I lie to you? Sadly, another man is in love with Ms. Rochester. And I’m sure she also is, and they will start dating very soon.”
“So, okay, then…” Benjamin shrugs. “It’s okay… I will hang out with other girls.”
Silence settles in the air for two seconds, during which Benjamin and Terrence smile shyly and glance on different sides.
“Hey, what did you tell Raquelle when you met her?” Terrence asks. “I’m aware of the fact that you discussed me…”
“Well, for example, I told her about your night adventures on the streets of New York…” Benjamin replies thoughtfully. “And on the day when you spent a night at my home after you drank too much…”
“Okay…” Terrence looks down for a second. “I didn’t tell her about that even. But I confessed I was really drinking after our first fight.”
“So, I definitely made her think about whether she would’ve done the right thing if she’d left you.”
“Who knows…”
“I saw how sad she got when she heard how unhappy you were. Raquelle definitely wanted to pretend that she didn’t care, but her eyes spoke for her. I think I managed to touch that girl somehow.”
“And I see you delayed a visit for a long time…” Terrence smiles slyly, leaning back in the sofa. “Raquelle said you wanted to do it before. But after your talk, it’d been two weeks before you decided to go my home.”
“I just wasn’t sure if you’d listen to me. So, I decided to give you some time to calm down. Especially, after what happened…”
“So, I believe, do you know that Simon was arrested and became disabled after the falling from the roof?”
“Everyone discusses and publishes articles about it. And I’m really glad that scumbag has been caught and is gonna get his sentence soon. He gave too much pain to you and Raquelle and those people he deceived so easily. And I’m glad people finally found out who spread those terrible rumors about her.”
“He will get a sentence soon, and I don’t doubt it would be fair. The lawyers of the victims will do their best to make the judge sure to put him in jail for life.”
“Anyway, he already got one punishment – he became disabled.”
“Right. He fell from the height of twenty or thirty meters and got serious traumas and brain damage. So, he is going to be confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life.”
“He won’t be able to hurt anyone. When being in prison and disabled.”
“I don’t doubt it,” Terrence smiles shyly. “Someday, I will tell you everything about what happened at that meeting. I will tell you how I was scared multiple times and thought I’d go crazy.”
“Why not now?”
“To talk about all these details, I need to get ready. Drink something strong like vodka or tequila.”
“I feel like Cameron and I got super overwhelmed there.”
“You noticed it right!”
Silence settles in the air for some time, and then Benjamin glances at Terrence.
“Erm, listen, could you give me a glass of water or something to drink?” Benjamin asks thoughtfully. “My mouth is dry…”
“No problems, I’ll do it now,” Terrence nods.
Terrence looks around, sees Blair going by the kitchen, raises his hand, and makes a calling gesture, saying loudly:
“Blair! Come here, please.”
Blair turns around, quietly comes to Terrence and Benjamin, and nods, letting him know she is ready to listen to him.
“Please, give our visitor and me a glass of some drink,” Terrence says gently. “Make something from oranges or just lemonade for me.”
“Erm, something from cherry or strawberry for me,” Benjamin says thoughtfully.
“Yes, sure,” Blair pronounces in a quiet, soft voice. “I will do it now.”
Blair turns around and goes to the kitchen to get the drinks. While Terrence does not notice that Benjamin watches his servant with interest until she hides. And MacClife would not notice if Parker did not betray himself.
“M-m-m, listen, I didn’t know such a sweet girl was working at your home,” Benjamin nods with a sly smile. “And what a soft voice she has… It’s like a song for an ear…”
“Erm, what?” Terrence rounds his eyes.
“Damn, I’ve been in this house several times but never met your servants ‘cause they weren’t here. You hide that cutie from me on purpose!”
“Blair? Did you put an eye on her?”
“Blair? Her name is Blair? Wow! That girl has a beautiful name…”
“Yeah…” Terrence exhales sharply. “It seems like I should’ve really hidden my servants, friends, and familiar girls from you. Because you instantly lose your head when you see a sympathetic young girl.”
“What can I do if she’s really a cutie?” Benjamin throws his hands with an innocent smile.
“And yeah, you have so many friends and familiars among beautiful girls… Natalia, Anna, Raquelle, and Blair now…”
“Damn, how fast everything changes…” Terrence shakes his head. “Some time ago, you said you wouldn’t mind hooking up with Natalia, but when you saw Blair, you started to drool over her.”
“But I don’t date Natalia. So, I can do this without problems.”
“All my familiar people are right when they say you’re a real womanizer!”
“What’s wrong with it? For me, it’s a wonderful way to relax after a hard work day at a store. Besides, I’m single and attractive, and girls always pay attention to me.”
“Oh, how many girls have you had? Hundreds? Thousands?”
“Listen, I ain’t you! You’ve always wanted to fall in love with someone and live your whole life with her, but I can’t do it. Being with the same girl is boring for me!”
“That’s why I don’t hope someday I'll get an invitation to your wedding,” Terrence chuckles kindly. “I’d rather hear the statement of one of your girlfriends, who would get pregnant with you and make you a daddy soon.”
“Don’t worry, MacClife, even if I become a daddy someday, I will surely suggest that you become the godfather of my first baby.”
“Oh, what a great honor!”
“When I find a good girl, who would be a wonderful mother, I will make a baby.”
“Knowing what girls you date, I wouldn’t be surprised if you had to take care of your baby. Because those cuties don’t wanna get busy with these things.”
“You know, MacClife, maybe, I hang out with frivolous ladies, I would like to have a decent and shy one… Someone like your sweet servant.”
“I am sure she’s very shy and decent. And she would be the wonderful mother of my son, which I want so badly. M-m-m…”
“Hey, don’t even dare to dream of Blair!” Terrence exclaims, pushing Benjamin on a hip.
“Why not?”
“Even if you fall in love with her, you’ll get sick of her and leave her as well as you did with all your girlfriends you dated before. I do know what a horndog you are!”
“I didn’t leave them!” Benjamin protests. “They did kick me out after I spent a wonderful night of love with them and gave them wonderful sex. I left only a few girls that weren’t my taste or only for casual sex.”
“Yeah, but some of my familiar people believe you’re a heartbreaker.”
“Huh, I don’t care what a couple of your familiar people said… They probably also had fun to the fullest before they became very good and innocent.”
“So, as you’ve built your career as a womanizer since a teenage age, you have a very little chance to find the right way. You run after everything in a skirt! And I’m sure you will one hundred percent look at other girls and have fun with them, even if you met a girl, who would love to date you.”
“You know, buddy…” Benjamin rolls his eyes up and carefully fixes a sleeve of his shirt with a proud look. “I’m not the one to blame for being born so attractive and able to have girls attracted to me like bees to honey.”
“Yeah?” Terrence shakes his head with a slight smile. “But I think you just love yourself too much.”
“I ain’t such a fan of myself like you are,” Benjamin smiles innocently. “You’re the one that really adores oneself.”
“Oh, yeah, you do love pretending to be a hero! And sometimes you tell girls such stories that I don’t know if I should cry or laugh.”
“Don’t envy me, Terrence. You can’t be the only one to say you’re an attractive and incomparable man, who is very popular among girls, and tell them lots of tales to seem like a hero to them…”
“Anyway, I don’t advise you to put an eye on Blair. Of course, it’s none of my business, but believe me, that girl has by far not the best life. She has no time to suffer because of men. So, I’m asking you, don’t make her life much worse and don’t make her suffer.”
“Do you pick up women as servants, judging how hard their life is?” Benjamin crosses his arms over the chest, frowning slightly.
“Nope, Ben. I pick up servants, judging how well they can do their work. I have no claims against my servants and am happy with every one of them. Yes, maybe, they adore discussing my life and the lives of my close people, but I’m used to the fact that I’ve been discussed since I got famous.”
“So, I advise you to be careful, ‘cause there are too many people that would easily tell everyone what’s happening here.”
“Thanks for caring about my life, but I trust my servants and know they’d say nothing bad. Blair will not especially do that. She’s not one of them.”
“That girl is actually very good!” Benjamin smiles slyly. “I did like your servant.”
“Oh, dude…”
“I must confess that Blair got my attention on her for something when she opened the door, and I saw her. Such a sweet young girl… Shy, slim… M-m-m…”
“I repeat, don’t play with that girl’s feelings,” Terrence replies quietly. “She’s too shy and sometimes even timid.”
“Fuck, buddy, don’t be an ass! You will see, I will prove to you that I can find a girl that I would be ready to spend my life with.”
“Oh, knowing how often you fall in love, it’s hardly gonna happen at the nearest time,” Terrence laughs shyly. “I mean, it won’t happen at all. As I’ve said, you’d rather become the father of an illegitimate baby.”
“Wanna bet?”
“No, no, I don’t wanna make your stupid wishes come true that sometimes cross all the lines,” Terrence shakes his head sharply. “You can get anything in your mind. I do know you too well.”
“You know, your wishes also cross the lines at times. You make do what makes me blush.”
“I should revenge you for the wishes I make come true,” Terrence smiles slyly.
While Benjamin and Terrence talk about it, Blair comes into the living room and puts two glasses of non-alcoholic drinks that the friends asked for on the coffee table.
“Thanks a lot, Blair,” Terrence pronounces amicably. “You can go.”
Blair nods confidently, moves her eyes down, and leaves to do something while Benjamin watches her with a slight smile, and Terrence notices it but says nothing and just chuckles quietly.
“Oh, holy shit, how can I actually be a friend of yours?” Benjamin asks himself. “You’ve been a pain in the ass since childhood!”
“I can say the same about you,” Terrence crosses his arms over the chest. “Sometimes you may be a total moron. But I’m still your friend, and I listen to all your jokes.”
“Anyway, I will prove to you that I can easily get the heart of that girl,” Benjamin says confidently. “You will regret saying these things about me.”
“Try!” Terrence smiles innocently. “But remember, if you hurt or deceive her somehow, you will have a serious talk with me.”
“Wow… This is the first time I have met someone, who treats their servants so well. But as far as I know, many people treat them terribly.”
“That girl is just very young. She’s only twenty-one, but she’s overcome very much in her life.”
“Ah, you’re kind of playing the role of her older threatful brother!”
“If you’re gonna win her attention, do it very carefully. What you did to your exes wouldn’t work in the case of that girl.”
“You do know how beautifully I can charm girls,” Benjamin replies with a sly smile. “Moreover, I’ve dated different girls: shameless, timid, and those, who are somewhere between. I’ve got great experience of communicating with women.”
“I know, know, you can stop it,” Terrence raises his hands up with a tired moan. “Do what ya want. But I warned you about everything.”
“I heard and got you well.”
“Oh, okay, let’s better drink and at least celebrate our reconciliation somehow.”
Terrence takes one of the glasses with an orange drink.
“Yeah, you’re gonna love this drink,” Benjamin adds confidently. “Blair makes just wonderful ones.”
“I’m for!” Benjamin exclaims and also takes a glass of a cheery drink. “Let’s taste what your sweet servants gave us. And drink for our wishes to be a reality, not our fantasies.”
Terrence and Benjamin raise their glasses up, click on each other’s glasses, and take a few sips of the drinks they find really delicious. And then MacClife puts his glass aside and glances aside for a second.
“Hey, did I already tell you that I started my own band?” Terrence asks.
“Started a band?” Benjamin frowns slightly.
“Yeah! I have my own musical band now.”
“Ha, great!” Benjamin, frowning, crosses his arms over his chest. “So, when you and I were in a fight, you didn’t waste time. You reconciled with Raquelle, who gave you meaning in life, and started your band…”
“Sort of?”
“Who are you gonna play with?”
“Two men. Young, energetic, funny… And very talented…”
“And where did you meet them?”
“I had known them before I fought with you,” Terrence confesses quietly. “But one day, I fought with them when they learned the truth about my actions. Those guys believed that I was allegedly beating my girlfriend. But two weeks ago, we met by chance, talked about everything, and reconciled. And I introduced them one more guy, who I recently met. He’s a little weird, but he seems sweet and friendly enough. He quickly found a common language with those guys and said he could help us with songs. That guy knows music very well.”
“That’s how…”
“And some time later, those guys told me about their wish to start a band and play for fun. And when they invited me to join them, I didn’t refuse. One of them plays drums, the second one is a bassist, and both of them sing. And I accepted the responsibility to play a solo guitar and be the lead singer.”
“So, bro, as I understand, this is the end of your acting career,” Benjamin says thoughtfully with sadness in his eyes.
“Why? I didn’t say I’d quit my acting career and stop acting in movies!”
“Anyway, it’s time to start taking the first successful steps to the music business.”
“Since I got a chance, I can’t miss it.”
“I’m glad for you,” Benjamin says with a slight smile. “You’ve always liked playing and singing something. And you do it very well. Yes, I don’t know anything about music, but I like what you’re doing.”
“My friends also like the way I play and sing,” Terrence smiles shyly. “But I’ve never doubted my talent. Even more, I thought I was born to be a musician.”
“I can’t deny it.”
“Of course, I really like acting in movies, but that’s not what I’ve always dreamed of. Yes, an acting experience was good for me in some situations, and I earned good money and provided for my mother and me. But now, I've made sure that being an actor wasn’t my dream. I think it’s time to start aiming for my real dream.”
“Maybe, that’s true. But you always gave your everything to play a role. People highly rated your talent. And I think they’re gonna remember your most memorable roles for a long time. Not only that snotty Mason from ‘American Love Affair…’”
“I know… That’s why I ain’t gonna quit my acting career and will just put it in second place. I’m gonna have a musical career in the first place. But even if I get an offer to play a role that would not be similar to my previous ones, I will play it with pleasure. Now I will be choosing. I acted in everything just for money, but now I’ve got enough. So, I can let myself act in movies for pleasure.”
“I’m sure your fans would love you as an actor but also a musician. Thanks to your fame, you’d quickly get famous and give those guys a wonderful life.”
“Yeah, I forgot to say!” Terrence says nothing for two seconds. “You know, our work was worth it.”
“Really?” Benjamin rounds his eyes.
“The guys and I performed some covers on a camera and then posted videos on the Internet. And later, we got noticed by the members of the pop-rock band ‘The Loser Syndrome,’ and one of them contacted us on Twitter.”
“Wow!” Benjamin opens his mouth slightly. “'The Loser Syndrome' themselves contacted you?”
“Aha. And you know what?”
“Those guys invited us to perform as the opening act on their upcoming tour.”
“Come on?” Benjamin exclaims. “Your band got an offer to perform on the tour?”
“Another band was supposed to go, but one of the members would have surgery soon and recover for a long time.”
“Are you kidding? Are you trying to play the fool with me?”
“Not at all!” Terrence shakes his head with a sly smile. “I’ll go on the tour with the guys and the band ‘The Loser Syndrome’ very soon. We’ll go to a few cities in America and have little shows.”
“So, did you accept the offer?”
“We couldn’t reject such a perfect chance!”
“Damn, MacClife, you’re so lucky!” Benjamin claps Terrence on the shoulder and gets his hair a little disheveled. “That’s so great! That band is very famous! Performing on the same scene with them guarantees you success and a greater love of your fans.”
“And I completely understand it,” Terrence smiles shyly. “So, the guys and I are actively getting ready for the tour. We’re thinking about a band name and writing our own songs that we’re gonna be performing as the opening act.”
“That’s how!”
“We’ll be performing famous songs, but the bassist and the drummer have written a couple of songs that we could perform. Of course, they can’t be called hits, but I think they’re very good. We should just work on them a little.”
“Come on, don’t get ashamed! Show everyone what you can do!”
“Of course, my friend.”
“And yeah!” Benjamin starts to threaten Terrence with a finger. “I would’ve personally kicked your ass if you’d rejected that offer. I would’ve just taken something heavy and hit you on the head!”
“First, I accepted that offer just because I didn’t want to betray and make my friends upset,” Terrence confesses. “But now I understand I really want it.”
“You did the right thing, friend. I’m sure you can do this! Moreover, the source of your energy and inspiration is now with you. So, you must reach very much and make your band famous.”
“You’re probably right about the source of energy,” Terrence chuckles kindly. “Now I understand how I don’t wanna lose Raquelle. I understand she means much more to me than I thought.”
“I do remember your condition when everything was bad between you. But now you got much better and became confident again and know what you want to get.”
“Now I feel like I’m full of energy and inspiration for the future goals that I’m gonna have.”
“So, aren’t ya gonna leave as far from everyone as possible and become a hermit or live in some jungle like Tarzan?”
“No, no, there will be no departure,” Terrence says quite confidently.
“Oh, damn, that’s just wonderful!” Benjamin whoops happily.
“But I don’t exclude that I might go somewhere for two weeks. To have a rest.”
“But what about the tour?”
“It’s starting at the end of July. We’ll be traveling the cities of America for all of August.”
“That’s how…”
“I’ve gotta get much energy before I go on my first music tour. Even if I’m performing as the opening act and going on stage for somewhere twenty minutes.”
“Everything’s clear about you.”
“And then I would be back like new and be ready to kick the asses of everyone and finally show them my talent that the whole world much see.”
“A-a-a-a, how it’s great you’re returning and becoming yourself. I’m recognizing you as my old friend Terrence MacClife more and more.”
“I said he wasn’t gone, he just became a little happier.”
“Anyway, I like your spirit. Keep doing what you’re doing, buddy. And don’t even dare to think of something like that.”
“Now everything will be otherwise. And I will do my best to build a musical career, date my beloved girl and live with her happily after.”
Benjamin says nothing and just smiles shyly and nods, approving everything Terrence wants to do. After that, the friends talk about what happened in their lives when they were in a fight, not hiding their happiness they are speaking to each other again. For both of them, their friendship is really very important, and these guys do not want to lose the one they have known since childhood.
While Terrence came back home a long time ago, Raquelle is just coming back to the apartment of Frederick. After saying goodbye to the man, the girl walked into the city for some time and then decided to go home, having a wonderful mood and still not believing she got over her doubts and fears to give MacClife one more chance. What’s happening is not a dream. Everything is really happening.
Yes, it was also hard for the girl to say goodbye to the man, but she completely understood he should have met Benjamin and tried to reconcile with him. So, she did not make the man forget about his friend and give her much more attention. Moreover, she will get the opportunity to see her beloved man almost every day very soon and spend as much time with him as they want.
When she comes to the door of the apartment, Raquelle finds out that it’s locked. So, the girl takes the keys, locks the door, enters the apartment, puts her purse aside, and quickly takes off the shoes that she was walking outside in. Thinking there is nobody at home, she decides to wash her hands and go to the kitchen to cook something for dinner. But at this moment, she hears the voice of Alicia, who shows up out of nowhere:
“Raquelle, is that you?”
Raquelle shakes slightly in surprise, but exhales with a shy smile when she turns around and sees Alicia.
“Oh, Aunt, you’re here…” Raquelle pronounces shyly and hugs Alicia amicably. “You scared me a little.”
“Sorry, honey,” Alicia apologizes with a slight smile, stepping back from Raquelle. “I didn’t mean to.”
“It’s okay.”
“You were walking for a long time today. I thought you’d be back home earlier.”
“Yeah, I know,” Raquelle tucks a strand of hair behind her ear with a slight smile. “I just didn’t want to come back home. So, I walked longer…”
“Okay… Did you probably think there was nobody at home because the door was locked?”
“Erm, yup… But I just recalled that Grandpa always locked it, and I unlocked it by myself when leaving and going home.”
“I see…”
“I decided to go to the kitchen and cook something for dinner. I’m a little hungry…”
“Well, actually, I’ve cooked something. You can have dinner with me and your grandfather.”
“Great! I will join you!”
“By the way, how is he feeling now? Is he fine?”
“Thank God, he is fine,” Alicia assures with a true smile. “Now Mr. Cameron is sitting in his room and reading something while I’m in the kitchen.”
“I see…”
“By the way, he’s a fine fellow! He’s getting well quickly enough.”
“You’re right. His recovery is going well.”
“Just because he’s always taken care of his health and never given a damn about it.”
“I know.”
“Even his doctors were surprised that he got such wonderful health at an age like his.”
“Anyway, life is getting better,” Raquelle notices with a mysterious smile. “I’m sure Grandpa will get fully recovered in a couple of weeks and be able to live his usual life.”
“He is already doing this. He just has much more time for rest than usual.”
“I know.”
Raquelle falls into silence and, still smiling shyly, glances aside dreamily. Alicia notices it shortly and, frowning slightly, looks at her niece closely, who looks too funny.
“Hey, Raquelle, why did you become so funny and smiling?” Alicia asks with a shy smile. “You were gloomier than a cloud this morning, but now you’re literally spreading up the light and happiness.”
“Well, I erm…” Raquelle pronounces thoughtfully, rolling her eyes with a slight smile and trying to formulate her thoughts.
“Come on, tell me what made you smile so widely…”
“I even think you got some gloss in your eyes… That I didn’t see for ages.”
“Ah, Auntie… I didn’t feel such a great relief for a long time.”
Raquelle hugs Alicia for two seconds and cutely kisses her on the cheek.
“I suddenly got a wish to live and reach much more than I can,” Raquelle pronounces softly. “It seems like I can move a mountain!”
“My gosh, what happened to you?” Alicia wonders.
“Nothing special! I just have a good mood.”
“Honey, what has bitten you? I don’t recognize you!”
“I got a bite from something named Personal happiness,” Raquelle replies with a wide smile. “And you can’t even imagine how good I feel now.”
Alicia thinks a little, starting to understand that there is only one reason that could make Raquelle so funny.
“My gosh…” Alicia pronounces surprisingly. “Just don’t tell me you’ve reconciled with Terrence.”
Raquelle keeps silence for two seconds with a sly smile and then says happily:
“You’re right, Aunt! We’ve really reconciled!”
“Reconciled?” Alicia closes her mouth with both hands, rounding her eyes. “Gosh, my girl, come on?”
“Terrence and I are together again. We decided to give each other one more chance and get much happier than before.”
“My God, Raquelle! My girl…” Alicia takes Raquelle in an amicable hug with a wide smile. “Congrats, sweetie! I knew everything would lead to this early or late.”
“Thanks a lot!” Raquelle thanks softly, steps back from Alicia, and claps her hands happily. “A-a-a-a, I’m so happy! You can’t even imagine!”
“But wait for a second…” Alicia puts a finger on her lip. “As far as I understand… Didn’t you tell him about your final breakup? It’s canceled?”
“Yes, Auntie, no breakup will happen! I had doubts about whether that was the right decision. But now I have no doubts that ending our relationship would be a great mistake.”
“Ah, Raquelle, my sweetheart…”
Alicia kisses Raquelle on the cheek and fixes her hair slightly.
“Jesus Christ, I’m so glad you reconciled with your boyfriend,” Alicia adds cheerfully. “Anyone deserves a second chance. Especially, the one, who truly regrets what he or she did and does much to prove it.”
“Oh, gosh, this is the best day in my life!” Raquelle exclaims happily with a wide smile.
“What made you change your mind?”
“My mind told me to piss MacClife off. But I wanted to get everything back deep inside. My heart was begging me to give him one more chance. That was a serious battle, but my feelings won, after all. And we’ve finally reconciled.” Raquelle cracks a slight smile. “Moreover, Terrence’s apologies were so true, and his words of regret were so touching that I just couldn’t find the courage to refuse to accept them.”
“You two wanted it because you love each other,” Alicia says confidently with a slight smile, carefully fixing Raquelle’s hair. “You just needed to calm down and talk about everything quietly. You see how it’s important to build meaningful dialogue and quietly talk about important things face-to-face.”
“Yeah, I know… It really helped us…”
“By the way…” Alicia takes a little strand of Raquelle’s hair and, frowning slightly, starts to look at it. “You’ve got a lot of sand in your hair.”
“I know,” Raquelle smiles shyly.
“How did you get it?”
“Terrence and I just became children for a while, ran after each other a little, and lied on the sand in front of the ocean.”
“The ocean? You were on the beach?”
“Almost. There’s one place in the country that I like. It used to be a beach, but when swimming wasn’t allowed, people stopped going there. Nobody has been banned from walking there, and I use the moment. I often come there and walk for nothing.”
“That’s how…”
“That was fun, I must confess.”
“Sometimes people need to have some fun and call the memories of childhood. Even if people grew up, it’s not a reason not to let themselves play and feel like little children.”
“Agree,” Raquelle smiles shyly. “I got much pleasure and had much fun. Running after the unstoppable Terrence and splashing water over him was a really good thing. I really loved it…”
“It’s all clear…” Alicia laughs quietly and fixes her glasses slightly. “Oh, alright, since you decided to lie on the sand and splash water over each other, you should put your hair in order and take a bath.”
“Erm, yeah, sure…” Raquelle scratches the back of her head.
“You can give me your dirty clothes – I will put them in a washing machine and turn it on.”
“My jacket is placed near the hall door. All the pockets are clean. I got everything from them. And I will give you my clothes later.”
“Okay, you can turn on the machine after taking a bath. I will serve dinner and call your grandfather.”
“Alright, deal.”
“But don’t be too late. Or the food will get cold.”
“Don’t worry, I will come soon,” Raquelle says with a slight smile. “Somewhere in twenty-thirty minutes.”
Raquelle quickly goes to her room with a slight smile while Alicia watches her, not hiding that she is very happy for her niece. The woman did know Raquelle and Terrence actually loved each other and would not let each other go so easily to go separate ways. She wants to believe the life of this couple is going to be much better this time, and their enemies like Simon Ringer will not love to bother them and ruin everything that’s happening between them.
“I knew everything would be fine,” Alicia whispers with a slight smile. “I knew you loved each other deep inside. Although you had a hard relationship in the past few months, you kept meaning much to each other, despite nothing. You just needed not to let your love fall asleep. If you had given each other much more attention, everything would’ve been fine.”
Alicia sighs with a slight smile.
“But I think you two will realize your mistake and will no longer do the same things,” Alicia expresses hope. “Who knows, maybe, that’s good you had to pass this test. Because you would’ve hardly understood what loving each other truly meant. As they say, people start to appreciate something when they lose it. And I’m making sure about it again.”
When she sighs quietly with a slight smile, Alicia slowly goes to the kitchen to get ready for dinner and serve the food that she cooked for her, her niece, and her grandfather. But at first, she takes the jacket Raquelle was walking outside in today, closely looks at this, goes to the bathroom, and shakes the sand off it before putting it in a washing machine.
Thirty minutes later, Raquelle leaves the bathroom with half-wet hair, wearing a silk pink robe. Hot water did good things to the girl, and she feels much better than before. When the brunette leaves the shower, she takes her clothes to wash them and goes to the kitchen, where there is an expensive washing machine with many modes.
Raquelle puts everything she is holding in her hands, adds some powder and fabric softener, presses some buttons, and runs the program. Then the girl sits at the table. Frederick is already sitting on it, wearing glasses and reading a newspaper, while Alicia is doing something on the kitchen table and sometimes saying something nice to the old man. When Frederick sees his granddaughter, he smiles shyly at her and distracts himself from the newspaper.
“Hey, Grandpa!” Raquelle greets happily and kisses Frederick cutely on the cheek.
“Hey, sweetie!” Frederick pronounces with a slight smile.
“How are you feeling? Hope you’re fine?”
“Yeah, thank God, I feel wonderful.”
“Nothing hurts?”
“No, it’s great.”
“I’m reading the newspaper,” Frederick shakes his newspaper slightly. “And I was watching a show that was talking about you.”
“About me?”
“Yes. People can’t wait to know when you finally show up and make some statements.”
“They’ll have to wait for a little time. I think I’m about to show up at the nearest time and tell all my fans about my future plans.”
“I’m sorry that you’re gonna tell them you wanna quit your career. They’re gonna be upset if they know they’ll no longer see you in photos in magazines or on a runway.”
“Oh, no, Grandpa, I ain’t gonna do that,” Raquelle says confidently.
“What, what?”
Frederick rounds his eyes and stares surprisingly at Raquelle smiling shyly.
“Yes, Grandpa, you heard it right,” Raquelle nods confidently.
“Wait, Granddaughter, wait…” Frederick takes off his glasses and puts the newspaper aside. “You wanted to leave and quit your career. That was what you said.”
“Right,” Raquelle pronounces softly.
“I just got some meaning in my life,” Raquelle replies with a mysterious smile and puts her head on Frederick’s shoulder for two seconds. “And I got a wish to work and reach much more.”
“Wow, how changing you are, my girl… You were broken and depressed this morning, but now you literally got wings behind your back.”
“You’re absolutely right about wings… I feel like I’m full of energy and strength to keep moving on.”
“I don’t understand you… What happened to you while you were walking somewhere?”
“Much, Grandpa, very much…”
And while Raquelle throws a dreaming look aside with a wide smile, Frederick frowns slightly and squints his eyes.
“You became too smiling, my dear granddaughter…” Frederick notices thoughtfully. “Come on, tell me what happened to you.”
“Nothing special!” Raquelle smiles innocently. “I just got much happier and inspired to reach some new goals.”
Frederick, frowning much stronger, shakes his head and moves his eyes to Alicia, who shrugs silently with a mysterious smile.
“You know something, Alicia,” Frederick guesses. “You know it and do not want to say anything.”
“Well, you’re probably right…” Alicia pronounces thoughtfully. “But let Raquelle tell you everything.”
“But what happened?” Frederick moves his eyes to Raquelle. “Raquelle, tell me what happened, and why you’re so happy.”
“Try to guess,” Raquelle smiles mysteriously. “If you don’t guess after three times, I will tell you that.”
Frederick thinks for a few seconds, watching Raquelle shining with happiness or Alicia smiling mysteriously.
“You know, Raquelle, since you talk in riddles, I can assume only one thing…” Frederick says thoughtfully. “Because I am sure you’re gonna be happy only in case what I’m thinking about happens to you.”
“Well, if you and I are thinking of the same thing…” Raquelle rolls her eyes dreamily.
“Gosh… Sweetie…” Frederick shakes his head. “Did you reconcile with Terrence?”
“Yes, Grandpa!” Raquelle confirms happily with a wide smile. “We’re together again!”
“Together again?”
“My God…” Frederick questioningly looks at Alicia, who nods confidently with a slight smile on her face. “Gosh, my girl… Is that true? Aren’t you kidding now?”
“No, Grandpa, not at all!” Raquelle shakes her head. “Terrence and I have reconciled, and we will not break up either today or tomorrow.”
“Oh, Raquelle…” Frederick embraces Raquelle with a wide smile and tenderly caresses her cheek. “I’m very glad for you, honey. You two love each other so much.”
“We do,” Raquelle nods confidently. “Now I understand I love that man much more than I think.”
“That’s how…”
“Our reconciliation literally breathed into me and gave me strength and a wish to reach something. I’ve finally gotten rid of the heavy burden. I feel much better now.”
“Isn’t that great, Mr. Cameron?” Alicia asks happily, switching off the cooker, on which she was cooking something for a long time. “Terrence and Raquelle realized their mistakes, talked about it, and decided to give each other one more chance.”
“He was literally begging me to forgive me. And he looked so sad… I didn’t dare to reject him because of that and because I actually loved him very much.”
“That’s really great!” Frederick smiles shyly. “You should’ve done that – to sit down and talk about your relationship.”
“We did it. Even if it took two attempts.”
“I just said we couldn’t be together first. But then I realized I didn’t want it and confessed my real feelings.”
“That’s why your aunt and I always said you shouldn’t have rushed to break up.”
“No, no breakup will happen!” Raquelle promises confidently, softly taking Frederick’s hands. “Now I understand I wanna be with the one I can’t imagine my life without. And trust me, this time, I will do my best for him to be happy with me and not to regret his decision to come back to me.”
