"And then? What did the beast do?" curiously asked Eharel, a slightly red glowing Lightborn.
"He killed it I bet. It couldn't have survived, I'm sure." Menoel added, the tallest Lightborn after Kilon and Alvaraan.
"Let him say it, you keep interrupting him." Manna said disgruntled "Although I'm curious about the fur, does it really change color according to the light it receives?" she asked after her complaint.
"And you asking him more would let him finish the story how?" inquired impatiently Orvus, a slightly blue glowing Lightborn.
Kilon would sit and watch with a slight smile as his siblings would argue with each other. He knew the road ahead was hard, so those moments could only be counted onwards.
"So, as I said" Kilon resumed, everyone now listening. Where he couldn't be heard, others would silently whisper his words "I was on top of the beast, my spear slashing at it's back. And, while I thought it was over, the beast still had life kicking in it, so it sprouted on it's hind legs, breaking the left paw!" Kilon said, his hands animating the scene, while the face painfully remembered the followup. Everyone listened intently, not wanting to miss a word, as this was their first teachings of the outside. Kilon's stories of the animals, environments, the fight with the beast and how he dealt with the disasters of the Shivering Lands, as well as the sad discovery of Alvaraan, all were captivating the minds of these Lightborn which never stepped outside the LInk's reach.
After he told his stories, he presented, as promised, the proof needed that they could explore what's beyond the Link and even the Shivering Lands. The head of the beast and his explanation of it's species encouraged the Lightborn, while the showcase of his wind manipulation excited all of them. His siblings now were convinced and ready, the only thing holding them back, was taking parts of the Link, like Kilon did, in order to survive. But Kilon, as he stood up and raised his voice, reassured them that "Since I know how to grasp at the light, I can teach . The uncounted suns which took me to learn from nothing, will be only a few dozen for most of you, less for some. After everyone has learned and got a strand of light attached, then and only then, we will leave our home."
"Can you not simply attach them to us?" a Lightborn fairly asked.
"I'm afraid not, for each connection is unique and it would take me far too long." Kilon responded in kind.
"If all of us take a strand of light from the Link, won't shrink or make it disappear?" another Lightborn anxiously asked.
"No it will not." Kilon assured "The Link forms new connections at all times, endlessly so. Even if there were so many of us that we would cover the lands, the Link would never shrink or disappear."
Everyone still had questions to ask and were still not completely sure they would be able to accomplish what Kilon did. But, from within the crowd of lights, a larger one now was lighting up.
"Just like this. I can't feel the cold and strength flows within me. It's just about how it should feel, right Kilon?" Orvus asked, a strand of light now visibly attached to his back, walking through the crowd and towards Kilon. He stepped in front of him, Kilon surprised and pleased with what he saw.
"How did you manage to grasp at it so fast Orvus?" Kilon intrigued asked.
"Many suns ago, when you first started to put your hands inside the Link, I got curious myself. And, although I gave up shortly after like many other, some sensation of attachment was left lingering inside of me. Now that you have explained the principle behind it, I had a clear image in my head. The lingering feeling, became a complete one and started to flow into me, then I grasped at it and didn't let go."
Kilon was impressed by his brother, his intelligence might've been on par with his own or even greater. This in turn gave the Lightborn two teachers instead of one, speeding up the process of learning.
First, those which had a red, orange or yellow hue to their glow, would prove most different. Once they learned how to interact with the light, they would show more proficiency into channeling the light throughout the body. Enhancing many aspects, from vision, to combat and powerful bursts of energy. Their light would circulate through the entire body, and when needed, they could redirect as much light as wanted in parts of the bodies which needed it most. This would give them advantage in regenerating, agility, reflexes and senses. However, where one could say they were experts at, they were severely lacking in other areas. Unlike Kilon, they could barely understand new concepts, like wind manipulation or light manipulation outside the body. This meant they were better for combat, exploration and scouting, but not so good at learning to improvise and adapt new aspects into them. One curious aspect observed, was that, while they couldn't manifest light outside the body like Kilon, they could pull in life instead. Their light, for example, would attract other life towards it, like plants or animals, as if they were something those needed. This gave them advantages to understanding the surroundings, preparing and even luring in what they wanted. It was, however, a dangerous tool, Kilon understood that better than anyone, as he kept the fact that the beast grew as large as it did a secret, not wanting his siblings to get curious and try things which could have unforeseen consequences.
