Am afraid the test results are In, the doctor began, his voice grave. And they reveal an alarming truth: you have been overdosed on a dangerous substance.
"Naimah's thought was spinning out of control. Overdosed ? How could that be possible? She hadnt taken any drugs, she was sure of it . So how could she be possibly overdosed on something?
Yara works at one of the most influential companies. When she discovers the diary of her boss, she finds out that his behaviour is connected to an unknown disease. She is determined to help him behind the scenes. However, she has to pay the price when her curiosity leads to an inevitable betrayal.
They want us to have poverty. They want us to serve them. To work for them. To be happy with our unbearably meagre lot in life. But we have each other. We have each other and that means that we have power. We can’t let them know that we have power, not ever. Because if they know, then they’ll destroy us.
The census is about to begin. I wonder if I’ll be brave enough to get through it. But I have to be. We all have to be. Because far too much depends on us, in this moment.