To my lost love...
You will never read this letter, for I am a coward. It is only after to many seasons have passed I dare to admit to myself how I felt all this time. I've been keeping a secret not just from you, but from myself too.
Remember all of those summers ago how much we loved each other then? Not as lovers but as good friends. The echo of our laughter still rings in my ear. As if the past is calling for me to remember you all over again. The warmth of your brown eyes gave life to my grays.
My favorite memory of us is when we danced in the rain. The sky was gray and we decided it would be a good day to go on a hike. We went to the park, the grass lush and green. Yellow and violet wildflowers colored the land as birds sang their summer hymns. The river wild with life as fish swam, even a family ducks quacked hello. It was while we were in the forest among the trees when a clap of thunder rumbled. We both looked towards heaven as it rained. The two of us stared in confusions and laughed as we often did.
"Will you do me the honors?" You asked holding out your hand.
I smiled and took it. We danced then. Oh how I loved this moment. The cool summer rain against my warm skin. However, it was the life that lit your eyes that lit a passion in mine.
I wanted you... oh god I wanted nothing more than to be with you forever. Us dancing with only the songs of songbirds. Yet... I knew we couldn't. It was the seventies after all and two women can never be lovers. This cruel reality crumbled my aching heart. I wanted nothing more to remain in your arms.
I don't know if after all these years you remember when we danced in the rain. Even if you don't, I still do. Just as I will always love you. So I say farewell as I put down my pen. For I am too much of a coward to say how much I truly loved you.