“I believe, my sunshine, I do…”
Frederick says nothing for two seconds, thinking about something and getting kind of serious. While Alicia leaves the kitchen and goes somewhere, Raquelle notices that her grandfather’s face has changed.
“You’re okay, Grandpa?” Raquelle expresses anxiety.
“Yes, yes, I’m okay,” Frederick pronounces hesitantly. “I just…”
Frederick puts his hand on Raquelle’s hand.
“Erm…” Frederick stutters.
“What’s wrong?” Raquelle wonders.
“Listen, Raquelle, I’m really very happy for Terrence and you and have always said I’d support any of your decisions. But there is something that bothers me.”
“You’ve got no reason to worry, Grandpa. We understand we’re gonna do much work to establish our relationship and forget what happened. But I’m ready for anything to be with that man… Ready to get over anything.”
“Yeah, sweetheart, I know. But I have some worries about your future life.”
“I promise we will never have such a serious fight, and I will not leave him after any little conflict,” Raquelle promises confidently. “Terrence swore that he wouldn’t do that again and would do his best to get better. And moreover, he suggested that I come back to his house and live with him. And I agreed with pleasure but said I needed some time to take my stuff and move them in there.”
“I believe you, honey. But you see…. I would really like to talk to Terrence. To have a talk of men.”
“I want to hear all these words personally and make him look into my eyes for me to see if that man lies to you or not. If I have just a little doubt, you will not be with him.”
“He’s really regretting it. I think that man needed a little to start to cry from despair. I saw Terrence was literally pulling his hair out because he almost lost me because of what he did.”
“Believe me, darling, I know how to distinguish a lie from a truth better than you. I am not blinded by love and can think soberly.”
“I understand everything. It’s my personal decision. I want to be with that man and keep being his girlfriend.”
“Yes, but I want to hear everything Terrence told you personally. I want him to tell me the same. And if I see regret in his eyes, I will not mind your affair with him and will let you live with him. But if he lies to me somehow, I’m sorry, you will have to break up with him.”
“No, Grandpa, please…” Raquelle begs with pity in her eyes.
“I’m worried about you, sweetie,” Frederick pronounces, softly caressing Raquelle’s cheek. “And just because Terrence swore to change himself and get better, doesn’t mean he’d do it. People like him are not trustworthy: he deceived and left you somehow, and it means it might happen again.”
“No, Grandpa, Terrence isn’t one of those, who talk to the wind,” Raquelle protests confidently, shaking her head. “If he promises to do something, he will surely do it. For me, that man would do anything and get much better than he is now. I’m sure we’d no longer have such serious fights.”
“And still, I want to talk to him.”
“But, Grandpa Frederick…”
“You’ve got nothing to worry about. I just want to talk to him.”
“I promise you, I will not ask him what happened,” Frederick promises softly. “I just want to talk to him as a man to a man, give him some pieces of advice, and make sure that I can trust him. I’m not gonna ruin your relationship and make you leave him. Vice versa! I want to help you. I don’t want to let you make more mistakes. And this talk will help me know if I can trust him and whether it’s dangerous for you to be with him.”
“There’s no point in doing it. If you don’t believe me, talk to Aunt Alicia. She’s talked to him so many times and made sure that Terrence tells the clean truth.”
“My decision is out of the discussion, darling,” Frederick says confidently. “If I decided to go to Terrence’s home and talk to him, it will happen.”
Raquelle says nothing and just exhales sharply and glances aside, saying:
“Alright… Do what you want… The most important thing is that you don’t get worse. I don’t want this talk to make your health worse and make you nervous.”
“Everything’s gonna be fine,” Frederick pronounces softly, embraces Raquelle around the shoulders, and softly kisses her temple. “Nobody’s gonna kill Terrence. He’s just wanted to talk to, nothing more.”
“I got it…”
“Now it’s too late to go somewhere. But tomorrow, after lunch or a little later, you and I will go to his home and talk about everything.”
“Yes, Grandpa… As you want…”
Raquelle moves her eyes down, and Alicia comes to the kitchen two seconds later and starts to serve the dinner.
“What are you talking about here?” Alicia asks, placing the food on three plates.
“Well, nothing special,” Raquelle replies thoughtfully. “Grandpa just wants to go to Terrence’s home and talk to him tomorrow.”
“Talk to Terrence?” Alicia frowns slightly and moves her eyes to Frederick. “But what are you going to talk to him about?”
“Nothing serious, don’t worry,” Frederick replies confidently. “Just a little talk of two men.”
“Do you need it?” Alicia puts two plates in front of Frederick and Raquelle. “Terrence has explained everything to us, and I’ve personally got him and realized he was very sorry.”
“You did talk to him!” Frederick exclaims. “But unfortunately, I’ve got no time to talk to Terrence face-to-face. That’s why I want to go to his home and see how much he’s regretting hurting my granddaughter.”
“Maybe, you should save this talk for later? Your health is not so strong, and your doctor banned you from getting excited.”
“I feel good enough to talk to that man.”
“My God, are you going to call the memories about the last that everybody wants to forget about?”
“Yes, Grandpa!” Raquelle exclaims. “Terrence and I promised each other not to think of that nightmare that almost ruined our relationship. We want to start everything over again…”
“Listen, my dears, I’m not going to ask him to tell me everything that happened between my granddaughter and her boyfriend,” Frederick replies quietly. “Even though I’m still amazed and surprised that they brought everything to a breakup after only one fight. Moreover, I’m sure Raquelle is not a stupid girl to end her relationship after a little conflict that any couple may have.”
“Mr. Cameron, why do you need it?” Alicia asks tiredly and sits at the table after placing all the plates and taking something for them from the refrigerator. “The young people talked about everything and decided to forget this nightmare, but you decided to remind them of that horrible time. Let them live quietly.”
“If I’m happy with the talk with Terrence, I will not mind their relationship. I’m doing all of that for the well-being of young people. I just want to make sure that my granddaughter can trust her boyfriend.”
“You can trust him, my word.”
“We will check it out tomorrow,” Frederick smiles slightly.
“In this case, I shall go with you,” Alicia says confidently. “Congratulate him on getting my niece back and wish him luck.”
“Okay. Then you, Raquelle, and I will go to Terrence’s home all together,” Frederick moves his eyes to Raquelle. “I think my granddaughter will kindly agree to drive us there in her car. Right, honey?”
“Yes, sure,” Raquelle shrugs. “I will drive you and Aunt.”
“Excellent! We’ve agreed about everything!”
Silence settles in the air for two seconds, after which Alicia glances at Frederick and Raquelle and looks at what’s on her plate of food.
“Oh, alright, my dears,” Alicia sighs tiredly. “Let’s talk about the problems later. Let’s have dinner. Or the food will get cold.”
“With great pleasure,” Frederick pronounces confidently, taking a fork. “I’ve personally always been admired by your cooking talent.”
“I’m sorry that the world didn’t discover it, and my aunt didn’t become a worldwide famous cooker and open a couple of restaurants,” Raquelle says shyly, getting something from her plate with a fork.
“I’ve never aimed to become a cooker,” Alicia confesses with a slight smile. “But I really like cooking. Any woman must know how to do it, even if other people cook for her.”
“As they say, the key to any man is through is a stomach,” Frederick notices cheerfully.
Raquelle says nothing, cracks a smile, and eats some food cooked by her beloved aunt.
“Yeah, Raquelle, maybe, you can tell us how you reconciled with Terrence?” Frederick suggests, cutting something with a fork and a knife. “I would be happy to listen to you.”
“Oh, yeah, sweetie, tell me and your grandfather everything,” Alicia says with a slight smile. “I believe you something special happened, knowing you went home with disheveled hair, sand on your clothes, and a blush on your face.”
“Okay, I’ll tell you something,” Raquelle promises with a wide smile, keeping a short silence while she gets a bright gloss in her eyes. “I didn’t actually think it would happen when I was walking on that beach… But when I ran into Terrence accidentally, everything started…”
Frederick and Alicia eat their dinner and listen to Raquelle’s story about how she met Terrence on the coast, where she has always loved walking, how she pushed him off but then realized she would not live without him, and how they finally reconciled and spent some minutes together that became the best in their lives.
The girl’s grandfather and aunt listen to her closely, not hiding their happiness for her. Nevertheless, Alicia and Raquelle are confused by Frederick's wish to talk to Terrence. It gets them scared and anxious. Anyway, none of them decides to argue with the old man and to do what he wants with the hope that it will not hurt him anyhow.
Natalia also has a wonderful mood. Some time ago, the girl came back home after spending a whole day with Edward, to whom she finally confessed her feelings, letting herself love and gave this man a chance to prove that he was not really going to deceive her. Now the blonde knows her love for the man is not one-sided, and he is by far not indifferent to her.
While being in her room, Natalia calls the memories of her pastime with Edward with a slight smile on her face, already living the best moments of her life. At some moment, someone suddenly calls her mobile phone. The blonde quickly puts her thoughts aside, takes her smartphone, runs her finger over the screen, and puts it to her ear to answer the call.
“Hello, I’m listening,” Natalia says quietly.
“Hey, Natalia, it’s Anna,” Anna greets with a slight smile. “Don’t I bother you?”
“Oh, hey, friend,” Natalia smiles shyly. “No, no, you didn’t. I just came back home.”
“You went somewhere to walk?”
“Yup, walked a little… Didn’t wanna stay home in such good weather.”
“Listen, I thought a little… Maybe, we have a little walk in the stores and buy something beautiful? I haven’t bought anything for ages, even though I wanna please myself with something.”
“Great idea! You do know how much I love walking in stores and buying some things.”
“Let’s go somewhere tomorrow, then? I don’t have any plans! We can also take Raquelle with us. Let our friend have some fun and please herself.”
“Erm, no, I can’t do this tomorrow, sadly…” Natalia bites her lip slightly.
“I have some things to do…”
“That’s how!”
“Besides, I don’t know if I can come to myself after what happened today.”
“Something happened to you today?” Anna frowns slightly.
“It did,” Natalia smiles mysteriously.
“Okay, speak out. Tell me all the truth.”
“Ah, friend…” Natalia sighs dreamily. “Today, I had just an amazing day…”
“You can’t even imagine how good I feel now… I’ve never felt SO good before!”
With these words, Natalia walks into the room and then falls on her bed like a stone, putting her hand under her head and starting to look at the show white ceiling with a slight smile.
“M-m-m, friend, I think you have a too good mood,” Anna notices with a sly smile.
“Yeah, you’re right,” Natalia confirms confidently. “I really feel just wonderful!”
“And what impacted you?”
“What I still can’t believe!” Natalia makes a happy whoop. “A-a-a-a! I’m so happy, Anna! You can’t even imagine what happened today!”
“Hey, Rochester, if you don’t tell me what happened to you, I swear I will go your home and torture you until I get your confession,” Anna threatens confidently.
“No, no, don’t torture me, please!” Natalia jabs with a scare in her eyes, shaking her head sharply. “I will tell you everything.”
“C’mon, Natalia, I’m waiting for your explanations! Don’t even dare to hide something from me! I will annoy you anyway!”
“Well… You see…” Natalia falls into silence for a while, bites her lip slightly, and smiles widely again. “I just met Edward today…”
“Met Edward?” Anna wonders. “Gosh, Natalia, did you finally hear Raquelle and me and decide to stop ignoring him?”
“I didn’t plan to meet him today. I just saw him sitting on the bench and decided to come to him. I thought he felt bad. But he was just sitting and worried.”
“Because of you, I guess. Because you, silly girl, ignored him.”
“It’s true…” Natalia nods with sadness in her eyes. “He confirmed it… But when I explained everything, that man got it and made me sure that I thought everything up.”
“Are ya gonna going to go on dates with him literally every day and talk about them for hours?” Anna chuckles kindly.
“If Edward invites me somewhere.”
“As I understand, are you gonna be busy with him tomorrow?”
“Yup, tomorrow, I’m gonna have a date… So, sorry, friend, I can’t go to the stores with you.”
“Oh, you shouldn’t apologize for that!”
“But if you wanna go to stores so badly, you can take Raquelle. I think she’d be happy to go with you.”
“I will call her tomorrow and ask her what she thinks of it. But I’d feel sorry if you didn’t join us.”
“Somehow next time.”
“Okay then.”
“Hey, I didn’t tell you something important.”
Natalia slowly sits up with a shy smile.
“Something else happened…” Natalia confesses, being too excited and sometimes chuckling nervously. “It also has to do with Edward and me…”
“Well, knowing you already shared the first kiss, it’s something different…” Anna says thoughtfully.
“We’re gonna have very many kisses… Because something happened and gave us the right to kiss as much as we want.”
“Oh, my gosh, just don’t tell me that…” Anna wants to say, opening her mouth slightly.
Natalia says nothing and just laughs shyly with her mouth closed with a hand.
“Hey, stop laughing!” Anna exclaims. “C’mon, reveal all your secrets now!”
“Yes, we’re dating now!” Natalia says loudly and happily.
“Are you dating?”
“Yup, friend! From today on, I’m dating Edward! Can you believe it? I’ve got a boyfriend now!”
“A-a-a, what joy!” Anna literally cries from happiness. “You got a boyfriend!”
“My God, I still can’t believe it!”
“Wait, aren’t you kidding? What if you’re playing the fool with me?”
“No, Anna, I’m not kidding,” Natalia shakes her head confidently. “I finally got a boyfriend! The sweetest and most handsome one in the world.”
“Oh, damn, you did just stop ignoring him! Did he ask you if you wanted to date him after that?”
“Aha!” Natalia chuckles shyly. “Imagine, we were walking together and talking about everything. And then Edward hesitantly asked me if I wanted to date him. At first, I got overwhelmed and thought he was kidding. But I couldn’t refuse and agreed to become a girlfriend of him.”
“A-a-a-a, Natalia, I’m so happy for you!” Anna exclaims happily.
“Thanks, friend!” Natalia thanks with a wide smile, “You can’t imagine how good I feel now.”
“My God, you got a boyfriend, as well! You got your long-awaited prince on a white horse.”
“Oh, damn, I still can’t believe it!”
Natalia makes a happy whoop and, putting a hand on her forehead, falls on the bed like a stone.
“It’s like a dream, Anna!” Natalia exclaims as her blonde, loose hair is beautifully lying on her bed. “No, no, I must be sleeping. I’m dating nobody…”
“No, my darling, it’s not a dream,” Anna protests confidently. “You finally got a boyfriend!”
“My God, did I really, finally meet my luck?”
“I know it’s a little strange for you, but trust me, you will get used to being someone’s girlfriend very soon.”
“But I don’t believe it now… Even Edward’s kisses and hugs can’t help me realize that’s really happening. But they make me feel madly good. As good as I never felt before.”
“Believe me, Natalia, I had the same euphoria when I just began to date my boyfriend,” Anna confesses with a slight smile. “You remember I was overwhelmed for a long time… When I kissed him for the first time, and when we started to date.”
“Now I understand it so well. Nevertheless, I madly like this feeling… I never felt the pleasure that I have now. I think if I lose that man, I will lose the meaning of my life. I really can’t do without him, Anna…”
“There’s a simple explanation – you’re madly in love with him. In love with the wonderful man, who’d undoubtedly make you as happy as I am.”
“I wish it happened.”
Natalia falls into silence for two seconds and thinks about something nice with a slight smile on her face, running her hand through her hair.
“Hey, Seymour, when are ya gonna tell me more about your boyfriend?” Natalia asks. “It’s been so much time, but you’re still hiding him from Raquelle and me, even though you dinged into our ears about him.”
“I promise, I will surely tell you everything about him,” Anna promises confidently. “And someday, I will introduce you two to that man.”
“Tell me just something about him! Describe how he looks…”
“He’s madly handsome and freaking charming. With amazing dark chocolate hair… And the most magnificent brown eyes in the world… I fell in love with them after I looked into them…”
“So… What’s his age?”
“He’s currently twenty-five.”
“He’s gonna have a birthday at the end of August. On the 20th.”
“Okay…” Natalia puts her finger on her lip. “So, that’s a brown-eyed brunet with chocolate hair… Nice composition…”
“He also has just a wonderful show white smile,” Anna confesses. “I forget everything when he smiles. When that man smiles and looks into my eyes, I obey him fully and would do anything for him.”
“I got it…” Natalia laughs shyly.
“Okay, Blondie, now it’s your turn.”
“Erm, what?”
“Now I want to hear something about your admirer. The only thing I know about him is that his name is Edward. That he’s looking for someone, and that he’s a very handsome, sweet, and kind man with an incredible voice and pretty face.”
“You know that I fell in love with his voice at once. While you like your sweetheart’s eyes, I get charmed by Edward’s magnificent voice. If I hear it, I will do anything.”
“Well, what’s his age? What’s your age difference?”
“We are of the same age. But Edward is a few months older ‘cause he was born in May, while I was born in July. He turned twenty-five some time ago.”
“Same age? Cool! And what about his appearance? Do you like something else, except for his voice?”
“He has a very charming smile. And I literally melt when he touches me with his tender, warm hands. That man is actually very warm.”
“Is he also a brunet? Or did you get lucky to meet a natural blond?”
“Nope, he’s a dark-haired one…”
“Well! What’s his hair color? Black? Brown?”
“Dark brown.”
“Cool! And his eyes?”
“Wow! Just like my boyfriend’s ones!”
“Yeah, it’s a coincidence…”
“Hey, did you find out why he wanted to meet Terrence so badly?”
“Sadly, no. I haven’t gotten any clear answer from Edward. And his words about just wishing to befriend him seem… Not quite true.”
“Yeah, it’s really weird… Is that some obsessed fan? Or is he someone, who wants to harm him?”
“I don’t know, friend, I can’t say anything. But I hope we will find out why Edward needs it all one beautiful day.”
“Anyway, I advise you to be careful with that guy. Don’t believe everything he says. I understand that you’re all in love and euphoria, but if it’s all the truth, you should think about whether your choice is right.”
“We will see, Anna. Now I don’t want to guess anything. I don’t want to think about bad things. I just wanna enjoy my relationship with Edward and feel the happiest girl in the girl.”
“I wish Edward wasn’t literally worse than all of your exes.”
“I’m praying that it doesn’t happen.” Natalia smiles widely. “He’s so handsome… So kind… So caring… I’ve never met such a wonderful man. I swear if we break up someday, I’m gonna cry so bitterly.”
“As you wish. Anyway, remember that you can always complain to Raquelle and me. We will not refuse to listen to your many-hour talks and do our best to make you feel better.”
“Thanks a lot, sweetie. I know you’re my very caring girl.”
Silence settles in the air for two seconds, during which Natalia glances aside.
“Hey, how are you and your boyfriend doing?” Natalia asks. “Are you living together well?”
“Yup, everything’s well!” Anna smiles shyly. “And yeah, I forgot to tell you that we had one more date today…”
“But he told me nothing about it before… He just told me to get ready and go with him, and he answered none of my questions on the way.”
“My gosh, did he prepare a surprise for you?”
“Oh, yeah!” Anna smiles mysteriously. “It was probably one of our best dates…”
“Will you tell me how everything was?”
“Only if you tell me how you spent time with Edward today.”
“Okay! Listen to me then…”
Anna starts to tell everything about the date between Daniel and her, on which they spent a wonderful time today. Natalia listens to her story with great pleasure and rejoices with her friend, who does not hide her emotions and does not stop letting her know that she is happy to be in the relationship.
When the blonde closely listens to her friend, she tells her how she met Edward by chance, how they confessed their feelings, and then went to spend time together. And of course, Natalia cannot be silent about how Lockhart suggested that the girl and he started to date. How shy and discreet he was…
The talk between Anna and Natalia continues for a long time before the blonde hears someone opening the hall door, and her father comes back home. After saying goodbye to her friend warmly, the girl ends the call and goes to meet him, deciding to use the opportunity to tell him she finally got a boyfriend, whom she had been dreaming about for such a long time.
A new day. Great Britain. London. Early morning, about one hour o’clock. Amelia is sitting at home and watching her daughter Hailey, who needs permanent care. The woman finishes feeding her baby and is going to put her to sleep. She spends some time doing it. And when she sees her daughter starting to fall asleep in her bed quietly, she decides to have some rest and eat something.
But before doing it, Amelia checks her mobile phone to see if she has new calls and messages because she has not done it since the morning. The woman quickly unlocks her smartphone, waits for it to turn on, and sees she got a message one hour ago that was sent by Alicia:
“Hey, Amelia! I tried to call you yesterday to tell you something, but you didn’t answer my call. I tried to do this several times, but then I thought you were probably busy with Hailey or Raphael and didn’t bother you anymore. But if you’re reading this message, I want to tell you that my niece’s life is finally getting better. She not only made her relationship with all her close people better, but also reconciled with her boyfriend. Yes, yes, Terrence and she are together again. Ah… My girl is so happy, and her eyes are shining brightly. To be honest, I didn’t see her like this before. Raquelle wasn’t as happy then as she is now… She understood she would’ve made a mistake if she had decided to end the relationship. I promise I shall tell you everything if you call me. If you’re wondering, I wake up early and will be on the line at any time.”
Reading these lines, Amelia smiles shyly and does not hide her happiness after getting such a good piece of news. The woman is sure Raquelle and Terrence are literally made for each other and would not live apart. So, she is happy the lovers came back together and decided to give each other one more chance.
“Wow, Raquelle has reconciled with her boyfriend!” Amelia thinks with a slight smile. “So, they will not break up. Her niece couldn’t find the courage to do it… She gave him one more chance.”
Amelia smiles much wider.
“I’m very glad everything ended well,” Amelia thinks. “I’m glad that girl decided to try to fix everything. So, I was right when I said that their couple was destined to be together, and there was a strong attraction and a special connection between them… No matter how hard they tried to make themselves sure that they had to break up, none of them would have done that. Yes, there will be misunderstandings in their life, but from now, Terrence and Raquelle will always be together. And support each other in everything.”
Some time later, Amelia comes to the table placed in the room where she is with Hailey sleeping well, takes a picture of Raquelle and Alicia, and starts to view it closely, frowning slightly. And later, she starts getting some bad feelings.
“But it doesn’t mean her problems are over…” Amelia thinks. “Something else will happen to her in the future and get her exhausted. Maybe, not only her, but also her close people.”
Amelia sits on the bed, still viewing the photo.
“I clearly remember the lines on her palms saying that many shocking things would happen in the life of that girl,” Amelia thinks. “Her story is not over yet. She is too far from absolute peace. A lot of time will be gone before she gets a chance to live a quiet life. Who knows, what’s waiting for Raquelle, but I hope it won't make her relationship with her boyfriend worse. And nobody would love to get them to fight and separate them.”
Amelia sits with the picture in her hands for a long time and views it, making more sure that Raquelle will not calm down at the nearest time and live a quiet life. And then she puts the picture aside and decides to call Alicia to find out everything about the girl’s life. The woman leaves the room quietly with her smartphone in her hands, types the number of her friend, and patiently waits for her answer.
“Hello, I’m listening to you,” someone’s feminine voice pronounces.
“Hey, Alicia, it’s Amelia,” Amelia welcome amicably. “Didn’t I call you too early?”
“Hey, Amelia, no, no, you don’t bother me. Although it’s early morning here, I’ve been awake since six o'clock. Doing the homework.”
“And it’s two hours o’clock here, but I woke up early because of my daughter, who got hungry.”
“Are you probably sick of watching your child alone?”
“I am… Sometimes I have to ask Hailey’s grandparents for help while Raphael is working. Thank God, they don’t refuse and help me take care of my daughter with pleasure.”
“When I’m back in London, I shall help you watch your girl with great pleasure.”
“When are you gonna be back?”
“I don’t know yet, but I think I shall do it soon. Thank God, Mr. Cameron almost recovered after a heart attack and can live without my help. I think Raquelle would take care of him alone if I decided to leave.”
“Glad to hear he’s fine.”
Silence settles in the air for two seconds.
“By the way, did you get my message?” Alicia asks. “I tried to call you, but your number was unavailable.”
“Yes, I know…” Amelia smiles shyly. “I powered my phone off yesterday when I was too busy with Hailey. And I should’ve done something for Raphael. I just powered it on after I got some free time and saw your message.”
“So, do you know my niece reconciled with her boyfriend?”
“Yes, I do,” Amelia nods with a slight smile. “And I am very happy for them.”
“She decided not to end her relationship and to give Terrence a second chance.”
“I think Raquelle made the right choice. Of course, he did a terrible thing, but the important thing is that he’s regretting it and aiming to get better.”
“Ah, I’m very happy for her, as well,” Alicia confesses with a slight smile. “But I think Raquelle is much happier than Mr. Cameron and I are. She’s had a good mood since the morning and is ready to literally move a mountain.”
“Yeah, love makes real miracles…”
“I knew she wouldn’t find the courage to end the relationship with him.”
“Oh, she can do this at any time if she wants it.”
“That’s right!” Alicia exclaims. “My girl says she would’ve regretted it if she hadn’t found the courage to listen to her heart. Raquelle wanted to forget everything and be a single girl, but it didn’t happen. No breakup will happen.”
“I did know they wouldn’t leave each other,” Amelia says confidently. “Despite saying their love was gone, they love each other anyway.”
“You’re right.”
“I didn’t wanna say it earlier, but the lines on your niece’s palms said she would love to break up with someone but couldn't find the courage to do it.”
“So, did you know they wouldn’t break up?”
“I did. The lines on her hands said she would have many admirers but only one boyfriend.”
“Yeah…” Amelia puts her finger on her lip. “Of course, they’re gonna have some problems, but these two will learn to solve them together. I didn’t see any serious conflicts that would make them really get a wish to break up. Yes, their life is going to be hard and similar to a volcano, but they will be together.”
“A family life without problems is impossible,” Alicia notices cheerfully as she shrugs. “Of course, love is great, but you can’t avoid problems that all couples run into. We’re not living in a tale. And I hope my niece understands it.”
“You’re right,” Amelia agrees with a slight smile. “I understood that couple must have been together when I view photos of them.”
“Everyone admires the way they look together. And now they will make much more sure about it after seeing these two woke up the love they put to sleep after they moved in. That is probably going to get much stronger.”
“I think they understand they always need to support the fire of love to live happily. Or it would fade away quickly.”
“Absolutely agree with you.”
“And I hope Raquelle got a good lesson and understood she shouldn't have put her career above her family. I tried to warn her, but she didn’t listen to me and almost lost her happiness.”
“She understood it. She said it to Mr. Cameron and me.”
“Thank God. Better late than never.”
Silence settles in the air for two seconds, during which Amelia glances at a window and looks into the room where Hailey is sleeping.
“By the way, maybe, you can tell me how Raquelle reconciled with Terrence?” Amelia shows interest, slowly going to the living room. “How did they actually decide to do it?”
“I will do,” Alicia pronounces with a slight smile.
“I’m listening.”
“Actually, yesterday was absolutely usual, and nothing good was supposed to happen. Raquelle was planning her future life and was determined to break up even if she didn’t want it… After lunch, my niece went for a walk and came to one quiet place… And from that moment, the most interesting moments started…”
“What happened next?” Amelia sits quickly on the sofa, listening to Alicia’s story with pleasure.
“Next, she accidentally ran into Terrence. They fell into a talk and…”
Alicia starts to tell Amelia about how Raquelle realized she did not want to leave Terrence during the unplanned talk with him. The woman tells her friend everything she heard from her niece yesterday during dinner with Frederick. Amelia closely listens to her friend, not hiding her happiness for Terrence and Raquelle. But she is a little upset by the fact that the girl is not going to get happiness at the nearest time and live a quiet life, in which there would be no place for especially dangerous adventures.
The United States. New York. It’s about six o'clock. Since today was sunny, the sky got colored with magnificent colors of red, orange, and, yellow. Raquelle, Frederick, and Alicia are going to go to Terrence’s home for the old man to talk to the boyfriend of his granddaughter about their relationship. The girl is going to drive her relatives in her car, and the woman is going with them to watch the man and make the situation better in case she has to do this.
While Frederick and Alicia are late for some reason and still doing something in the old man’s apartment, Raquelle is sitting in the car in the driver’s seat and waiting for her aunt and grandfather to get down. By the way, she looks very beautiful for the first time in a while. Knowing that she is going to visit her beloved man, the girl picked up the best look and expressed her natural beauty.
Although Frederick asked Raquelle to say nothing to Terrence, the girl decides to warn her boyfriend that she is going to come to him, not alone with her grandfather and aunt. And when he hears it, the man gets a little nervous.
“What?” Terrence pronounces with a little scare in his eyes, sharply getting up from the bed, on which he was sitting before. “Does Mr. Cameron want to go to my home? Now?”
“Yes, I’m sitting in the car and waiting for him and Aunt to come,” Raquelle replies quietly, leaning back in the seat and keeping her hand on the steering wheel. “I said there was no point in talking, but he was stubborn and insisted.”
“But what do I tell him?”
“He wants to talk to you about our relationship and make sure he can trust you.”
“But I did explain everything to your relatives and have said that I’m sorry thousands of times.”
“Yeah, but Grandpa Frederick says he didn’t manage to talk to you personally. And he thinks he is doing this for our well-being. He said he wouldn’t interrupt our relationship if he was happy with his talk with you.”
“I hope he isn’t gonna make you sure to break up with me? I still remember how he was literally making a hole in my head with his eyes. And he would’ve killed me if Alicia hadn’t been next to him.”
“She’s coming with us to hold him down and make sure he won’t get too excited.”
“Well, I’m quiet ‘cause your aunt is coming, too…” Terrence sighs tiredly. “She could hold him down if he wanted to kill me.”
“Don’t worry, sweetie, nobody’s gonna kill you,” Raquelle laughs shyly. “Be happy that Grandpa knows nothing about what happened between us.”
“Oh, in this case, Mr. Cameron wouldn’t let me come to you.”
“Grandpa suspects that I left you for the reason, but luckily, he knows nothing. And I hope he will not know. I’m afraid of what might happen if he knew all the truth.”
“Anyway, I don’t think this talk makes sense,” Terrence shakes his head. “Did you tell him we agreed not to talk about it anymore?”
“Yes, I did, but it didn’t stop him.”
“But Grandpa assures me sure that he wouldn’t try to find out what happened between us. He says he just wants to talk to you face to-face. As a man to a man.”
“Oh, shit…”
Terrence starts to walk into his room nervously, grabbing his throat with a hand and feeling it’s a little hard for him to breathe because he is tense enough.
“I don’t like it all…” Terrence confesses excitedly. “What if this talk ends in a bad way for me? While Alicia supports me somehow, Mr. Cameron treats me badly and wasn’t happy when he had to speak with me to help you.”
“Calm down, Terrence, don’t be excited, please,” Raquelle replies softly. “I don’t like this idea, either, but I think it wouldn’t lead to anything bad. You’d just explain everything you said to Aunt, apologize, listen to him and exhale.”
“I don’t know if everything’s gonna be so easily…”
“Listen, you’re gonna have to calm down and act like you’re surprised. Grandpa asked me to tell you nothing about our visit and hopes to catch you. If you quietly react to our appearance, he may understand that I told you everything.”
“Seriously? Keep calm? You must be kidding!”
“I understand it, but please, try…”
“I dunno…” Terrence exhales sharply. “I don’t feel quiet, to be honest.”
“Hey, use your acting skills,” Raquelle suggests with a slight smile. “People are right when believing your act and consider you one of the best actors of the beginning of the early 2000s.”
“Erm, show a surprise?”
“Of course! Behave like I didn’t tell you about Grandpa’s visit.”
“It’s gonna be okay, Terrence, don’t worry. Although Grandpa is determined, I don’t feel he is too aggressive for you. I think he just wanna be on the safe side and personally hear that you won't hurt me again.”
