‘Do you see it, Avunaia? The view before us, one that challenges us. Creatures of flesh and blood that stand too tall in direct opposition to us. We must show them why they must bend to our wills, so we can eventually spread around and conquer more than just those which inhabit the lands, but the lands themselves.’. Kilon was trying to reach his sister’s soul with his thoughts. There was no answer, and he was afraid of what that might mean. Souls, by themselves, couldn’t communicate. They still needed a mind at least, and a body at best. Since Avunaia lacked both, the best it could do was communicate a feeling. And what Kilon felt was fear from her. She didn’t know, and couldn’t know, what was going to happen. She could only feel what he was feeling, and that’s what she felt from him.
Kilon didn’t know if his actions led him closer to the vision, or further. Him and his group had no time to rest, afraid of another attack from the draxes. And it no longer mattered, as they were at the edge of the east forest, where the draxes moved. ‘Even if you can’t see, I hope you can at least feel what I do. It’s terrible, that I know, but once we defeat them, I am sure I can set our siblings on the right path.’. Kilon stopped Arhegon, and the rest of the group stopped shortly after. They were looking for a place to put their creatures to rest, so they may return to them safely.
Eharel had been taking mental notes of their surroundings for a while. Using his light, he knew the positions of most that moved inside a stretched portion of land before them. Inside the forest, he would cast his light from his eyes, thin rays reflecting from surfaces and touching various things. Some of such things were the draxes, others, at the back, were some Groundbreakers who, for some reason, stood further behind the whole group. He told Stelorus about the fact that “They don’t seem to want to attack us. They’re waiting.”.
Stelorus smiled at his words, “Good. They too know what’s approaching them, so they no longer run.”. He couldn’t help but feel some kind of respect for the creatures “If we manage to keep some alive, I’ll make one my companion,” he chuckled a little at the thought, which Eharel wondered what it was about “I’m just imagining. These things that killed our siblings, much like the winds and waters, we are becoming their masters.”. Eharel found that ironic too. That which they were once fearing and killed by, became theirs to master and have control over.
“Perhaps it is our right to do so,” Eharel responded, “maybe this whole world is in a way our right.”. Stelorus found it perplexing, as he was sure their Creator wanted them to have some part of it, but not all.
“You mean Kilon’s right? That’s what you people believed,” Eharel didn’t find the joke amusing, especially since his belief was still there, just shaken, but still in place. “Don’t worry, I’m sure Kilon likes to share, he is our brother after all,” Eharel found a tinge of spite in Stelorus’ voice, as if he maybe didn’t believe something of what he said. But didn’t pay it much heed, Stelorus leaving to stand next to Kilon and tell him what was needed, Melonius standing at Kilon’s left side.
“Not moving to attack,” Kilon said, “perhaps we’re just following into their trap, walking straight into what they want us to.”. Kilon looked at either side, thinking he had both the shield and the spear he needed in case of anything. “Although we could confirm, there’s too many of them in here for this not to be where they eat and sleep. They probably just grew sick of this back and forth hunt, just like us.”. Kilon thought about his dead siblings, but also that they too claimed many of their lives. ‘To them, obviously, we aren’t different from any other animal. While there can’t be more of us, they don’t know that, and why should they care if they did?’ Kilon thought. “But it’s time to show them,” Kilon held his spear tight and walked ahead, then turned his back at the forest, his cape fluttering in the wind coming from the west.
“Onwards!” he cried, turning and pointing with his spear at the forest.
And so, they slowly marched. Inside the forest, Eharel started to note various Draxes starting to dig up from the ground and spread all around, with it, he stopped in his tracks. “It was indeed a trap,” he pronounced, as his light rays felt movement from hundreds of beings, so many that he couldn’t keep track without using his power some more. “There’s hundreds, perhaps more of them. We should’ve brought our whole force to end them for good,” Eharel said in almost a whisper, as if afraid the creatures could sense his anxiety.
