The dawn of a new day was slowly approaching, and close to the Lightborn settlement, sunrays and moonbloom flowers touched upon stone pieces protruding from the ground. Between all of them, Melonius was taking good care to ensure nothing was disturbing their peace, one standing a bit taller than the rest. There were once trees where he stood, but the disease they saw before entering the Lands Between Mountains was spreading from within the forests, so they had to cut them down with their new tools. Melonius used it as an opportunity to make a grave of sorts for their dead siblings, while keeping watch and trying to understand the disease a bit better for Avaanel.
“How I wish you were here brother, to see what we have built,” Melonius stood in front of the headstone where Efeehem’s name was inscribed in a unique manner, “and help us in our ventures”. Melonius started to develop a type of writing ever since he started placing headstones. It required a long, tedious process through which he would put his hand on the headstone and, by applying constant heat from his light, he would eventually leave a unique mark into the stone that represented the way he felt about his brother or sister. How he remembered them, and what fond memories of them he had. Other Lightborn would then be able to later come back and feel those emotions carved into the stone, as if spoken through them. It was something Kilon found of high value, as information became more and more important, but chose not to press Melonius about it, as Melonius still needed time to find the right motivation to push forward.
However, the time for waiting was over, and Kilon was heading for him. Looking around the field filled with headstones, Kilon overlapped the image of his vision over it. ‘Their faces, they start to shape up,’ Kilon thought, moonblooms expanding and breaking up whenever they got close to his light, ‘we are getting closer to the intersection between fate, and my vision.’. Looking at Melonius, he could tell his brother was strengthening his resolve. ‘It is too late to turn back, it was so the moment I chose to make them worship me,’ Kilon finished his thoughts, stepping closer to where Melonius stood.
“Hey Kilon,” Melonius had a melancholic tone to him, still thinking of Efeehem, “do you remember what else did I call him? I’m trying to add more of our memories to his stone, and I think I got most of it.”. Kilon looked curious at the inscription, then placed his hand to feel all the emotions and memories it carried.
“I believe you’re right, not that I’d know any better, for you spent the most time with him,” Kilon answered fairly, and Melonius smiled sadly.
“Then that means that’s about all I could experience with him, talk with him,” while not every word they had spoken was there, his and their siblings’ feelings, which they added through him, made it feel that way. “They each left a small memory with him, same with the others,” Melonious looked around and pointed with his finger, “yet, it is sad to think we could fit all of those memories in just this small piece of stone.”. Melonius brushed the headstone with his hand, the emotions he imbued fading away as he detached himself from them.
“Then that makes them so much more precious, doesn’t it?” Kilon tried to give a more positive outlook on the matter, “We can learn from these memories, how our mistakes take away precious time, and how our victories help us make room for more.”. Kilon looked at their settlement, the Lightborn gathering all around while sounds of earth being moved came from the inside, other structures than trees starting to be erected from the ground. Kilon then looked at Melonius “It’s what we should strive for, building and gathering those precious memories. Keeping them for an eternity to come in places where the world can’t take them away from us.”.
“I guess it does,” Melonius pondered for a moment on his brother’s words, “so I figure today is no better day to prove that, right?”. Melonius looked Kilon in the eyes, seeing his unwavering determination for what they had to accomplish. “As I promised a dozen of suns ago,” referring to the two months that had passed since Kilon’s return, “I will be your shield. I just hope you’re wrong about Menoel.”.
Kilon looked away from him and back towards the settlement, “I’m not mistaken, Menoel knows I will do something, and he will do the same.”. Kilon let a small chuckle out, ‘I guess we are brothers after all,’ thinking back on Stelorus’ words. “That’s why I need you. For I need to accomplish this next step, in order to put a stop to this blind belief, and explore this world that keeps taking from us,” Melonius noticed that same hope Kilon had since back at the Link. While his motivations and driving factors changed with time, his ambitions were none the less. Kilon still wanted to understand the world, and with his siblings, be able to see more.