“Oh…” Terrence comes to the window in his room with a sharp exhale. “Okay! I will try to do what you’re asking me about.”
“Excellent,” Raquelle smiles shyly.
“When are you gonna come?”
“I think in a half of an hour or one hour.”
“Okay. I will be waiting for you then. Thanks for warning me about your visit. I would at least think about what to say to your grandfather to make him softer.”
“Don’t forget to show a surprise when we come to you.”
“Okay, Raquelle, I won’t forget.” Terrence falls into silence for a second and smiles shyly, while Raquelle fixes her hair slightly, looking through the rear mirror. “Hey… I’m missing you already.”
“I’m missing you, too,” Raquelle replies with a slight smile. “But I promise we’ll meet very soon.”
“If only the talk is over well…”
“I’m sure Grandpa will be happy when going home.”
“You’re giving me hope.”
“I'm trying to do it, honey.”
Terrence smiles shyly and exhales quietly with a little relief.
“Oh, okay, I need to say goodbye to you,” Raquelle says thoughtfully, looking at the side of the entrance to the building that Frederick and Alicia are supposed to leave. “Or Grandpa may know I told you everything and get mad.”
“In this case, see you soon,” Terrence says with a slight smile.
“Yes, sure.”
Raquelle ends the call, puts her smartphone in her purse, quickly fixes her, hair, and looks into the rear mirror to check if her makeup is fine. And literally one minute later, the girl sees Frederick and Alicia leaving the building where the old man’s apartment is located and coming to her car. The woman sits on a passenger seat next to her niece, while the man installs himself comfortably on the back seat.
“Here we are!” Frederick exclaims.
“You were there for a long time,” Raquelle notices thoughtfully. “I even wanted to go to hurry you up.”
“It’s okay, sweetie,” Alicia replies with a slight smile. “Your grandfather and I just had a little talk.”
“A talk? About what?”
“Well, nothing special,” Frederick waves his hand. “I just said that I wouldn’t change my mind again.”
“Erm, okay then…” Raquelle shrugs.
“I hope you didn’t call Terrence and tell him we’d go to his home now?” Frederick frowns slightly.
“No, of course…” Raquelle takes the steering wheel tighter but tries to keep calm somehow. “You did ask me not to tell him anything.”
“Good…” Frederick nods.
“Erm, so, we are ready to go,” Alicia shrugs. “Start the motor, sweetie. Let’s not waste time.”
“Yes, sure,” Raquelle pronounces without emotions. “Let’s go.”
Raquelle starts the motor with a key, turns on the first speed with a gearbox, slowly presses the clutch pedal, and then smoothly presses the gas pedal. That’s why the car gives a start and goes on the free road. And while the girl is watching what’s happening around her and driving the automobile, her relatives say nothing, look through the window, and think about something.
It takes about twenty minutes to go to Terrence’s home. Raquelle, Frederick, and Alicia do not say almost anything on the way, sometimes sharing some short phrases to find out the current time and when they are going to come. And then all the three come to the house they need and go by the guards that let the girl in without problems. Who still remember that her very well. Who they missed all this time.
After leaving the car not far from the hall door, Raquelle, Alicia, and Frederick leave it and look around. The man came here for the first time and truly admires the beauty of the place that he did not manage to attend before. The woman breathes in the fresh, little cold air with a slight smile on her face. And the girl feels mixed feelings when she ends up where she ran away from a certain time ago. Where she swore she would never come back. Of course, it does not matter now, but she still has some bad feelings and gets kind of awkward and hesitant.
Alicia quickly notices Raquelle thinking of something with sadness in her eyes and puts her hand softly on her niece’s shoulder, saying:
“Are you okay, honey?”
“Erm, yes…” Raquelle smiles shyly. “I’m fine. Just got obsessed with the memories.”
“About what happened between Terrence and you?”
“Yeah… Honestly, I feel kind of awkward while being in the place that I left. The place that I swore I would never come back to.”
“Don’t you wanna come back?”
“I don’t know, Aunt… This place doesn’t associate with anything good.”
“I get it.”
“But on the contrary, I wanna live with my boyfriend.”
“Maybe, you and Terrence sell this house and buy a new one? For these walls not to remind you of what happened. Or rearrange the furniture and capital repairs… As people say, get rid of all the bad things…”
“I dunno, we’ll think,” Raquelle shrugs. “Maybe, I really make Terrence sure to sell this house and buy a new one. I dunno. I will live here for a while. If everything is bad, I will think of moving.”
While Raquelle looks at the large house, which she is going to come back to very soon, with sadness in her eyes, Alicia embraces her niece around the shoulders. At some moment, Frederick sees them still standing in the same place and not probably going to follow him.
“Hey, why are you standing there?” Frederick wonders and calls Raquelle and Alicia with a gesture. “Come on! We came here not to look around and admire the beautiful houses.”
After looking at each other, Alicia and Raquelle slowly follow Frederick, who is definitely determined to do what he wants and knows what he wants to get.
Some time later, the three people come to the hall door, and Frederick presses the doorbell and patiently waits for someone to open the door. And a few moments later, it opens, and Blair shows up on the doorstep. Seeing Raquelle standing on the doorstep, she barely holds down her wish to shout loudly and smile widely. But she says nothing and just smiles gently at those, who decided to come here.
“Erm, hello…” Blair pronounces a little hesitantly. “How can I help you?”
“Hello!” Frederick greets gently. “We would like to see Terrence MacClife and talk to him. Is he home now?”
“Erm, y-yes, of course,” Blair pronounces quietly as she shrugs, steps aside, and invites Raquelle, Frederick, and Alicia to enter the house with a gesture. “Come into the living room. He is now in his room, but I will call him.”
Raquelle, Frederick, and Alicia nod slightly, cross the doorstep confidently and look around. The girl blinks and smiles shyly at Blair, who answers her back and nods, folding her hands in front of her. And two moments later, the three people end up in the living room and keep looking around, while the young servant locks the hall door and quickly gets upstairs to the second floor to let Terrence know someone is waiting for him.
“Wow, it’s very beautiful here,” Frederick notices thoughtfully. “I was never in such beautiful houses before.”
“I had the same thought when I came here for the first time after arriving in New York,” Alicia confesses quietly. “It’s very beautiful here. And the air is kind of special.”
“Agree, I really love this place…” Frederick starts slowly walking into the living room. “Anyway, I must confess that MacClife has a wonderful taste.”
“Or the designers that he hired.”
“How much space there is! There could be many people here that would come here for parties.”
“You’re right. Very many people could be here in the living room.”
“You’re right!”
Raquelle says nothing and just smiles shyly, still looking around with interest. And some time later, Terrence slowly goes downstairs to the living room, showing a surprise, as the girl asked, and not even hiding that he feels awkward and hesitant. When the man sees the guests, he stops sharply in the same place and looks at them with a little scare in his eyes while they turn on him and wait for a reaction from the one, who does not have to pretend to be scared because he is a little white and terribly excited.
“Erm, good afternoon,” Terrence pronounces hesitantly. “Mr. Cameron, Alicia, Raquelle… I… Did not expect your visit…”
“The same to you, Terrence,” Frederick greets politely. “Sorry for bothering you and distracting you from important business.”
“Oh, no, no, it’s alright, you… Did not bother me.”
“By the way, I heard you reconciled with Raquelle, and she is going to come back here soon.”
“Yes, it’s true,” Terrence confirms in a little shaking voice. “We really made peace.”
Terrence moves his eyes to Raquelle a little hesitantly and nods slightly, while the brunette answers him back but says nothing.
“Alright, if it’s so, I’m glad for you,” Frederick says quietly. “But there is one moment that I want to solve… And I would like to talk to you about it right now.”
“Erm, y-yes, of course,” Terrence replies hesitantly as he shrugs. “If you want to talk, I will listen to you.”
“Good. And I think we better talk face-to-face,” Frederick moves his eyes to Alicia and Raquelle. “As a man with a man.”
“Yeah…” Terrence pronounces thoughtfully. “Alicia and Raquelle can go to the kitchen and ask the servants to give them something to drink. I think they would be happy to talk to Raquelle a little. Moreover, all the servants madly missed her.”
“Erm, yes, Aunt, let’s go to drink something,” Raquelle suggests thoughtfully, looking at Frederick and then at Terrence, who nods in approval with a slight smile. “And talk to the servants a little.”
“Yes, let’s go,” Alicia agrees with a slight smile. “I think some of the servants would love to see you.”
Raquelle and Alicia leave their purses on the sofa, turn around and go to the kitchen, leaving Terrence and Frederick alone. After he makes sure that nobody will bother them, MacClife points his hand at the sofa a little hesitantly, saying:
“Erm, let’s sit down first…”
Frederick says nothing and sits on the sofa, while Terrence joins him shortly.
“Mr. Cameron, I would like…” Terrence pronounces quietly, hesitantly.
“Listen, Terrence, I promise I will not find out everything about the fight between Raquelle and you that became the reason why you were close to a breakup,” Frederick promises confidently. “If you decided to forget everything, I will not make her or you talk about the past.”
“Yeah… We really agreed to forget everything that happened to us.”
“Don’t worry, I came here not to fight with you, as you might think. Vice versa, I’ve always liked you as a partner of my granddaughter and accepted you warmly when I met you personally.”
“I know.”
“I just want to talk to you, advise something, and make sure that I can trust you and the promises you gave me.”
“Listen, Mr. Cameron, I completely understand you are worried about Raquelle and will always consider her a child, no matter what her age is,” Terrence says quietly. “But you can be sure that everything will be fine with us. I will no longer make the mistake and will do my best to get better.”
“Please, call the memories of the pledges you gave me on the day Raquelle brought you to my home and introduced you to me. How many beautiful words you said to touch me… You promised to make her life happier and be with her in good and bad times… And many other things…”
“If I married her, I would say much more than I want to give your granddaughter. All my promises had only words about motivation, feeling happiness, and love, but no words about care… It happened not because I did not want to take care of her… A bigger half of the words got out of my head from the excitement.”
“Alright, I will believe you. But let’s remember one more moment.” Frederick clears his throat quickly. “At some moment, I asked you if you would love her. Save her from bad things and be by her side in any situation. And actually, be a loving and caring man. You said you were ready to be responsible for that girl.”
“I remember.”
“Alright, I believed you and gave you my blessing with easiness in my heart.” Frederick falls into silence for a second. “But what do I see eight months later? I see you did not keep any of the promises you gave me. And you made everything so hard that you had a fight that almost led to your breakup. You left Raquelle in trouble. Even though something clicked in your mind later, and you came to save her and make amends.”
“Yes, I wasn’t a perfect boyfriend, and confess it,” Terrence nods. “But now everything will be otherwise. I swear I will not disappoint either Raquelle or you and Alicia.”
“I repeat, I will not find out the details of your fight and will let you tell me everything later if you want to. But after you did not keep the promises that you gave me, I cannot trust you anymore and be quiet for my granddaughter.”
“I know I was not right and made lots of mistakes,” Terrence replies with sadness in his eyes. “And I barely held myself down not to make much more stupid things.”
“But you did them!”
“And I agreed to help Raquelle not because I felt guilty about what happened for her… I mean…”
Terrence says nothing for two seconds and bites his lip slightly.
“No, of course, I felt guilty about her,” Terrence specifies. “But it was not the main reason why I agreed to help her. The main reason is that I madly love her. Always have. Now I understand it well. And I know I have no right to lose the girl, who means so much to me. I didn’t have a doubt that I could do something wrong at that time.”
“Yes, Terrence, I know you love her and did all of that for her,” Frederick says quietly. “I believed you wanted to prove your regret and get a little better.”
“It’s true.”
“But you see, the thing I worry about is whether I can trust you in the future.”
“Of course, you can.”
“Yes, I highly appreciate the fact that you helped Raquelle and am madly grateful to you for saving her life. But people are right when they say when one betrays another and leaves him or her in trouble, they will do that again and keep doing it over and over.”
“No, Mr. Cameron, it will not happen.”
“You can’t become good immediately.”
“Believe me, I can be responsible for my acts, and I do not talk to the wind. I’ve said many times I think I am guilty of that situation and did my best to make amends somehow. Moreover, I paid for my acts by losing almost all my friends, who thought I was a scoundrel.”
“You know, my dear, you could say anything, but it might happen that you have different thoughts in your head. Your words might not be the same as your thoughts.”
“Do you think I am lying to you?”
“Believe me, I have nothing against you and your relationship with Raquelle and do not think you are such a stinker like, for example, Simon Ringer is. But I need you to prove to me that your words are honest. That let you let me know that I could be quiet for my granddaughter. That you can and want to protect her in a dangerous situation.”
“For your granddaughter, I am ready to do and sacrifice anything,” Terrence replies more confidently. “If I have to stand up for her, I am always ready to do it. And I would even give my life for her.”
“Alright, let’s assume you are telling me the truth. But the question is whether you could solve your conflicts and find a compromise in any situation quietly, without shouting.”
“We will try to solve our problems together and look for some solutions in case we have serious disagreements. And I promise I will be learning to control my emotions and not to take it out on Raquelle.”
“A life together consists not only of hugs and kisses. And not only a mutual love. It’s also the ability to give in at times, find compromises, and try not to let your disagreements lead to a great problem that might be fatal to you.”
“You know, sometimes I think I’m repeating the life of my father.”
“The life of your father?” Frederick frowns slightly.
“Yes. He was behaving disgustingly toward my mother somehow. Much worse than I did. And that’s why I’ve hated him all my life. Somehow, a long time ago, I swore not to behave like that towards my future girlfriend. But sadly, I lost control of mine.”
“It often happens. Children see the violence toward their parents and start to think it’s actually right.”
“I’ve always known that’s bad. But I can’t control myself. The problem is my character. I can’t keep my emotions under control. You see…”
“At least, you recognize the problem. That’s very good. This is the first step to solving it.”
“I’ve been fighting with my demons and me all my life. And I thought I could do this. But alas… That’s not the truth.”
“So, you don’t really want it. When a human wants something, they cannot do anything.”
“I want, but I can’t do this.”
“I hope the situation of Raquelle would be a good kick for you and make you really start to change something about yourself.”
“At least, I’m doing my best not to take it out on her.”
“Now I see your relationship has many enough problems. And the case is not only about your character that you need to change somehow. But if you want to be happy, you need the help of much more experienced people.”
Frederick exhales quietly and thinks for two seconds, glancing aside.
“You know, Terrence, I must confess that this situation reminds me of the situation of Raquelle’s parents,” Frederick confesses thoughtfully. “They also loved each other and dreamed of a bright future. But I thought they weren’t ready for real family life and everything about it. I was worried that disagreements and claims could ruin their marriage. And unfortunately, their permanent fights and the fact that they didn’t know how to find a compromise almost got them divorced. At some moment, they got cold for each other. And they were too busy with their business: Jackson was busy with work, and Elizabeth was busy with motherhood. All of that got them much colder to each other, and you know how it could be over.”
“I’m sorry they are dead…” Terrence shows regret. “Besides… I would not mind talking to them and finding out how they saved their relationship.”
“But my son was never violent. Vice versa, he was pretty quiet and had strong mental health. That got worse because of all those family fights. And my daughter-in-law seemed to be shy and good, but sometimes she could be intemperate. It got much clearer after giving birth: that woman had been shy and a little timid, but later everything changed… But it happens. Many women change after giving birth.”
“Yeah… But in this case, I did show my nasty character.” Terrence exhales quietly and glances aside for a second. “But if I had asked her about a talk before and explained why I was so mad at her for such a long time, everything would have been otherwise. However, I was too mad to talk…”
Terrence falls into silence for a second and locks his fingers tightly.
“I guess you are right,” Terrence shrugs. “It all really looks like the situation of Raquelle’s parents. Many things are the same… Even though there are some things that could be the same as in the case of my parents.”
“Anyway, don’t be upset, and do keep your head up,” Frederick says softly. “You can learn from your mistakes. Yes, listening and giving in is a hard thing, but you can and should learn it. We don’t get this ability at once, but one beautiful day, we would learn to understand when to give in, when to insist or when to find what everyone would love.”
“I know.”
“We need to make mistakes! Or we would not get better. One day, you made a mistake, and it means you will hardly make it again because you would know what would happen. I think you got it. And you will be aiming to get better.”
“I’m doing my best… But if we had known it would happen to us, we wouldn’t have played with fire.” Terrence shakes his head with a quiet sigh. “But we didn’t know it… And we almost ruined everything…”
“I completely understand you,” Frederick pronounces confidently. “And I am starting to realize more and more that you’re telling the truth and really recognizing your mistakes.”
“Maybe, I’m intemperate, but not as shameless as my father is, who dared to do that to my mother. That’s why I’m giving my everything not to repeat his mistakes and not to become the same scumbag that treats unprotected women like that.”
“You are quite a level-headed and clever man, Terrence,” Frederick says quietly, clapping Terrence on the shoulder. “You are like Raquelle in this case because she is not a stupid girl, either. Both of you soberly rate one or another situation and do good things if you make yourself sure it would be better.”
“I know, maybe.”
“Despite your thoughtless act, I think you do think of consequences before going and doing something. But in the case of my granddaughter, everything is otherwise. She can easily do something without thinking about what might happen. Sometimes she may understand the first way is better, but she shows stubbornness and eventually chooses a second one.”
“It often happens to her,” Terrence smiles slightly. “Sometimes she may be too headstrong. While I don’t think I am the one. I could forget about my opinion and listen to someone if I knew it would be better. On the one hand, stubbornness helped her reach much, but on the other hand, it doesn’t let her have a good life sometimes.”
“Raquelle has always been the one. I can’t exclude that her wish to make a decision and being any case to an end has to do with her stubbornness.”
“Sometimes she could come up with some things that I could do nothing with it. My pieces of advice helped her when she ran into a problem face-to-face and suffered because she did not listen to her grandfather, who was much older, smarter, and wiser.”
“I get it.”
“Here’s my little piece of advice, Terrence. To know how to solve at least half of your disagreements, you need to learn to change Raquelle’s mind if she wants something too much, but you think it would hurt her. You should find good arguments and prove that her decision may lead to some bad consequences. Yes, of course, my granddaughter may be absolutely right at times, but remember that many of her decisions are often thoughtless.”
“I will try to remember,” Terrence smiles slightly. “Nevertheless, I’ve always had quite a strong charm. I’ve been able to make people sure of something easily. I don’t even to find arguments to prove that I’m absolutely right.”
“I got it a long time ago,” Frederick laughs shyly.
“Anyway, thank you so much for the advice, Mr. Cameron.”
“Yeah, something else: no matter what kind of conflict you have, try to make it all better. If you feel you are about to have a strong fight, you better leave and lock yourself in different rooms. Don’t bring everything to beating crockery and destroying everything you see. But when you realize you’re quiet, you can try to talk again. It would be much better than trying to sort out your relationship when you two are excited.”
“Anger and hatred are bad enemies of your mind. They are the reason why you would never solve a problem peacefully and may easily fight with someone much harder.”
“It’s going to be hard, but we will try to…”
“And learn to control your emotions, Terrence, I am insisting,” Frederick says confidently. “If you do not control the fire that is burning inside you, consequences may be horrible. I don’t know if your mother explained these things to you, but after what happened, you must understand you should change yourself for the better. If you don’t change, something may happen and become the reason why you may lose your girlfriend and many other people.”
“What happened made me think about much and realize that I should give much more efforts to control myself. I don’t want to stay all alone. I don’t want to lose the girl that I love with all my heart.”
“Everything depends on you. If you want to change yourself and learn to control your emotions, it’s going to be fine.”
“When I lost her for some time, I understood I felt good only next to her. I don’t need any other girl except for Raquelle. She is the only one to give me what I want.”
“When you’re quiet, you say very wise and right things. You can think soberly and show your intellect.”
“You can trust me, Mr. Cameron,” Terrence promises confidently. “I will no longer betray and disappoint you.”
“Alright, I believe you,” Frederick smiles shyly. “And I’m glad we understood each other.”
“I hope you are happy with everything I told you.”
“I repeat: I did not have a bad thought about you. I did not want to meddle in the lives of Raquelle and you and control it. I just wanted to give you a couple of pieces of advice, using everything I learned after watching the relationship between my granddaughter’s parents.” Frederick sighs quietly with sadness in his eyes. “Maybe, I didn’t help them solve their problems… But I would at least help your relationship. That is similar to theirs in one or another way.”
“Not at all,” Terrence shakes his head. “I think you did help them if they reconciled. It wouldn’t have happened if Raquelle’s parents hadn’t listened to your pieces of advice.”
“Maybe, but now it’s too late to talk about it. My son and daughter-in-law are dead. But I am glad they reconciled and saved their marriage. I am sure Elizabeth and Jackson would have been very happy together. And they would’ve accepted you as the boyfriend of their daughter. And they would’ve even given you a blessing for a marriage.”
“If I’m standing in front of their graves one day, I will ask them for forgiveness for behaving badly toward their daughter.”
“Have you never been where they are buried?”
“Nope, Raquelle has never taken me there. But she said they were buried at the cemetery in Kingston.”
“Right, their graves are there. And I would like to ask Raquelle to drive me there someday. I want to check their graves. Talk to my son and daughter-in-law.”
“I will also ask her to show me their graves someday. Maybe… I go to Kingston alone and visit them.”
“Good,” Frederick cracks a slight smile.
“So, don’t think they didn’t listen to your pieces of advice. They listened. And they used them when they understood they wanted to be together.”
“I hope so. Anyway, I will not miss a chance to save your relationship with my granddaughter. I don’t want you to break up and go your separate ways. I really like you as a couple and feel there are feelings, love, and attraction between you.”
“We will not break up,” Terrence replies confidently with a slight smile. “Because we love each other too much to think about a breakup.”
“You know, love is love, but you will not avoid strong fights, mutual insults, and constant silence.”
“You’re right, we can’t live without it.”
“Learn while you have someone to teach you!”
“Alright, I will…”
Silence settles in the air for two seconds, during which Frederick just smiles shyly.
“Alright, as we agreed about everything, let’s talk about something different,” Frederick suggests confidently. “While the women are in the kitchen, we have some time to sit and talk about something. Moreover, you and I haven’t talked since Raquelle brought you to my home to introduce you to me.”
“Ask me anything – I will answer all your questions,” Terrence folds his hands in front of himself.
“Tell me how you’re doing. Maybe, something special happened in your life while you were in a fight with Raquelle?”
“I am doing fine,” Terrence shrugs. “My friends are coming back to my life again.”
“You’re reconciling with everybody?”
“Yup, those, who turned their backs on me because of my fight with Raquelle, are showing a wish to speak to me again.”
“I see. What about your career?”
“Some time ago, my friends and I started a band.”
“Yes. At first, we played for fun, for ourselves. But our band recently got an offer to perform in a few cities in the United States. And… None of us dared to refuse.”
“Do you really play guitar and sing so well, as Raquelle told me somehow?”
“I won’t be shy – it’s true,” Terrence says confidently with his head proudly raised. “I play guitar brilliantly, love singing, and think I do it wonderfully.”
“I believe your first success is deserved because you got an offer to go to other cities in America and have a few shows.”
“That’s right! All my attempts to start a musical career led to failure. I always got promises of calling, but nobody ever called me. They gave me false hopes… That’s why I began to get upset and doubted if I should’ve done that.”
“But you could record at least a couple of songs for your money instead of looking for studies and people that would help you.”
“I had an idea of recording an album for my money. But it doesn’t mean I would earn something from it.”
“I think you would do.”
“I don’t know, maybe, I will talk to the lads and suggest they record an album for our money even if nobody offers us a contract after the tour.”
“There are many good artists that release music for their money. You don’t have to sign a contract with a studio that would take a part of the money. Many people should buy your music to get just something from it.”
“I’ve gotta agree.”
“Moreover, success rarely comes immediately. People work like crazy for ages before they reach some success. Don’t think you will get everything very easily.”
“I know. And I am ready for hard work. Moreover, it has always been my dream. I’ve dreamed of singing my own songs. I think… I… I was born to be a musician.”
“If you believe in yourself and know what you want to get, do this.”
“Thanks a lot, Mr. Cameron.”
Frederick glances aside silently with a slight smile.
Meanwhile, Raquelle and Alicia are in the kitchen with Blair, Violetta, and Christiana. The servants are madly happy to see the one to be, as they think, Terrence’s ex because they missed her so much and wanted at least to talk to her. They do not know about the reconciliation of the people they are working with and still think every one of them will get fired very soon. So, the women complain to Raquelle that they will have to leave this place very soon.
“All of us will probably get fired and have to look for a new job,” Blair confesses quietly, leaning on the kitchen furniture with both hands. “Your ex-boyfriend is planning to sell this house, let us go and move to a different place.”
“Yeah, but we must not lose the job,” Violetta says confidently, standing next to Blair with a green apple in her hands and biting a little piece of it at times. “Every one of us is here for some reason. But all of them are united by the fact that we need money.”
“We need quite a lot of money,” Christiana adds, standing near a small window and looking through it at times. “None of us would like to lose our job because we earn good money here. And the conditions aren’t so terrible. Vice versa – they are very good. We’re working here with great pleasure and are thankful to your ex-boyfriend for accepting us.”
“Listen, Raquelle,” Blair pronounces hesitantly and looks at Violetta and Christiana. “We feel embarrassed having to ask you for something. But still…”
“We would like you to try to make Mr. MacClife sure not to get us fired,” Violetta says quietly. “Please, Raquelle, talk to your ex-boyfriend, and don’t let him fire us.”
“You’re the only one to be able to make him sure not to do it. For you, he would do anything.”
“We don’t ask you to reconcile with him, and we don’t make you come back to this house,” Christiana adds. “But please, don’t let him leave us without a job. Mr. MacClife told us nothing about whether he was going to find another job for us. But you know how it’s hard to find something good. You may work for hours but earn pennies.”
“I repeat, asking you about it is uncomfortable for us, but we’ve got no choice. Please, find out what Mr. MacClife is going to do in case he wants to fire us.”
“I don’t think she will need it,” Alicia says confidently with a slight smile, sitting next to Raquelle on a little table in the kitchen and holding a glass of water.
“Yeah, I don’t also think I would have to persuade him,” Raquelle nods. “Even if he fired you and sold this house, he would surely find you another job.”
“But he told us nothing,” Violetta notices with sadness in her eyes. “Even though he said we would have to look for a new job because he is going to leave.”
“No departure will happen, my dears. You can relax.”
“What do you mean no departure will happen?” Christiana frowns slightly.
“Terrence and I have reconciled and changed our mind about breaking up.”
“Come on!” Violetta exclaims.
“Yes, yes, you heard it right,” Raquelle smiles shyly. “We are together again. And I’m gonna be back to this house in a few days and live here as his beloved girlfriend.”
“What?” Blair closes her slightly open mouth with a hand and rounds her eyes. “Are you together again?”
“Are you going to come back here soon?” Christiana smiles widely and glances at Christiana.
“Yes, I will be living here again very soon, and everything is going to be the same,” Raquelle replies with a slight smile and falls into silence for a second. “At least, I hope so.”
“So, since you made peace, it means there will be no departure?” Blair concludes hesitantly. “As well as the house will not be sold?”
“And will we keep working here?” Violetta adds it to the question.
“Will we not have to think about what’s waiting for us?” Christiana asks happily.
“No, no, my dears, calm down,” Raquelle replies with a slight smile. “No departure, no breakup, no sale of the house. You will keep your job and keep doing what you should do.”
“Oh, gosh, we’re so happy for you!” Blair exclaims with a wide smile, putting her hands on her cheeks.
“We did lose any hope in your reconciliation,” Christiana adds. “We thought your boyfriend was so desperate that he decided to sell the house and leave as far as possible.”
“Sometimes miracles happen,” Raquelle shrugs. “In some cases, the feelings you have for someone might also help you enough.”
“That’s right…”
“As for selling the house…” Raquelle glances aside for a second. “Terrence and I will think…”
“Do you want to sell this house and buy a new one?” Violetta frowns slightly.
“I wouldn’t mind moving to another place and starting everything again, forgetting what happened. But if Terrence doesn’t wish to move, I will not insist, and we will stay here.”
“I think he would love this idea,” Alicia assumes, drinking some water from her glass. “But even if he does not, he will do his best to make you happy. If you want to move to another place, he will surely do it and find a wonderful house for you.”
“I know, Aunt… But we will think about it… It’s hard to say something now.”
Silence settles in the air for two seconds, during which all the women look at each other and either eat something or drink something.
“I wonder, how long are Mr. MacClife and Mr. Cameron going to talk there?” Christiana asks.
“Who knows,” Raquelle shrugs. “But I think they’re gonna finish the talk soon. Grandpa hardly has so much to talk to Terrence about.”
“Yeah, Raquelle, while there are no men here, I also want to give you a few pieces of advice that will be good for your life,” Alicia says thoughtfully. “Listening to me and knowing what I want to tell you would be good for you.”
“Yes, of course, Aunt,” Raquelle nods with a slight smile. “I’m listening to you closely.”
“Erm, you know, we will better go to one of our rooms and stay there,” Christiana says thoughtfully.
“Don’t worry, we will go up the other stairs that are not in the living room and made especially for the servants,” Violetta promises. “We would not bother them.”
“Come on, girls, let’s sit in the room and talk a little. Moreover, I have some things I’ve wanted to do since the morning.”
With these words, Christiana slightly pushes Blair and Violetta to the exit from the kitchen and leaves it while Alicia and Raquelle watch them.
“So, it’s much better for us,” Raquelle shrugs.
“You’re right,” Alicia agrees. “Of course, I like these servants, but they shouldn’t know everything.”
“Alright, let’s not waste time, and let’s start to talk about what I want to tell you.” Alicia puts her glass that she is holding aside and looks at Raquelle with a slight smile. “Raquelle, your grandfather and I know well that you and Terrence love each other. You love each other so much that you found the courage to give each other one more chance. You woke up the love that fell asleep for a long time and didn’t let you know about it.”
“It’s true. Our love is still alive and hasn’t been gone. We didn’t just give it enough attention. We didn’t give each other attention.”
“I shall not meddle in your relationship and make you break up with your boyfriend because it would be stupid. I’m not also going to turn you against Terrence. Yes, that man did a terrible thing, but I’m glad he’s regretting it and did his best to prove it.”
“Glad to hear it.”
“But actually, I would like to tell you something that could help you two in the future.”
“Yes, of course, I’m listening to you.”
“Somehow, I told you – and you know it well – that your affair with Terrence reminds me of the relationship between your parents. They loved each other so much as well, but they began to have fights every single day after you were born.”
“I know.”
“You also know that your grandfather tried to help them many times and wasn’t indifferent to what was happening to them. But your mother and father were too headstrong and listened to nobody… Even me, when I tried to give Elizabeth some pieces of advice and calm her down. Of course, we recently found out that they reconciled. I guess they listened to our pieces of advice. But still…”
“Sometimes I think I’m repeating the life of my parents,” Raquelle says with sadness in her eyes. “And knowing how their story ended, there was a time when I was afraid I would… Get into a car accident and not to survive. Moreover, I… I nearly died when Ringer pushed me off the roof.”
“Honey, what are you talking about?” Alicia gets horrified with her widely open eyes. “Why did you think you should’ve died?”
“I thought so for some time,” Raquelle explains quietly. “And every time Terrence and I fought, I thought of what Grandfather Frederick said… About how my parents were fighting and decided to divorce later…”
“Yes, right, many things are the same in this story. But why were you sure you should’ve died because your mother and father did?”