“Don’t be stupid Eharel,” Menoel said, guarded by ten Lightborn from his own group, “Kilon alone is enough to sweep the forest clean of them.”. Eharel knew that to be true, that was only if Kilon disregarded their own safety though, which, by how desperately he hanged onto Avunaia’s soul, he was sure was not to happen unless he wasn’t given another option. “Besides that, my brothers I personally selected,” Menoel looked around him, “are able to carve a path of blood and meat through them if need be.”.
“Menoel,” Stelorus interrupted their talk coming from the front, “we might need to escape. And if worse comes to worse, I can at least trust you’ll put Kilon’s safety first and foremost.”. Menoel was a bit surprised to see Stelorus prioritising Kilon over himself and the others. “I’m aware enough to where I can tell we’re going to be wiped, are we to lose him.”.
“And why do you believe we might lose him?” Stelorus could tell of the spite Menoel’s words carried. “As I told Eharel, if he wanted to-”.
“Look at him,” Stelorus interrupted, both looking at Kilon, “holding Avunaia’s soul is putting a tremendous strain on his body. He didn’t lie, something will soon happen with her soul, and it’s outside his control.”. While Menoel would’ve liked to argue, there wasn’t a point to it, not any longer as he touched his face. “So watch his back, for we are at his front,” Stelorus said, pulling at Sirva’s fur and heading back to Kilon’s right.
“Do not stop!” Kilon cried, “If they planned to attack, they would’ve done so already. This is their welcome,” Kilon patted Arhegon, letting him know he should advance, ‘and what a welcome this is. Fitting for us I’d say.’. He couldn’t help but feel these creatures were trying to show them the same kind of determination, to put an end to all of it, an odd sense of pride enveloping him as he felt he was being acknowledged by creatures other than his siblings. Not as a god, but as a worthy opponent. ‘If only they’d know what a mistake this is,’ he thought. ‘Unlike them, we have the capacity and ability to grow stronger, indefinitely so to our knowledge. They don’t,’ Kilon felt a piercing pain through his chest, as Avunaia’s soul was hard to temper, ‘although, perhaps that’s what drives them to fight us, even when they can’t win.’. Kilon and his group finally made it into a clearing deep inside the forest, the draxes no longer hiding and showing from between the trees as they climbed down and dug their way from holes they slept into. ‘Maybe it’s a contest of immortality. They who can procreate, or us who can live forever. Which one is it I wonder.’.
“Should we bring them?” Jolius, a Lightborn part of the Groundbreakers, asked Stelorus as he approached on his river wolf from behind. Adorned with various pelts and skins, he prided himself with his ability to skin animals, dead or alive.
“I’d say it’s about time, yeah,” Stelorus smiled devilishly, excited with how the draxes may react to the bodies of those that attacked them. ‘Kilon may not like it much, but fear can make the difference between life and death in this situation,’ he thought, as his Groundbreakers carried the dead, altered bodies of those three draxes.
Kilon could tell Stelorus was up to something, and the only reason he didn’t try to do anything against it, was so he could focus solely on what he had ahead. The strain Avuanai’s soul was placing on him was already too much, having a dispute with Stelorus would be one headache more than he could handle at that moment.
And, as they made their way further into the opening, Kilon could see their nest in all its glory. There was a cliff up ahead, three large stones standing in front of it, older than perhaps the forest itself. While some thirty metres before them was a hole of sorts, led into by dirt steps formed in time due to either the draxes or some other creatures walking down into it.
Atop the three stones, on the middle, tallest one, there was a draxe larger than mostly anything Kilon has ever seen. If not for the line of fur and thick scales, Kilon could’ve sworn it was an entirely different creature. Its scales were a deep, crimson red, no spots of green which was all too common in most draxes. Its fur was also different, a pure black, swallowing the little light the dawn of day was starting to bring in, covering a good portion of its back.