Those which were more akin to Kilon were those that shared a similar glow to his or Orvus's. These Lightborn were proficient in learning concepts like wind manipulation, light manipulation and some even learned some new types of manipulation, like water or earth. The way they would distribute the light was through the mind and hands mostly, leaving little for the legs and body. This would allow for precise and enhanced control over what they could manipulate, allowing for quick and precise decision making, good improvising, learning and adapting. However, unlike their other brethren, it would make it harder to regenerate, react and naturally respond to their environment. Much like Kilon also, they could emit the light outside their bodies, some were so good at it in fact, that they could shroud themselves in the light, acting as a buffer between them and outside threats. Some could also cast long rays of light, acting as sensory receptors, allowing one to view or feel things beyond one's reach. While the former could use light in bursts, causing heavy, spread attacks, these Lightborn could use their light with precision and effect, giving control over the type of attack and injury inflicted onto someone.
Kilon let Orvus take care of those like the two of them during these months, taking care of them only when needed, as they would find solutions faster, while he took the others with Manna outside the Link's reach. Teaching them about the environment and how survive in different scenarios. This proved effective, as both groups would learn at a fast pace in the areas they were good at. Occasionally, the groups would switch so they could practice in areas where they lacked. Over the course of these months, most of them were geared with staffs, spears, fur clothes and trinkets from animals they personally killed.
It was a stormy night, as per usual. Kilon gathered his siblings, preparing an announcement. Everyone was showing up, some groups returning from journeys beyond the Link, Orvus being part of one such that went East and had news. Manna also returned from a journey herself, she led a group into clawbear territory and had lost a couple of Lightborn to them, she had her face marked by a wound going from the right side of the chin to the right side of the forehead, she was pissed by her incompetence. Progress was made during these months within a group of Lightborn led by Affrax, a Lightborn with the same glow as Kilon. They were close to crystalizing the light of the Link in small chunks, effectively creating alternative ways to empower their bodies. Kilon wold look hopeful over these successes, some contempt and disappointment over the failures, but proud nonetheless, as everything was leading to their escape from the Shivering Lands. Now the Lightborn have gathered. Kilon with the back at the Link, his spear fixated into the ground, his fur cape slightly swaying in the wind. The rest sitting down in front of him in small and large groups. Some Lightborn swaying the wind in tandem to clear space, while others standing watch in case of anything approaching.
"May the light protect all of you, brothers, sisters." Kilon began, bowing with his back and head a bit forward, left hand on the chest, right hand with the palm open and fingers closed together up. It was their way to say "I'm home".
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"May the light guide you." the others saluted while sitting down, right hand up like that of Kilon's. It was their way to say "Welcome home".
"Before I begin my announcement, first, a few words from Orvus. Let us hear what he and his group discovered." Kilon began, letting Orvus in the center, his group standing to the sides. Him and his group were dressed in many coats of fur, as they traveled, they wanted as little attention as possible from other predators, and their glow would prove counterproductive to that extent. They also cut off their hair, as with time they noticed their hair would start to grow once far away from the Link. Something which was less visible in Kilon as he only went away a few days then returned, and, although he went outside with the others to help and train them, it was never for too long. Orvus and his group on the other hand, left a few times for weeks on end to search new places and scout the lands. Now, at long last, returning with results.
"I bear great news brothers and sisters, together with my group, we have found far eastwards" Orvus said while pulling out a compass, hand gesturing towards the direction. It was made of antler scraps from a starstag, the claw of a clawbear serving in the middle as an anchor point for a strand of light detached from Orvus's body, pointing towards the Link "Waters like in the far west and north, but this time, a passage made of pieces of ice leading to some other lands from these. We couldn't stray away too much, as the day of the meeting was pronounced before our expedition, so we only crossed the passage then ventured a bit into the lands. But, after a couple of suns of travel, we encountered, what we call, a forest." Orvus ended, with the intent to let the others speculate the meaning of the word. He liked stirring interest in his subject of discussion, a bad habit which annoyed some at times, but this time, it worked like a charm to his pleasure, as everyone would start whispering and speculating.