“But it happens that children repeat the lives of their parents… Get divorced as much as they do, give birth to children, work, die…”
“Oh, gosh, my girl, you got really crazy thoughts…” Alicia sighs heavily, shaking her head.
“What if?”
“Remember, sweetie…” Alicia puts her hand softly on Raquelle’s shoulder. “Children don’t always repeat their parents’ lives. Sometimes they repeat it partly, just like you do, but sometimes they live their own lives, not the one their fathers and mothers did.”
“I know,” Raquelle nods. “But I still have the fear… The fear of dying in a car accident.”
“Don’t think about it, honey.” Alicia embraces Raquelle around the shoulders and softly kisses her on the temple. “You just make it worse by waiting for your death. No human would be waiting for the day of death at their will.”
Raquelle says nothing and just sighs heavily, looking down.
“Alright, let’s not talk about it,” Alicia says confidently. “Talk about something else.”
Alicia thinks for two seconds, putting her finger on her lips.
“I actually want to talk to you about something different,” Alicia adds and steps back from Raquelle. “So… To help your relationship with your boyfriend a little, I want to give you a few pieces of advice that could help you.”
“Yes, sure…” Raquelle sniffs quietly.
“First of all, remember, since you decided to date a man, you must not forget your boyfriend and think you can relax and stop working on your relationship after changing your status from a single girl to a taken one. No, honey, that’s wrong.”
“I know, Aunt… Now I completely understand I wasn’t a perfect girlfriend and was partly guilty of what happened.”
“I hope you understand why Terrence began to treat you like that?”
“I do. I was too cold for Terrence and always ignored him. I refused to spend time with him. And it became the reason why he easily believed I was cheating on him. It would’ve explained the way I treated him.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised if that man had suspected you had another man earlier.”
“No, Aunt, I never had another man. I was always loyal to him.”
“When a man decides to date someone, and especially marry, he does it with the hope that he will get the girl, who will take care of him and support him in any situation. Terrence was looking for care and support from you, but you didn’t give him almost anything.”
“I know…” Raquelle nods. “I was too busy with me… My career… I wanted to work like crazy to get much more famous. To get much more than I had. To make people forget the scandal of slander and believe that I wasn’t so terrible.”
“Nobody makes you quit your modeling career and constantly sing praises to your boyfriend. For God’s sake, work as much as you want and earn money! But you must not forget that you should give attention to your man and show your love and care. Not just say, ‘I love you’ but prove it by your actions and readiness to sacrifice something for him.”
“Yeah, but I wasn’t ready to forget about me and literally melt into him.”
“You don’t have to forget about yourself. You should be independent. Men appreciate this type of girl much more, not those, who are fully dependent on them and literally melted into them. A girl should have some personal business and interests. Her life must be bright without a man.”
“I know.”
“But what you did was not quite right. A wish to work on your career and be independent is good. But you shouldn't forget about your man.”
“Now I understand I was behaving badly.”
“Didn’t you love that man when you agreed to date him? Did you really agree to become his girlfriend to make your grandfather and me get off you?”
“No, Aunt Alicia, I loved Terrence to some extent, and I was happy to begin to date him.”
“But not so much?”
“Yeah…” Raquelle moves her eyes to her hands for a second. “My wish was true. But after we moved in, I began to treat him a little worse. I… I stopped being in love with him as much as I was at the beginning of our relationship.”
“Was it his fault?”
“No, no, he’s guilty of nothing. It happened kind of by itself. But I will not deny that it was hurtful that Terrence got so busy with his wish to become a musician, was thinking only about it, and forgot about me.”
“I understand. But you knew he was aiming for his dream. But he didn’t get support from you. You didn’t care when Terrence told you about any of his successes.”
“Right, I didn’t care… I just listened to him to be polite. But I was thinking of another photoshoot. Anything except what that man wanted to tell me.”
“So, don’t be surprised your relationship got much worse.”
“Yeah, but we never fought. And we lived like neighbors. Not like lovers. No matter what, Terrence never got me irritated by his pretense. I quietly accepted the fact that we shared one room and one bed… Even though we didn’t get pleasure from our relationship.”
“If you had begun to fight, you would’ve broken up one or two months later.”
“Maybe… I think that’s why we had lived together for such a long time before we seriously fought.”
“Anyway, I’m glad you realized your mistake that led you to the moment you and Terrence almost broke up. I see that you two realized it.”
“Yeah, I understood everything and got a good lesson for the future.”
“The most important thing is that you understood everything would be alright if you worked on your relationship. You two, not one of you. Why did you stop loving each other? Because you didn’t give each other attention! You started working as if nothing happened after you moved into this house.”
“Agree…” Raquelle nods. “We stopped going on dates after we moved in. But we had walked together almost every single day. That’s why we had just a few memories about the time we spent in a relationship.”
“I think you could have a trip somewhere. Forget about your job, at least for at least two weeks, fly away somewhere and spend time together.”
“We had much work. At least, I had.”
“You should’ve saved it for later. Didn’t you want to spend two weeks with your boyfriend? Get much closer to him… Maybe, you would’ve discovered something new about each other.”
“I didn’t do.”
“When I got married to Dominick, we easily got one free month. My husband and I went to a winter resort where we were skiing, had fun, and even tried to snowboard. We belonged to each other for one month and didn’t think of a job or problems.”
“But that was a very expensive trip.”
“We had started to save money for our trip before my husband proposed to me to marry. We wanted to go there like lovers. When we began to date. But it happened that we went there as husband and wife. And I’m going to say it was the best time of my life. I never got as much pleasure as I got then.”
“Yeah, we should’ve really gone somewhere together.”
“You could have a rest at any place in the world, having so much money.”
“I know.”
“Say, Raquelle, weren’t you really ready for a relationship and not going to get married?” Alicia asks softly.
“I don’t know… Maybe…” Raquelle sighs quietly. “Of course, I wanted to have a wedding one beautiful day. But… Later. I… I wasn’t planning to get married when you wanted it. I thought I was too young.”
“That’s how…” Alicia pronounces thoughtfully.
“I think that’s the reason why I behaved badly and ignored my own boyfriend, who couldn’t stand my indifference and stopped caring about me.”
“I think your grandfather and I are also guilty of the fact that your relationship was almost ruined.”
“We shouldn’t have pressed on you and literally made you meet a boyfriend and get married,” Alicia says with sadness in her eyes, softly caressing Raquelle’s hand. “When Terrence came into your life, we were only obsessed with a wish to get you married as soon as possible because we believed it would be too late to do it later. And we never listened to you when you said you weren’t ready to get married and become a mother. We thought you would change your mind when you met a good man.”
“Honestly, you’re partly right,” Raquelle confesses hesitantly. “When Terrence suggested dating him, I wasn’t actually quite ready for that. But I didn’t find the courage to refuse because of pity and the feelings I had.”
Raquelle looks at her hands.
“He made a wonderful surprise for me to do this,” Raquelle notices. “He tried hard, and he wanted to make me happy… I didn’t wanna get him upset and lose that man because he refused to become his girlfriend. And I was sure I wouldn't regret it. And I wanted to make you and Grandfather happy. You really wanted me to have a man.”
“We were worried you never cared about men and didn’t want to date anyone,” Alicia confesses. “Other girls fell in love and broke up hundreds of times while you were busy with your studies and job. Even when you went to the university, you didn’t care about any boys, even though many of them had a crush on you.”
“There was just nobody that could get my attention,” Raquelle smiles shyly. “I looked at those boys and understood I didn’t wanna date them.”
“But did you want to date Terrence?”
“Yup… I liked him when we met for the first time and seemed to be much more special than many of those I knew. Even if we were fighting like a cat and a dog, I got attracted to him anyway. If not for the pressure, I wouldn’t have rushed. I would’ve just spent time with him and tried to get pleasure from it.”
“Moreover, Mr. Cameron and I never explained what being a good girlfriend and wife meant. We said you must’ve gotten married and given birth to children. But why and something like that… Nobody explained it to you! So, you didn't know what the meaning of a marriage was.”
“Right, I didn’t know why I needed it. And some time later, after the beginning of our relationship, I suddenly asked myself if everything had happened too fast. Why I was doing all of that… Why I needed it… What I would get… I suddenly realized I didn’t know why I agreed to become someone’s girlfriend. I didn’t suffer much when I was a single girl. Yes, we loved each other… I mean… We didn’t love… We were united by passion… Nothing else got us attracted to each other. We didn’t care what we had inside. We saw a beautiful body and lost our mind.”
“Unfortunately, people often confuse passion and love and even get married under the influence of these feelings. But then they get deeper into it, understand nothing else connects them, and get divorced.”
“At some moment, I even wanted to end the relationship. But it was hard to resist the attraction for Terrence that I thought was love because of a lack of experience. I couldn’t resist. So, I continued to be with him. Yes, I was happy, but I really doubted if I did the right thing. Yes… I forgot everything when I looked at the happy Terrence… At Grandpa and you crying from happiness caused by the fact that I dated someone… His mother, who treated me like her own daughter and was happy for her son. But I felt kind of confused. I doubted. It was like cats scratching inside me. Sometimes I wanted to wake up and understand that it was just a dream. A good dream.”
“Your grandfather Frederick and I should’ve asked you and made sure your wish to date that man was true.”
“Nobody noticed it. And I didn’t find the courage to talk about my doubts.”
“We were so blinded by the happiness caused by the fact that you began to date someone and wouldn’t be lonely that we didn’t think something bad could happen. And at first sight, Terrence and you seemed to be so happy and in love that it lulled us and made us sure that you would be happy.”
“I was also trying to make myself sure that I was just nervous. I was just worried because of the sharp changes. Moving from Grandfather’s apartment to the house of my boyfriend. It seems like I was a little girl yesterday and embraced my grandpa tightly after seeing a horrible nightmare at night. But then I began to live with the one to be like a stranger. At a different place. Far from the one I grew up with. It… It was a great shock to me. I wasn’t ready for that.”
“Yeah, but you couldn’t live your whole life with your grandfather. Early or late, you would’ve had to leave him. A bird always leaves a herd after growing up.”
“I know,” Raquelle pronounces through tears with a slight smile and sniffs quietly. “Nevertheless, I’m not regretting what happened. Now I understand what that was. And… I’m ready to change and get better. Moreover, I… I have a wonderful man by my side, who would make me happy. This time, I will be much more caring and careful. I will not be so egoistic and… I will take responsibility. I’m really no longer a child and must live my own life. My time has come.”
“The important thing is that your decision is conscious.”
“It is now. I know what I am doing.”
“Glad you realized it.”
Alicia softly caresses Raquelle’s cheek with a slight smile, while her niece takes a little sip of water from her glass with sadness in her eyes.
“And yeah, you need to stop being so headstrong,” Alicia warns confidently. “You should think better before doing something because it might be bad for you. Of course, sometimes your decisions may be right, but there are moments when you can mess up everything.”
“I’m trying to do it, Aunt Alicia, but I can’t always do it,” Raquelle replies quietly as she shrugs. “My intuition may tell me not to do something, but I go and do it. Even if my mind shouts that I shouldn’t do that.”
“You just can’t listen to your feelings. Even if you’ve got good intuition. Just like your mother had.”
“I know.”
“Besides, you’re a very light-headed and clever girl. You can make quite the right decision. But if you want to do something, it doesn’t mean you will find the courage to do it.”
“My mother was the same?”
“Maybe… Elizabeth could rarely do that. She could think of one thing, but do something different.”
“I see.”
“You need to struggle with it, Raquelle,” Alicia insists confidently. “If you don’t learn to be less headstrong, think just a little, and listen to others, someday it might lead to something bad. You could’ve avoided many things if you’d done what was actually right.”
“You’re right… I will do my best to change myself, but it’s gonna be very hard.”
“My girl, you don’t need to change at all. You’ve got a wonderful character and some character features that have helped you achieve much in your life. A sense of purpose, loyalty, kindness, a power of will, braveness… If you didn’t have it all, you wouldn't be able to take everything that’s happened to you.”
“The only thing you need to change is to become less headstrong and egoistic but much wiser and more caring, to know how to solve conflicts, and to give in when you aren’t right. If you don’t want to lose Terrence, you should know all of that and be a wonderful lover and the best and most loyal friend.”
“I will not lose him, Aunt Alicia,” Raquelle promises confidently. “Because I love. My feelings are more conscious now.”
“And when you feel you’re about to get wild, wishing to break something or scream at someone, just go to another room and try to calm down. If you see Terrence might explode, leave, as well.”
“I got it,” Raquelle nods.
“Learn to solve conflicts and don’t provoke your boyfriend. If you understand it’s hard for him to hold himself down, silently leave the room not to provoke him for a more serious scandal.”
“I’ll always regret starting the one,” Raquelle sighs quietly. “And I will never forgive myself for that mistake…”
Raquelle looks into the distance with her sad eyes.
“If I hadn’t come there and bothered Terrence, everything would’ve been otherwise,” Raquelle adds quietly.
“Don’t be ashamed of your mistakes,” Alicia says softly, embracing Raquelle around the shoulders. “You should make mistakes. There’s nothing bad about doing something wrong and learning what you can do and what you cannot do. Life consists of trying something, experimenting with some things, learning a lot, and using our experience to make our lives better. If we don’t make them, we will lose an opportunity to get better.”
“I know…” Raquelle nods with sadness in her eyes.
“Life is an experience that we get after running into great luck or great failures. And an experience is, first of all, the things we do, no matter if they are good or bad.”
“Anyway, I will be much smarter and will not let my happiness go,” Raquelle smiles shyly.
“I don’t doubt it. Because you will never make a mistake twice. At least, a smart person will understand what they do wrongly and will no longer do it.”
“What happened was a good lesson, which I would remember all my life.”
Alicia says nothing and takes Raquelle in her tender hug with a slight smile for a few seconds, tenderly caressing her head and kissing her on the cheek. Then the woman steps back from the girl, fixes her hair slightly, and wipes tears off her niece’s eyes.
“Okay, sweetie, let’s not cry and talk about bad things anymore,” Alicia suggests softly and takes Raquelle’s hands. “You need to think only of good things and what’s waiting for you in the future.”
“You’re right,” Raquelle agrees with a slight smile and sniffs quietly. “I don’t want to cry anymore… I’ve cried too many tears out for the past two months.”
“Then don’t cry anymore and try to calm down. Now we’ll be back to the living room, but your eyes are puffy and red from tears. And your makeup will get worse. You worked on it for such a long time.”
“By the way, how much time has it been since we came here?” Raquelle asks, carefully wiping off tears under her eyes and sniffing.
“I don’t know,” Alicia shrugs. “But I think we’ve been here literally forever.”
“Me too…”
“I personally wonder how long Terrence and Mr. Cameron are going to talk. They got too busy with this talk, ‘cause they don’t call us to come to them.”
“We can come closer, listen to their talk, and find out if Grandfather is happy.”
“Wanna play a spy?” Alicia laughs shyly.
“Sort of,” Raquelle says with a slight smile.
“Okay, let’s check them out. But very carefully. Your grandfather wanted to talk to Terrence face-to-face.”
“We will just see.”
“Alright, let’s go.”
Raquelle and Alicia get up from the table with a slight smile, leave the kitchen and quietly go to the living room, closely listening to the sounds spreading out of the one. They quickly recognize the voices that belong to Frederick and Terrence, who are talking about something at ease and laughing quietly.
“What?” Raquelle wonders. “Are they laughing?”
“Have they already talked?” Alicia asks in a whisper.
“They’re talking as if nothing happened!”
“I think so…”
“So, as I understand, Grandpa Frederick is happy with the talk and said everything he wanted,” Raquelle assumes in a whisper.
“Well, as Mr. Cameron doesn’t look so gloomy, and Terrence doesn’t look so tense…”
Alicia and Raquelle decide to stand near the door leading to the living room and listen to the talk for some time, trying to be as invisible and quiet as possible. But some time later, one of them accidentally steps on the floor with a heel too loudly. The men in the living room instantly become silent, and the girl and her aunt sharply freeze and do not move until they hear the loud voice of Frederick:
“Hey, stop hiding there! Come out already!”
After looking at each other, Raquelle and Alicia enter the living room with a shy laugh and innocently look at Frederick and Terrence smiling shyly.
“How long ago did you start this funny talk?” Raquelle asks.
“We believe you discussed everything if you were laughing at something,” Alicia assumes.
“At least, I said everything I wanted,” Frederick replies confidently. “And I am quite happy with the talk between Terrence and me.”
Frederick glances at Terrence and blinks at him.
“Yes, sure…” Terrence smiles slightly.
“Well, Raquelle and I also discussed something,” Alicia says confidently with a slight smile, looking at Raquelle.
“And we calmed the servants down, who were madly afraid of getting fired,” Raquelle adds shyly.
“Nobody is going to fire them,” Terrence replies confidently. “All the servants will keep working at this house and doing their work.”
“That’s wonderful!” Alicia exclaims cheerfully. “Since we discussed everything and calmed everybody down, we can relax.”
“Yeah, but there is something else…” Frederick notices thoughtfully, frowning slightly and looking at Alicia.
Frederick’s questioning look gets Raquelle a little confused, but she does not let him know that she is a little amazed by the strange look of her grandfather and aunt, who understands him and nods.
“What?” Raquelle asks hesitantly. “Do you want to hear something else?”
“No, no, I heard everything that I wanted to hear,” Frederick shakes his head and looks at Raquelle first and Terrence then. “Alicia and I just want to tell both of you something. It has to do with every one of you.”
“Erm, yes, sure, you can speak,” Raquelle shrugs.
“Raquelle, sit down, please,” Frederick looks at Alicia confidently. “Alicia, do this, as well.”
Alicia comes to the sofa with a slight nod and sits down next to Frederick, while Raquelle sits down next to Terrence. The young people catch a moment to give each other a short tender ogle and lock the fingers of their hands with a shy smile, and then they move their questioning look to the relatives of the girl sitting in front of them.
“Raquelle, Terrence, both of you know well that Alicia and I have never minded your relationship, and hidden that we are very glad for you,” Frederick says quietly. “We have never wanted to meddle in your life and make you break up.”
“Right,” Alicia pronounces confidently. “But it would’ve happened if we hadn’t seen Terrence’s regret about his acts and had understood Raquelle didn’t actually love her boyfriend and felt like her relationship weighed on her. However, it happened that we have to accept your choice, be happy for your happiness, and try to help you with a piece of advice to make your relationship stronger.”
“I think you understood that I started this talk not to find out what happened between you, but to help your relationship a little. Help you make it a little better. I wasn’t going to harm you, and I just wanted to make sure that your decision was conscious and wouldn’t make your life worse. And you made Alicia and me sure about it. I mean, Terrence made me sure that he deserved to get another chance and recognized all his mistakes.”
“We see you love each other, after all. I mean, you began to love each other. You began to feel what loving people feel. Yes, you tried to prove to us, each other, and yourself that there was no love and there would not be. But after you got over this temporary breakup, you understood that you actually loved each other. And if one of you had decided to break up, it would’ve been your great mistake and made you suffer.”
“You know well that your story is similar to the story of my granddaughter’s parents. I mentioned it when talking with Terrence, and I think Alicia told you that, Raquelle. We tried to help them save their marriage many times, but they rejected our help. But later, as we learned, they probably listened to our words and established their relationship.”
“I’m sure if Elizabeth and Jackson were alive, they would give you a piece of wise advice. Not to let you do what happened to them because you were young and inexperienced. You’re very young and don’t know much… So, to save you from those people’s mistakes, we are giving you the help.”
Raquelle nods and inclines her head with sadness in her eyes, and Terrence notices it quickly, embraces the girl around the shoulders, and presses her closer to himself, helping the brunette calm down thanks to the nice warmth that he gives her.
“Alicia and I don’t get rid of the fault of what happened,” Frederick says confidently. “Yes, we are guilty of being too obsessed with the happiness caused by the fact that Raquelle finally got attention from a man. And we never thought of talking to you heart-to-heart and making sure you were ready for a life together. But we see you were hardly ready. At least, my granddaughter wasn’t surely ready and never hid it. And I think we would’ve hardly heard her.”
Frederick clears his throat quickly.
“We insisted that she meet a man just for her well-being,” Frederick adds. “Because we wanted her to have a close person. We were worried Raquelle never cared about men and didn’t take any boys home. It made us anxious. Made us fear that my granddaughter would stay all alone. Without a husband and children. But you know that we didn’t like the fact that you decided to live together, being unmarried. For us, people, who grew up in different times when nobody did it, it’s wrong. Nevertheless, we didn’t mind and agreed. We agreed with the hope that you will love to get married someday and live together as husband and wife.”
“Yes, that’s why we pressed on my niece,” Alicia adds. “That’s why we dreamed of her wedding. We’ve always wished her happiness and never wanted to get off her and send her to a husband, as she could think. No. We would never do that and get off our sweet girl. She is the only one we’ve got from our family.”
“Anyway, we recognized our mistakes, asked you for forgiveness, and are giving Raquelle a right of choice. Letting her decide how to live and what to do. She made the decision to come back to her boyfriend. We didn’t insist. Even if we advised her to think better. And we will not mind if she keeps living at Terrence’s house as his girlfriend.”
“Actually, we were thinking a lot about how to help you come back together. And when Raquelle went home yesterday and said she finally reconciled with Terrence, we thought that was a good chance. I mean, Mr. Cameron decided so.”
Alicia moves her eyes to Frederick, who nods confidently.
“Yeah, I decided to do one little thing,” Frederick confesses. “To have a talk with Terrence and give him some pieces of advice about his relationship with Raquelle. Talk to him as a man to a man and find out if I could trust my granddaughter to him.”
“First, I didn’t understand his wish to come here,” Alicia says confidently. “But later, Mr. Cameron told me more about his idea, and I got him. And I decided to find a moment and talk to Raquelle and give her some pieces of advice. Let her know what she needed to remember and know. And… We told you everything we wanted, knowing what has happened for two months and all the facts that we know.”
“We hope these pieces of advice will help you a little, and you will love passionately and respect each other. Be ready to give in, listen and take care of the one you choose. And we also want to believe you will make any decisions and solve any problems only after having a long talk. When none of you is obsessed with bad emotions.”
After listening to what Frederick and Alicia wanted to say, Terrence and Raquelle smile shyly, as if they are thanking them for the help and good pieces of advice.
“Thank you so much,” Raquelle thanks with a slight smile. “Thank you so much for what you did to us and personally me. Without your support and help, I wouldn’t have gotten over everything that suddenly rained thick upon me. And I would’ve never realized I could do just something from what my intuition and heart told me. I promise I will be much better from now on and no longer make mistakes, which are the reason why I almost lost what means so much to me.”
Raquelle moves her eyes to Terrence sitting next to her and smiling shyly.
“Yes, thank you so much for what you did for us,” Terrence says gently with a slight smile. “Thanks to you, we realized we could’ve made a great mistake by splitting up forever. You helped us realize that we should’ve truly appreciated each other and shouldn't have forgotten the responsibility we took. You’ve done very much for us, and I will never thank you enough for all of that.”
Terrence moves his eyes to Alicia.
“Alicia, I am madly grateful to you for all your words that gave me hope, for your help when I decided to help Raquelle and follow her, and for the wise pieces of advice you gave me,” Terrence adds. “Your help was really invaluable! From now on, I owe you forever. I know you and Mr. Cameron were terribly disappointed in me and thought I was just terrible and didn’t deserve to be with Raquelle, whom I hurt strongly. But I’m glad you believed in me and gave me a chance.”
Terrence moves his eyes to Frederick, while Alicia nods with a shy smile.
“Mr. Cameron, thank you so much for the pieces of advice you just gave me and for agreeing to give me one more chance to get much better,” Terrence adds gently. “Thank you for accepting my help and not rejecting it. For not doubting that I would save your granddaughter and end the nightmare she lived in for a long time. I promise I will never hurt her or do anything bad. Trust me, I am used to being responsible for what I say and do, and I always try to keep my promises. If I can’t do something, I don’t give promises, and I say nothing.”
Terrence glances at Raquelle, who is looking at him with a slight smile.
“Maybe, I’ve done that many times, but still…” Terrence pronounces thoughtfully. “I would like to apologize to Alicia and you for behaving so disgustingly. I had a chance to prove my regret – I used it and… I hope… I made you sure that I didn’t want to hurt Raquelle or disappoint anyone of you.”
“Don’t worry, Terrence, Alicia and I believe you,” Frederick replies with a slight smile. “We’re giving you one more chance to get better for our beloved Raquelle. Now we see you would be the one to make my granddaughter really happy if you really wanted it.”
“And I hope you will not prefer your career or something else over each other,” Alicia expresses hope with a shy smile. “I wanna say what I already told Raquelle: you don’t have to quit your career and give all your attention to each other. But you should never forget each other. Even if you spend five minutes together in the mornings and evenings, it will be good for your relationship.”
“Now everything will be alright,” Terrence promises confidently with a slight smile, looking at Raquelle.
“Yeah, don’t doubt it,” Raquelle nods confidently with a shy smile.
“So, in this case, we’ve agreed about everything,” Frederick concludes cheerfully. “If you’re happy and realize your choice, we feel good, too.”
The four people smile at each other shyly and then get up from the sofa. Frederick and Alicia take Raquelle and Terrence in an amicable hug to congratulate them on coming back together.
“Congrats, honey!” Frederick exclaims with a wide smile, hugging Raquelle touchingly. “I hope everything will be alright.”
“Thanks, Grandpa,” Raquelle thanks with a gloss in her eyes and a wide smile on her face. “Thank you for believing Terrence.”
“Now I see everything clearly. Terrence proved what was really important to him and how much. And I saw it.”
“Now I don’t doubt my boyfriend and understand I’m ready for anything for my love for him.”
“Thank God! Be happy in the relationship and remember everything your aunt and I told you.”
Raquelle just smiles widely and softly kisses Frederick on the cheek, and he steps back from her, leaves a cute kiss on her forehead, and caresses her face with both hands. Meanwhile, Alicia takes Terrence in a hug, shares an amicable kiss on the cheek with him, and says with a slight smile:
“I did say everything would be fine. But you, silly boy, didn’t believe me.”
“Yeah, sorry for not listening to you,” Terrence apologizes with a shy smile. “It was wrong… Because everything happened as you said.”
“Anyway, be careful with your words and actions next time not to get much more problems.” Alicia steps back from Terrence. “Remember, nobody will give you a third chance.”
“I promise it will happen.”
“I believe, my dear,” Alicia smiles shyly and softly caresses Terrence’s cheek. “Congrats, Terrence, you deserved to be happy.”
“Thank you.”
Some time later, Raquelle hugs Alicia amicably and shares a kiss on the cheek with her, while Frederick shakes Terrence by the hand, hugs him, and claps him on the back.
“Don’t forget what I told you,” Alicia says softly.
“Never will,” Raquelle promises confidently. “No words from you.”
“Aw, my sunshine…”
Alicia steps back from Raquelle, softly caresses her cheek, and fixes her hair slightly, making her smile widely.
“Remember, Terrence, if you hurt Raquelle again, you will have a serious talk with me,” Frederick says severely, threatening with a finger. “Maybe, I’m no longer young, but I am not such a helpless and decrepit old man. I have much more energy and strength than you think.”
“Don’t waste your energy,” Terrence smiles shyly. “You need it very much.”
“Nevertheless, I am waiting for you closely, my dear. If you do one bad thing, you will lose my respect for you.”
“I will not disappoint you, Mr. Cameron. I swear on everything you want.”
“I don’t doubt it. Anyway, I congratulate you and wish you luck in your relationship with Raquelle and the business of your band.”
“Thanks a lot.”
Frederick claps Terrence on the shoulder with a slight smile. And some time later, Alicia and he decide to leave this house and go home to give Terrence and Raquelle a chance to stay alone and probably have a night together.
“You know, Mr. Cameron, I think it’s time to go home,” Alicia says thoughtfully, looking at the watch hanging in the living room and blinking at Frederick.
“Yes, I think it’s really time,” Frederick agrees, blinking at Alicia with a mysterious smile.
“You should not leave home for a long time. You should have as much rest as possible. And I got a little hungry…”
“Let’s go home before it’s too dark outside and think about what to eat for dinner. The young people can stay together and do their business.”
“If you want, you can stay for dinner,” Terrence suggests. “I can ask the servants to cook something tasty for us.”
“Oh, no, thanks, Terrence,” Alicia shakes her head. “Mr. Cameron should go home and have a rest… Moreover, we don’t like walking when it’s dark outside…”
“We’ll better come here for dinner next time,” Frederick adds confidently. “When Raquelle is back here as your girlfriend.”
“So, as you wish…” Terrence shrugs. “I just suggested…”
“Erm, you can take my car if you want it,” Raquelle says amicably, taking keys from her car from her pocket. “I will go home in a taxi when I wish to come back.”
With these words, Raquelle gives Alicia the keys to her car.
“Oh, thanks, my sweetheart…” Alicia thanks, takes the keys, and wraps them in her hands for two seconds. “We wouldn’t have to wait for a bus or call a taxi.”
“Alright, Alicia, let’s go home,” Frederick says with a slight smile while Alicia takes her purse from the sofa and places it above her shoulder.
“Yeah, let’s go.”
“Have a nice evening, dears!”
“Have a nice evening!” Alicia exclaims, waving a hand at Terrence and Raquelle and following Frederick, who goes to the hall door.
A few seconds later, Frederick and Alicia leave the house, and Terrence walks them out personally and closes the door. After saying with the man, Raquelle smiles widely and thinks of something, glancing aside. When MacClife exhales quietly and smiles shyly, he confidently comes to the living room, comes to the girl from behind, and puts his arms around her waist.
“It’s actually late now…” Terrence notices in a quiet, nice voice, snuggling his face in the curve of Raquelle’s neck for a moment and leaving a couple of tender kisses on it. “But you don’t have your care now…”
“Yeah, I gave my baby to my aunt,” Raquelle confirms thoughtfully.
“Do you know it’s getting dark outside?” Terrence slowly turns Raquelle on himself, holding her by the waist with one arm, and fixes her hair. “You know, I don’t want you to walk on the streets all alone.”
“But it’s not too late yet,” Raquelle smiles slyly. “I can reach home by myself.”
“A dark time often hides a danger. It especially threatens such a stunning beauty, and I can’t let walk on the streets at such a late time.”
Terrence softly kisses the area behind Raquelle’s ear and tenderly grabs her earlobe while she smiles shyly.
“Well…” Raquelle rolls her eyes dreamily. “In this case, you can drive me on your iron horse. And make sure I’d go home safe and sound.”
“It goes without saying, you will go home to your grandfather only with me, young lady,” Terrence says with a slight smile and his head proudly raised, pressing Raquelle much closer to him and putting his arms around her waist. “Or I will refuse to let you go outside and will insist that you spend a night with me.”
“Ha, I will think if I want to agree to stay here…” Raquelle chuckles kindly.
“But, sweetie…” Terrence kisses a curve of Raquelle’s neck very tenderly and tickles this area with the tip of his nose, making her laugh quietly. “Do you really want to leave so soon? Huh, charming beauty?”
“Maybe, I want,” Raquelle pronounces playfully, turns on Terrence, raises her head, spreads her shoulders, and sticks her chest up.
“By the way, I missed you all this time.”
“Yeah?” Raquelle puts her arm around Terrence’s neck and starts to play with the hair on the back of his head. “So much?”
“Very much,” Terrence pronounces in a lower voice and shyly leaves a few kisses on Raquelle’s face, making her feel something very nice.
“M-m-m… You, dear gentleman, are trying to get what you want with the power of your strong charm again.”
“You know I can’t resist it.”