“I believe that’s the one?” Melonius pointed his finger at the draxe at the left, “Flaming scales and not a hint of fur.”. Eharel knew from Avunaia of that Draxe, as it was the mating partner of the draxes’ leader. Something they could only assume due to its unique appearance and being smaller than most male draxes. What Eharel, and Avunaia, never got to see, was the leader before them. Something which perplexed him as it was larger than even Arhegon.
“There’s one missing it would seem though,” Stelorus pointed at the stone standing at the right, the one which stood taller than the left one, “and I believe we might have gotten that one.”. Stelorus smiled with spite towards the draxes. “Bring it in!” he cried, and from behind, Jolius with a couple other Groundbreakers brought the three dead bodies. They threw the first one into the hole, skinless and with its fangs missing. Kilon felt the need to interrupt them, but noticing the unphased gaze of the draxes’ leader upon him, he couldn’t take his eyes off either.
Then the next was thrown on top, its eyes and limbs missing from its body, yet still, the leader of the draxes was holding its eyes on Kilon.
But, once the last body was thrown on the pile, both draxes on the stones switched their eyes towards it. “Good, we guessed right,” Stelorus said, as the head of that one draxe was missing, while the rest of its body was furless and boneless, mostly a pile of organs wrapped in skin was thrown. “How does it feel?!” Stelorus cried with a maniac smile on his face, putting the head of the draxe on top of his, like a helmet of sorts, its eyes still filled with anger even after death. Stelorus then jumped off his river wolf and into the hole, challenging the draxes. “To lose those dear to you, for all eternity!”.
Kilon frowned deeply upon Stelorus’ actions ‘This is not the way.’. He thought, glancing at Melonius for a moment and then pointing with his chin to go assist Stelorus. ‘We must make them submit to our will, not place the prospect of death in their minds.’.
“The trouble you cause Kilon,” Melonius said as he made his way down as well, holding his shield and revealing his muscly body by dropping his animal furs to the ground, Stelorus following suit, “at least it had the effect you wanted.”. The air all around turned into one of anxiety and fear in favour of Kilon’s group. “And I’m not going to lie brother,” Melonius infused his light throughout his body and shield, all the Lightborn letting out small gasps, “I was looking forward to this.”. Melonius, much like Felemous, was starting to tap into the mastery of his own ability, displayed by an outer shell of light he protruded from his skin.
“This? Trouble?” Stelorus asked mused, infusing light into his hands, holding his hammer with the right hand and resting it on his back, going shoulder to shoulder. “Let us solve it then, through sheer power and cunning!”.
The leader of the draxes stood up on his stone, assessing the situation. Kilon found the creature curious, as its eyes almost seemed thoughtful in a way. However, Kilon found that as a weakness, for its thinking was not fully developed, thinking that much like his visions, unless completed, it can be more troublesome than useful.
The draxe then found what it was looking for, and to ever Lightborn’s surprise, it spoke to the draxes. Letting out a deep, guttural shriek from its neck, its scales shaking and rattling, it communicated a clear message in a language the Lightborn knew nothing of. Kilon could see how that draxe became the leader, gathering all those other creatures together and coordinating them in such a manner.
From the hundreds of draxes gathered there, two made their way through and into the pit. One had green-yellowish scales, the other deep green scales. The first was larger, its movements heavier, while the second left no sounds with its steps, natural and calculated they were.
Stelorus was first to move, to the left, and then Melonius, to the right, leaving space so they could fight with their foes. The first draxe went for Stelorus, and the second for Melonius. There wasn’t a signal to start or even a whisper, as each of them measured up their foes.
Stelorus was the first to make an offensive move, stepping forward and winding up his hammer, the draxe holding steady in place, ready to react in any fashion. And so the hammer first struck the ground with an arch, breaking through, then coming from below to strike the draxe right from under its chin. While the draxe managed to dodge the attack, a cloud of smoke came immediately after, hiding Stelorus’ presence.
