Blaine picks up a new note from the bulletin board, "Sarah, age 22". Images flow through his mind:
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A young woman, Sarah, is walking home one night after leaving a late shift at work. She's feeling exhausted, and it's getting dark. Suddenly, she hears footsteps behind her and quickens her pace, but she can still hear them. She looks around for help, but there's nobody around that she can see.
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Blaine puts the note in his pocket and starts to walk towards the exit. He steps outside of headquarters and extracts his wings getting ready to take flight. "Hey Blaine!" A voice yells from the distance up in the sky. Blaine looks up towards the direction the voice came from and finds Klein waving at him and urging him to come over. He takes flight and goes over to Klein, "What's going on Klein?" He asks as he reaches Klein.
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"Come with me for a quick chat," Klein says.
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Blaine reaches into his pocket and feels the note for his current job, he should excuse himself and go take care of his charge. "Sorry Klein, I have a job I need to take care of first."
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"It's okay Blaine, it won't take too long just give me a few minutes," he urges asking to follow him somewhere they can speak more privately.
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Blaine continues to hold onto the note in his pocket feeling uneasy about this but decides to go ahead and go with Klein to listen to what he has to say.
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Sarah continues walking home, still feeling uneasy. She has a very strong feeling there is someone following her. She starts hearing the footsteps getting louder and closer, and she begins to panic. She looks around hoping
to find someone that can help, but she is completely alone other than a man in a black hoodie behind her getting closer. She starts to run, and she hears the man start to run after her.
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Her breathing gets fast as she desperately runs faster and faster trying to get away. Tears start flowing out of her eyes as she begins to cry in desperation as she starts to think she might not get away. She starts to think of all the possible things that this man wants and will do to her when he catches her. She keeps running not giving in to her exhaustion. She is scared but determined to get away from this man.
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She turns into a small alley between two buildings. There are no lights in this alley, piles of trash and bits of broken furniture scattered around the sides.
She scans the area for a place to hide, but it's too dark to see much. Suddenly, in the far corner, she spots a small door. She quickly gets to the door and grabs the knob. She twists it hoping it is not locked. It turns and she pulls the door open and quickly gets inside closing the door behind her hoping the man cannot find her.
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Klein leads Blaine to the library building. This is a place of pure beauty and knowledge. It is a grand hall filled with endless bookshelves, stretching up to the highest ceiling. Each shelf filled with scrolls and books of events, people, and places throughout the ages. In the center of the hall is a magnificent golden fountain, surrounded by benches and chairs for angels to sit and read. The walls are adorned with paintings, sculptures, and tapestries that tell stories of ages past, and the air is filled with the gentle sound of harps, lutes, and flutes.
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Klein leads Blaine through the aisles, passing countless of books, manuscripts, and scrolls. They eventually reach a secluded corner of the library, where a small table and two chairs are set up. Klein gestures for Blaine to take a seat, and then takes a seat across from him.
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Klein begins to speak in a low, reassuring voice, "This won't take long Blaine," he says.
"What is going on? What's with the cloak and daggers feeling all of a sudden?" Blaine asks.
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"Listen Blaine, we have a plan that will be the beginning of things to come in our endeavors for freedom," Klein says.
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Blaine, worried about what this plan might be, takes a deep breath and exhales, "alright I'll listen, but I can't be too long, I have a charge that needs me right now."
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Sarah is leaning with her back against the door breathing heavily, her heart pounding in her chest. She can still hear the footsteps of the man outside. She looks around the room and notices a window in the corner. She quickly makes her way towards the window and starts to pry it open. She can feel her hands start to shake as she struggles to open the window. She hears the man outside getting closer and closer and she starts to get desperate. Suddenly, the window gives in and she manages to open it. She quickly grabs a table nearby and drags it towards the window so she can use it to climb out. As she gets ready to start climbing, the door to the room is thrown open. She jumps at the sound and looks back with fear taking over as she sees the hooded man walk in looking straight at her and starts to run to grab her before she climbs out.
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"Don't worry Blaine, like I said, I won't take too much of your time, I just want to see if I can convince you to join us. We could use your help in this. The more of us we have the better for our success." Klein says.
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"Okay, I'll listen, but please hurry up," Blaine replies.
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"The archangels are the main enforcers of our rules. They are the ones that keep us from being able to do what we want. To be able to express ourselves freely," he begins to say, "I know you have feelings for Amelia, Blaine, I have seen the way you look at her when she is around you, and I see how she looks at you."
Blaine's eyes widen, he is surprised to hear Klein say who he has been feelings for. He really thought he was keeping his emotions in check, that no one could see what was happening. But if Klein could tell, then who else could tell. "Please, you can't talk to anyone about this, I don't want anything to happen to Amelia."
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"Don't worry Blaine, your secret is safe with me, but if I'm able to see it, it is only a matter of time before the archangels see it. Then what are you going to do? Are you just going to ignore your feelings as they question you and Amelia, probably torture you until the truth comes out?" Klein responds. "Helps us out and when we can get the freedom we deserve you will be able to be with Amelia and share each other's feelings without consequences, without looking over your shoulder all the time."