“Trust me, honey, nobody has been able to resist it,” Terrence says proudly, fixes Raquelle’s hair slightly, and caresses her face with both hands. “And I surely know I will not let you go a few minutes after your relatives left.”
“Do you think i’ll leave you so fast?”
Continuing to keep her arm wrapped around Terrence’s neck and looking into his eyes, Raquelle caresses his cheek with a free hand.
“You are naive, Mr. MacClife!” Raquelle chuckles kindly.
“You would not hide from me!” Terrence exclaims with his head proudly raised.
“I must confess that I missed your pretense, as well. Very much…”
“I didn’t doubt it.”
“And these blue eyes…” Raquelle looks into Terrence’s blue eyes much better. “Magnificently beautiful and freaking attractive… I wouldn’t mind drowning in them…”
“Just like I would drown in your gray ones…” Terrence pronounces in a quiet, low voice.
While Raquelle laughs shyly, Terrence leaves a couple of short kisses on the curve of her neck.
“I’m so happy we finally got a good chance to spend time together,” Terrence says with a slight smile, hugging Raquelle by the waist tighter and pressing her to himself. “AI was dreaming about it for a long time…”
“I got it,” Raquelle pronounces, moving her eyes down shyly.
“And believe me, I am going to do my best for us to remember this evening for a long time.”
Terrence slowly runs the tip of his nose over Raquelle’s cheek. Then the man leaves a few very tender kisses on it and slowly slides down to her neck, in a curve of which the man snuggles his face, and which he covers with tender kisses that already begin to drive the girl crazy. Meanwhile, Raquelle smiles widely and plays with Terrence’s hair on the back or top of his head or laughs shyly because of a slight tickle that she feels because the man does something to her neck.
“I hope you’ve got no plans for this late evening,” Terrence expresses hope, slowly running his half-open mouth over a curve of Raquelle’s neck. “And you spend it with me.”
“For you, my plans would be put in a second place if I had them,” Raquelle replies softly with a slight smile, closing her eyes for a second when she feels a tender kiss on her neck.
“Excellent! So, you and I have much enough time to make up for the lost time and give each other much more attention than ever.”
With these words, Terrence tenderly grabs Raquelle’s face, caresses her cheeks, and cutely kisses her on the tip of her nose, making her smile shyly.
“Well, I hope nobody would love to bother you right now…” Raquelle says thoughtfully and cutely kisses Terrence’s cheek. “What if someone comes up with an idea to visit you.”
“Nobody will, my sunshine,” Terrence smiles shyly and fixes Raquelle’s hair slightly. “Before you came, I’d freed the servants from work for tonight and told them to do their business. And I turned my phone off. I am not available for anyone until tomorrow.”
“M-m-m, I see you got ready for tonight quite well,” Raquelle laughs shyly.
“Of course, I did.” Terrence hugs Raquelle tightly and kisses her on the top of her head, caressing the girl’s head and breathing in the nice smell of her hair. “I couldn’t let you go so easily.”
“Are you so sure that nobody would love to visit you tonight?” Raquelle wonders.
“Everybody’s gonna be busy.”
“I dunno…”
“Relax, babe, the rest of the day is ours,” Terrence pronounces with a heavy breath. “I have a lot of time to spend with you. A lot of time…”
Terrence runs the tip of his nose over some areas of Raquelle’s face with a wide smile but then leaves a couple of cute smocks on her lips, presses her closely to himself with his arms, and continues to leave them on her cheeks, cheekbones, nose, chin, and forehead. The girl does not hide her shy smile, enjoys what’s happening to her eyes closed, and does not refuse to kiss her beloved man in the same areas that she can reach.
A little later, Raquelle calls the memories about something clearly nice, while Terrence, standing behind her and hugging her tightly from behind, wants to add fuel to the fire and burns up passion and hot emotions inside her. The fact that he is getting loose and starting to let himself go further makes her think about something that reminds her of it.
“Hey, I just thought about something…” Raquelle confesses with a slight smile.
“Really?” Terrence rounds his eyes, steps back from her, and looks at her questioningly. “What did you think about?”
“Something that makes me smile.”
“M-m-m, judging your face, that’s something very good…”
Terrence leaves a long kiss on Raquelle’s neck and runs his lips over its curve, sliding to the area behind her ear.
“Tell me you thought of me…” Terrence says in a much lower voice. “You want me…”
“Well…” Raquelle pronounces with a mysterious smile. “Maybe…”
Raquelle turns on Terrence slowly.
“I just thought of the day…” Raquelle confesses shyly. “The day when we met at that club…”
“Did you think of the day we fought?” Terrence wonders and runs the back of his hand tenderly over Raquelle’s cheek.
“But, sweetie, we did agree not to call the memories about that horrible time…”
Terrence puts Raquelle’s hair on another side and leaves a few kisses on the curve of her neck that he has not kissed yet, while she makes a quiet, sensual moan with her eyes closed.
“Don’t call the memories about what will always make me wish to be swallowed by the ground…” Terrence adds in a low voice. “Let’s better live in the present time and think about our joint future. That’s undoubtedly going to be much brighter and more wonderful.”
“I don’t mean the fight, I mean what happened after it…” Raquelle confesses shyly. “The way… We got so… Close to each other…”
Terrence quickly understands that Raquelle means the moment he lost his mind and was so intoxicated by the girl that he was behaving insolently and shamelessly, wishing to take her to one of the restrooms at the club and possess her. Although that moment left a bright memory in his memory, and his heart stops when the man thinks about it, he feels a little awkward.
“Ah, you mean that…” Terrence moves his eyes aside shamelessly and swallows up nervously. “Honestly, I still feel kind of ashamed when I think about that…”
“Why?” Raquelle wonders with a slight smile, folding her hands in front of her. “Were you afraid we’d get caught by other people and kicked out?”
“No… Just…” Terrence slowly moves his guilty eyes on Raquelle. “I just feel embarrassed because I was so shameless and was… Quite rude toward you…”
“I… Erm…” Terrence falls into silence for two seconds, swallows up nervously again, and exhales sharply. “When I pinned you against the wall and got too close to you after you said goodbye to me, I immediately lost my mind. I was breathing unevenly while pressing you tightly and shouting… But that moment was the last drop. After which my instincts and affection for you got a win over me.”
“I got it,” Raquelle nods.
“And the fact that you were shouting, trying to get loose, and swearing at me got me much more excited. And I was less able to control myself… Anything has a limit. And I overreached it, after all…”
“I must confess that my wrists hurt for a long time after that event,” Raquelle confesses with a shy smile. “Because you were holding them too tightly.”
“I know…” Terrence takes Raquelle’s hand and tenderly kisses them and her wrists. “Sorry… I’m sorry about not holding myself down and about stopping controlling what I was doing.”
“Terrence…” Raquelle pronounces shyly.
“Listen, I’m really ashamed of my terrible behavior toward you. I’m ashamed of not listening to your wishes and thinking of mine when pressing you to the wall and…”
Terrence does not say everything because Raquelle puts her fingers on his lips, saying:
“Sh-h-h, it’s okay, sweetie.”
“Really, Raquelle, I’m sorry,” Terrence says quietly. “I know I should’ve apologized before, but…”
“Please, don’t excuse yourself for what you aren’t guilty of.”
“Aren’t guilty?” Terrence rounds his eyes.
“No. It’s okay.”
“Am I not the one to blame for thinking only of my wishes when doing all of that, while you…”
“While I was absolutely delighted by that,” Raquelle smiles much wider.
“Huh? What?”
“Maybe, I was resisting and threatening to scream for someone to take you away from me… But that was just a wish to hide my real feelings…” Raquelle moves her eyes to her locked hands for a second. “That I didn’t manage to hide, however…”
“So, wait…” Terrence steps back from Raquelle a little and shakes his head. “Do you want to say you really liked it? Liked what I was doing when I was out of my mind?”
“Do you think I would have been moaning and succumbing to you at times if I hadn’t liked it?” Raquelle smiles innocently. “If you’d been a stranger to me? Huh? What do you think?”
“If someone else had been instead of you, I would’ve screamed like crazy and begged someone to save me from the one to wish to rape me.”
“And…” Terrence gets a little confused. “You… Weren’t you confused by the fact that I was rude and persistent about my wish to hug, kiss and… Bite you… A little?”
“Kidding?” Raquelle smiles widely. “You can’t even imagine how much it got me excited!”
“Exactly!” Raquelle laughs quietly. “If not for my offense, you wouldn’t have gotten off me so easily. I would’ve taken you to a restroom and torn your clothes.”
“Really?” Terrence cannot believe what he hears.
“And I would’ve kicked your ass enough. I think you should be tamed a little.”
“Listen… Did you really like it? Do you really like my excessive rudeness and insistence?”
“I like the fact that my beloved man knows how to give me pleasure. Great pleasure…”
With these words, Raquelle presses herself closer to Terrence, puts her hands on his chest, and leaves a couple of cute kisses on his cheek.
“And he does know all my strongest weaknesses very well,” Raquelle adds in a lower voice with a mysterious smile. “He knows how to turn me off.”
Raquelle runs her lips over Terrence’s cheek slowly and tenderly and bites his earlobe slightly.
“He knows how to make me give up,” Raquelle notes. “You’d give up even if you didn’t want. Because it’s hard to resist your charm.”
“Did you really like what happened between us?” Terrence wonders, still being a little confused.
“Haven’t you understood it?”
“But that was wrong! It shouldn’t have happened! I was behaving…”
“Listen, MacClife, if you say at least one word, I don’t know what I will do to you.”
“Close your mouth before I tape it. So, you don’t get me irritated.”
Just like it happened then, some boldness in Raquelle’s behavior and something special about her low voice cannot leave Terrence indifferent and gets him excited.
“M-m-m, that’s how…” Terrence pronounces proudly, spreading his shoulders, raises Raquelle’s head by the chin, and looks into her eyes confidently. “So, you are sassy…”
“Just don’t hope I’m gonna obey you in everything now,” Raquelle says confidently with a sly smile.
“I must confess that your boldness gets me excited. Really excited…”
“So, don’t you like amoebas?” Raquelle smiles mysteriously and starts walking her fingers slowly across Terrence’s chest. “Do you prefer sassy and non-obedient girls?”
“They are much more interesting than those, who are ready to give you everything at once. You are a perfect mixture of what I like about a girl. You are the one to be obedient and obey in everything, but you are sassy and show your clatters.”
“Well, I’ve actually never obeyed you in everything. And I am not going to do it.”
“You just know what I want,” Terrence notices in a low voice with a sly smile. “You know that I want to have a deal with a sassy girl now. And you’re behaving like the one.”
“The thing I know for sure is that I madly like when you’re romantic, caring, and tender. And after what happened at the club, I suddenly realized I would go crazy when standing in front of the confident, sassy, and passionate man.”
“M-m-m, that’s how…”
“I’ve lately caught myself thinking that I like being in the trap of yours.” Raquelle bites her lip slightly and smiles playfully. “I like when you press me to the wall, refuse to let me go, and behave like an animal. A hungry animal.”
“So, babe, did ya like the way a strong man dominated you? A strong and handsome one…”
“I could say so,” Raquelle confirms with her head proudly raised. “That was really exciting…”
“M-m-m, my girl’s got a wild fantasy… Very wild fantasy…”
“It’s too far from yours.”
“Yeah? Wanna check it out?”
Terrence hugs Raquelle by the waist with one arm and does not contain his wish to leave a couple of smocks on the girl’s lips, pass the tip of his nose over some parts of her face and tenderly bite the skin on her neck.
“By the way, I remember we didn’t finish what we started at that club…” Raquelle smiles mysteriously and closely looks at Terrence’s face, biting her lip slightly.
“Yeah, right…” Terrence pronounces in a lower voice and tenderly grabs Raquelle’s earlobe. “You didn’t wanna make me happy…”
“Moreover, we stopped at a very interesting moment… So…”
Raquelle slowly runs her hands over Terrence’s tough torso to try to provoke him a little and wake up something strong that he was obsessed with on the day he was full of the wave of strong passion.
“Maybe, we bring the started case to an end?” Raquelle suggests with a mysterious smile in a low, seducing voice, grabs Terrence by the collar with one hand and sharply presses him to herself so closely that there is only a couple of millimeters between them, and both of them take a breath away and feel their hearts stop for a moment. “Maybe, you fuck me, after all? Fuck me as hard as you want!”
“Ah, you want cruelty…” Terrence smiles widely and slyly.
“Since I was the one to stop it all, I am suggesting to continue and end it.”
“So, if you want it… With pleasure!” Terrence raises Raquelle’s head by the chin and runs his thumb over her lips. “Moreover, I would also be madly happy to feel what I felt then. When you drove me as crazy as nobody else had done before.”
Terrence snuggles his face in a curve of Raquelle’s neck and covers it with tender and slight kisses, but later adds some pressure with a heavier breath and makes them more exciting, passionate, and a little wet. His hands are caressing the gorgeous curves of the lady’s waist and later stay on her thighs, which he gives some caress.
Raquelle quickly realizes that she is getting obsessed with a wave of such familiar and unforgettable feelings that she was obsessed with at the club, and every single kiss and incredible caress of these dear masculine hands blow up her mind and make her forget about thinking of resistance. However, this time, the girl is not going to get loose, bite and fight as hard as she did then… Well, maybe a little… To make Terrence much more excited and make him understand that she is not going to obey him in everything even after the reconciliation, literally look into his mouth and be as obedient as the other girls.
“Hey, don’t you think you started to taste the dessert too early?” Raquelle asks in a low voice with a sly smile.
“The dessert is waiting for me later, now it’s just a little snack,” Terrence smiles widely, slyly, and slowly runs his slightly open mouth over Raquelle’s naked collarbones as she sighs sensually with her eyes closed. “But this time, I will bring this case to an end and get what I’ve wanted to get for a long time.”
“Are you so sure?” Raquelle steps back from Terrence, bites his ear slightly, and kisses his earlobe. “Do you naively think you’d get at least a little piece of this dessert?”
“I’m gonna get it anyway,” Terrence says confidently.
“Come on?”
“Relax, girl, you will not get off me so easily this time.”
Terrence gives Raquelle a continuous kiss on the lips, during which he tenderly caresses her shoulders and slowly slides to the curves of her waist, and then kisses the front of her neck multiple times.
“Maybe, you were resisting, biting, scratching just like a wild cat, and pretending that you didn’t want me,” Terrence adds. “But this time, I shall not accept any excuses and will make you moan from pleasure.”
“So, do you think i’ll become obedient and do everything you want just because you and I reconciled?” Raquelle chuckles kindly, putting her hands on her hips. “No, pretty boy! Do not wait!”
“Are you challenging me again?”
“Your ethereal handsomeness and infinite self-confidence are not the reason to succumb to you and make all your wishes come true.”
“It’s okay, I shall make you!”
“Relax, my sweetheart, nobody will let you place your hands on my body.”
“I don’t need to ask for permission!”
Terrence goes confidently around Raquelle, stands behind her, moves her hair aside, and, softly taking her by the shoulders, caresses the nape of her neck with his lips and kisses. And he does it so well that everything turns upside down inside the girl, all her muscles get a little tense, and she feels a tender warmth and a tormenting tension in her abdomen.
“As I said at the club, nobody would love to do anything to me for my wish to make my beloved girl mine,” Terrence adds in a quiet, low voice, getting closer to Raquelle’s ear, and tenderly kisses the area behind it. “And this time, I don’t doubt my success. Because she will not resist and try to run away from me. Well, even if she does, I will quickly get her hot temple cold and easily take control of this cutie.”
“You would waste your time and energy,” Raquelle smiles slyly. “Your tricks won’t work on me.”
“What are you talking about?”
Terrence kisses Raquelle in the curve of her neck, puts his hand on her cheek, and breathes on the area behind her ear with the cold air for two seconds, seeing she shakes slightly with closed eyes.
“Forgot who I am?” Terrence wonders. “I am Terrence MacClife! The one, who always gets what he wants. The man, who has an unbelievably strong charm and can’t be compared with other men by handsomeness.”
“Ha, I see you’re used to getting everything too easily,” Raquelle chuckles quietly. “You’re used to the fact that girls usually seduce you. You’re used to getting them without a fight.”
“By the way, I forgot to say that my offer for a blowjob is still up,” Terrence recalls with a sly smile and runs his thumb over Raquelle’s lips. “So… If you want to make me a little happier, I don’t mind.”
“Yeah? Maybe, you go to the fuck?”
“What’s wrong, babe? Are you shy?”
“I repeat, even if we reconciled, it doesn’t mean I’m gonna do everything you want.”
“You’re just not quite ready yet.”
Terrence slowly runs his hands over the curves of Raquelle’s waist and places them on her belly when leaving a couple of tender, long-lasting kisses on a curve of the lady’s neck.
“You’re not quite hot and wet…” Terrence adds with a filthy smile and slowly runs his lips over the skin on Raquelle’s neck. “But If I give you an amazing foreplay, you’re gonna agree to do even the craziest thing ever.”
“It’s okay, MacClife, it’s okay,” Raquelle pronounces in a low, quiet voice. “I shall fix it. I shall make you get used to the fact that you won’t get what you want so easily. Not all the girls do want to fuck you shortly after they look into your eyes.”
“Ah, how much I like it! I do like to have a deal with a sassy, untamed girl.”
Still keeping a hand on her belly, Terrence grabs Raquelle by the throat with a second hand and gives her a continuous kiss on the lips, during which he is breathing heavily enough. But he does not make the pleasure last longer because the girl steps back from the excited enough man and turns on him, while he wants to do his best to seduce this untamed beauty.
“Alright, pretty boy, you played a little – it’s enough!” Raquelle exclaims with a mysterious smile, moving her thigh aside. “The fun is over tonight!”
“What?” Terrence chuckles loudly.
“What you heard!”
Raquelle grabs Terrence tightly by the collar and presses him sharply to herself, looking into his eyes confidently.
“If you’re able to wait ‘till tomorrow, you will get another piece of the treat,” Raquelle says into Terrence’s mouth in a low voice.
“Decided to play hard-to-get?” Terrence asks with a sly smile.
“I said everything, Terrence. You’re free tonight.”
Raquelle sharply pushes Terrence off with one hit of a hand on the tough masculine chest.
“Of course, you were good, but your time is up,” Raquelle adds and smiles innocently. “I’m sorry.”
“Oh, no, I’m not pleased with it!” Terrence says confidently. “I haven’t finished it!”
Terrence sharply presses Raquelle to himself and slightly bites the skin on her neck.
“I haven’t done half of what I wanted,” Terrence adds.
“You will do it tomorrow,” Raquelle says confidently with her head proudly raised. “A little bit more.”
“Did you forget you’d ask for trouble by showing me resistance?”
“I ain’t afraid of your threats.”
“Wrong! Very wrong!”
“Relax, sweetie, you’ve already received your piece today.”
Raquelle caresses Terrence’s cheek softly with an innocent smile, lets her fingers through his hair, and slaps him on the nose playfully.
“You will have the next one tomorrow,” Raquelle adds.
“No, I want everything!” Terrence says confidently. “Right now!”
“If you try to get closer, you will regret it much.”
“Seriously?” Terrence chuckles kindly. “And how will I regret it? Huh?”
Terrence presses Raquelle sharply to himself and places his hands on her buttocks.
“I’m warning you, if you beat me with your hands or bite me with your teeth, you will hardly get off it so easily,” Terrence warns.
“That’s why I want to know how long you’d take it,” Raquelle replies in a low voice with her head proudly raised. “Not to let you get off me when you lose your patience.”
“You will not get off me.”
“We will see.”
“Get ready to lose right now, beauty.” Terrence slightly grabs Raquelle by the throat and confidently looks into her eyes with a sly smile. “In one minute, you will be mine. You will immediately start to make my wishes come true to give me the pleasure that I’ve never gotten before.”
“I will not do a blowjob, I’m warning you earlier,” Raquelle says with a sly smile.
“Oh, you will do.”
Terrence squeezes both of Raquelle’s breasts tightly but tenderly, still holding her by the throat because she makes a couple of quiet, sensual moans.
“I shall surely get you down on your knees for you to work your mouth and fingers,” Terrence promises in a hoarse voice and stimulates Raquelle’s nipples with the thumbs of his hands. “I promise I won’t leave it unnoticed and will give your gorgeous body such an incredible caress that you will never forget.”
Raquelle makes a sly chuckle, says nothing for two seconds, and comes closer to Terrence, keeping a look into his eyes.
“Filthy silver back,” Raquelle pronounces confidently in a low voice.
“Sexual hellcat,” Terrence replies in the same voice, not hiding his sly smile.
“Self-confident scumbag, who always gets everything too easily and believes he’s irresistible.”
“Headstrong bitch, who just adores provoking me, getting me excited and asking for trouble.”
“The bitch will now tie you up to the bed and make you moan from my punishment.”
“The scumbag will get more excited, become very rude, and punish you much harder.”
“The scumbag must get a hit between his legs!”
“The bitch must be fucked cruelly!”
“Go to the fuck! Bastard…”
Terrence presses Raquelle to himself too sharply and kisses her on the lips. At first, she moans something loudly and beats the man on his arms, but later relaxes with a quiet moan and lowers her hands under the influence of the warmth spreading all over her body and her strong emotions and feelings. When the man starts caressing her mouth with his tongue tenderly but confidently, running his hands over her thighs and buttocks, she makes a much louder, sensual moan, and her body instinctively presses closer to the male one.
A few seconds later, Terrence breaks the kiss, presses Raquelle to himself by the nape of her neck, and starts tenderly caressing it from all sides because she looks into his eyes, which are wide open and looking at her.
“You’re a filthy scumbag anyway…” Raquelle pronounces quietly with a heavy breath.
“So, I see you wanted some spice,” Terrence notices with a sly smile. “And you don’t care about my warnings at all.”
“I give a fuck about them as well as I give a fuck about you.”
“Mean bitch…” Terrence leaves a short kiss on the front of Raquelle’s neck and runs his slightly open mouth over it while she makes a quiet moan with her eyes closed. “You can’t even imagine what kind of fire you’re waking up inside me. And what kind of fire you’re waking up inside yourself…”
At this moment, Terrence’s hand gets underneath Raquelle’s shirt and tenderly caresses her abdomen, which is a little tense, as the man notices.
“Oh, damn…” Raquelle shakes slightly.
“Quiet, quiet, baby, don’t tense all your muscles so much,” Terrence adds softly and tenderly runs a finger over Raquelle’s lips. “Relax…”
“Do you dare to mock me?”
“I completely understand it’s impossible to resist such an irresistible and charming man like me. I know you want me so badly. But please, don’t breathe so heavily. And don’t resist me.”
“Don’t think you’d lower my hands and make me obey you so easily,” Raquelle says confidently.
“I don’t think! I know I’m gonna spend a lot of time with you. But I know I’m gonna get what I want anyway.”
“Of course, I terribly want you, and I am dying from a wish to give much attention to you and your body. But I don’t want you to get everything so easily.”
“It’s okay, Raquelle, it’s okay. Soon, you will be begging me to take you and finally stop pretending to be hard-to-reach.”
“Maybe, I will not stop! Maybe, I will never even let you get closer to me! Maybe, I am not interested in you at all!”
“Not interested?”
Terrence wants to press Raquelle much closer to himself, but she sharply goes a few steps back with a sly smile and some challenge in her eyes. While she is laughing shyly and shaking her head, the man runs up to the girl instantly, presses her to himself by the wrist that he grabs sharply, and gives her an assertive kiss on the lips. She starts resisting and moans something into his mouth to provoke him much more. And she tries to leave again after she steps back. However, the handsome blue-eyed man prevents it, grabbing both of her wrists and easily twisting her arms behind her back while she is resisting too hard, even though she understands it’s worthless as the man has much more strength.
“Still trying to fight with me?” Terrence asks with a sly smile in a low, nice voice, running the tip of his nose over Raquelle’s hair and caressing a curve of her neck with his half-open mouth as she can feel his hot, burning breath. “Okay, fight, my sweet lady, fight. I do know how to control your wild character.”
At this moment, Terrence hugs Raquelle so that her arms are tightly pressed to her body and immobilized, and he gives her one more continuous kiss on the lips that gets much deeper and more passionate. While the girl relaxes fully and starts caressing his mouth with her tongue, running it tenderly over his palate and around the tongue of the man, who cannot hold down hiss quiet moan.
“M-m-m, you’re working your tongue well,” Terrence notices with a sly smile in a low voice. “You know how to drive me crazy.”
“I can do much,” Raquelle smiles mysteriously, pulling softly, pinching, biting, and licking Terrence’s lips. “Very much… You can’t even imagine what’s waiting for you in the future.”
“I can’t already wait to get it all.”
After leaving a couple of short kisses on her lips, Terrence slides down to Raquelle’s neck, leaves different kisses and slight bites on it, and runs his tongue over some especially sensitive areas. While his warm, soft hands tenderly caress the lady’s belly underneath her shirt and confidently go down to her thighs and crotch. But later, one of them goes up to the female breasts, collarbones, and neck that get enough attention from him.
“M-m-m, fuck…” Raquelle makes a quiet, sensual moan, feeling it’s getting hard for her to breathe every new second, how strong her heartbeat is getting, and how she gets obsessed with a wave of warmth.
“A little bit before you are all mine,” Terrence says confidently, covering the nape of Raquelle’s neck with kisses, bites her ear slightly, and kisses the area behind it tenderly. “And forget about any resistance… And I will get a chance to finish what was started on that day… When I went out of my mind…”
“You will not get it, my sweetie,” Raquelle smiles slyly. “You will get nothing.”
“Yeah? What if I do this…”
Terrence moves his hand down to Raquelle’s crotch and caresses it while his second hand caresses and squeezes her breasts tenderly but confidently, and his thumb goes around the nipple that gets tough. That’s why she immediately shakes strongly and cannot hold down her quiet, sensual moan.
“Like it?” Terrence whispers in Raquelle’s ear, moves his hand from her crotch underneath her shirt, and starts to caress her soft but tough belly. “Huh, Cameron?”
Terrence runs his lips over Raquelle’s chin, the front of her neck, her collarbones, and her breasts, which he covers with kisses and grabs her nipples through the clothes with his mouth, hearing the girl’s quiet moan and her uneven, little shaking breath.
“I got it…” Terrence pronounces with a sly smile. “Me too… I love it, too… I like the craziness that you make me get through.”
“Your great confidence may play an evil joke with you someday,” Raquelle notices in a little hoarse voice with a sly smile, and she rolls her eyes from pleasure when Terrence confidently gets his hand underneath her jeans and runs his fingertips over her crotch. “And sometimes your boldness may give you nothing good.”
“You can’t use the word ‘boldness’ for me when I want to give pleasure to my girlfriend. My freaking sexy girlfriend.”
Terrence gets busy with Raquelle’s breasts, which he stimulates skillfully, caresses and kisses, not forgetting about the lady’s gracious neck, which the man covers with kisses with pleasure. At some moment, the girl decides to play and tease him a little, sharply stepping back with a quiet laugh and looking at him with some provocation in her eyes.
“Hey, where are you going?” Terrence wonders.
“Far from you!” Raquelle says with her head proudly raised.
“Come here now!”
Terrence tries to catch Raquelle but does not do this as the girl starts walking away from him backward in the whole living room, not stopping laughing shyly. Of course, he follows her, trying to catch the prey that is not so easy to get.
“I’ve always known you’re a too headstrong girl,” Terrence shakes his head.
“I’m very sweet and fluffy compared to you,” Raquelle says confidently.
“Who would say! You’re stubborn and mean and love asking for trouble.”
“I can’t be silent about how confident and sassy you are,” Raquelle replies confidently. “And shameless.”
“You’re the one to blame, babe. Provoking me by your resistance and calling me a scumbag or something like that, you’re asking for greater trouble.”
“Come on?” Raquelle rounds her eyes.
“You do know that I’m used to getting what I want.”
“Sorry, I can’t help you,” Raquelle throws her hands up with an innocent smile.
“And yeah, I think it’s time to go home.”
“It’s too late, but I don’t wanna stay here for a long time. I don’t have a car now. I’ve gotta call a taxi.”
“By-y-y-ye, babe!” Raquelle waves her hand. “We’ll meet tomorrow. Maybe.”
When Raquelle turns on the door and takes two steps, Terrence immediately runs up to her and grabs her by the waist with his arms.
“No, I will not let you go,” Terrence says confidently, running his lips over Raquelle’s ear and the area behind it as his hands caress her thighs. “I will not…”
“I need to go home!” Raquelle exclaims.
“Your home is here…”
Terrence turns Raquelle on himself and brings his face so close to her face that he can feel her heavy, hot breath.
“It will always be…” Terrence pronounces in a much lower voice.
“Okay, I shall make you happy,” Raquelle smiles slyly. “A little bit. To make your waiting much nicer.”
Raquelle looks into Terrence's eyes for two seconds, fixes his hair slightly, and gives him a continuous kiss on the lips with a heavy breath, putting her hands on the man’s cheeks and caressing his mouth with her tongue. MacClife himself answers her back and does not resist, breathing heavily enough and slowly running his hands over the lady’s back.
“Oh, fuck…” Terrence swears quietly. “What you are the fuck, bitch, doing…”
“Don’t relax, MacClife,” Raquelle pronounces confidently. “It’s just the beginning. Beginning…”
A little later, Raquelle adds some fuel to the fire, leaving a few dry and wet kisses and a couple of slight bites on the neck of Terrence, and lets her hands rub his chest, get underneath his clothes, and caress his naked torso tenderly. It makes the man smile slyly with a sense of pride and confidence, starting to feel needed, loved, and happy and getting everything he was deprived of for a few long months.
But Terrence does not let Raquelle control what’s happening and later takes control of it. He succumbs to a wish to give her an exciting kiss on the lips that she does not resist this time and answers him back with pleasure, putting her arm around his neck and running her hand through his soft black hair that she pulls slightly. The man’s hands confidently caress the curves of her waist and slowly slide up and down over the female body, caressing something tenderly or squeezing something with fingers tightly but tenderly.
A little later, Terrence adds some fuel to the fire, making the kiss a little vulgar and starting to use his tongue to caress the most sensitive areas in Raquelle’s mouth, letting his hands looser and getting much more excited from caressing her body and the way she is caressing him. The skill of this man to seduce and make her stop resisting makes the girl give up again. She does not try to break free and pretend that she does not like what’s happening, Neither because she wants to tease him nor because she is mad and does not want him to kiss, hug, and caress her.
When he feels that Raquelle does not think of resisting, Terrence smiles slyly and rejoices because he won again. At some moment, he leaves her lips alone and slides down to her chin, which he grabs tenderly with his mouth, kisses it, and slightly runs the tip of his tongue over it. Next, his lips slide to the front of her neck, which he covers with multiple kisses with pleasure, using the fact that she leans her head back, and smiles smugly when he hears her sensual sigh.
Then Terrence gives attention to the curves of Raquelle’s truly beautiful neck and does not forget about her collarbones, which also get invisible prints of his lips from kisses, teeth after slight bites, and wet paths from his tongue. His hands tenderly but confidently caress and squeeze the girl’s breasts and buttocks, give some attention to her nipples that he also grabs with his mouth through her clothes, caress her thighs and the curves of her waist, and slide underneath a female shirt to touch the soft, velvety skin of her belly that he also covers with kisses, squinting down especially for that and starting to hold her by her thighs.
Losing the rest of her mind and realizing she is shaking from what’s happening, Raquelle cannot hold down her sensual sighs and quiet moans, closing her eyes from pleasure at times and barely making herself remember she needs to breathe just a little. Any touch of Terrence’s hands on any part of her body does not leave her indifferent and makes her feel a new wave of bright emotions. The further she goes, the more she forgets about her wish to resist.