Melonius and the green-scaled draxe were at a standstill, waiting for the other to move. And as if noticing something, the draxe was the first to jump towards Melonius, striking his shield. And although his ability allowed Melonius to deflect the attack, something felt odd. Looking at the shield, he noticed the mark of a twisted scratch. ‘That was either a stroke of luck, or the draxe noticed the flow of my light, and went with it in order to reach my shield,’ Melonius thought. ‘Good’.
The yellow-scaled draxe, meanwhile, was at a loss. While the cloud would work for normal, flesh beings, it was confused why Stelrous’ light was nowhere to be seen. Then, too late, it realised, as the ground below its feet shook, and Stelorus’ hand grabbed at its front paw. Stelorus, restricting his flow of light and half buried, used the ground he broke as a way to easily go below the eyesight of the draxe and attack it from a blind spot. While the first instinct of the draxe was to bite, and so it did, ripping the flesh from Stelorus’ hand, it was as if he didn’t even feel it, crushing the paw of the beast in his palm, then trying to rip the whole leg from its shoulder.
Before he had the chance to though, the draxe realising what it meant fighting him, bit off its own paw from the joint as it sped forward, towards Stelorus’ neck. Stelorus smiled, acknowledging the determination of the creature, and then infusing light into his left hand with which he held his hammer, then crashing it into the ground, rattling his brain but also caving in the ground, disrupting the attack of the draxe.
Melonius raised his shield with his left hand, light flowing through it, and coursing light in his right. The draxe saw it as an opportunity and once again leaped to attack. That time with both paws, claws stretched, forward. The moment it did, Melonius tossed the shield in his right hand, the flow of light switching the pattern the draxe was expecting, and once it crashed into the shield, the opposite flow made the draxe spin in midair, seeing Melonius upside down. Melonius then cast a ray of light from his left hand, albeit weaker, it still pierced through the draxe’s abdomen, leaving it bleeding from the inside on the ground.
‘If I were still a newborn of the Link, them being able to read our moves might’ve been an issue,’ Melonius thought, approaching the draxe with his shield held above his shoulder, ‘but we’re long past that, and disregarding your numerical advantage in favour of fighting us one on one, is the fault of your own hubris.’. As Melonius wanted to descend the shield upon its body and crush it below it, the draxe kicked the ground in its foetal position, tumbling and rolling back on its feet. “I suppose you haven’t become a thorn in our side for nothing,” Melonius praised the creature, but the draxe could tell he was mocking it some, “now come, meet your end on your own terms, that’s about all I will allow for you.”.
The draxe attacking Stelorus bit air, as Stelorus sunk further into the ground. Seeing its foe was far more cunning than the appearance led on, the draxe backed away, keeping its eyes on Stelorus. “Afraid?” Stelorus asked as he rose from below the ground, brushing off the dirt, “You should be”. Stelorus looked at Melonius, seeking that he was close to finishing the draxe on his side, then at their leader. While unphased, Stelorus thought of how to really make it understand why they stood no chance. “Playtime is over,” he cried, “time to set our hearts ablaze, and show these creatures why we shall rest immortal in this world!”. With his words, he fueled his body with light, emanating a crimson red light from within, a large smile appearing on his face as light started to pour out of his skin, his muscles twitching and tightening.
The draxe, losing blood from its ripped paw, could tell that it was only a matter of time before he would kill it. So, disregarding its own sense of danger, it stood its ground against a charging Stelorus, ready to meet him face to face. Stelorus felt his heart pulsing, the weaker creature before him displayed a strength one such flesh being could only display at the narrow edge between life and death.