“Very well,” Melonius started to get up, the shine of a piece of metal wrapped in leather peeking from his feet, “as I said a time back, I want for us to be happy. Not only to keep my word true, but because I’m tired of anger, sadness and frustration.”. Kilon resonated with his brother’s feeling of hope. Determination stoking their flames of ambition.
Melonius picked the wrapped piece of metal, covering it completely to make sure no one would see it, then made his way back alongside Kilon. Eharel studied them from afar between trees, Melonius becoming another issue to fear.
As they made their way back into the settlement, the roads were being dug up and Lightborn of orange glow bent palm-sized pieces of greymatter, fusing and connecting them together. Other Lightborn of blue and white glow were working on the various, different structures they erected. Some made of stone, some of wood and stone, while those of a redder glow were around various places, digging up more ground. ‘After we come back, we will complete the construction and we’ll be able to work towards grander goals,’ Kilon thought. The Lightborn were building a network underground made of the metal, as Mercaara and Avaanel came with the idea that, since the metal can conduct their light quite well, then a sharing system should be possible. Kilon saw the potential uses of it, as those who needed light for more intensive tasks could get it from those who don’t need as much, while also enabling Kilon to experiment with greater degrees of power and soon establish a defence system. ‘It’s only half masked for what I intend to do with it, so not even Menoel should be able to see through it.’. Kilon was thinking that when it finally came down to it, if it did, he could confront the genocidal sibling with the combined power of all the others.
Melonius looked at Kilon, and even though he’d been busy with the headstones and developing the inscriptions, he, like the others, were tasked by Kilon to train harder than before. Which finally prompted him to ask “Are we really training and developing all these weapons just for the draxes?”. Kilon stopped for a moment, knowing the question would be prompted sooner or later.
‘The downsides of not being devoted to me,’ he thought. While Menoel and Eharel could accept that Kilon was just being over precautious, to Melonius who didn’t spend much time with the others, all that Kilon was doing seemed too much. ‘A piece of truth won’t hurt,’ Kilon looked at his surroundings, then back at Melonius. “Do you ever wonder what had become of our other siblings?”.
The question surged memories and emotions from Melonius, who for some time forgot through his grief all about them. “I-I haven’t thought about it,” Melonius’ mind was being washed with a torrent of thoughts, Kilon expecting as much, then he snapped from it when a certain thought came to mind. “You’re implying they could attack us?!”. The revelation made him shiver. For them to go against each other, that seemed unfathomable.
“Seems almost impossible,” Kilon was choosing his words with care, “but that’s the point, almost.”. Kilon placed his right hand on his brother’s shoulder, “You have only to take a look at our siblings, and see how their rage can even turn against their own kin.”. Kilon thought of reminding him of how they punished Stelorus. Even though it was something Stelorus made fun after, he wasn’t left alone for a weeks on end, which Stelorus made sure was just as painful for them as it was for him.
“Isn’t it a bit extreme to think in such a manner?” Melonius showed his logic when Kilon wanted it least. “Yes, they may have been angered towards him, even hated him for some time, but eventually they still came around, didn’t they?”.
“That is true, however, all that was just for a punch, and nothing more,” Kilon was fiddling with his brother’s mind, protruding his light with his own as to insert a sense of insecurity. Melonius couldn’t tell due to those feelings already being present, so Kilon was essentially playing with his emotions. “Now, what if they were to blame us, me and you, for leaving them alone?”.
At first it didn’t make sense for Melonius, but then he could see it. If during the months that had passed his brothers and sisters changed into blind devotees for Kilon, ‘Then what can the opposite do to someone?’. Kilon felt that his brother was sharing his feelings, so he stopped imbuing his emotions as he took his hand off. It was different as Kilon feared just one potential individual from Orvus’ and Manna’s group, but at the core it was the same.
