This story follows Mizuha’s daily life at her new high school, including her friendships and the challenges she faces. It also features the stories of her friends, exploring their backgrounds and past experiences.
"LOST IN THE HAZE OF DAWN"— a hauntingly beautiful exploration of shattered dreams, silent screams, and the unyielding resilience of the human heart.
Here are some short stories that I have written. I strongly believe that each of these stories will leave you a good impression like a tasty meal in a restaurant.
Do you ever sit there looking blankly at your incoming texts, with tears in your eyes, hating yourself and everything around you, take a breath and put on your act? Yeah, me too.
What do I write about?
My stories are mostly based on deep descriptions of places I have visited in my dreams and moments between characters inspired by people I met along the journey.
I like to keep my writing simple so that the reader doesn't have to put too much effort into deciphering what I am trying to say. Of course, I leave plenty of room for the person to imagine where the poem leads them.
I like a bit of suspense here and there.
I will not describe what my reading is like, I want you to tell me how it felt, which emotions took over your body.
I want to know what the poem left in your hands when you finished it.