Nevertheless, Raquelle does not leave Terrence without her caress and gives attention to his body with great pleasure, starting from his head, neck, shoulders, and arms and finishing with his chest, belly, and the area that is closer to his groin, and playfully slaps him on the buttocks a couple of times. It makes him much more excited and pushes him to take much more active actions.
“Fuck, bitch…” Terrence makes a quiet moan in a low voice, grabbing Raquelle tightly by the hair, while she covers his neck with kisses, runs her hand over his back, and caresses his tough torso or his penis with her second hand. “O-o-o…”
“Shut up and don’t resist, pretty boy!” Raquelle pronounces with a sly smile. “I am giving orders!”
Raquelle sharply gets Terrence involved in a continuous kiss on the lips, during which she starts pulling his hair strongly and actively works with her tongue, while he does not hold down his quiet moans and runs his hands over the curves of her waist and her thighs and buttocks.
Some time later, Terrence takes Raquelle’s dark blue denim jacket off her for a second and puts it on the sofa, next to which they are now standing, leaving her in a sleeveless shirt made of chiffon that freely hangs out. The man slowly runs his lips over some open parts like the girl’s neck, collarbones, arms, shoulders, and breasts that he tenderly caresses and massages after opening a few buttons to make her look much more sexual and wanted. A little later, the male hands get underneath her shirt again and caress her naked hips, belly, and back as his lips leave tender kisses on the area behind her ears.
All this time, Raquelle makes quiet moans, closes or rolls her eyes, swallows up nervously, and can barely breathe because of the strong heat and shake that she gets after every single kiss of Terrence and touch of his hand, lips, or tongue to any part of her body that instinctively presses herself to his body as tightly as possible. However, the man also looks excited, blushed enough, and is breathing heavenly enough and using a chance to caress his beloved girl and have much fun.
At some moment, Terrence steps back from Raquelle and moves his bedroom eyes on her for two seconds. And then he grabs her by the throat tightly but tenderly and greedily kisses her on the lips while his free hand takes the hand of the beauty that is breathing heavenly and runs it over some areas of his torso, letting her get it underneath his shirt, caress his stomach and feel his excellent, tough six-pack and his tough chest, which definitely gets her delighted and makes her feel like she just got electric. When she gets busy caressing his stomach and scratching his back slightly, he gets shamelessly underneath her underwear, feels up her tough buttocks, and does not refuse to caress her crotch with his fingertips.
All the time, Terrence continues to hold Raquelle by the throat with a hand, feeling how nervously she swallows up at times. At some moment, he gives attention to her lips again but barely touches them with his slightly open mouth, and she can feel his hot breath that makes her get goosebumps on her whole body. And then the man decides to do it to her neck and give it more assertive and wet kisses and bites and tease the girl a little by running his tongue over some parts of the skin, breathing on them with burning hot or terribly cold breath to make her feel a strong tickle somewhere in her abdomen, shake strongly and exhale sensually.
His hands still slide over her body everywhere they want and skillfully caress it enough to give her incredible pleasure. And Raquelle answers Terrence back with pleasure and listens to the sound of her heart that tells her not to stand like a column and just accept it but also give something, letting her hands touch, feel up, squeeze and caress all the parts of his body, giving him tender and aggressive kisses, scratching his back slightly, biting some especially sensitive areas and not refusing to caress his mouth with her tongue.
A little later, Terrence decides to leave Raquelle’s neck and wants to kiss her on the lips again. Being too close to each other, the lovers confidently look into each other’s eyes, and the man is thinking of suggesting lying on the sofa or going to the bedroom to continue to do what they are doing there. But when the young people close their eyes, give their partner a slight kiss on the lips, and get each other involved in a more continuous and passionate one, someone suddenly rings the doorbell.
It instantly brings Terrence and Raquelle, who are breathing heavily and getting blushed enough from the excitement, to reality. And it makes them a little upset because someone did disrupt them from going to the bedroom. The young people step away and look at each other as if they are asking what’s going on, but every one of them just shrugs. Since the servants are up, MacClife decides to open the door as the owner of the house. While the girl gets her hair done, closes all the buttons on her shirt, and puts on her denim jacket, trying to catch a breath somehow, the man comes to the entry from the house. He strokes his hair down, fixes the sleeve of his shirt and pulls it down, and opens the door with a sharp exhale. Then he sees Edward and Natalia smiling shyly and holding each other’s hands tightly while standing on the doorstep.
“Hello!” Edward and Natalia pronounce happily.
“Edward? Natalia?” Terrence rounds his eyes. “What a sudden visit! What brought you to my home?”
“We were just going by here and decided to visit you,” Natalia replies amicably.
“Yup, we wanted to know how you were doing,” Edward nods. “Make you feel less lonely, so to say.”
“That’s how…” Terrence pronounces thoughtfully.
“I don’t see the happiness on your face.”
“Aha, aren’t you happy to see your friends?” Natalia wonders.
“No, no, guys, it’s okay,” Terrence smiles shyly. “I’m glad to see you.”
“I’d like to believe you…”
“Listen, why are you so red?” Terrence chuckles quietly. “Was one running after another?”
“Ha, you’re also red!” Natalia laughs shyly, crossing her arms over her chest. “I would say you’re excited!”
“True, you’ve got the face that says you’d been doing something very important before we came,” Edward says thoughtfully, frowning slightly and looking at Terrence closely.
“Me?” Terrence wonders.
“C’mon, buddy, speak out what got you so excited. Why are you breathing so heavenly and looking as red as a tomato?”
“No, no, it’s alright,” Terrence finds excuses with a slight smile and runs his hand over his hair. “I was doing nothing…”
“It doesn’t look like you're short of breath ‘cause you have regular workouts and don’t get tired after two minutes of running,” Natalia notices.
“Erm… No… I didn’t do workouts. Before a night… C’mon, guys!”
“You’re definitely hiding something, Terrence…” Edward frowns slightly. “My gut tells me that.”
“Yeah, MacClife, so, speak out about what’s going on,” Natalia adds confidently. “What got you so excited? Or who got you so excited?”
“Oh, okay!” Terrence exhales sharply, glancing aside. “I’ll explain everything now! Erm… Come in as you’ve come… You’re gonna see everything.”
Terrence steps back from the doorstep, letting the uninvited but welcomed visitors come in. Edward lets Natalia come in first, follows her, and looks around with a slight smile as well as she does. Both of them hug MacClife amicably to welcome him. And then Terrence looks at his friends better and sees they are behaving too nicely.
“Hey, guys, I didn’t get something…” Terrence frowns slightly, keeping a hand on the door handle. “Are you… Communicating again?”
“Sort of,” Edward shrugs.
“I was wondering why you were holding each other’s hand and smiling as widely as Cherish cat…”
“I’ve got a reason.”
“Hey, Natalia, you were ignoring Edward some time ago and not contacting him at all.”
“I am not now,” Natalia smiles cutely, pressing herself close to Edward and putting her head on his shoulder. “I was an idiot. I confess it and regret it. But I promise it won’t happen again.”
“Wow!” Terrence smiles slightly. “So, wouldn’t Edward have to guess why you’re ignoring him and worrying about it?”
“Buddy, you do see everything clearly,” Edward smiles shyly, hugging Natalia with his arms and pressing her closer to himself. “The problem is solved. Natalia explained everything to me, and I understood her well and made her sure that I wasn’t gonna leave and deceive this girl.”
“When I saw you on the doorstep, I understood something happened between you.”
“How smart you are,” Natalia chuckles kindly.
“Some things can be seen with the naked eye.”
“Thanks, Terrence, we’re gonna accept it as a congratulation,” Edward laughs shyly.
“Okay, we’ll talk about your business later.” Terrence glances at ate open hall door. “Erm, you come in the living room. But I will close the door and come to you.”
Natalia and Edward nod slightly and, holding each other’s hand, go to the living room, but do not notice Raquelle at once while Terrence locks the hall door. But a few moments later, the blonde notices her friend, who is standing near the sofa with her arms over her chest, smiling shyly and looking like she already guessed that her friend came here because she heard her voice somewhere far away.
“Raquelle?” Natalia pronounces surprisingly. “I didn’t expect to see you here!”
“Hey, friend,” Raquelle waves her hand with a slight smile.
“My gosh, what are you doing here? What are you doing in Terrence’s house?”
“I’d ask you the same. But I can assume you just wanted to visit your friend and decided to spend some time with him.”
“Well… You almost guessed. I was just going by here and decided to come.”
“If it’s so…”
Raquelle comes to Natalia with a slight smile, takes her in a hug, shares an amicable kiss on the cheek with her, and steps back from her a few seconds later.
“You surprised me, Cameron!” Natalia exclaims with a slight smile. “I thought you would never come here. But you did…”
“Sometimes circumstances make us come back where we ran away from one day,” Raquelle says thoughtfully with a mysterious smile.
“And what made you come back here? Should you have discussed something with Terrence? Your breakup?”
“Very much…” Raquelle smiles mysteriously. “Very much…”
At this moment, Raquelle stops her eyes on Edward, who is slowly walking into the living room with a slight smile and looking at every single corner that seems so beautiful.
“Hey, who is the guy you came with?” Raquelle asks amicably, pointing at Edward. “Is that your friend?”
“Not quite my friend…” Natalia smiles mysteriously and moves her eyes to Edward. “Edward, come here! I wanna introduce you to someone.”
Edward confidently comes to Natalia and hugs her around the shoulders with a slight smile.
“Erm, hello…” Edward greets Raquelle shyly. “You talked about me?”
“Yes, about you…” Raquelle nods. “I wanted to know who Natalia came here with.”
“Erm… Yeah… I’m… Her friend… I could say so.”
“Ah, yeah,” Natalia moves her eyes down for a second with a shy smile. “Let me introduce you to each other…”
Natalia moves her eyes to Edward and points at Raquelle.
“Edward, let me introduce Raquelle Cameron, my friend and the ex-girlfriend of Terrence,” Natalia introduces. “The one I’ve told you so much about.”
Natalia moves her eyes to Raquelle and points at Edward, biting her lip slightly.
“Erm, Raquelle…” Natalia pronounces a little hesitantly. “This is Edward… Edward Lockhart. The new friend of Terrence. And a very good man that made my life much better.”
Edward nods at Raquelle with a shy smile and shakes her by the hand to welcome her.
“Nice to meet you,” Edward pronounces gently.
“Same,” Raquelle replies with a slight smile, looking at Edward closely.
“Natalia told me very many good things about you, and I know enough.”
“That’s how!”
“I hope we'll get on well and become friends.”
“It would be great.”
A little awkward silence settles in the air, during which Edward moves his eyes aside, getting a little confused because of Raquelle’s careful enough look, while Terrence comes back to them with a slight smile.
“So, are you…” Raquelle pronounces thoughtfully. “Edward? The one, who Terrence and Natalia told me about?”
“Well, yeah…” Edward shrugs.
“As far as I know, you wanted to meet Terrence so badly and was looking for him for many years.”
“Erm… Y-yeah…” Edward swallows up nervously, rubbing his hands slightly. “I… I dreamed of it…”
“And what caused your great interest in this man?”
“I understand that my appearance was sudden enough. I understand that everything seems weird and suspicious.”
“What do you need from Terrence? Why were you literally chasing him like a maniac?”
“Erm… Why do you think so?”
“Is that not the truth?”
“No, Raquelle… Everything is not what you think… I did not chase Terrence.”
“I would not like to know that my close people feel disappointed after getting close to you and calling you their close person. Terrence and Natalia are going to be devastated if you wish to do a bad trick on them.”
“Trust me, I do not have any bad thoughts. I am not going to kill or harm anyone.”
“Everything happens for a reason.”
“I know, but…”
“My God, Cameron, why did you cling on this guy?” Natalia meddles. “He has already told you that he does not want to do anything bad.”
“Yeah, but it’s all so weird!” Raquelle exclaims. “It’s weird that this man dreamed of coming into the lives of Terrence and you so badly.”
“Yeah, I agree with you. But let’s not rush to make any conclusions.”
“Indeed, Raquelle, why did you attack Edward so suddenly?” Terrence agrees, hugging Raquelle around the shoulders. “You’ve just met him, but you’ve already given him a third degree.”
“Okay, okay, maybe, I sound a little rude now,” Raquelle raises her hands. “Sorry… But I just want to understand what it all means. Find out why Mr. Lockhart is showing such great interest in you.”
“Trust me, there’s a reason for that,” Edward says quietly.
“What reason?”
“I can’t say it right now.”
“I promise you will know everything when the time comes.”
“And when will it come?” Raquelle crosses her arms over her chest. “When will you be happy to explain the situation?”
“I hope it’s going to happen soon. But now I’m asking you to trust me and give me a chance to befriend you.”
“Why should I believe you? Why should Terrence believe you? Why should Natalia believe you?”
“Trust me, Raquelle, MacClife and I don’t also understand anything and are surprised,” Natalia says softly. “Yes, it’s all so weird. But Edward has given us no reason to doubt him.”
“Yeah, no matter what, we got close enough to him and befriended him for two weeks that I’ve known him,” Terrence adds. “Edward is a cool man, who literally got me out of depression. If not for him, I don’t know what I would’ve done. Besides, we share many common interests. We always have something to talk about.”
“And I’m madly grateful to him for helping me not to go crazy. For deciding to come to me at the cage, sitting at the table, and starting a talk with me. At first, I didn’t want to talk to anyone, but Edward was so sweet and charming that I just couldn’t resist.”
“Sorry, Natalia, but I don’t really want you to run into the betrayal of the guy, who you like,” Raquelle says quietly. “And I don’t want Terrence to have problems because of him. And I’m done with them. The situation with Simon is gonna make me wish to fall into hysteria for a long time.”
“I swear I’m not going to betray Natalia,” Edward protests confidently. “And I’m not going to get the knife into Terrence’s back.”
“Ah, I think I understood it! You need Terrence to become famous thanks to him! Get famous in the show business. Become an actor or a musician.”
“No, no, I’m not going to become famous.”
“Why not? Our MacClife is a famous persona, and he can easily do his best for someone’s name to be known to the whole world.”
“I didn’t want and don’t want to get in touch with the show business. Yes, I think it’s really cool, but I’m happy with my present life.”
“You’re a dark house, Mr. Lockhart…” Raquelle notices thoughtfully, putting her hands on her hips. “Very dark… You’re kind of so sweet, kind, and innocent, but something about you makes me suspicious.”
“You’re hurting me with your doubts.”
“I would not be surprised if you were not the one, who you were pretending to be. If your name was not Edward.”
“No, no, my name is really Edward.” Edward swallows up nervously. “I am Edward Lockhart. I am not lying to anyone.”
“It would be great to look at your documents. Do you have, for example, your driver’s license?”
“Raquelle…” Terrence pronounces harshly, pulling Raquelle by the hand.
“Indeed, Raquelle, you’re going too far,” Natalia throws gloomily.
“No, it’s okay,” Edward smiles tensely. “I understand you… I understand why Ms. Cameron doesn’t trust me…”
“Please, Edward, don’t pay attention. Raquelle will trust you later. Just wait for a while.”
“Yes, buddy, don’t worry,” Terrence agrees, clapping Edward on the shoulder. “If you really have something to say, you will do it when you think you should.”
“My gosh, guys, you’re really crazy!” Raquelle moans tiredly. “How could you trust this man? He definitely wanna hurt you!”
“Listen, we understand that you haven’t come to yourself after what Ringer did,” Natalia says confidently. “But please, don’t find a catch where you can’t find it.”
“You will say ‘thank you’ to me for saving you from the stinker, who is planning to destroy you.”
“Okay, Cameron, calm down,” Terrence says quietly. “Attacking the visitor like this is not good.”
“Don’t worry, Ms. Cameron,” Edward says in a low, little shaking voice. “If you need it so badly, I will show you my documents. No problem.”
Edward puts his hand in the pocket, takes his driver’s license, and gives the card to Raquelle. She takes it and starts to view it, seeing the photo of the man and his data.
“Hm…” Raquelle frowns slightly. “Lockhart, Edward Dilan… Born on May 10, 1991… The place of birth is New York City…”
“It’s correct,” Edward confirms. “I was born and raised here. And I’m not planning to move.”
“It doesn’t mean you didn’t give me the fake document,” Raquelle says confidently.
“Come on! My documents are real. Everything is done officially. And I’m going to have problems with the law if I want to use the fake passport.”
“My gosh, you’re so cute here!” Natalia exclaims when she takes the driver’s license from Raquelle and starts to view the photo. “Just a gem…”
“You see!” Terrence exclaims. “Edward doesn’t pretend to be someone else! He easily showed you his driver’s license, and you made sure about everything.”
“Alright, let’s think I can believe that the documents are not fake,” Raquelle frowns slightly. “But it will not make me stop thinking that this man wants to harm someone.”
“Please, Ms. Cameron, give me a chance…” Edward says with sadness in his eyes. “Let me befriend you. Try to befriend you.”
“M-m-m, do you want to win the trust of everyone to do your tricks quietly?” Raquelle wonders.
“Give me some time. And you will see that I don’t wish anything bad to anyone. That I just want to make new friends.”
“Oh, yeah, just want to befriend the famous and respectful person from the show business and the young, beautiful daughter of the provided people. Nothing bad! No…”
“My gosh, Cameron, stop grumbling!” Natalia moans tiredly. “Why did you start it all?”
“For your information, I’m trying so hard for you, fools!” Raquelle exclaims, looking at Natalia and Terrence gloomily.
“We’re so grateful to you for your kindness and care, but it’s not the case.”
“I will never be able to thank Natalia enough for helping me meet Terrence,” Edward says confidently. “My attempts to do it did not lead to anything good for a long time. And every day, I was losing hope of reaching my goal. But one beautiful day, I met this beautiful blonde, who became my last hope for meeting with the man that I needed.”
Edward moves his eyes to Terrence, smiles at him shyly, and gets the same reaction from his friend. Raquelle moans tiredly and runs her hands over face, saying nothing for a few seconds. She would be happy to try to trust this man, but the sixth sense tells her that something is not right with him. That all of them should be very careful with him and keep themselves far from him. The girl cannot stop thinking that Edward Lockhart may show the real him one fateful day and do a bad trick that everyone will never forget.
“Oh, guys…” Raquelle pronounces quietly, shaking her head. “What do I do to you, my naive, silly folks?”
“Please, Raquelle, give him a chance…” Natalia begs with sadness in her eyes. “Don’t be so categorical.”
“Do you understand that you let an unknown wild animal into the hole and let it do anything it wants to you?” Raquelle steps aside but comes to Terrence two seconds later and looks at him gloomily. “Terrence, I don’t understand you! You’re kind of a smart man, but you’re easily letting someone fool you! How could you trust the one, who is trying to befriend you so hard?”
“Listen, Raquelle…” Terrence replies quietly, taking Raquelle by the forearms softly. “Yes, I agree that everything seems suspicious. But please, let’s not rush to make conclusions. Nothing bad will happen if we give Edward a chance.”
“But this chance may lead to some bad consequences for you.”
“If it happens, it’s going to be the responsibility of Rochester and me. In this case, we will not blame anyone but ourselves.”
“Yeah, when I introduced Terrence to Edward, I said that I would take responsibility for what might happen in the future,” Natalia adds. “If something happens, all the claims will be for me. Because I am the one, who let Lockhart into our circle.”
“You shouldn't have even started it,” Raquelle says gloomily.
“Yeah, but Edward is so sweet…” Natalia hugs Edward with a wide smile, putting her arms around his waist. “So caring… With him, I feel as happy as I’ve never been before.”
“I’m sure you’re gonna get on well with Edward,” Terrence says confidently. “I haven’t regretted my decision to give him a chance yet.”
“Wait for a while, MacClife,” Raquelle replies. “Just wait for a while.”
“Listen, Cameron, let’s do something: you will now agree to give Edward a chance to win your trust and will not reproach him for anything. But if he does a bad thing someday, turns out to be a bad man, and wants to harm us somehow, Natalia and I will recognize our fault and apologize to you.”
“I don’t need your apologies.”
“Please, friend, do this…” Natalia begs with pity, bringing her hands folded together to her mouth. “Well, okay… Don’t become friends with Edward. Just don’t prevent us from speaking to him. Don’t say anything bad about him. If something goes wrong, we will really apologize to you.”
“Oh…” Raquelle sighs tiredly and moves her eyes aside. “I’m not going to prevent you from speaking to him. If you like his company, it’s okay. Who am I to ban you? I just wanna warn you about danger.”
“We completely understood you and are grateful to you for your anxiety.”
“Listen, I completely understand that it’s hard for you to trust me,” Edward says quietly and hesitantly. “But please, give me a chance. Just one chance. I don’t ask for anything else.”
“Sorry, Edward… I’m sorry for sounding a little rude now. But you should also understand me. Understand that your appearance in our life became absolutely sudden.”
“If I had known how to find Terrence and get closer to him, I would’ve done it several years ago. But since I didn’t know how to do it, it lasted for much longer…”
“Who else knows about you? Do you know someone else from the circle of MacClife and Rochester?”
“I only know a couple of friends of Terrence. Their names are Peter and Daniel. They’re cool guys, who played with MacClife in the same band. And now they wanna create something own.”
“And how do they treat you?”
“With suspicion, but we get on well. The guys are nice to me and accepted me into their party warmly enough.”
“I see… Does someone else know about you?”
“I don’t know Terrence’s mother yet, but I’ve heard a lot about her. And I also managed to meet Natalia’s father.”
“Does he know that you’re imposing you on Terrence?”
“Yes, we told Dad about it,” Natalia confirms. “But we didn’t tell him everything because he had too many things to do. Though, he said that he liked Edward, and I could spend time with him quietly.”
“So, does everyone see that he’s suspicious but keep smiling at him and talking to him as if nothing happened?” Raquelle wonders.
“Believe me, I’ve got no reason to lie to you, your boyfriend, Natalia, or anyone else,” Edward says with sadness in his eyes. “Only you should decide if you want to accept me. I promise I will not impose. If you don’t want to befriend me, I won't make you. And I don’t tell you to respect me. But if you have some questions for me, I will be happy to answer them.”
“Alright, Mr. Lockhart,” Raquelle says quietly, raising her head. “Alright. I will not do anything against you. And I will give you a chance to prove that I am wrong.”
“Thanks a lot.”
“But remember, I am watching you closely. If just one little thing seems suspicious to me, do not even count on my kindness. I will not forgive you for the suffering of my friend and my boyfriend.”
“They will not suffer, I promise.”
“I’m doing this for Terrence and Natalia. Because they’re asking me about it. In the opposite case, I would not let you get closer to me.”
“Anyway, I hope we will get on well. At least for my friend and my beloved girl… I don’t think they’d love to know that we don’t get along.”
“And I hope you will tell us about your plans someday. Tell us who you actually are and what you need from my close people.”
“Don’t worry, when it’s time, I will explain everything to you.”
“I hope.”
“By the way, I know much about you as a model,” Edward smiles shyly. “And I must confess that you really look good on a runway and in photos.”
“Thanks for the compliment,” Raquelle smiles shyly.
“I like what you’re doing. Keep doing the same.”
“Thanks, Mr. Lockhart.”
“Call me Edward.”
“As you wish.”
While Edward nods with a little tense smile, swallows up nervously, and moves his eyes aside, Natalia frowns slightly and looks at Terrence and Raquelle suspiciously, being surprised that they are talking quietly and sometimes hugging each other cutely.
“By the way, I’m still surprised you two are in the same house,” Natalia notices thoughtfully, putting her finger on her lips. “And the interesting thing is that you haven’t even snapped at each other with our pretense.”
“Yeah, we haven't done it,” Raquelle pronounces with a sly smile.
“As far as I remember, you wanted to split up and get out as far as possible… But now you don’t even look like a couple that ended their relationship.”
“We don’t want to do it now!” Terrence smiles widely, comes closer to Raquelle, and hugs her by the waist as she looks at him with a tender look and a cute smile on her face. “Our plans about leaving and breaking up have been canceled.”
“What do you mean?” Edward frowns slightly.
“I mean! No breakup, no departure will happen.”
“Do you wanna say you’ve reconciled, after all?”
“Yup, we did,” Raquelle says shyly. “And it means there will be no breakup.”
“Come on, guys!” Natalia opens her mouth slightly. “Are you serious?”
“Do we look like we’re playing the fool with you?” Terrence rounds his eyes.
“You’re playing the fool with us. You are.”
“Seriously, Rochester?”
Terrence smiles slyly and hugs Raquelle tightly with both of his arms.
“Do you think your friend would resist and bite me if we didn’t reconcile, but I decided to hug her?” Terrence wonders and caresses Raquelle’s head. “Look how happy and quiet she is! Just like a kitten that ate enough.”
“Yeah, Cameron doesn’t threaten to kick your ass and hit you between your legs.” Natalia puts her hands on her hips.
“No-o-o-o, friend… This brunette does let such an irresistible and handsome guy like me hug and kiss her.”
“Ah, that’s why…” Edward nods energetically with a sly smile. “Now it’s clear what you’d been doing before we came here…”
“Right!” Natalia exclaims. “They had much more interesting things to do.”
“As it turned out, our lovebirds had fun, but we bothered them a little.”
“Aha, I was wondering why your friend was so resentful and excited when meeting us,” Natalia laughs shyly.
“That’s right! We came at the wrong time.”
“You see, these lovebirds decided to make love, but his friends came and messed up everything.”
“Actually, yes!” Terrence says confidently. “To your information, I had grandiose plans for this evening! But you, guys, messed them up insolently!”
“Sorry, MacClife, we didn’t wanna prevent your foreplay.”
“And how did we know?” Edward wonders. “We thought you were sad and suffering and wanted to make you feel less lonely. But it’s clear you don’t need it much.”
“Anyway, I’ve already received my best gift on my belated birthday,” Terrence replies with his head proudly raised, pressing Raquelle to himself with his arms while she slightly rubs her nose against his shoulder. “I couldn’t wish anything more.”
“And I’m gonna move here very soon and live with my beloved man, who needs some love and care,” Raquelle says confidently.
“Very much…” Terrence kisses Raquelle cutely on the top of her head. “Very…”
“Yeah!” Natalia claps her hands with a wide smile. “But you said the reconciliation between you was impossible!”
“Everything is possible if you want.”
“That’s right!” Natalia comes to Terrence and Raquelle confidently and hits her fist against their forearms. “You can’t live without each other! I do feel how hard you’re spreading the crazy energy and the strong passion… You’re the first people from my familiars, who have such crazy chemistry.”
“Auto-suggestion, friend, auto-suggestion,” Raquelle smiles mysteriously, rolling her eyes for a second. “Every one of us just tried to make ourselves sure that it was impossible to get anything back, and we had only to accept our breakup. But as they say, love conquers all. And the crazy chemistry impacted this decision much more.”
“Listen, I can say something now!”
“Tequelle is alive!” Natalia whoops happily. “Tequelle didn’t die!”
“Tequelle?” Edward frowns slightly. “What is that?”
“That’s how fans call this sweet couple.”
“Yup! They took their names and pasted them together.”
“That’s how…”
“If someone took the names of you and me, it would be something like… Etalia.”
“But I was the one to come up with it.”
“Oh, buddy, as if you didn’t know our fans called a couple of Raquelle and me,” Terrence shakes his head with a sly smile.
“No, I didn’t know it,” Edward replies confidently. “But since you’re pronounced Tequelle… Okay! I’m gonna call you this way. Sounds cool!”
“Moreover, it’s still real,” Raquelle notices with a slight smile.
“Oh, my gosh, guys, I’m so happy for you!” Natalia exclaims happily. “Of course, you made lots of mistakes, but I’m sure you won’t make them again, and you learned all the lessons very well.”
“You can personally kill me if I stand in the way of the dark again,” Terrence suggests funnily.
“Or me!” Raquelle adds.
“Anyway, congrats, guys,” Edward congratulates shyly with a slight smile. “Although I don’t know the story of your relationship, I also feel an unreal chemistry between you.”
“Thanks a lot, friend,” Terrence thanks.
“I hope you’ll be happy together.”
“We’ll do our best.”
Terrence comes to Edward, hugs him amicably with a slight smile, claps him on the back, and steps back quickly.
“So, you were whining that you’d get nothing,” Edward chuckles kindly. “You said you lost this girl forever. I did feel none of you would find the courage to do it.”
“Gonna open you a secret of my success,” Terrence smiles mysteriously. “The case is about my unbelievably strong charm, which Raquelle has always succumbed easily. Since we met for the first time.”
“Your secret is fifty percent of the success. The other part is the feelings that woke up after a long sleep. And the things you did to get the forgiveness of hers.”
“I would say so. Anyway, I’m madly happy everything ended well. And fans of our couple can stop being worried that they’d stop believing in love after our breakup.”
“Not only love, but also a crazy passion.”
“Anyway, as Natalia said, Tequelle is alive.”
“I’m really happy for you and Raquelle and wish you all the best.”
“Thanks, Edward.” Terrence claps Edward on the shoulder. “Thanks for believing in us and not letting me get upset. I owe you now!”
“And thank you for the good things,” Edward replies amicably with a slight smile. “And for doing your best for me not to get depressed because of the situation with Natalia. And your friends helped me enough and didn’t let me feel bored.”
“Those guys can be called our salvation from bothering and grieving…”
“Absolutely agree. They’re always on a positive wave.”
While Edward and Terrence keep talking about something, Raquelle and Natalia hug each other with slight smiles on their faces.
“I knew everything would be fine!” Natalia exclaims cheerfully. “So, you’ve finally gotten over your offense and yourself and let yourself be happy.”
“It took many efforts,” Raquelle confesses, stepping back from Natalia with a special gloss in her eyes. “But I realized that being happy was more important to me than a permanent offense and bans that I had at my will.”
“MacClife has already gotten his ass kicked for what happened. I’m sure he understood his mistakes and will not make them again.”
“You’re right…” Raquelle laughs shyly. “Of course, we’re gonna do much to establish our relationship. But a bigger part of the way is over, and the most important step has been taken. It’s gonna be easier next.”
“The most important thing is not to turn back when you’re close to the finish and make another mistake.”
“Nope, I will not do that again. I love Terrence and appreciate him too much to lose. I don’t need anything else but him. Now I understand it clearly and say it confidently.”
“Nice to hear it,” Natalia smiles shyly.
“This situation gave me a good lesson and helped me understand all my mistakes. That I would’ve hardly understood if I hadn’t gotten such a strong kick of my ass.”
“Anyway, I congratulate you and Terrence on a long-awaited reunion with all my heart. And I hope your life will be much better and brighter than before.”
“Thanks a lot, friend,” Raquelle thanks with a shy smile.
“Cupid wasn’t wrong when deciding to match you together. I’ve never seen a couple with much crazier chemistry before.”
“You’re right about it,” Raquelle says with a slight smile. “My affection for Terrence has always been madly strong. Even when I was terribly mad at him. I would say the anger woke up a stronger fire inside me.”
“I think the fire was burning much harder when you two were angry and struggling with your feelings inside.”
“Right… This man can drive me crazy by literally doing nothing.”
“I see.”
Natalia and Raquelle laugh shyly and then take each other in an amicable hug again. After this, the blonde congratulates Terrence, and Edward expresses his happiness to Raquelle by saying something and smiling truly, and she just thanks him gently.
“By the way, since you and Terrence reconciled and are here now, Edward and I would also like to tell you something,” Natalia says loudly with a mysterious smile.
Hearing these words, Edward comes to Natalia and puts an arm around her neck, while Terrence comes to Raquelle and hugs her by the waist.