With his hand trying to cover the smile he said and with the other revealing a tree branch "A forest is a mass of living matter. This living matter, is called trees. Large ones too, suggesting that life may have found more leisure ways of living. Further, within this forest, just by observing the edges of it, we could see large life entities. Some crawling, some flying, some climbing, some in between." Orvus explained further, ending with a small pause, as to prepare to what's following, throwing the branch into the crowd, the Lightborn playing, fighting for it and looking at it.
"Even so, small life was hardly observable. Which leads us to a bunch of conclusions. One being that, life is too competitive, the small life can't live with the large one or has to hide itself. Another is, the environment simply doesn't allow small life to thrive. The second conclusion is more troublesome for us." Orvus gravely stated.
"If the second conclusion comes to be the truth, it would mean that it's not suitable for us to live there, meaning, we would have to go some other way, some other place. The first conclusion is our best outcome, as we can deal with competition, backed by our minimal losses during exploration of the Shivering Lands. The Shivering Lands also being much harsher in terms of weather conditions, which the other side, that we thought would be fitting to call the Frozen Side, doesn't suffer as much from. We believe that may be due to the present living matter which disrupts winds and formation of tornadoes. With that being said, I would like everyone to remember that these observations and conclusions are based on brief encounters and observations, so take them as you may." Orvus concluded thus concluding his speech. Kilon hugged his brother and the others from his group, then Orvus sat down at the foremost front, ready to listen to Kilon. Kilon kept in mind everything that Orvus said, again surprised by him, as he didn't think Orvus would be the daring kind to push that far to find out the truth.
"With those matters out of the way. I think it's time for the main announcement." Kilon stated.
"Wait." Manna interrupted. "Are we not going to talk about it?" she said disturbed.
"Is there anything left to say, Manna?" Kilon fixated her with his eyes, sparks calmly escaping at times "Afaaron, Mahaeer, Kalus. They're dead now, we prayed for them, we even got their lights, didn't we?" Kilon calmly said.
"Yes we did. But..." Manna couldn't continue.
"But?" Kilon reinforced.
"But why me?! Why do I have to be the one bearing their lights? Shouldn't someone who could use this power have it? Someone who isn't as incompetent?" Manna cried with anger and sadness in her voice, sparks and light shedding from her eyes.
"Incompetent, yes. But no more, not after what happened. We learn by challenging ourselves, by trying and falling on our faces, Manna. You challenged the clawbears, even though I warned everyone about them, you still challenged them and failed." Kilon lectured her, but at the same time "That was your mistake, and I believe you're not fool not to learn from it" Kilon continued, Manna's face lighting up with every word "Take from it, learn from it and ensure you don't make the same mistakes. And to answer your question, who is more competent in here to bear their light if not she who knows what is like to fail?" Kilon added firmly, a sense of forgiveness could be felt in his voice, letting Manna know that it's alright to fail at times, as long as she could learn from it. He knew better than anyone what's like to be at the point of failure, so he wouldn't beat down Manna for her mistake.
"Now that everything is settled. The main announcement" Kilon loudly stated, everyone's eyes fixated in anticipation on him. Everyone knew inside what he was going to say, yet they still wanted to hear it from him "It's time to take our leave! From the Link, from the Shivering Lands! Into the unknown and far from this frozen hell!" Kilon cried aloud, pulling his spear from the ground and lifting it up, his siblings couldn't contain themselves, they all got up on their feet and raised their weapons, trinkets and other small things they made from animals and rocks. Manna was also holding up her two pointed spear as some tears of relief came across her cheeks, Orvus was holding only one hand up and was smiling gently, his excitement hardly contained by his proud nature. "Now" Kilon gestured his hands downwards, the Lightborn standing back down "Orvus's discovery, fortunately brings us favor. We no longer are bound to the one road I discovered, we have options now." Kilon said with anticipation, some concern felt by the ones closer to where he stood "But these options need an return" (return is referred as exchange or to give) "The option provided by Orvus means that some of us will head south with me, while some of us will head east with Orvus." Kilon ended.
Uneasiness washed over the Lightborn. They all trusted Kilon when it came to making wise decisions, so it was natural to want to follow him. But the option provided by Orvus showed promise and proof that there might be something better in the west. The Lightborn were divided in opinions, but that's what Kilon wanted. He didn't want everyone to head in the same direction, for if worst comes, at least some of them would survive and could start over. There was also the possibility that both roads led to doom, but Kilon didn't want to believe that.