Wanting to give it the proper respect, he dropped his hammer, opening his arms up. The draxe didn’t know what Stelorus’ gesture was all about, it just did what was natural to it, and when Stelorus was within range, it pushed with its back paws against the ground, aiming for his neck. Stelorus, however, met the creature with a terrifying embrace before it could reach his neck, and, under the grasp of his arms, the draxe felt its hold body unable to move for a moment, as Stelorus’ ability started taking a hold of it. Even as Stelorus was starting to crush its back and the scales snapping at the sheer pressure, it still took a hold of his shoulder and bit ferociously into it, ripping chunks of flesh from him. But, struggling as it may, Stelorus did not let go of it a single moment, letting it scratch his chest and rip some more in his flesh. Then, with a couple more scratches, the draxe met its end, within the warm, strong embrace of a Lightborn.
Melonius, hearing the struggle on Stelorus’ side, knew things were over, so he focused on his draxe. If he wanted, he could simply let it bleed out as he waited, and that was the plan as the draxe leaped for his neck time and time again, only for it to be met with an impassable wall. Melonius, seeing the struggle of a half dead beast, in a way reminded him of his dead siblings, and the struggle they had before. Confronted with a sense of mortality and how those deaths came about, usually due to a feeling of false security, Melonius led the draxe with a feint, turning to his right.
The draxe didn’t feel any resistance, as there was no longer something in its way. The last thing it saw was the dawn of the new day, and its false belief the threat before him was removed. Melonius touched its body midair, releasing a powerful ray of light from his palm and into its body, killing it almost immediately.
There was silence for a few moments, Stelorus healing his wounds with a pained smile on his face, while Melonius stood down, relaxing his body from the use of the light. And, while the other Lightborn wanted to cheer their siblings, Kilon stopped them with a raised hand. He wanted Stelorus and Melonius to take in the experience they gathered, understand what it meant killing a noteworthy opponent.
After a few more moments, the leader of the draxe has had enough, standing up and letting out a shriek like before. Soon after a few draxe made their way into the pit, showing a submissive stance then taking away the dead bodies.
‘They are starting to understand,’ Kilon thought, dismounting Arhegon and approaching the pit. The leader of the draxe knew what it meant, so it rubbed heads with his mating partner, Kilon feeling an odd sensation of semblance from those two, as if he saw Avunaia holding him in her arms. ‘They trust each other, to the point where they’re willing to give their life for the other,’ Kilon could tell, the show of affection something he could only witness from a mother towards her kids, but never from two creatures unrelated to the other.
After the leader of the draxe felt it was enough, its facial features changed. From gentle, pained eyes, to sharp, preying ones. Its fangs started to show as well, then, with a high jump, it landed inside the pit. A crashing sound could be heard, but the draxe was standing tall and proud, not the stance of a beast, but that of a dignified leader, its crimson scales turning a bloody red with the light of the sun upon them.
‘I won’t be able to use my lights, not in a meaningful capacity,’ Kilon thought, waving the winds below his feet and descending as if floating. ‘So I will use the second best thing,’ Kilon’s descent into the pit to the Lightborn seemed as if for him not to dirty his feet, but Kilon wanted to show the draxes that even at a fundamental level, they were not the same. ‘They also have to understand that what will kill their leader, isn’t the mere force of nature, but my applied power over it.’. Kilon, with a gentle touch to the ground, stood taller than the draxe, his powerful demeanour holding the breath in place for both the draxes and the Lightborn. It was quite rare to see Kilon fight, so the Lightborn didn’t want to miss a thing, while the draxes were simply astounded by his splendour.
Kilon held his spear in his left hand, firm and comfortable, while with his right he was already moving the winds above the draxe. He was waiting for the creature to make the first move, but since it just stood there and paced from left to right, he decided to strike first. ‘Large winds will only blow everyone in places, so I shall make it faster while containing it in a small area,’ Kilon was creating a tornado inspired by the winds he confronted in the Whistling Valley. Once the wind descended upon the draxe, they started to rip and shred the scales from its skin, blood splurting and wiped away by the winds.
