"If our bodies are the exterior matter, and our minds are the interior, then a soul is the bridge between the two. It allows for the mind to enforce itself onto the body through the soul, while the body reflects the soul itself. If you were to destroy the mind, the body still reflects the soul, if you were to destroy the body, the mind remains within the soul. But if you were to destroy the soul, neither can hold on by themselves. The mind will be lost and the body shattered." Kilon said, his explanation ending after he told his siblings about how the soul behaves and it's purpose. They were traveling as he told them these things. In order to not go East and confront themselves with yet other cold lands, as the Frozen Side lied further East from the Link and they didn't know how far it extended. They followed a South-East way, guided by a compass made in fashion to that of Orvus, the Link acting as the anchor point.
Kilon made them understand the importance of the soul. That they possess one, and should acknowledge it's value beyond anything else. He then explained that "Our lights. Given the Link, are also special. Creatures that roam the lands, do not possess our seemingly infinite energy. They exhaust it and replenish it through many means, usually through the consumption of other living things. The living matter is a bit different, in that it needs light, much like us, except it ages, be it slower or faster, then dies." his words right and wrong at the same time.
The Lightborn were more akin to plants than he thought, as Lightborns aged more like trees, really slowly. What Kilon also didn't know, was that there were plants, like those in the Gargantuan Forest, which lived for thousands of years, some lived even since the dawn of creation. Even so, he continued "But that much we all know. It's what the Creator also told us, that we are not like any other "Flesh Beings" as it called them. We just haven't realized what that "special" meant for us." he paused, letting them sink in his words, for what followed hit hardest "It meant that our lives can hardly find peace, no matter where we travel." the Lightborn around listened carefully, others passing the words to the back, as they traveled in a long line, rows of ten.
After his words finally reached to all of them, they started to think of what that meant. Before anyone could make any wrong assumptions though, Kilon said "It means that the energy which we possess attracts those which wish it. The prey likes to sit, sleep and eat around us. While the predators, like to consume us, get every bit of it for themselves. It's not only limited to creatures. The living matter on which we step and the "trees", as Orvus calls them, if they grow fast and aggressive enough, could engulf one of us and trap us in order to consume everything that we have."
The sinister realization suddenly washed over them. Their lights was a luxury that the other beings didn't have. Consuming their light, means prolonged, stronger and better lives for the consumer. It basically made each of them a precious resource, one which could only be consumed thanks to their bodies, imbued constantly with the light, as the light cannot be grasped by anyone, except them.
Kilon wanted them to fully understand what that meant, but there wasn't a clear approach for it. The best he could do is tell them about the beast. An example which they still couldn't fully grasp, as Kilon was the only one who saw the beast. On their way into the Whistling Valley, now called the Closed Passage, the beast's body was not found. Either the winds swiped the body out of it or dragged it along the walls until it ground it's body to nothing. Whichever it was, besides Menoel and a few other lightborn with a rich imagination, it was hard to grasp the issue at large.
"Then what is it for us to do now, brother?" Menoel finally asked after a period of silence.
"We are to find a home. We still do not know what happened to the others. I hope for the best, but since we do not know, we must make haste in finding a suitable home and establish ourselves." Kilon explained, his face looking forward, towards a horizon filled with the promise of a home and unknown lands to be seen. The mountains raising a bit higher as their journey went onward. "Then and only then, we can go look for them. Help them if needed. At worst, pray to the Creator for their souls." he continued, his eyes filled with worry and an unwavering determination to set things right for their future.
Menoel could only look at him in awe. He stood tall and strong, yet caring and wise. Now, more than ever, wanting to follow him, see what else his brother could do, will do. "I don't think we'll find a home Kilon." Menoel pronounced himself, his voice holding something else to be said.
"Is that what you think?" Kilon looked down at him as he asked his brother, his voice curious for what he wanted to say "Would you care to explain further?"
"You said that we cannot be safe, no matter where we go. It is obvious that wherever we may go, there will be predators. Be it stronger or weaker, they will cut away at us until there is little left. Those remaining will either cower in fear, hide wherever they can, while others will probably return to the Link, where is safest, dying some more in the process." Menoel's words carrying logic and reason, an idea piling behind his words "But, what if we were to protect ourselves, constantly that is."
"Protect ourselves constantly. I figure you have some idea to how to do that since you're mentioning it?" Kilon interrupted Menoel, his curiosity now getting the better of him.
"Well yes, let me just continue." Menoel requested, Kilon realizing his intrusion.
"My bad brother. Please, keep going." Kilon apologized, his left hand scratching at the back of his head, his spear now some way above the ground in his right hand, as his body out grew the spear's length.