Kilon pushed his spear slightly into the ground, fixating it. Then clapped together his hands as his siblings were all talking and whispering, which stopped all of them and got their attention as wanted "Now, with the options provided, I want all of you to choose. South or east, what's the path that you, brother, sister, want to follow?" Kilon said, his right hand pointing east, his left south. Once presented with the options, the Lightborn were split. More than half followed Kilon, while the other Orvus. Manna also wanted to follow Kilon, but Kilon stopped her.
"Except for you sister, you cannot choose." Kilon explained to his sister, placing his left hand on her shoulder, holding his spear in the other.
"Why? Is it because of what I did? I won't make a mistake like that again brother!" Manna protested in a cry.
Kilon shook his head "It's not for that, sister. Orvus, as you can tell, although he's really smart, he doesn't know how to protect himself. This last expedition showed me just that, he's willing to go to any length if it means unraveling the truth. He simply isn't careful enough." Kilon told her. Manna understood what he was saying.
She now possessed three lights besides her own, something which the Lightborn developed while they each learned to attach a light. The ability to connect the lights, like Kilon did when he tried to keep account of Alvaraan, only difference, they acted as each Lightborn willed them to, without affecting the others. The case of Kilon where it acted, seemingly, on it's own, being the only case known where a light would act without the will of it's master.
When the three from Manna's group were on the verge of dying, they sent their lights to Manna, allowing her to effectively kill the clawbears and save the rest of the group. This in turn made her special, aspects which Afaaron, Mahaeer and Kalus possessed, transferred to her, additionally, she also was stronger. Before receiving their light, she was a quarter of height shorter than Kilon, she also radiated a red glow, showing more proficiency in combat. After she received their light, she grew some more, something a Lightborn is inherently born with and can't be changed, her glow also changed, now a powerful red, instead of a glimmering one like before.
All preparations were in order. Weapons, knowledge, trinkets, clothing, all was ready for the journeys ahead south and west. Yet, one group wasn't preparing to leave, Kilon noticed.
"And you Affrax? Which group have you chosen?" Kilon asked on a curious tone, although he had a good idea what Affrax wanted.
Affrax chuckled "You can already tell, can't you brother?" Affrax said as he took glances at his siblings readying themselves, trying to hide the fact that he wanted to go too.
Kilon tried to convince him "We can do without the crystals. There is no reason to stay behind."
"Oh but there is, and you thought of it yourself haven't you?" Affrax sure of his words.
"I know Affrax, but if we succeed, wouldn't you like to be there? Next to your siblings? Sharing the view of a warm place with life brimming everywhere?" Kilon pursued further, his voice hopeful to convince his brother, but his eyes betraying him, he knew he made his mind already, he was going to stay at the Link. It was the third option, one which he didn't mention, for it was too sad and lonely.
Affrax strongly glanced into Kilon's eyes "I would love nothing more brother. But can we afford the risk? What if me being here, could be the sole reason our existence won't be forgotten?" Affrax said full of determination. Kilon knew that this job had to be done by someone, he only wished it wasn't one of his siblings.
"Then, brother, I promise, someday me, Orvus, Manna or any of us will return. We will come back for you and take you to the place we dreamed of." Kilon made his promise towards his brother, convinced that one day anyone will return, his eyes not betraying his words, his left hand forward to shake his brother's. Affrax wanted to cry, but he had to be strong if he were to endure the time of loneliness ahead of him. So he reached up and hugged Kilon, not letting him see the sparks flow from his eyes.
"You must keep your word, alright? Like you did when you said you would return from the wild." Affrax said while trying to hide his sob.
Kilon let go of his spear and hugged him with both arms "I will brother. If not me, trust our siblings that will for my stead." he managed to hold his tears. He was the one leading, he couldn't be weak, not at this crucial moment.
Each Lightborn hugged each other. Although it took a long while, it was a worthwhile. They didn't know who they would see, if they would ever see. These moments could be the last they had together, not one of them would try to pass it off.
Once they did so, Kilon announced "Brothers, sisters! We begin our journeys! We're going to find our way out!" as he said that, everyone cheered, a sense of excitement, anxiety, sadness, all were felt. Glancing for a last time at each other, the Lightborn were entering a new age in their history, an age of discovery and travel. To find a home, to find what is there, beyond the place they were bound to for so long.294Please respect copyright.PENANAAHTre0PbRH