“Well, we’ve already understood that you stopped ignoring your mysterious admirer,” Raquelle smiles shyly. “Since you came here with him and are holding his hand.”
“Actually, we don’t mean it,” Natalia replies shyly. “There’s just one little piece of news that you should know.”
“And we can’t really wait to tell you that,” Edward confesses with a slight smile.
“Speak out then, we’re listening,” Terrence shrugs with a slight smile. “What happened to you?”
“Erm…” Natalia stutters and smiles shyly. “I think you two know what every one of us felt for each other. Because we dinged into your ears about it.”
“Yes, Terrence, I’m really awkward for complaining to you about being ignored too much,” Edward adds shyly. “And everything is very complicated about Natalia and me. But I promise I won’t do this again because the problem is solved.”
“I’m also ashamed of you, Raquelle. Because I could be talking about the one I liked so much for hours… Complaining that someone could leave me at any time. But I solemnly swear not to talk about it anymore.”
Before saying something, Terrence and Raquelle look at each other questioningly and move their eyes to Edward and Natalia smiling shyly and hugging each other.
“Listen, stop making us guess!” Raquelle says confidently, squinting her eyes with a mysterious smile. “Tell us what’s exactly happening between you.”
“Yes, yes, lovebirds, speak out!” Terrence crosses his arms over his chest, frowning slightly. “Or would you make us get every single word out of you by force?”
“Sorry, guys…” Natalia exhales sharply. “We’re just a little nervous. Erm… At least, it’s hard for me to talk about what I still can’t believe.”
“Okay, let’s tell them,” Edward smiles shyly. “These two are watching us not very kindly.”
Edward exhales sharply and looks at Terrence and Raquelle with a much wider.
“So, we want to let you know that Natalia and I are dating now,” Edward says confidently.
Terrence and Raquelle open their eyes wider and smile slightly.
“Are you what?” Raquelle opens her mouth slightly.
“Come on?” Terrence wonders truly. “Are you dating?”
“Yes, Terrence, we are,” Natalia nods confidently. “Edward and I decided to visit you to make your mood a little better and tell you we started to date. But since you ended up here with Raquelle, she can know it now. I wouldn’t have to tell her everything when meeting her.”
“But how long have you been dating?” Raquelle puts her finger on her lip for a second. “As far as I remember, Natalia wasn’t sure she fell in love mutually some time ago.”
“You can think we’ve been dating since yesterday,” Edward replies shyly.
“Since yesterday?”
“So, in this case, I congratulate you and your new girlfriend, dude,” Terrence says confidently with a wide smile, shakes Edward by the hand, and claps on it with a free hand.
“Thanks a lot, Terrence!” Edward thanks with a slight smile. “As you see, you reconciled with Raquelle, and I’m dating Natalia now.”
“Yeah, Tequelle is living, and Etalia is getting born.”
“Life is getting better, guys!” Natalia whoops happily. “Better!”
First, everybody laughs shyly, and then Terrence and Raquelle take Edward and Natalia in an amicable hug to congratulate them on starting the affair and say some good words to them.
“Listen, life is getting much funnier and better,” Raquelle notices confidently.
“I think I agree with you,” Terrence replies with a slight smile, presses Raquelle to himself, and hugs her by the waist.
“Everything isn’t as bad as it seemed before.”
Raquelle shares a wide, true smile with Terrence, letting him know that she is getting attracted to the man and wants to be next to him. Meanwhile, Edward and Natalia look at each other, and the man hugs the girl by the waist.
“We agree, too!” Edward and Natalia pronounce at the same time.
After looking at each other and smiling shyly, Natalia, Raquelle, Terrence, and Edward have a group hug, feeling truly happy, probably for the first time in a while and being happy that life is finally getting better. But they do not spend too much time in each other’s hug because someone suddenly rings the doorbell at some moment.
Terrence, Raquelle, Edward, and Natalia immediately step away from each other and start to look at each other as if they are asking who it could be. MacClife has to go to open the door again while the others watch him. And the man is surprised and a little confused when he sees his mother, Rebecca, on the doorstep. A short, dark-haired woman with blue eyes that looks wonderful for her age and definitely gives herself enough attention to feel beautiful.
“Erm, Mother?” Terrence pronounces a little hesitantly, staring at Rebecca surprisingly. “What a surprise!”
“Hello, sonny,” Rebecca smiles shyly. “Sorry for bothering you…”
“Erm, no, everything is fine… You didn’t bother me. Even if we didn’t agree about your visit.”
“My God, where we ended up!” Rebecca chuckles kindly, crossing her arms over her chest. “My own son invited his mother to his home, but he’s now surprised like he didn’t do that.”
“Yeah, but…”
“Aren’t you happy to see me?”
“No, c’mon!” Terrence protests with a slight smile, shaking his head sharply. “I’m very happy to see you.”
Terrence takes Rebecca in an amicable hug and kisses her cutely on the cheek.
“You just told me nothing about when you would come,” Terrence adds. “So, I got a little confused…. Sorry.”
“Alright…” Rebecca pronounces softly, steps back from Terrence, and caresses his shoulder and cheek with a slight smile. “Sorry about not warning you. It’s my fault. My phone just died, and I didn’t have time to charge it. Today, I had too many things to do since the morning…”
“I get it… Sometimes I also get so busy that I forget to charge my phone.”
“So, would you let me come in?” Rebecca squints slightly. “Or would I rather come later?”
“Erm, yes, sure, come in,” Terrence pronounces hesitantly and scratches the back of his head. “I have the visitors now, but you won’t bother us.”
Terrence steps back from the doorstep, and Rebecca confidently comes into the house and looks around with interest, holding a belt of her purse she is carrying above her shoulder with one hand. And while the man closes the door, the woman comes into the living room and sees Raquelle and Natalia looking at each other with a slight smile. The girls are now alone, but Edward suddenly disappeared and stays unnoticed by the woman, who just came here.
“Oh, hello, Raquelle!” Rebecca smiles widely. “Glad to see you.”
“Good afternoon, Mrs. MacClife!” Raquelle says gently with a slight smile. “I’m glad to see you, too.”
Rebecca comes to Raquelle and takes her in an amicable hug, and then they step away from each other with a slight smile on their faces.
“How are you doing?” Rebecca asks. “How is your grandfather doing? What about your aunt?”
“Thank God, I’m fine,” Raquelle replies amicably. “And my grandfather and aunt are doing well. And you?”
“Just wonderful.”
“By the way, we didn’t meet for a long time.”
“Yes, the last time we met happened when Terrence took you to introduce you to me,” Rebecca notices thoughtfully. “And honestly, I already missed you.”
“I’ve lately thought much about you and wanted to call you. Find out how you are doing.”
“I’ve also wanted to suggest you go to my home for a cup of tea someday.”
“With great pleasure,” Raquelle smiles shyly.
Rebecca smiles shyly at Raquelle and then moves her eyes to Natalia, who is standing near them and silently watching her friend and the mother of her boyfriend.
“Oh, good afternoon, Natalia,” Rebecca greets with a slight smile. “Glad to see you.”
“Hello, Mrs. MacClife,” Natalia pronounces amicably. “I’m happy to see you, too.”
“How are you doing?”
“Good, what about you? How’s your health?”
“I’m fine, thank God.”
“I’m very glad you’re fine.”
“It’s the most important thing.” Rebecca tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. “By the way, I didn’t also speak to you for a long time. Don’t you want to go to my home along with Raquelle? We’d drink tea and talk a little…”
“I will accept your invitation with pleasure,” Natalia nods confidently. “Raquelle and I will visit you whenever you want.”
“We will surely discuss it and think about when we could have a women’s hangout without men.”
“Yes, sure,” Natalia smiles shyly.
Silence settles in the air for two seconds, during which Rebecca looks around, stopping her eyes at two feminine bags that are placed on the sofa and belong to Natalia and Raquelle.
“Sorry, it seems like I bothered you,” Rebecca says thoughtfully. “You had wanted to have something before I came.”
“No, no, everything is fine,” Raquelle shakes her head. “You didn’t bother me, don’t worry.”
At this moment, Terrence comes to Rebecca, Natalia, and Raquelle and hugs his beloved girl by the shoulders from behind.
“We were just talking about the life that got much better,” Terrence says with a slight smile and kisses Raquelle cutely on her temple, making her smile widely. “Maybe, we will even celebrate it somehow. But I don’t know how.”
“M-m-m, seeing how close you’re standing to each other, and how happy you are, you’ve reconciled, after all,” Rebecca assumes thoughtfully with a slight smile, looking at Raquelle and Terrence hugging each other.
“Yes, you’re absolutely right!” Raquelle confirms confidently with a slight smile. “Terrence and I have really reconciled!”
“And no breakup will happen,” Terrence adds with a wide smile, not hiding his happiness.
“My God, what happiness!” Rebecca smiles widely and closes her mouth with both hands for two seconds. “Are you together again? Terrence, sonny… Did you get the forgiveness of Raquelle?”
“You see everything clearly,” Terrence pronounces softly, rubbing his cheek against Raquelle’s temple. “I don’t think we need to explain something.”
“And I can confirm they don’t even think about a breakup,” Natalia raises her index finger with a slight smile.
“Oh, gosh, my dears, I’m so happy for you!” Rebecca says happily. “I’m so happy you’ve decided to be together.”
“These lovebirds just understood they wouldn't live without each other.”
“I’ve never hidden that I’ve always been for their relationship. And I got terribly upset when I heard about their problems and wish to break up, I’ve always loved Raquelle and treated her like my own daughter… I can’t imagine any other girl instead of her.”
“I will not have another girlfriend,” Terrence says confidently and smiles widely when Raquelle cutely kisses him on the cheek. “I will not prefer any other girl over my sweetheart.”
“I wish you no longer fought so hard and decided to break up again. No matter what, I will always be here for you. For your happiness.”
“Now everything will be different,” Raquelle smiles shyly. “Your son will be very happy with me. Absolutely, this time. I shall do my best to become a good girlfriend for him.”
“With God’s help, my girl.”
Rebecca puts her purse on the sofa and tightly hugs Terrence and Raquelle and kisses them on the cheek to congratulate them on a long-awaited reunion, while Natalia watches them with a shy smile on her face. After showing her happiness, the woman slowly moves her eyes to the door that leads to the back of the house and notices a tall brunet, who is Edward that went there secretly for the reason that nobody knows.
“By the way, guys, who is that tall, dark-haired man, who is at the back of the house?” Rebecca asks thoughtfully. “Terrence, is that your friend?”
“Erm, almost…” Terrence pronounces hesitantly.
While Edward is talking to someone on the phone, he seems a little excited and nervously waves his hands as if he is fighting strongly with someone he cannot stand. Everybody in the living room frowns slightly and asks themselves who makes him so nervous and even a little mad.
“It’s strange…” Natalia frowns slightly. “I didn’t even notice him leaving…”
“Me too,” Raquelle pronounces thoughtfully. “And who’s he talking on the phone with? He looks like he’s about to explode…”
“These sudden calls don’t leave him alone! I’ve noticed that he goes aside every time someone calls him many times. And when he comes back, he refuses to say who it is and tries to change a topic…”
“Do you think it has to do with the fact that someone called him at the café with our pretense?” Terrence asks thoughtfully. “He quickly went outside when he got a call…”
“Yeah, I remember…” Natalia nods. “He often got calls when he and I were together.”
“I wonder, who is calling him all the time?”
“Who knows!” Natalia sighs quietly. “I don’t know what’s going on.”
“I guess it’s his personal business we don’t have to do with,” Terrence assumes. “I think he’d tell us everything if he wanted and thought it would be right.”
“At least, I’ve never made him talk about it. Of course, I’m curious to know what’s happening to him. But I don’t want to insist.”
“And I’m not gonna do that…”
“I’m telling you that the guy is hiding something,” Raquelle says confidently. “That letting him in our company may be a great mistake.”
“We will see it, honey. Let’s hope that everything will get clear soon.”
“Wait, are you talking about?” Rebecca frowns slightly. “What is that guy? What did he do? What does it mean?”
“Nothing, Mom, it’s okay,” Terrence smiles slightly, caressing the shoulder of Raquelle and Rebecca. “He probably has some things to do, and we shouldn’t meddle in it.”
“Right, let’s not ask him about anything,” Natalia suggests. “When that guy wants, he will tell us everything…”
“Right, let’s not ask him about anything,” Natalia suggests. “When that guy wants, he will tell us everything…”
While Raquelle and Rebecca frown slightly and look at each other questioningly, Terrence notices that Edward finally comes back to them after finishing the call quite rudely and clapping himself on the forehead, slouching slightly and not looking too confident.
“By the way, he’s coming to us,” Terrence says.
Despite the curiosity, Natalia and Terrence decide to be silent about the call and not to ask Edward anything, believing that it’s his personal business, and he would tell everything if he wanted it. Well, Edward himself, who has a scare and fear in his eyes that he tries to hide, comes quietly to Natalia, Terrence, Raquelle, and Rebecca and smiles shyly as if nothing happened.
“Sorry for leaving so suddenly,” Edward apologizes shyly. “I had one important talk that I couldn’t ignore.”
“We get it,” Natalia smiles shyly.
“Hey, who called the doorbell? I didn’t see because my phone called…”
“Here…” Terrence points silently at Rebecca. “This woman came to me. My mother. Rebecca MacClife.”
After moving his eyes to Rebecca, Edward getting sharply pale rounds his eyes and tenses all the muscles of his body. He literally forgets how to breathe and looks at the woman so closely that it makes her feel confused and uncomfortable. She does not understand why she made the guy grow such a great interest in her, but she starts to look at him closely at some moment, as if she is thinking about someone, who this young man reminds her of.
At this moment, Raquelle, Natalia, and Terrence being surprised look at each other surprisingly, not understanding why Edward is so interested in Rebecca and even stops blinking his eyes. The awkward silence settles in the air for some time. While everybody looks at each other questioningly and struggles with nervousness, Edward moves his eyes down for a moment, feeling a little uncomfortable with the thought that he could make the woman confused, while she tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and locks her hands tightly.
“Erm, are you alright, Edward?” Natalia expresses anxiety, putting a hand on Edward’s shoulder.
“Y-yes, everything is fine…” Edward pronounces thoughtfully.
“You were looking at Mrs. MacClife so closely…” Raquelle notices. “What made you so interested in her?”
“Erm… No… I…”
“Are you alright, young man?” Rebecca asks, looking closely at Edward, who puts his head on his shoulders.
“Y-yes… Don’t worry… I’m okay… I’m fine…”
Edward needs a few seconds to calm down a little and move his eyes to Rebecca, who also looks a little excited and tense.
“Erm, sorry, ma’am…” Edward addresses Rebecca. “I’m sorry… I looked at you like this… I’m sorry…”
“It’s alright…” Rebecca smiles slightly, nervously pulling down a sleeve of her coat.
“I just… Erm… I thought about something…” Edward swallows up nervously. “Y-yes… I thought…”
“Maybe, you feel bad? Maybe, your friends should call a doctor or give you a cure?”
“No, no, it’s okay,” Edward pronounces hesitantly and runs his hand over his pale face. “It’s… Okay… Really…”
“You’re really kind of restless,” Terrence notices thoughtfully. “You got pale so suddenly and tensed…”
“It seemed to you…” Edward smiles falsely at everybody, locking his finger tightly with a heavy breath. “Seemed…”
Edward exhales slowly, while his widely open eyes are running from one side to another.
“It’s Rebecca…” Edward thinks, frowning slightly. “Rebecca MacClife… Terrence’s mother… Yes, that’s really her. I don’t doubt it. That woman… That’s her. That woman…”
“You know…” Rebecca pronounces hesitantly. “You kind of… Reminded me… Of one person…”
“Really?” Edward pronounces surprisingly.
“Your familiar?”
“More than just a familiar. A very close person…”
“Erm, excuse me, what’s your name?” Rebecca asks hesitantly. “I… I’m just… Curious…”
“Erm, my name is Edward,” Edward replies a little hesitantly. “Edward Lockhart, to be clear…”
When she hears the name of the one she does not know, Rebecca rounds her eyes and shakes her head.
“Edward?” Rebecca asks hesitantly.
“Yeah,” Edward shrugs. “It’s my name.”
“My gosh…”
Edward’s name makes Rebecca call memories of something that happened many years ago, at the time of her youth. To be clear, the woman thought about it before, but when the young man introduced himself, she literally made sure about something. The woman gets so nervous and excited that she cannot say a word and just looks at the man being a little confused with her dumbfounded, widely open eyes.
“My gosh…” Rebecca pronounces thoughtfully.
“What’s wrong, Mrs. MacClife?” Natalia asks hesitantly. “You’re kind of white. And scared…”
“Erm, Mom, Mom, don’t get excited,” Terrence says quietly, caressing Rebecca’s shoulder softly. “Try to calm down. It's okay… Relax…”
“How did this guy scare you if you got so excited?” Raquelle asks softly, touching Rebecca’s forearm.
“No, I didn’t get scared…” Rebecca replies in a little shaking voice, shaking her head. “Just… Just…”
“Sorry, ma’am…” Edward pronounces hesitantly, locking his fingers tightly. “I… I’m very sorry for… Making you confused… Sorry… I didn't mean to…”
“No, no, don’t apologize, please…” Rebecca shakes her head. “You’re guilty of nothing…”
“My gosh, Mom, how did Edward scare you?” Terrence wonders, seating Rebecca on the sofa and sitting next to her. “Why did you react like this when he called his name?”
“I just…” Rebecca pronounces in a little shaking voice. “Just… I thought about something… Something… That still hurts my soul…”
“What do you mean?”
“Terrence, sonny…” Rebecca hesitantly moves her eyes to Terrence and takes his hands. “I…”
“Maybe, I should give you water?”
“No, no, don’t need…” Rebecca tries to catch a breath. “Don’t need…”
“Calm down, Mom, calm down.” Terrence hugs Rebecca around the shoulders. “It’s okay… Breathe deeper… I’m here…”
“Give me a minute… Now… I need to calm down a little…”
Rebecca tries to calm down a little for a few seconds, breathing heavily enough and understanding that her heart is beating fast from excitement.
“My gosh, Mrs. MacClife, don’t scare us,” Raquelle says with widely open eyes, caressing Rebecca’s shoulder. “Why are you so excited?”
“Hey, Terrence, go to the kitchen to get water,” Natalia says. “She should calm down a little.”
“Yes, yes, I will do it now,” Terrence nods confidently. “Girls, watch my mother, please.”
“We will, don’t worry,” Raquelle promises.
“No, sonny, don’t do this…” Rebecca says softly, taking Terrence by the wrist and smiling at him shyly. “It’s okay. I feel much better now.”
“If you feel bad, let me call a doctor,” Terrence suggests.
“No, don’t call a doctor. I want you to listen to me…”
“Please, Terrence, it’s very important…”
Rebecca says nothing for a few seconds, swallows up nervously, and exhales sharply, as if she is getting ready to reveal some terrible secret.
“My sweetheart…” Rebecca pronounces hesitantly and shakes her head with her half-wet eyes. “I… I’ve never told you that. But… I’m afraid I’ve gotta tell you about it. The truth that I’ve been hiding for all these years.”
“Truth?” Terrence rounds his eyes. “What kind of truth?”
“There is something you should’ve known much earlier but are going to hear now.”
“Sorry, but I don’t understand you.”
“You should know it.”
“Listen to me, Terrence. If you don’t want to meet your father and hear it from him, alright, I shall tell you everything.”
“What do you wanna say?” Terrence wonders. “And what does my father have to do with it?”
“He does, sonny…” Rebecca sniffs quietly. “All this time… I… I’ve been hiding the fact that you… You aren’t the only child of mine…”
“Your father and I had one more son…” Rebecca confesses in a little shaking voice. “Younger…”
“Younger son?” Raquelle opens her eyes widely.
“My God, Mrs. MacClife…” Natalia shakes her head.
“It’s the truth, girls,” Rebecca confirms. “Terrence is not the only child of mine. I had one more.”
Rebecca falls into silence for two seconds and shakes her head with pity in her eyes, while Raquelle and Natalia look at each other questioningly, Terrence gets pale, gets frozen, and opens his eyes widely, and Edward tenses a little and swallows up nervously.
“Younger son?” Terrence pronounces, not believing what he heard.
“Yes, Terrence, it’s the truth,” Rebecca pronounces with pity in her eyes. “I had one more child that I never told you about.”
“But how? How did it happen?”
“It’s a very long and tangled story. But you are not the only child, as you always thought. You had a brother. A younger brother.”
“And…” Terrence pronounces hesitantly, breathing a little heavily. “Where is he now? Where is your second child?”
“I don’t know, sweetie. The last time I saw him was when he was a baby. A little baby that I barely managed to take care of.”
“Does it have to do with my father? Is he connected with it?”
“He does.”
“So, did that man take the child away from you?”
“I could say so…”
“Oh, damn…”
“But if you thought I never thought about him, you’re wrong. All these years… I’ve thought of my younger sonny that I remember as a baby every day for more than twenty years.” Rebecca sniffs quietly. “You can’t imagine how hurt I am to be separated from my child… But if your father had taken you away, I would’ve died from loneliness and grief… Grief for my children that should’ve grown up together but were separated and lived in different places.”
By this moment, Rebecca does not try to hold down tears as she is telling Terrence what she was hiding, while Edward looks at the woman with pity in his eyes, and Natalia and Raquelle shake their heads as they get a little pale.
“My gosh…” Terrence whispers under his nose, runs his hands over his pale face, and sets his eyes in the distance. “I… I don’t understand it… Anything… How is that possible?”
“Are you not lying to us?” Raquelle asks hesitantly. “Did you really have another son?”
“Yes, Raquelle, I swear,” Rebecca replies confidently.
“But why were you silent all this time?” Terrence wonders. “How could you hide that from me? Why didn’t you react when I said I didn’t have brothers and sisters? Not saying about the children from the second marriage of my father…”
“Wait, has your mother never even dropped hints about having a second child?” Natalia wonders. “Didn’t Mrs. MacClife talk about your brother with you or someone else?”
“Nope, I’ve never heard anything like that! She doesn’t even have any things that would let me know she hides having a second child from me. Mother has never said about a possible son with my pretense…”
“I don’t really have anything related to my younger sonny,” Rebecca confesses. “No photo, no clothes… Nothing…”
“My gosh, Mom…” Terrence pronounces quietly with sadness in his eyes.
“I’m very sorry it happened,” Rebecca says with pity in her eyes, taking Terrence’s hands. “I’m ashamed of hiding this from you. Even though I’ve never stopped thinking of my second child for more than twenty years.”
“Wait, haven’t you really met your second child since my father took him away?”
“I haven't done it, my dear. But when I asked your father to let me see my younger son some time later after we reconciled, he got me overwhelmed by the news that he had disappeared.”
“He left home and never came back.”
“But why?”
“I don’t know, sweetie. Your father told me nothing about it. But as far as I know, my son threatened to run away from home many times. He was a very wild teenager and had conflicts with everybody, who stood in his way.”
“Did you go to the police?”
“Yeah, but unfortunately, the police couldn’t help us, and we didn’t manage to find your brother, who was literally swallowed up by the ground.”
“But why?”
“They were searching for him for a long time, but he didn’t show up.”
Rebecca sniffs quietly.
“So, since searching for him became worthless, I started to believe that he…” Rebecca says in a little shaking voice. “That he was dead or lived in another city or country. Or… Actually dead…”
“Dead?” Terrence rounds his eyes.
“Nobody has known a thing about him for ages. The boy was kind of swallowed up by the ground. None of his friends knows where he went. Though, we contacted everybody, who that guy talked with.”
“And what’s his supposed age?”
“Almost twenty-five.”
“If he’s alive, he’s probably living his own life. He just doesn’t wanna think about his family.”
“I don’t know, Terrence. Anything could happen to him. He could be hit with a car, killed by a stinker, or something else…”
“Why do you think he could be killed or hit with a car?”
“I wouldn’t be surprised. Because…” Rebecca sniffs. “It can’t happen that Jamie and I haven’t found out anything about our younger child for so many years.”
“Maybe, we can still find him. Maybe, I have some familiar people, who know him. Maybe, someone could tell us where he’s studying, living, and working.”
“Yeah, but we know nothing about him. And we don’t know how he looks now. At least, I don’t know what he has become. He was a baby when I saw him the last time.”
“Okay, what’s his name?”
“We named that boy Edward.”
“Edward?” Terrence unconsciously moves his eyes to Edward, who swallows up nervously with widely open eyes.
“Yes, just like your friend. My younger son’s name is also Edward. I always wanted to name my child like this. This name is my favorite. Yes, my first baby could’ve been named like this, but I let his father choose a name. And he chose the name, Terrence… And I happily agreed to give him quite a beautiful and rare name. Jamie heard it in a movie and wanted to have a child with this name.”
“My gosh…” Natalia pronounces thoughtfully, closing her mouth with a hand.
“Edward Robert MacClife…” Rebecca pronounces with sadness in her eyes in a shaking voice. “My little boy… Where are you now? What’s happening to you? Are you alive? Or are you dead?”
“My gosh…” Terrence exhales sharply and swallows up nervously. “What a story…”
“I know I should’ve told you all the truth much earlier. But I had no courage. I couldn’t confess that. I could not do it because I didn’t know how you would react. Whether you would have accepted your brother. Accepted the fact that you were an older son… I couldn’t foresee your reaction. But I knew you would know about your brother clearly or late…”
“But I told you that I dreamed of a brother or a sister so many times. But you said that was impossible.”
“I’m sorry, Terrence…” Rebecca begs with pity in her eyes. “I’m sorry for hiding the truth all these years and never telling you about my younger brother… I’m ashamed of being silent about what you should’ve known. Please, honey, forgive me, forgive…”
And while Edward, Raquelle, and Natalia listen to Rebecca with pity in their eyes and shake their heads slightly, Terrence smiles shyly and caresses softly the shoulders of his mother, saying:
“Mom, please, calm down. Don’t be so nervous.”
“I’m sorry, Terrence,” Rebecca apologizes again and sniffs quietly. “I should’ve told you all the truth much earlier. And never hidden anything like that from you.”
“I’m not mad at you. And I’m not going to be.”
“Yes, maybe, you will probably never meet him because your brother is missing. But now you know that… Your father and I had not just you.”
“I don’t have photos of that baby. There was only one picture from my release from the hospital. It was taken by our good friend after the boy was born. But as it turned out, your father has it. Sadly, I can’t show you your brother, at least when he was a newborn baby.”
“I don’t need it,” Terrence smiles slightly.
“What? Wouldn’t you like to know what your brother looked like?”
“We will find my brother. We will do our best to find out what happened to him.”
“How? We know nothing about him!”
“I don’t know… But I promise, I will do my best to find your son.”
“It doesn’t make sense, sonny. Edward may be dead now. Or he’s actually living in a different city. Or maybe, he actually wanted to change his name and start his life over again.”
“We will find Edward, Mother. Wherever he is. I will call all my familiar people and find out everything about that guy.”
“Maybe, there’s some information that could help us find your son?” Raquelle asks.
“No, Raquelle, I don’t have anything.”
“But as far as I understand, your ex-husband knows the friends of Edward,” Natalia recalls. “What if they do have some information? What if your son asked them not to say anything?”
“Jamie and I tried to talk to them in all ways, but the result was always the same – sorry, but we know nothing about your son.”
“Alright, how do we contact our friends?” Terrence asks. “Give us their contacts, and we will try to talk to them.”
“Yes, I can give you some numbers, but you will not get anything.”
“Don’t worry, Mom, if it doesn’t help, we will find some other ways.”
“Yes, Mrs. MacClife, don’t worry…” Edward adds hesitantly, looking at Rebecca with rounded eyes. “You will meet your son. Early or late.”
“It’s been a while since I stopped hoping. Though, I pray about his well-being every day. I pray that he is okay.”
“I’m sure he’s okay. That guy may just live his own life. Maybe… He had a serious conflict with his family. And… He doesn’t want to think about it.”
“But his mother and brother are guilty of nothing! Why does he treat us like this?”
“Maybe, Edward would be happy to contact you. But what if he doesn’t just have your contacts? Because… As I understand… His father didn’t have a wish to introduce his son to you.”
“No, he did want to do it. But sadly, he did not do it.”
“Excuse me, didn’t your ex-husband and you have any conflicts? What if you hurt him so much that... That he doesn’t want to hear anything about you… And he always told his son to keep himself far from his mother.”
“Come on, it never happened! Jamie did not even think about making his son forget about his mother. Vice versa, he wanted Edward to know about her.”
“But why did he stay with his father? Why didn’t the child stay with his mother, as it usually happens?”
“It happened,” Rebecca shrugs.
“Anyway, you can count on me. I will also help the guys find your son. Maybe, I will even ask my familiar people. I’ve got many of them. Trust me, there will be someone, who will tell me some information about Edward.”
“My God, my heart is breaking…” Rebecca shakes her head, closing her mouth with a hand with the eyes that are wet from tears. “It’s unbearable to know that my child is somewhere far. Yes, he is mature and independent… But… I wanna see him so badly… I wanna hug him…”
“Mom, please, don’t cry,” Terrence says softly, hugging Rebecca tightly with both arms and caressing her head.
“You could be a wonderful older brother, Terrence.” Rebecca caresses Terrence's hand. “I am sure that your brother will always be safe with you. He would always count on you.”
“If I had him, I would take care of him like nobody else. I would watch him while you are not near.”
“My God, it’s been more than twenty years, but I remember everything like it happened yesterday…” Rebecca sighs heavily. “I remember myself being pregnant… How your father and I were expecting your birth… How much we wanted you to be born healthy…”
“Mrs. MacClife, darling…” Natalia pronounces with pity in her eyes, caressing Rebecca’s shoulder.
“I will not hide that my second pregnancy was a little unexpected for us.” Rebecca wipes tears under her eyes carefully. “But Jamie and I told ourselves that we would overcome it. Since God gave us a chance to become parents of another baby, it should’ve happened.”
“Maybe, that’s what you think. While my father didn’t need it at all.”
“No, Terrence, he loved children very much and could not wait for the birth of both of his sons. I clearly remember the tears of happiness in his eyes when he was allowed to take his babies in his arms for the first time.”
“Oh, yeah, at first, he cried from happiness, but then he left his older child on his own and took away his younger son, whom he eventually let run away from home,” Terrence rolls his eyes. “Whom he probably annoyed so much that the guy lost his patience.”
“My God, sonny, don’t say these things about your father. He is not guilty of that situation.”
“Don’t protect him, Mother. He doesn’t deserve it. Because of him, our family was ruined. Because of him, you and I barely had money for life. Because of him, my younger brother is now living far from his family. Far from his own mother, from whom he was stolen shamelessly and insolently.”
“By the way, you were very close to him somehow.”
“What? When was I close to him?”
“When you were a baby. Jamie told me about how you calmed him down when the doctors took me for labor. Twenty five years ago… When I gave birth to my second child…”
“Was I there too?” Terrence frowns slightly.
“Yup… But as far as I understand, you hardly remember that…”
“I don’t remember at all. And I can’t believe I could comfort my father.”
“But you comforted him and said that your mommy and brother would be okay. And since you said your first words at the age of one, you always asked your father when you would be allowed to see me and the baby while waiting for the news about me.”
“Yes. He told me that when he was allowed to come to my room and look at the baby.”
“It’s strange… These things are usually memorable. But… I don’t have any memories about it.”
