I was definitely crushing on Leo after he saved me on my first day of work, but I was too embarrassed to say anything to him about it. It wasn't like he'd like me so quickly after meeting me and besides we lived in different worlds, with me being a vampire and him being human. I would probably kill him if I get too close, because of wounds of the past.
A week went by like it was nothing and it was finally my day off, seeing as I worked there six days a week. Avery said that she had plans, so I was on my own if I wanted to do anything.
I decided to go for a walk about 5 pm, because I knew that's when humans normally have dinner. I had already eaten, but I wanted some company, seeing as both of my family members were out for some reason or another. I ran into Blake the matchmaker.
"Hey, Wolf," Blake said, "Fancy seeing you here. Out on the town for some grub?"
"Yeah," I said, "I'm still thinking about what to eat."
"Would you like to eat with me?" Blake said, "I have some things I think are worth discussing."
"Okay," I said.
"It's my treat!" Blake said as he placed his hand on my back. He took me to a barbeque place. "I like their original barbeque flavor." I frowned, I was more drawn to sweets than anything, so I wasn't expecting this.
"So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked, after we sat down.
"I have a favor to ask you," Blake said.
"What's this favor?" I asked.
"I found a guy who would be a great match for Avery," Blake said, "But she still won't talk to me. I swear that I'll get you a good match in return."
"And I'm supposed to give her the date details?" I asked.
"Well, yes," Blake said, "Enough about Avery, what kind of guy do you like?"
"I like Leo," I said.
"The tough but dependable type?" Blake asked.
"I guess," I said, "But I really like Leo."
"I'll see what I can do," Blake said, "Can I have your number so that I can text you it?" I took out my cell and slid it over to him. "Shouldn't you unlock it first?" I sighed as he handed it back over. I unlocked it and went to contacts, so that it would be easier for him and then gave it to him again. "Do you seriously only have five contacts?"
"Yeah," I said, "I have Avery's, my two family members', work's, and another friend from college."
"Interesting," Blake said, "Here's your phone back, Wolf." Blake handed my phone back to me, so I took it. "I'll send you the details of Avery's blind date first and then yours."