Menoel sighed a bit as he gathered his thoughts once more "The idea is pretty simple. You have proven that while the other beings and living matter try to get some of our light, some will try to simply live by it, coexist in a way." Menoel's explanation now painting a picture.
"So if we allow them to coexist with us, our existence may not be-" before he continued, he realized the intervention once more. "Sorry brother." he said, his hand now scratching his long neck.
"Yes, our existence may not be in such peril. But we can take it a step further also." Menoel continued, his idea now coming along "You showed us that we can use our lights to influence and even manipulate the growth of living matter. If you were to teach most, if not all, of us how to do it, we could literally grow our protection."
Kilon now realized the potential, besides the dangers, of what their light can bring to them. "Not a bad idea I must say. And since we are headed for a "forest", as Orvus calls it, we can make a return between the forest and us." his eyes letting sparks out in excitement.
As Kilon and Menoel discussed the possibilities of these discoveries, Melonius and Efeheem were arguing at the back. Their dispute causing unrest between the others. Eharel made his way to the two, he saw them yelling and, at times, simply slap the other. He didn't understood the argument they were having, or why they were slapping each other at times then resuming the dispute, but he intervened.
"What in the name of the good Creator is happening here you two?" Eharel asked, making his way at the back.
"Stuttermouth over here thinks that we can probably kill one of these rootworms. I beg to differ as I possess the least necessary wisdom of the Link to know better." Melonius explained as he looked in Efeheem's eyes. As Efeheem was thinking about what he said, Melonius slapped him. Efeheem, to Eharel's surprise, not retaliating.
"Why did you slap him then? And why is he not doing anything?" Eharel now more curious about these unnecessary acts of disrespect.
"My idea was it. If what he sense says makes, and makes think for me, he slaps." Efeheem managed to somewhat explain, the opposite being true, no other words needed as Eharel got the idea and couldn't listen anymore of him. If one makes the other think for too long, they get slapped.
"So, your whole game is to argue with each other, and you get to slap the other if they have to think for too long?" Eharel explained to his understanding "Wouldn't that make it unfair for Efeheem as he has trouble speaking?" he asked intrigued, forgetting a crucial aspect.
"His speech is exactly what makes this fair. It's not a surprise that he stumbles his words, Creator knows why, so it makes it hard to fully understand, which in turn, means that I need at times a bit more time to think about what he just said." Melonius explained frustrated. So far he got slapped the most, as the speech impediment was too strong of a card against him. He also didn't know if, at times, Efeheem made his speech harder to understand on purpose.
Eharel was now into it himself "Can I also play? We have quite the road ahead and Kilon is busy with Menoel planning."
"You can course play!" Efeheem said excited. The opportunity to give some more slaps away was always enticing to him.
"No objections here either. Maybe I won't get slapped around as hard." Melonius said with a slight smirk, knowing what's to come for Eharel.
"That's great. Now, is there anything left to know? You two were arguing about something weren't you?" Eharel asked as he stood at the middle, a bit shorter than Efeheem and a bit taller than Melonius.
"We all need to come to an accord on the matter of the subject. If one disagrees, they must suggest something else. Also, since it's three of us now, us two will get slapped by Efeheem, while Efeheem will get slapped twice, one from each, to even things out. Lastly, we take turns in explaining, the last one to get an explanation is the one proposing the subject, then, if it continues, we start again with the one who first answered. The explanations, depending on the subject, can be as short as one word if it makes sense. If it doesn't, the others can simply shake their heads in disagreement, we can also add arguments as to why it doesn't make sense, and you have three moments to think of something else." Melonius explained, his finger pointing up from his left hand at his side, as if holding a lecture of sorts. Melonius also hid his true reason behind the adjusted rule into the clever explanation. He didn't want to get slapped by Eharel due to Eharel's enhanced vision.
"I understand. Then, given the subject at hand being rootworms, I will say that we can kill a rootworm, but a lot of us may and will probably die while doing so. It is why we can't sit around the Warm Lands. So, we can kill one, but it will be costly." Eharel added to the argument.
This prompted Efeheem to think a bit, then agree with them, however, Eharel slapped him across his face prematurely, as Melonius omitted a rule.
"Oh, also, we can't slap unless three moments have passed. If you slap any sooner, you get two slaps, in this case, a slap from both of us." Melonius intervened, a smirk crossing his face, his diabolic plan coming into the view of Eharel, who didn't have time to respond properly. Efeheem simply gave him a slap back that shook the light inside of him. Eharel stumbled on his feet, his only support was a spear he held at the back, which he grabbed and pushed against the ground before falling. Melonius laughed without hesitation at the scene.