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"I would love to be able to be with her and not worry about being punished, but the way you were speaking in your last meeting, what you seem to want to do, I cannot in good conscience be part of that. I told you from the beginning, I would help with peaceful protests, but I cannot condone any violence." Blaine says.
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Klein sighs, "Listen Blaine, whether is a peaceful protest or an act of violence, they will still want to punish us for speaking out. But the more angels on board we get on our side wanting changes the better chances we have to get them to listen and give us what we want."
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"Okay, what is this plan of yours, Klein?" Blaine asks growing impatient thinking about his charge.
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Sarah desperately tries to climb out of the window before the man reaches her but the window is not big enough to be able to move fast. The man grabs her arm and pulls her back. He then grabs her by the throat and pins her against the wall. He begins to unfasten her blouse and kiss her neck. "You shouldn't be walking alone in the dark." He says with in a menacing voice.
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Sarah struggles to get loose, she tries to shake him off her, but he holds her tighter and continues to open her blouse. He reaches a hand into her blouse
and begins to feel her body. "Please don't do this!" Sarah begs crying, tears flowing out.
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Klein starts to explain the plan, "We need to take the archangels down from their pedestal of power. To start we need to go to the Temple of the Seven." The Temple of the Seven, the headquarters of the archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Selaphiel, Jegudiel, and Barachiel. It is made of white marble and is surrounded by seven pillars with engravings depicting each archangel.
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"Some of our lower soldier angels have managed to gather energy explosives. We plan to sneak into the temple and set the explosives throughout the main points of the temple that will cause the whole building to come tumbling down." Klein continues to explain.
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"Woah, take the building down! Don't you think this is going too far?! How is this supposed to help us?" Blaine asks.
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"It will be the beginning. A show of our determination. To give them a reason to listen to us or suffer more damages until they do." Klein responds. "But don't worry, we don't plan on harming anyone. We have it on good authority that the day we chose the temple will be empty. All of the archangels and any other angels that work in the temple will be at a gathering of prayer amongst a group of humans in Earth that are trying to bring peace to the world."
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"So, if no one will be around to see this happening, how is this going to show them who did it and why it happened?" Blaine asks.
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"Because we will leave a note on the ruins of the temple declaring our demands and if they don't want more incidents like this they will listen." Klein explains.
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"I don't know Klein; I can't be a part of this. I don't see how this makes us any different than humans. I know you want the same freedom humans have, but resorting to violence the way humans do is not the way. It will just show why we cannot express ourselves freely, why we cannot give into our emotions."
Blaine says worried about what will happen if they go through with this plan.
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"I understand what you are saying Blaine, but something has to be done. We cannot live with this oppression. Always looking over our shoulders every time we have human feelings and emotions. Every time we want to do something outside of our responsibilities." Klein replies.
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"I'm sorry Klein, but I can't be part of this. As much as I would love to freely express my feelings for Amelia, I cannot help you do something so reckless. I will not get in your way or talk to anyone about your plans, but I will not be a part of it." Klein says.
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Disappointed, Klein looks at Blaine and says, "I understand Blaine and I'm sorry for this." Suddenly Blaine feels someone approaching from behind and a sharp, sudden pain on the back of his head. The pain is a quick and intense sensation that radiates down his neck and spine, followed by a dull throbbing. He feels a bit of disorientation and dizziness, making him stumble forward until everything turns dark.
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Sarah attempts to scream out for help and the man grabs a rag and stuffs it in her mouth to keep her quiet. He then turns her and bends her over the table grabbing her pants and slides them down. He then starts to unbuckle his pants; she can hear the clanking of the buckle. She starts crying out more and struggle harder to get loose knowing what is about to happen. He slides his hand between her legs and touches her. "Don't worry, this will be over pretty soon," he says in a low voice.
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He grabs her hips and as he starts to pull her towards him something suddenly throws him across the room. He crashes down against an old shelf with paint buckets and other hardware stored in this room. The sound of the crash makes Sarah jump with fear. She quickly stands up and looks over to find the hooded man laying against the wall with broken pieces of the shelves and paint buckets on and around him. He seems to be unconscious.
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She quickly takes the rag out of her mouth, pull her pants back up, buttons her blouse and runs out of the room. She runs to the nearest payphone she
could find and dials 911 and makes her report. She then leans against the wall next to the phone, still breathing fast, trying to calm down. Then she starts to wonder what just happened, how did he get thrown across the room? She suddenly feels a warmth that begins to flow through her. A feeling of ease and love that lets her know everything is going to be okay.
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Police and Paramedics arrive at the scene. A female officer and two paramedic approach Sarah and comfort her. As the paramedics help her into the ambulance, the officer starts to ask her about what happened and how she got away. Two other officers rush into the room, their guns at the ready. They find the hooded man still unconscious on the ground. They put cuffs on him and take him into a police car. They then begin investigating the room and the area for any evidence they can find.
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The guardian angel that was pulled for the sudden rescue looks around at the scene and sees the situation has been handled and the charge is now safe. She glows bright and disappears finding herself up in the sky flying through a portal back to headquarters to make her report. All she can think of is that a guardian angel failed to respond to the call and could have been really bad if she hadn't been pulled to intervene because of it.
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