In a world dominated by technology, the Schmidt family, led by teenager Evelyn, must confront a technological threat that puts humanity at risk. Evelyn is given Eve-Bot, a robotic assistant designed to help her with her projects, but things take a dark turn when a virus called EDSN unleashes an uprising of machines. They soon discover that the threat comes from their own neighbours, who work for Edison Corp, a corporation with a sinister plan: to use technology to enslave humanity.
There are things no one was meant to see, and darkness that should never have been given living form.
"That the world is coming to an end has long since been a dead issue. Everyone has heard of it. Those who have seen it know what the truth is, those who haven't either believe it or not. Either way, no one really cares. We shattered reality itself to shards, but even the apocalypse could not make a difference. Those who are lucky enough to live well don't care about other people's misery or how the world collapses, not even if their own children will have nothing to inherit but ashes and fear, and no matter how much power they have, they only use it for their own benefit, while bringing suffering to others. And the worst is, no matter what nightmarish old or new ideologies they use to justify their deeds, the flock will follow. In the end, the story is always the same."
This is the story of a broken world haunted by the deepest horrors of the human soul, relentless persecution and superstitious hatred, a fanatic war against everything that is not human, and the damned who oppose and never yield to fate. This is not a fairytale.
What to expect:
A deep dark medieval high-fantasy with elves, dwarves, fairies and demons, magic and swords, romance and hatred, and a post-apocalyptic world. This is not a fanfiction of any sort, it's an original story that popped out from my head, and it's very dear to me. I am really happy if you find it worth reading!
Please read the short "Good to know" chapter before you dive in!
In a world hidden just beyond our reach, an enigmatic species called the "Wardoks" dwell, secretly observing every detail of human life. Possessing the uncanny ability to seamlessly traverse between their realm and ours, they remain unnoticed and hidden among us. However, any human who dares to uncover their existence faces a swift and merciless end.
When a cataclysmic war erupts within the wardok world, the triumphant faction devises a sinister plan to conquer humanity, launching a devastating surprise invasion that will forever change the course of history.
Dive into this heart-pounding saga, where intense battles, ingenious strategies, and personal evolution intertwine with the forging of unbreakable friendships and the blossoming of unexpected love. Unravel the secrets of the wardoks and experience the raw emotions that surface in a high-stakes game of survival and intrigue.
Be captivated by this unforgettable journey into the hidden world of the wardoks, where the veil between our reality and theirs is thinner than ever, and the consequences of discovery could be deadly. Don't miss the chance to immerse yourself in a thrilling story that will leave you questioning the very nature of the world around you.
This is a collection of short stories, and this is the first out of 10. As i write it ill post on here. Ill design cover images later on. For now I’m borrowing the current image from here; For now i just need help critiquing what i have so far before I actually publish it.