“But your father and I remember everything,” Rebecca smiles slightly. “We remember that you were happy with the birth of your brother. You often came to me, caressed my belly, and kissed it. You even talked to him… You said your name was Terry, and you would be the best brother in the world… That was very cute…”
“Really?” Terrence smiles shyly.
“And when you came to my room, you kissed me and then ran up to the bed, in which your newborn brother was lying, and tried to reach your hand to it. I still remember you reacting funnily to any of his movements with your legs and hands. You showed him funny faces while your father or I were holding him in our arms.”
Listening to the touching way, in which Rebecca tells everything, Raquelle, Natalia and Edward cannot hide their shy smile, and Terrence moves his eyes with blushed cheeks.
“That’s it, my boy,” Rebecca smiles shyly. “If not for some circumstances, your brother and you would’ve been growing up together.”
“Terrence would’ve really been a wonderful brother,” Edward says confidently. “He always takes care of his close people.”
“That’s right. But alas, it did not happen.”
“Don’t say it as if you will never see your son.” Edward sits next to Rebecca shyly. “He will be found. Early or late.”
“Yes, Mrs. MacClife, we will call all of our familiar people,” Raquelle promises.
“And I can ask my parents to help you,” Natalia adds. “Besides, we can hire a private detective, who would help us find out some information about your younger son. I know one person and could talk to them.”
“Thanks a lot, girls,” Rebecca thanks with a slight smile and sniffs quietly. “I really appreciate your help.”
“The idea of the detective is fantastic,” Terrence notices. “If we don't find out anything on our own, they will help us.”
“I understand that the news about my second child may be shocking for you,” Rebecca says quietly. “But it’s the truth.”
“Right, I am shocked by your words. But I am ready to accept it. And I am happy you told me everything.” Terrence cracks a shy smile. “You know that I’ve always dreamed of having a brother or a sister. Though, I understand that it will never happen. Since my father and you are divorced, and you would hardly decide to have children at such a late age. But… It was kind of sad for me to grow up alone, without someone, with whom I could play and do bad tricks… From whom I could steal something…”
“I am very sorry that you missed this chance.”
“I promise, if we find my brother someday, I will accept him,” Terrence promises confidently. “I will do my best to become his friend.”
“I would be very happy. I don’t want my children to fight over something, share something, and become enemies.”
“It will not happen. Never.”
“You’re lucky to have a brother,” Edward says with sadness in his eyes, folding his hands in front of himself. “But I don’t have siblings. Though, I dreamed about it at times. I thought they would be close to me. I wanted us to go crazy together and fight over toys and clothes.”
“My son is supposed to be roughly of the same age as you…” Rebecca notices thoughtfully, moving her sad eyes to Edward. “He has probably become the same sympathetic guy, who the girls are chasing like tails.”
“Anyway, you should believe that he’s alive and healthy. Don’t bury him and think that he is dead.”
“Oh, I don’t know what to think… The boy could not be swallowed by the ground and never let us know about him for so many years.”
“He probably had some reasons to do it. I am not speaking to my father, with whom I had such serious conflicts that I could easily be ready to go to live with homeless people at any time.”
“But are you speaking to your family?”
“Sadly, no. I've been living on my own since I left home. Though… Despite nothing, I sometimes think about my father and understand that I miss him. That I would be happy to meet him someday.”
“So, what’s your problem?”
“I’m not sure if he needs me.”
“No, boy, don’t say it.”
“It’s the truth, Mrs. MacClife. My father has never expressed interest in me.”
“I am sure that he is missing you so badly and wants to know how you’re living.”
“Maybe, it will happen someday,” Edward shrugs. “I don’t have a strong wish to meet him, but I will not refuse to talk to him somewhere outside. At my home or at the café – it’s okay.”
“Have you always had such a bad relationship with your father?”
“Exactly! That man would never give me anything at his wish. He always banned me from sorting out his stuff and using his computer and other stuff. Though, he always told me to study well and be a good boy.”
“Any parent wants a shy and obedient child. I could personally dream about it when raising Terrence. He wrecked my brains with his actions so hard.”
‘But any child also wants love and attention. They want to be noticed not only when they do something bad.”
“I was like a pain in the throat for him.” Edward shakes his head with sadness in his eyes. “That man never loved me and called me his burden. His children from the second child were always more important to him. Yes, I know that they’re younger and should get much more attention. But it doesn’t mean he could give a damn about me.”
“Did your father never tell you about your mother?” Rebecca wonders.
“Nope, he never told me about her and refused to let me see her. Though, I always knew that she was alive and healthy.”
“Do you remember your mother?”
“Nope…” Edward pronounces hesitantly and locks his fingers tightly. “I don’t remember… And I don’t know how she looks or what her name is.”
“Oh, poor boy…” Rebecca caresses Edward’s hand softly. “You’re so lonely…”
“It’s okay, I’m used to it.”
“Thank God, your parents are at least alive. That you can meet them if you really want it.”
“Can you imagine how your younger son would look now?”
“I think he would look like his father. And his older brother. Trust me, Terrence is his absolute image. Every time I look at him, I see the young Jamie in front of me.”
“I think you know it better,” Edward shrugs.
“You know, you kind of remind me of my ex-husband thanks to some features.” Rebecca looks at Edward closely, while he rounds his eyes. “If you had black hair and blue eyes…”
“Yeah but I’ve got brown eyes…” Edward runs his hand slowly over his hair. “And my hair is not black…”
“Anyway…” Rebecca swallows up nervously. “I think I could recognize my son… I could say that it’s him after just looking at him.”
“And I will never know that a woman going by me could be my mom,” Edward replies. “Because I don’t have any information about her.”
“Don’t worry, boy, maybe, you will be lucky to meet her someday. I am sure that she is thinking about you and dreaming of finding you.”
“I’d like to believe it. Believe that she is thinking about me. Just like you’re thinking about your younger son.”
“Ah, how I wish to know what happened to my black-haired boy…” Rebecca sighs heavily. “Find out if he has become another image of Jamie… When I was young, I fell in love with his gorgeous head of hair. It was gorgeous! My friends and I even joked that we were jealous of it, even if we all had beautiful hair.”
“And when I was a teenager, many of my familiar girls said that I had a very sympathetic father,” Edward smiles shyly. “And it was impossible to argue with them. Tall, with dark hair, brown eyes, slim, taut…”
Edward exhales sharply.
“But he didn’t definitely inherit a good character,” Edward adds gloomily.
“Just like my father didn’t,” Terrence meddles.
“Terrence…” Rebecca pronounces harshly.
“Would a good father think of leaving the poor woman alone when she needs his help and support so badly! And taking the child from her, as we just found out!”
“No, guys, don’t say that about your fathers,” Rebecca says with a slight smile. “Jamie has lately changed a lot. And Edward’s father could change his point of view.”
“Yeah, sure.”
“I’m telling the truth, sonny. Your father is truly regretting what he did and said and would really like to fix his mistakes. Of course, he and I will never be together because he has his life. But we managed to establish our relationship and speak well as good friends at times. As parents of two boys.”
“I would like to believe you. But he has to get through something that would shake him up strongly to change a lot. Maybe, if my father became homeless, without food or money, and wore only his pants and shirt one beautiful day, he would change his character. But I really doubt it.”
“My father is the same,” Edward says gloomily, crossing his arms over his chest. “He never apologized to me for the way he treated me. And he preferred pretending that nothing happened in the case of my stepmother and his children from the second marriage, and never even tried to ask for forgiveness.”
“Even if your fathers did bad things, it doesn’t mean they are bad,” Rebecca says softly.
“You don’t know my father! You don’t know what kind of demon he becomes when something does not go the way he wants.”
“A father is a father. He is not a stranger to you and will never be the one. Yes, my ex-husband is really proud, but he is not so proud to refuse to recognize his fault when he’s guilty.”
“That man always treated me like I was property that he didn’t need at all. Even though I never did anything to deserve it. He never praised me for good scores at school, but literally grabbed a belt when I got bad ones.”
“I don’t know what your father was like, Edward, but I think you exaggerate everything.”
“Not at all!”
“It’s typical for the offended people to make a little thing something big and make someone literally the lord of hell.”
“My father should’ve left you and my brother with you,” Terrence throws gloomily. “And we would’ve lived happily ever after. And he would’ve taken care of his other children and loved his second wife. Nobody would’ve even thought about him!”
“Jamie is not a holy man, I can’t deny it. But even his hard character does not prevent him from loving his children with all his heart.”
“He would’ve done such a cruel thing to us if he had really loved us. So, my father can leave us alone once and forever. We don’t need his love and care. Love and care that he thought about too late.”
“Exactly,” Edward agrees gloomily. “If my father had loved me, he would’ve given attention to me and wouldn’t have pushed me off when I wanted to come to him to ask something or talk heart-to-heart. Even his second wife never humiliated me and treated me well.”
“Oh, guys…” Rebecca smiles shyly. “Someday you will regret saying these things about your fathers.”
Terrence and Edward say nothing and just look at each other.
“Alright, let’s stop talking about it,” Rebecca says confidently. “Anyway, I told you the truth about my second son. And I really hope that you will all understand me.”
“Of course, we will,,” Terrence nods with a slight smile.
“I’m very sorry, Terrence,” Rebecca says with sadness in her eyes. “Forgive me for being silent before and saying nothing about your brother.”
“Mom, please…”
“As you’ve heard, I wanted to tell you everything, but I couldn’t find the courage and was afraid of your reaction. Even remembering how often you told me you wouldn’t mind having a brother or a sister.”
“It’s okay, I’m not mad at you,” Terrence smiles shyly, caressing Rebecca’s cheek softly. “I’m glad I know the truth now. I’m glad you put an end to this story and confirmed everything.”
“Are you happy you have a brother?”
“Very. And I will be impatiently waiting for the moment when I’m able to meet him.”
“I hope it will happen someday. Though, I can’t promise anything to you.”
“Anyway, you also forgive me for not always being a perfect son for you. I didn’t wanna give you problems. Though I know that I’ve ran into tons of them all my life. I don’t deny that I’ve got many bad character features, but I’m trying to fight with them and get much better.”
“Aw, Terrence…” Rebecca shakes her head with a slight smile. “No matter what a terrible hooligan you are, I will always love you. You know well that I’ll support you in any situation and do everything to help you.”
“Thanks a lot. Thanks…”
Terrence kisses Rebecca cutely on the cheek with a much wider smile and takes her in his hug, which she accepts with great pleasure. While Raquelle and Natalia watch what’s happening with a slight smile, and Edward imagines how happy he would be to hug and kiss his real mother if he managed to find her. And after stepping back from her son a few seconds later and kissing him on one cheek and caressing another, the woman moves her eyes to Lockhart and smiles at him shyly.
“And you don’t be upset, boy,” Rebecca says softly, caressing Edward’s hand. “Everything is going to be okay. You will meet your mother and establish a relationship with your father. And you will meet a good girl if you don’t have her.”
“Thanks a lot,” Edward thanks shyly. “I really want it, but my dreams still remain my dreams. And… I have to accept it.”
“I liked you, Edward. Really liked. I don’t know why, but you make me feel very tender and warm feelings.”
“You know…” Edward smiles a little hesitantly. “You too… I liked you, too. You’re so king and sweet… Just like Terrence said.”
“Anyway, I am very happy that he got one more friend. Of course, he’s got a lot of them, but agree that meeting new people is always good.”
“Right… I also love meeting new people. Though, I don’t have so many friends, to be honest.”
“Don’t you have?”
“I don’t. There’s nobody, with whom I could be absolutely open and honest about my emotions and feelings. I think… Your son is the first person, with whom I can show much more of my inside world than usual.”
“If you want, I can be your friend, too.”
“You?” Edward raises his eyebrows surprisingly. “My friend?”
“Yes, sweetie. If you want, you can always ask me for help. And if you want to talk a little, I will be happy to listen to you. I’ve lived enough to be able to give you a wise piece of advice.”
“It’s…” Edward moves his eyes aside for a second and smiles slightly. “It would be great…”
“Don’t be afraid of me. I don’t bite, and I try to be nice to the people that my son is talking to. Yes, I don’t always approve of his choice, but it’s his life, and he can choose who he wants to speak with.”
“I’m not afraid of you. Vice versa, you seem a very kind and light woman.”
“And if you feel too lonely, I can always replace a mother for you. I can be the one until you meet your real one or get on well with your father.”
“Are you serious?” Edward opens his eyes widely. “You want to be my mother?”
“It’s hard for me to explain the affection that I feel for you. But you became the first one among Terrence’s friends, for whom I’d like to become a close person.”
“Mrs. MacClife…”
“I really hope that you and I will get on well and meet very often.”
“Of course, we can,” Edward nods confidently with a slight smile. “I will be very happy to get to know you better. Maybe… You will really be like my second mother. The woman, who may be very close to me.”
“It’s not going to be hard for me to spend time with you.” Rebecca shrugs. “I have nothing to do. My son has grown up and is now living his life, and I can’t always meet my friends because they’re too busy. So, I have to stay at home and feel bored while being alone. But I could at least talk to you.”
“If you want, I can easily help you with homework. Fix something, buy something… I’m always at your service.”
“Thanks a lot, Edward, you’re a very nice and kind boy.”
“Since both of us are a little lonely, let’s spend time together. So, we don’t feel so sad. It’s always better together, agree.”
“You’re right, sweetie.” Rebecca sniffs quietly and wipes tears under her eyes carefully. “Absolutely right…”
“Don’t cry, Mrs. MacClife, it’s okay…” Edward pronounces softly, caressing Rebecca’s shoulder.
“You know… I always dreamed of a big family. About my husband and me having many children. I didn’t want to stop after two sons. And I would be happy to give birth to the third and fourth child. Motherhood has always been happiness for me, despite all the difficulties.”
“It’s a great responsibility.”
“I know. But I was told in childhood that my husband and children were the most important things in a woman’s life. And I didn’t mind it. I’ve never dreamed of building a career and becoming someone like a boss.”
“And your ex-husband? He wanted many children? Or did he prefer raising one or two children?”
“No, Jamie wanted many children, too. We were similar in this case. He loved babysitting them and watched his goddaughter many times.”
“Goddaughter?” Edward frowns slightly.
“When his old friend got a daughter, he asked my ex-husband to become her godfather. And Jamie agreed immediately and always treated his responsibility well. He stayed by her side until she grew up.”
“Sadly, I’m not at the good enough age to give birth to children. I’m gonna turn forty-six in December. You know, I’m not a girl. And I don’t have anyone to make child with. Jamie and I broke up a long time ago, but I’m not going to look for a new man.”
“The mother of one of my familiars gave birth to her second child when she was more than forty. They were absolutely healthy.”
“No, Edward, my time has gone. Thank God, I gave birth to two children when I was young. But now I only have to wait for my grandchildren to be born.”
“As you wish…”
“But my maternal instinct is still alive inside me. And I would be happy to give my love to someone expect my older son.”
Rebecca caresses Edward’s cheek shyly with a slight smile, making him feel something warm and nice because of the warm hand of the woman’s hand on his skin.
“Do you agree to become my son?” Rebecca asks. “Do you agree to let me take care of you? Give you the love that you didn’t get from your parents?”
“Of course, I do,” Edward smiles much wider. “I would be very happy to have such a wonderful mother like you.”
“Aw, Edward…” Rebecca pronounces in a shaking voice with tears, closing her mouth with a hand. “My sweet boy…”
Rebecca, having tears in her eyes, takes Edward in her touching hug, which he does not even want to reject. And the man smiles widely upon realizing how the warm arms of the woman are holding him, and her tender hands are caressing his head and back. Something nice and warm is spreading slowly all over his body and gives a sign to his brain that being in the hugs of this woman is nice to him. And to be honest, she does not understand why she is so attracted to this unfamiliar guy. Anyway, Edward relaxes quickly enough and hugs Rebecca tightly at some moment, snuggling his nose into her shoulder and enjoying the moments when he gets as much love and caress as he has never gotten in his whole life.
All this time, Raquelle and Natalia have been standing not far from Rebecca, Edward, and Terrence, watching what’s happening, listening to their talk with a slight smile on their faces, and letting themselves shed a tear at some moment.
“Mrs. MacClife looks so happy,” Raquelle notices with a slight smile. “She liked this guy so much.”
“Yeah…” Natalia confesses, wiping tears carefully under her eyes. “It’s all so touching.”
“I guess she sees her missing son in Edward. I mean, he reminds her of him. Moreover, she said both of them are of almost the same age.”
“Anyway, we have to find that guy. Find the younger son of Mrs. MacClife. I don’t know how, but I think he’s alive and healthy. He’s just living his life.”
“I didn’t even think that Terrence got a younger brother. He always told us that he was the only child,”
“I think he will get a lot of attention if we manage to find him, and journalists know about him.”
“Who knows, sweetie…” Raquelle smiles shyly. “But I also think that the brother of MacClife could get all the attention on himself.”
“I wonder how he looks? Does he look like Terrence? Or is he actually a different man?”
“I hope we will know it someday.”
Silence settles in the air for two seconds, during which Raquelle and Natalia just laugh shyly.
“Hey, why didn’t you tell me you fell in love with Terrence’s friend?” Raquelle wonders. “With my pretense, you never called the name of your admirer and never said who Edward was looking for.”
“I swear, I wanted to tell you that,” Natalia replies shyly. “I just didn’t wanna talk about something about Terrence when you were in a fight. Because… A mention of him would’ve given you pain…”
“Were you silent because of that?”
“Anyway, be careful with this guy.”
“Oh, Raquelle, here you go again…” Natalia moans tiredly.
“Just because I agreed to tolerate him doesn’t mean he lulled me. Not at all! If MacClife and you don’t wanna see anything due to the clouded mind, I will be watching him for you two.”
“My gosh, you just look how cute he is! Could such a wonderful guy be bad? Look! Even Mrs. MacClife literally fell in love with him! She literally calls him a son!”
“Because nobody told her that he was chasing Terrence.”
“He did not chase him!”
“Okay, forget it!” Raquelle raises his hands. “Do what you want, but my opinion will not change. I will be nice to him, okay. For Terrence and you. But until I know the truth about his plans, he will be in my list of suspicious people.”
“Okay, Cameron, if you want it, it’s okay.”
“Anyway, it’s hurtful for me that you didn’t tell me about your sympathy for him before. Yes, talks about Terrence hurt me much, but I wouldn’t have killed you if you’d called his name ‘cause I wasn’t so mad at him.”
“Sorry, it happened…” Natalia shrugs. “But now you know the sweet guy that stole my heart is Terrence’s new friend.”
“Hey, doesn’t Anna also know who you’re dating?”
“She knows the fact that my man’s name is Edward, and I haven’t told her anything more yet,” Natalia confesses with a slight smile. “I told her about our dates, the way he was taking care of me, about how handsome and kind he was… Well, everything I’ve told you hundreds of times. And I mentioned that he was looking for Terrence.”
“So, did you tell her the name of your boyfriend but say nothing to me?” Raquelle claps Natalia on her forearm. “You dare to call yourself my best friend!”
“It happened,” Natalia smiles innocently.
“Yeah, Rochester, I didn’t expect it from you. And Anna, too… She could tell me more about your mysterious boyfriend.”
“Sorry, Raquelle, I didn’t do that on purpose…” Natalia apologies with pity in her eyes, softly taking Raquelle by the shoulders. “Just because I told Anna a little bit more doesn’t mean you mean less to me. It all just happened…”
“By the way, I told you everything about Terrence when we just met. You knew everything about my feelings!”
“Hey, I also told you everything I felt for Edward. I just hid who he was and who he was looking for. But you and Anna know everything that’s happening between us.”
“And now I see everything is more serious between you since you became his girlfriend,” Raquelle smiles slyly.
“If I hadn’t been such an idiot and hadn’t been ignoring him for two weeks, we would’ve started to date much earlier.”
“We will see how long you well date.”
“I wish we dated forever. If I’m lucky, I will even be ready to get married to him…”
“No, don’t even dare to think about marrying him now.”
“Until we know what’s hidden underneath his pretty face, don’t even think about it.”
“But, Raquelle…”
“I said everything!” Raquelle exclaims harshly, raising her index finger. “When we know what Edward needs from you and Terrence, then we will decide it.”
“Anyway, he’s the best of all the men I’ve ever known.”
“We will see it.”
“Oh, gosh…” Natalia sighs with a shy smile. “To be honest, being someone’s girlfriend is kind of unusual to me… It’s not quite a new but probably a little forgotten feeling… Because I didn’t date anyone since school and student times and was unsuccessfully tried to find a partner.”
“Maybe, if we find Terrence’s brother someday, you’re gonna like him much more than Edward.”
‘M-m-m… Of course, it would be great to become a relative of Terrence MacClife… And if this pretty guy proposed to you to marry, you would also become my family… That would be cool! But no! I don’t wanna think about any other men. Now I only love Edward. And I don’t need any other man.”
“My gosh, first, you should date the guy and then think of a wedding,” Raquelle laughs quietly.
“I am ready to get married right now! Just give me a ring, a veil, and a bouquet!”
“No, Blondie, don’t rush with it. We don’t know Edward and can’t trust him at one hundred percent.”
“Oh, Cameron…”
Natalia rolls her eyes with a mysterious smile and thinks about something nice. The short silence settles in the air again, during which Raquelle and she move their eyes to Rebecca looking at Edward with admiration in her eyes and a wide smile on her face and saying to him something that makes him smile truly, while Terrence watches and sometimes says a word.
“Yeah, don’t you know when Anna is gonna introduce her young man to us?” Raquelle frowns slightly. “It’s been so much time, but we know nothing about that mysterious stranger that made our little girl lose her head.”
Raquelle puts her hands on her hips.
“Or are you and her even?” Raquelle asks. “You told her about Edward, and she told you about her sweetheart?”
“She promised to tell us about him at the nearest time,” Natalia replies with a slight smile. “But honestly, I don’t know why Anna hasn’t said anything about him.”
“But what’s his name?”
“I don’t even know the name of that man!”
“And how does he look?”
“I managed to make her say that she dated a tall brown-eyed brunet with chocolate hair and ‘the most magnificent eyes in the world.’”
“That’s just something…” Raquelle smiles mysteriously. “Maybe, we’ll get everything out of her soon.”
“Yesterday, Seymour was telling me about her date with him. He prepared a wonderful surprise for her, which is the reason Anna was still impressed.”
“I believe everything is more serious than we think.”
“But the fact that she started to date the man that she met two months ago or a little earlier scares me a little. Yes, of course, everything started very soon between you and MacClife, but still…”
“Well one month or two, but it seems like everything’s really serious and developing very fast. And you know, I wouldn’t be surprised if we had to expect the announcement of the engagement and a gorgeous wedding at the nearest time.”
“I think it’s gonna happen. Anna would do her best for her parents not to get her married to the one they found for her because she would have a husband. She would be the only one to get divorced from him.”
“Yeah, I think that’s why she’s rushing. In the opposite case, the girl wouldn’t rush and wouldn’t leave her home.”
While Raquelle and Natalia are talking, Rebecca keeps smiling slightly as she looks at Edward, next to whom she seems very short as well as next to her older one. Terrence sometimes starts to look at the girls, who probably get so busy with their talk that they forget they are not alone here. However, Edward and Rebecca also hardly remember it now because they are much busier with their talk with each other.
“Erm, listen, I think we forgot someone,” Terrence says thoughtfully, still looking at the girls that are standing aside, talking with each other, and laughing shyly.
“Oh, yeah, you’re right,” Rebecca laughs shyly, also looking at Natalia and Raquelle. “We really forgot about them. The girls are standing there like forgotten and talking while we’re standing here.”
“Girls, why are you standing there?” Edward asks.
Raquelle and Natalia stop talking and move their eyes to Edward.
“Come to us,” Terrence makes a calling gesture. “Don’t stand aside like strangers.”
Natalia and Raquelle look at each other with a slight smile, come and stand next to their sweethearts, who press them tenderly to themselves and hug tightly.
“Listen, Edward, you look very good with Natalia,” Rebecca notices. “How long have you known her?”
“Well, for two months, or maybe, a little less…” Edward replies thoughtfully. “She is the kindest and sweetest girl that I have ever known.”
“And Edward is the best of the men I have ever known,” Natalia smiles shyly. “I liked him literally shortly after I looked at him.”
“You’ve made an excellent choice, sweetheart,” Rebecca says confidently and caresses Natalia’s shoulder softly with a shy smile. “You’ve picked up a very sympathetic and sweet guy.”
“I hope that my heart made the right choice.”
“Ah, yeah, it seems like you don’t know something,” Edward says with a slight smile, embracing Natalia by the shoulders from behind. “You don’t know something about Natalia and me.”
“Yes, Raquelle and Terrence already know it, but I hope it will be a nice piece of news for you,” Natalia adds with a mysterious smile.
“So, speak out then,” Rebecca smiles shyly. “I can’t already wait to know your piece of news…”
After they look at each other, nod, and give each other a true smile, Natalia and Edward pronounce at the same time with a gloss and fire in their eyes:
“We are dating!”
While Raquelle and Terrence standing near them, hugging each other tightly and sometimes sending each other an ogle look smile shyly, Rebecca closes her slightly open mouth with a hand, not hiding her happiness.
“What?” Rebecca asks. “Are you dating?”
Natalia and Edward nod energetically to confirm it.
“It’s the truth, Mom,” Terrence says confidently. “We got one more cute couple.”
“Oh, my gosh!” Rebecca smiles widely. “My dears… I’m so happy for you!”
“I hope you will like this girl,” Edward expresses hope. “As well as you like Raquelle.”
“Oh, come on! I really adore this girl! Natalia is an amazing and very kind girl. I’ve known her not for a long time – somewhere since Simon Ringer showed up again to turn the life of her friend to hell. Natalia was at Terrence’s home when I came here. So, I met this girl, whom I get much pleasure talking with every time we meet.”
“Nice to hear it,” Natalia gets a little blushed, looking down with a shy smile.
“She will surely make you happy.”
“My intuition tells me that it’s going to happen,” Edward says confidently.
“I wish.”
Rebecca moves her eyes to Natalia.
“Make this boy happy, my darling,” Rebecca says softly, taking Natalia’s hands. “Do your best for him not to regret his decision to date you.”
“He will not do,” Natalia says confidently.
“I’m so happy Edward began to date you. The girl that I just adore.”
“Natalia and I will be as happy as they are,” Edward promises and moves his eyes to Raquelle and Terrence, who are watching what’s happening with a slight smile.
“We will do our best…” Natalia adds confidently with a slight smile.
“Aw, my dears…” Rebecca smiles widely. “Come to me…”
Rebecca gets Natalia and Edward in her amicable group hug, to which they answer with a wide smile on their faces. While Raquelle and Terrence are standing aside shyly, watching what’s happening, smiling truly, and still pressing themselves close to each other. At some moment, the girl puts her head on the man’s shoulder and puts her arms around the small of his back.
“I haven’t seen Natalia so happy for ages,” Raquelle says with a slight smile.
“Edward adores her,” Terrence replies confidently. “And Natalia goes insane from him, as I see.”
“I wish that guy didn’t deceive her, and my suspicions are not true.”
“I am sure that we will know everything about him early or late. And I wanna believe that he doesn’t really plan anything bad.”
“And until we know it I will not let Rochester get married to Lockhart”
“No, they’re too far from getting married because the guys have just started to date.”
“But Natalia already wants it. She says she’d get married to him now if she had a chance.”
“Anyway, let’s just wish them happiness.”
“Just for you two.”
“Of course, she did a very stupid thing by ignoring him for two weeks. But I am happy that she understood it and agreed to become his girlfriend.”
“Maybe, she did, but she did not stop talking about him even for a second.”
“Yup, Natalia was only telling Anna and me how good and caring Edward was. Before I reconciled with her, she had told Seymour everything about their dates.”
“I get it,” Terrence laughs shyly. “When someone mentioned her, my buddy began to talk about her without stopping. Someone would’ve had to make an effort to make him shut up and think of something else, except for one gorgeous blonde with incredible blue eyes.”
“Don’t relax, honey. You and I have to get ready because they’re gonna be talking much more about each other. If these lovebirds started to date, my friend will surely be telling everything about every single date of them.”
“C’mon, let them do it! The important thing is that they feel good and happy together. But I’m sure it will happen.”
“Well, my friend is happy for sure.”
“Definitely.” Terrence smiles much wider. “Since Mother approved their relationship and is literally in love with Natalia, they’re surely gonna be happy. Because she knows people well and knows what to expect from them.”
“Will they be as happy as we are?” Raquelle asks with a slight smile. “Right?”
“Exactly!” Terrence nods confidently, runs his hand over Raquelle’s hair, and kisses her on the top of her head. “They’re gonna be as happy as you and I are.”
“But I wanna notice we didn’t find our happiness at once, but little by little.”
“You know, beautiful, we can’t get everything so easily. If you wanna get something, you need to fight for it. So, we had to get over much to realize that we actually meant very much to each other.”
“I would’ve been a real idiot if I’d let you go and continued to insist on what I wanted.”
“You will not get off me this time.”
Terrence kisses Raquelle cutely on the cheek and slaps her slightly on the nose with his finger.
“Don’t even think that I’d let you go at my will,” Terrence adds with his head proudly raised.
“I don’t actually want!” Raquelle exclaims. “But if I want it someday, I will run away without a warning.”
“I really doubt it. I doubt you’d love to run away.”
Raquelle says nothing and just smiles shyly. The girl presses much closer to Terrence and kisses him on the cheek, and he hugs her much tighter with his arms and runs his fingers through her hair. They really want to finish their hot foreplay, which they did not finish at the club, and which was “insolently” stopped by Edward and Natalia, who paid an unexpected visit to him. But the lovers decide to do it a little later and try to behave discreetly when wishing to show some tenderness and love for each other, sometimes sharing an ogle gaze, caressing each other tenderly, and slightly touching the tip of their noses with their noses.
At some moment, Natalia moves her eyes to Terrence and Raquelle and chuckles kindly.
“Hey, lovebirds, don’t ya wanna join us?” Natalia asks loudly, putting her hands on her hips.
Through her words, Natalia makes Raquelle and Terrence step away and move their eyes to their friend.
“Or do we better leave and let you stay alone?” Natalia suggests. “Let you finish your business?”
“Yeah, if you had been doing something very interesting before Natalia and I came here,” Edward adds confidently.
“That’s how!” Rebecca smiles mysteriously.
“Yeah, when Terrence opened the door, he had a red and unhappy face, as if he was ready to kill us.”
“That’s right!” Natalia agrees. “But then he confirmed he really had grandiose plans for tonight, but we messed up everything.”
“So, guys, did we bother you?” Rebecca laughs shyly. “First, Edward and Natalia came, and then I decided to visit Terrence…”
“No!” Raquelle and Terrence protest at the same time. “We didn’t bother us!”
“Of course!” Natalia exclaims.
“It’s okay,” Terrence says quietly. “My plans can wait. Now I’m gonna spend time with my family.”
“Then stop standing aside and come here,” Rebecca suggests cheerfully.
“C’mon, c’mon!” Edward jabs funnily. “Come here!”
Terrence and Raquelle look at each other with a slight smile and then, holding each other’s hands, come confidently to Rebecca, Natalia, and Edward and get involved in one more group hug.163Please respect copyright.PENANAor2tLdipcH
All of them get much better and begin to feel much happier because life is getting much better, and all the serious problems have been solved and stayed in the past. None of them doubts that living is going to be much easier from this moment on. Yes, maybe, they would have to get over many difficulties someday. But something tells them they are going to get through everything with dignity. They will prove that they are ready to overcome ups and downs together and stay by each other’s side, despite any intrigues, conspiracies, and barriers to personal happiness that they may have to run into because fate or their enemies will put them up.