"Good Creator! What is this strength?!" Eharel asked in frustration and disbelief to what he just felt.
"Light me in stronger grows when wanted I." Efeheem said in a stumbled explanation. It wasn't yet clearly known, but his physical strength rivaled that of large beasts. His proficiency and efficiency in flowing his light into his body, allowed him to empower any part of his body with high velocity to the strikes. This added on top of the strength already provided by his trained body against fights with clawbears and walking orcas from past expeditions. Eharel in his mind compared this slap to when he got hit by lightning back when he was exploring the Shivering Lands, without the numbness he felt afterwards. It could be said that he was a primal example of what the light can be used as in terms of enhancement. Further, his efficiency in flowing the light, meant that he could empower numerous strikes before feeling the least bit tired. He, of course, didn't use nearly as much into slapping his brothers, as he could shatter rocks by stepping on them when in full flow. But that didn't mean he wasn't going to use any.
Eharel, shook by the strike, looked at Melonius with a sense of respect for enduring multiple strikes from Efeheem. Now, he understood the high stakes at hand. If you think, only pains follows. He wanted to back out of it, but knowing what Melonius's mouth can say, he knew he wasn't going to wash away such shame unless he ran to the ends of the planet. Eharel paced his walk once again between the two and said "Let's do this. I will see to it until the end." his eyes letting out sparks in determination.
Melonius slapped him across the right cheek, the small tingles of pain barely managing to shift Eharel's neck to the left. "Now that everything is said and done, let's resume, shall we?" Melonius said, his eyes filled with joy for the prospect where Eharel will end up either on his knees or crying to Kilon. His ability, unbeknownst to Eharel that it was used, allowing him to effectively cheat at the game.
Eharel took the initiative, proposing the next subject "I say, we speak of...which would win in a fight, a clawbear or a walking orca?" the subject stirring sparks inside the other two's eyes. As if the prospect of thinking which of two entities could win in a fight pulled at some innate intrigue of the male side.
Neither hesitated in agreeing, as they simply nodded. Melonius started "Walking orca no question. Their ability to swim at fast speeds and walk on land, puts the clawbear at a clear disadvantage." his answer telling of the fact that he listened to Orvus's explanations, while keeping some facts hidden in case Eharel tried to bite back, so he wouldn't have time to think. He knew that Efeheem had fought walking orcas before, as he was the main Lightborn guarding Orvus and the others in their voyage to the Frozen Side. So he thought with confidence that he will side with him. That could in turn expose Eharel, who proposed the subject, to a slap from Efeheem, as he only fought clawbears of the two, so his knowledge should be limited and make him think.
But in a sickening twist of mumbled words, Efeheem said "Clawbear.". This simple answer put Melonius on a sudden stop.
"Is he serious? Is this some trick to make me run in circles to figure out why? Or is it simply true? This is not good." Melonius thought to himself, as Eharel's turn came around.
"I agree, the clawbears are fearsome creatures, and Efeheem fought both, so I trust his judgement." Eharel explained his side, making perfect sense as he shifted his head towards Melonius at his right "Now you, brother." his eyes lighting up in expectation.
This was a tough spot for Efeheem. He just placed himself in a predicament, where he just confidently said that walking orcas are stronger. With the two of them agreeing otherwise, and him stating what he said in a tone as if factual, he had to argue back. Him agreeing with them wouldn't make sense from his position, as he tried to put walking orcas as the stronger. He knew all this. Yet he tried nonetheless "In the light of the fact that Efeheem knows better, since he fought both, I feel like I must change my answer and agree with him as well." he cleverly attempted, but his brothers weren't going to let him off easy.
"Oh, in the light of the fact you say?" Eharel started, a slight smile with knowledge of otherwise behind showing "Aren't you by chance the one who stands around Efeheem all the time and argue with him?" his words cutting through the facts.
Efeheem nodded in approval, saying that "Told you I am time more." he said, meaning that he told him multiple times. With that said, they both shook their heads.
"This can't be! How was I backed into this corner?! There must be something. I can hardly use my ability now that he's here. Think, think!" Melonius thought to himself, if he could sweat, he would be doing so profusely. His brothers were relentless too, both lifting a finger up in the span of his thoughts. As the second finger was lifted, a sudden fact flashed across his mind "The walking orcas swallow their prey whole...don't they?" the words freezing his brothers' fingers in place, as a look of sudden realization washed over their faces. "In other words, if a clawbear steps into walking orca territory, they will simply be swallowed whole!" his excitement for the realization could be felt clearly in his voice. "Now, your turn, jigglytongue." Melonius said as he bent forward, his eyes looking with a large smile across his face into those of Efeheem.