“I think you understand now, brother. Even though we have a love that goes against everything the world throws at us, it can’t protect us from the hatred we instil in our souls,” Kilon saw his siblings getting out of the settlement and noticing the two of them. ‘Be it for whatever reason it may be.’.
“He will hate us for it, especially you,” the soft voice of a Lightborn sister whispered inside the house of Menoel. Standing cloaked into the shadows, the orange glow of the Lightborn attracted some small critter that spent time inside his house. They were called woodmice, originally living in the cracks and holes of rotten trees, then in some of the Lightborn’s houses as they enjoyed their warmth.
“It is a necessary step, so they can see not even those draxes are a match for him,” Menoel paced around the lower floor where they were at, a table grown out of the floor having various metal items and tools. “It will also help Kilon understand we need him where he currently stands at,” Menoel picked one of the items, rings chained together but broken at the end, “since he seems to have found a way out of his position.”. Menoel heated the metal, bending it so he could reconnect it where it was broken.
“Careful with it, it might-” before the Lightborn had time to finish, Menoel already broke it, as it stretched for too much. “That aside, the draxe is inside the hole. Kilon already had the Sweepers tracking them, so catching one was easy once we learned their pattern.”.
“Aren’t they smart?” Menoel looked at the tools on the table, some misshaped and bent from how they were used, and all bloody. “You would think they change their pattern once they know you’ve learned it.”.
“Oh they did, but when it comes to animals, I’m quick to learn,” a sense of pride came from the Lightborn’s voice, “so it was a matter of who’s first, they who adapt, or they who learn.”. The Lightborn made their way around the table, standing close to a window in case anyone dared to drop an ear.
“What about their leader?” Menoel’s eyes sparked with the question, a sense of spite for the lost brothers and sisters in his voice. “Have you found their hiding hole?” Menoel picked one of the better tools, one that didn’t bend nor broke after its use.
“We did, that’s why we hurry to leave today. They change their hiding spots once every fifteen suns or so, but less now than before,” the Lightborn brushed their skin, “must be the cold.”.
“Good, then it all goes as planned,” Menoel left the tool on the table and looked at his sibling, “so I believe you’re ready to fulfill your role to the end, aren’t you?”.
“I am, however,” the Lightborn lifted the hood of the cloak and approached Menoel to look him in the eyes, “I must be sure, so touch my hand.”. Menoel didn’t think twice, touching his sister’s hand, “Is me risking my life, and worse, having Kilon hate me for an eternity to come perhaps, worth doing this?”. Avunaia asked with a saddened look.
Menoel knew he couldn’t lie, not when she looked at him like that. “I don’t believe it is,” Avunaia expected as much, “but I believe is necessary, no matter what. Just how I don’t believe, even now, that leaving the Link led us to a better path, I still think it was necessary.”.
“Why do you think that? Is it because of a sense of duty you have, some goal of your own?”. She wanted to see if perhaps he was more like Kilon, someone driven by an ambition of his own that could enforce Kilon’s belief they’re siblings.
“No, I don’t believe to be that. Rather, I don’t know how I could live when so many of us have died, and we haven’t accomplished anything. That the Creator made us, and we accomplished nothing.”.
“That’s what you mean by necessary…” Avunaia seemed disappointed on one side, but also glad on another. In a way, the way Menoel was, reinforced that they were siblings, but also that the way she felt towards Kilon wasn’t wrong. If Kilon was there instead of Menoel, she was sure she would’ve felt that hope she always does when near him. Despite all the sadness and sorrow, Kilon’s ambition was an immovable force. Greater than sorrows and pain, larger than life and more powerful than the forces commanding their world, that’s what the image she had of him.
