So this is not a work of fiction. It's the true life story of a person I met and the experience I had with her. I'm sharing this so that you can keep this lady in your prayers, as she is struggling. She is a beautiful, amazing soul. But she needs the protection of whatever divinity is out there.
The city is beautiful and glittering under the shine of the sun. But everyone knows of the people living underneath the city, in their subterranean world. The girl from the comfort and luxury of the world above ground doesn’t know much about the world underneath. But she is falling. She’s falling. And she does not know what awaits her.
The city is filled with everything anyone could ever ask for. With entertainment and fun and beauty and intrigue. So why do I feel so dissatisfied? So why do I feel so empty?
The Wall around the city is high. It’s thick. No-one has ever seen over it. Everyone fears it.
But when I’m kissing Marcus and Elliot on the hard concrete of the school roof, I can’t help but wonder.
What else is there, that the city makes sure to keep us away from?
———This work is in the public domain and anyone can do whatever they want with it.
I had a nightmare. It was one of the most terrifying dreams I've ever had. I wrote it down almost as soon as I woke up. I can't describe it in detail here because of spoilers. But it features monsters and analogies and a city.———
This work is in the public domain and anyone can do whatever they want with it.
Harmony Ametsenya is too young to face the cruelties of the city. At ten years old, she shouldn’t be hungry, she shouldn’t be cold, she shouldn’t be worried about where her next meal is coming from. But it doesn’t change the fact that she is.
Fourteen-year-old Msitu Ametsenya shouldn’t be either. But it doesn’t change the fact that she will keep Harmony safe at all costs. At all costs. No matter what.
Their lives are full of fear and pain work. Because in this city, nobody cares about two impoverished orphan children trying to stay alive. Nobody cares about the impoverished at all. The city is grey, made of metal and glass and concrete. The water is grey, full of pollution. The sky is grey, full of smog.
As Christmas comes around the corner, the first Christmas since their parents died, how will Msitu make it a time of joy and hope? Because after all, in a world run by greed and apathy, hope is everything.
This work is in the public domain and anyone can do anything they want with it.