However, the draxe still maintained its composure, Kilon finding it perplexing. But it was for no reason, as it burrowed itself into the ground in response, its claws digging as if swimming through it, before it could be twisted and broken inside the small tornado. ‘Smart,’ Kilon thought, still maintaining the vicious winds, ‘but it won’t be enough’. Tapping his spear on the ground, the earth started to tremble and move in front of him, and where the draxe dug into, the ground seemed as if spewing itself into the air. The draxe wasn’t there though, Kilon lost for a moment realised then its intention, jumping high up and letting go of the tornado. The draxe, as he expected, tried to jump him from behind, and it almost got him, but he rose himself higher up by quickly manipulating the winds between him and the draxe.
After both Kilon and the draxe landed, standing some ten metres apart, every Lightborn breathed out, the draxes waiting in anticipation. ‘It shouldn’t have known about our ability to manipulate the earth,’ Kilon thought, ‘but then again, they have their ways of communicating.’. He then looked around, as if his foe wasn’t just one leap away from taking his neck. ‘Or maybe it witnessed it, from the shadows. I wouldn’t put it past their cunning,’ Kilon then looked at his spear, gripping it harder, ‘but it doesn’t matter. I still have one more thing, and while I would’ve liked for no one to see it, I can’t see myself winning this fight, not without my lights.’. Kilon felt his chest, the pain wasn’t as much there, but he didn’t want to take his chances.
“Now come! Meet your destiny, beast!” he cried, opening his arms, then holding his spear with his right hand pointed forward. The draxe understood his message “Kill or be killed! This is the law of this world, so now obey it!”. The draxe growled, showing its fangs to Kilon, then went further behind. Its size was so large, that it needed more space to make full use of its leap, while Kilon could tell it was going to try something else as well.
‘I need some of my light, this requires far greater focus,’ he thought, closing his eyes for a few moments and infusing a dozen lights into his mind. The draxe didn’t take it as an opportunity to attack, it couldn’t tell, but feel it that while in that stance, he had less openings. It was when he opened his eyes, light flowing out of them upwards, that it seemed to notice something, and immediately went on the offensive. Kilon was waving his left hand, but nothing was being manipulated from what the Lightborns could tell.
The draxe leaped straight forward, the distance between Kilon and it shortening to about fifteen metres, then it leaped to Kilon’s right side, then the left, and so on, shortening the distance by three metres with each jump, a cloud of dirt rising behind each jump. And just when it was in striking distance, Kilon trying to push his spear into its chest, it jumped backwards. ‘Where is it?!’ Kilon couldn’t believe it, but it actually managed to trick him, and he couldn’t manipulate the winds to clear up the cloud of dust, for he manipulated something else.
Then, with a sudden realisation just like earlier, Kilon looked below his feet and jumped backwards. Unbeknownst to him, it was just what the draxe had wanted, as it leaped from his left side instead while he was still in the air. ‘You got me,’ Kilon thought, the moments slowing down as his mind perceived everything slower, ‘but so did I’. Kilon moved his left hand to point it towards the draxe, and, for a moment, the draxe felt its body much heavier than it should have been. With a loud thud, the draxe fell to the ground earlier than it should have, a small crater forming below it. None, not even the Menoel, could tell what Kilon had just done. It was as if an invisible force pressed the draxe into the ground. And before they could think of any possibilities, Kilon tried to immediately end the draxe’s life, but his spear instead dropped to the ground, as Avunaia’s soul started to escape his grasp, and he had to focus the lights in his mind onto it. The power that hold the draxe pinned to the ground, lessened, and the draxe took it as an opportunity to grap Kilon’s left hand with its paws and bite into it. Its fangs were sharp and long, so they passed right through, while its claws dug up into his bones.
The Lightborn were ready to intervene, but with a shriek from the draxe on the stone, the other draxes moved and surrounded the Lightborn. “Don’t!” Kilon cried, his hand stuck inside the beast’s mouth. “I got this,” he said with an oddly calm tone. Using his right hand, he manipulated the same force as before, applying it onto the draxe’s jaws, making the muscles twitch and contract, lessening the force. Kilon then placed a foot on its neck, leaning back to grab his spear, which he then plunged into its mouth.