“That’s what I mean, yes,” Menoel stepped towards the door, ready to leave for the meeting Kilon was about to hold. “I will take it, you're prepared,” Menoel opened the door, but stopped to think for a moment. “I am thankful, though,” Avunaia looked at him curiously, “that even if we don’t accomplish anything, it won’t be as if we didn’t try. I can remain hopeful that even if me and you are to die, even Kilon for that matter, may lead to a future where someone, somewhere will accomplish something. Be it thanks to our actions, or to our deaths.”.
“This looks wonderful,” Avaanel was admiring a contraption of sorts, “the wood keeps the light, then the metal is added here and-” however it failed, as the metal part showed cracks the next instant. “Hmm. The sudden surge causes the metal to expand, and results in it cracking.”. She was looking through the various metals picked by Mercaara up on the first floor of her treehouse, where the animal parts have been replaced by various metals and stones. “The stones are more beautiful, but useless,” Avaanel tossed them around as she mumbled to herself, “maybe they will come to be useful later-there it is!”. Avaanel came across the metal she had wanted, greymatter metal. “We’ll have to stick to the basics,” as she attached a greymatter rod of metal to the wood contraption, the sudden surge of light didn’t so much heat it. “It retains it deeper inside, and slowly comes to the surface,” the use of the metal showed once more, “I’ll use this lighter one for smaller things, I’ll just have to think what those are. Or maybe ask one of my brethren.”.
“It is time to go Avaanel!” Mercaara called from before, dropping a bag filled with more refined and reshaped metals. “Where is Fanteem?” she looked around and found his hand grasping from below a pile of thrown gems and metals. Mercaara pulled him out of the pile and fell on her back with a thud.
“I told you to stop throwing stuff!” Fanteem complained. “And look, now I have to sort this mess and whatever Mercaara brought!”.
“Does it really matter?” Mercaara asked, looking around, Fanteem giving an unwarranted sharp glance towards her. “I-I just mean that, if she keeps throwing it all around, is there a point in organising them to begin with?”.
“Of course there is!” Avaanel said as she made her way down, the wooden steps forming below her feet, “It’s funny seeing Fanteem getting angry.”. Her comment was met by a shifting, angry glance towards her from Fanteem, “A-and it also helps you know what we miss! Although you should figure as much after all this time.”. Not even Avaanel dared making more jokes on Fanteem, not when she saw his pockets filled with some sharp flowers.
“I usually find them disorganised by the time I-” before she could finish, as Fanteem turned his angered eyes towards her, and Avaanel was making gestures to shut up from behind, Mercaara rethought her words. “Yes, it’s very helpful the work Fanteem does, I can see that better now.”. Fanteem just exchanged glances one more time, sighed and left the house half defeated.
“He should take things easier, it’s not as if he’s the one getting an earful if something goes wrong,” Avaanel said as she finally made her way down, looking through the added pile of metals and gems Mercaara brought. “Also, could you please not bring me anymore of these beautiful rocks? I like them around, but not so many,” she added, holding one of the gems up.
“And you should take things more serious,” Mercaara reprimanded her, taking the gem out of her hand, “while he won’t get an earful, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t care. Otherwise he wouldn’t spend time with you, would he?”. Avaanel stopped rummaging through the pile, taking the words in, then kept going at it. “And I keep bringing the stones because, as you said, there seem to be none when I come back.”.
“Enough about stones and Fanteem,” Avaanel sat at the table after finding a more interesting shape of metal, one bent and connected at both ends, forming a circle, “who made this?”.
“That, hmm, I believe it might be something Galanius made,” Mercaara told her. Avaanel thought for a little, and the thought of her brother’s ability came to mind. “He also made these,” Mercaara pulled from behind, hooked to her leather clothing, a gem encapsulated into a piece of metal.
“Say, have you seen Galanius or Fanteem coming and leaving from the House of Fire?” Avaanel was speaking of the forge they had built.
“I saw Fanteem, yes,” thinking some more on it, Mercaara came upon a couple of instances in her head, “I remember him carrying, what seemed to be, small bags filled with something.”.