Efeheem was trying to stagger Melonius, he knew about the presented fact. What he didn't know too much about, was clawbears. While he fought some, the fights were short and he wasn't the kind to analyze too deeply on his prey. Walking orcas were different, as he had to be smarter about them, since he was the main guardian during the journey. His bet was all into that bluff. He was now looking at Eharel, trying to find an answer from his eyes, but Eharel simply looked to the side. A sense of betrayal could be felt across his body, as Eharel and Melonius showed up their second finger up. Efeheem rushed through all his memories, he even used the light to enhance his mind's quick thinking, but he wasn't really good at it. And so, the third finger lift up.
The first to hit was Melonius, his slaps were now customers to Efeheem's cheeks, not providing any new kinds of pain. Eharel on the other hand, had something to give back to him, his will ironed as if ready to fight some sort of beast. Efeheem saw his eyes light up, as Eharel let the light course through. Eharel activated his ability. This allowed him to spot the softest spot on Efeheem's face in great detail. He first let out a bluff, his hand stopping mere fractions of a millimeter in front of his left cheek for which he aimed with his right hand, letting go of the spear all of a sudden. That made Efeheem tense up his body. He held his breath and closed his eyes. Then, as his left eye saw glimpses of light, with a relentless, malicious force, Eharel's palm was upon his left cheek. Efeheem's body relaxed for a moment before it touched, allowing for full effect of the strike.
The sound dispersed across the green fields, scared some small critter and made Kilon and Menoel look back scared. Their face rested in relief as they saw the marks of a palm across Efeheem's face, some light pouring out instead of blood, quickly healing afterwards.
Efeheem fought many beasts before the journey beyond the Link. Claws, teeth, prickles, burns, cuts and so on. He had accumulated a range of experiences through pain inflicted upon his now stern and strong body. Not once, however, did he feel as if his soul should've left his body with the pain that followed after. It was a feeling that made him wonder if all that he felt, was even real by comparison. He now too, understood, that what he played so far, was a mere game. Now though, this was real, this was serious, he had to avoid the slaps from Eharel at any cost. Which made him aware of Melonius's cunning too. He couldn't let either of them get the upper hand.
"Until the end, nothing will stop me. I will win." Efeheem stated, his first clear sentence since he left the Link. This shocked all the Lightborn around them, Melonius and Eharel too. The other two now felt a throb in their hearts, the feeling of excitement and rivalry arose. None were willing to lose.
"My, my. These brothers of mine are quite something I must say." Avaanel said as she stepped from the back between her siblings and finally at the middle where the three were at. She was a Lightborn that assisted with the efforts in the crystallization of the light from the Link. While studying, she found a way to store large amounts of light into different parts of her body. Legs, arms, chest, head. Tiny compartments cut into her body were made by her hunting knife made of a sharpened piece of a starstag's antler. There, she guided the light and let it store. The way it stored was through a method where her body would attempt to regenerate the missing pieces of flesh. When doing so, she would course the light around, surrounding the pieces of flesh, which the flesh would then get on top and create a layered pill of sorts as the light imbued itself into the flesh. So when needed, she could release it at will, providing a powerful boost to her abilities. It had it's drawbacks if used at full capacity, her body suffering internal injuries, ranging from broken bones to shattered limbs and organs. The process was also slow and time consuming, but when needed, she could become a powerful weapon if she disregarded her own safety.
Her appearance didn't do much to the mood of the three brothers, not until she asked "May I join this game of yours? Since I left the Link, I must say that I felt so bored. The only excitement I got was from that rootworm trying to snatch us whole." Avaanel said as she stretched her arms up in the air. However, that wasn't the issue. The issue was her ability and mind. Not only could she empower a strike of hers just enough to provide maximum amounts of pain without injury, she also had the cunning to match that of Melonius.
This was the moment where they knew things will go too far. However, it was too late now. Their brothers and sisters got intrigued and wanted to watch this show of minds and slaps.
"Thanks Eharel." Melonius said as he clenched his teeth.
"What did I do? Efeheem started with his empowered strikes!" Eharel protested to his defense.
"I in am still." Efeheem mumbled. He wasn't going to back down from the challenge.
"How fun. Let us proceed then, tell me the rules sweet brothers." Avaanel added in the end. The game not stopping, as Kilon and Menoel brushed it aside, focusing on the plans to raise the first settlement for the Lightborn, for they would soon arrive in the lands surrounded by mountains.289Please respect copyright.PENANAfWQdA4v6Ne