“I shall remember you,” Kilon said to the draxe, as it drew its last breaths, “forever marked on my body, your unshaken will move forward through me.”. As he said that, the draxe’s eyes rolled over, Kilon’s spear striking deeper into the beast. After its jaws at last lost all their strength, Kilon pulled out his hand, light bleeding out from all his wounds.
The draxes didn’t know what to do, seeing as their leader had just died. The one on the stone, its mate, let out a painful shriek, the draxes knowing what it meant, as the draxe jumped into the pit, trying to kill Kilon, so did other draxes. The Lightborns no longer restrained, and started to use their lights to kill them, although, none were stopping despite that. It was a suicidal rush for their leader.
“Kilon!” Menoel cried, “Run away!”. Kilon, however, had trouble moving, as Avunaia’s soul kept struggling, he had to use more of his lights to contain her, and his wounds were further aggravated by not being treated.
“She’s just like her, isn’t she?” Kilon whispered to himself, “Following him blindly, just like she did me. Their souls should be compatible, so the body shall not reject her…I believe.”. Be it a spark of brilliance, or madnes,s as Kilon came with the idea in the moment, once the draxe jumped for his neck, he used that same force to quickly pin her down. And before the other draxes had time to surround him, Kilon crushed the draxe’s soul, the draxe not having time to even scream. ‘I hope you can forgive me for this sin sister,’ Kilon thought, hoping his message would get to her, as he dragged Avunaia’s soul into the draxe’s body.
The draxes, seeing as Kilon had the leader’s mate down, didn’t know if to try to kill him or attempt rescuing her. Those doubts were cleared in a moment though, as Kilon stood up, and so did the draxe. Neither trying to kill the other.
Kilon, able to heal himself, stood straight up and solemnly, petting the draxe that had Avunaia’s soul on the head, and tapping his spear on the ground. The draxes didn’t know what to make of it, but Stelorus, Melonius and Eharel did, starting to tap their spears on the ground, soon after the other Lightborns as well, ceasing the killing of the draxes. Around the forest, a rhythmic, powerful symphony of victorious spears could be heard, and the draxes could only obey the symphony, as they took a submissive stance towards the Lightborn.
Kilon looked at the view before him. Lightborn and draxes, no longer having to kill each other, but also looking at the dead corpses, the sacrifices made in the name of that moment. He also looked into the draxe’s eyes, trying to see his sister. The draxe didn’t seem to behave differently from normal, except it just really liked standing next to him. ‘Maybe her memories are gone, but the essence is still there,’ he was thinking. ‘I’m sorry if that’s the case,’ Kilon tried to connect his soul to hers, and he could feel it inside the draxe’s body, ‘but maybe it’s better that way. I can show you a new horizon, and a world where we don’t have to die meaningless deaths.’.
Kilon couldn’t help but smile, seeing as his own vision, not the one it scared him, was coming to fruition, making him hopeful for the future. But then, from some place further into the forest, he felt the presence of lights. Those were familiar to him, he just couldn’t believe they were there, for they were the lights of his siblings from Orvus’ and Manna’s group, just a few hundred of them though.
‘How is that-’ before Kilon had time to speak, all of a sudden he felt the presence of over a hundred lights, all condensed in one being.
From the cliff where the stones stood below, a tall figure looked below. Bloody furs and a twin headed spear, a dim orange for a light and eyes that seemed to have seen it all, Manna locked her eyes with Kilon’s. The other Lightborn slowly started to notice her, Eharel spreading his light into the forest and still not noticing the presence of the other Lightborn, just the general shape of their figures.
“Kilon, we meet again,” Manna said with a sombre tone.108Please respect copyright.PENANAg2Gsn7oiLM