“Then I guess we know where those gems were leaving to,” Avaanel seemed a bit frustrated but mainly happy. “We will pay Galanius a visit once the meeting is over,” Avaanel looked through the metal circle, ‘why is he hiding his mastery of metals? And will he accept my requests? This feels like an invitation after all.’.
‘What is this feeling, in my heart?’ Kilon was surrounded by his siblings, gathering from the treehouses or various places from the outside. ‘Fear? No, it makes me feel more alive, so it’s something else,’ Menoel approached him and stood by his right side, his left occupied by Melonius. ‘Could be excitement, yes, that’s closer, but still not quite.’.
Walking down the destroyed streets, where the metal tubes were soon to be covered, Avaanel, Mercaara, Fanteem and Avunaia joined behind him. Menoel didn’t exchange even a glance with Avunaia, while Stelorus was nowhere to be seen. “Good,” Kilon said aloud, Menoel giving him a curious look, “nothing, just looking around and I can see much good.”.
“Ah, yes,” Menoel agreed, “we have come so far since we left the Link.”. Menoel looked at his working siblings, then the ones following them, “But…”.
“But it’s not enough, is it?” Kilon continued his brother’s thoughts, to which Menoel nodded. “You never told me about your own ambitions, brother. What might those be, I wonder at times,” Kilon closed his eyes to feel his environment for a moment, then continued, “are they concerning our survival, or something beyond.”. Kilon hunched over and looked Menoel in the eyes, and for the first time in his life, Menoel felt something he wouldn’t have thought he could feel from Kilon: fear.
Kilon’s eyes were different from those of the other. They usually had a sense of anguish inside of them, that was never directed towards someone. However, the moment Kilon felt an opportunity to make that anguish cease, in this case thinking Menoel might have had to do something with his visions, it was a terrifying thing to witness from him. His anger, frustrations, finding a target upon which to potentially unleash them.
“Both, Kilon, just like yours,” Menoel maintained his composure, “I just want to make our existence feel complete, not waste it. Accomplish things which these flesh beings could never.”. Kilon could hear plain spite in his brother’s words, then see something tormenting his own mind. “That’s why we do what we do, and why we follow you, for we find purpose in what you do, and what you make us do.”. Kilon straightened himself, and Menoel wished he could sigh in relief, but knew better and kept looking forward, thinking he dodged something he wasn’t sure he could start to understand.
“That, I can trust,” Kilon said, “even if other things I can’t.”. Menoel was starting to wonder if Kilon realised Avunaia was on his side, fearing for what that might entail, Menoel infused his mind with his light. It was only for a moment, so he could amplify and multiply his thoughts, in order for Kilon not to notice, and for him to think of a solution on the spot to confirm or deny his doubts.
“I assure you, Kilon, my actions are not to hurt you or anyone else,” Menoel spoke the truth, and to prove it, he let Kilon touch his hand, “you can feel that for yourself, if you want to.”. Kilon only needed a glimpse into his eyes to confirm it, that he wasn’t the one. So he simply smiled, not touching Menoel’s hand. “So you already made your mind about me, is that it?” Menoel said sharply, frowning at the thought that me might’ve lost already. Kilon touching his hand would’ve let him know for certain if he was having feelings of animosity towards him or not, but since the action was denied, he was left in a rougher spot than before.
“Let us not contemplate on such matters then,” Kilon said abruptly as they arrived in front of the central tree, “there is much to discuss, and I do trust your actions. I’ll just have to see if your words are reflected in them.”.
‘So be it then,’ Menoel thought determinedly, walking together with Kilon and Melonius inside the giant tree. Making their way to the centre, the other Lightborn were going up their seats, moving around Kilon and the others. Once everyone was seated, more Lightborn started to pour through, filling the whole centre of the tree, and only leaving enough space so Kilon, Menoel, Avunaia and Melonius could stand out better, while Mercaara made herself lost into the crowd with Fanteem.
Everyone was chattering and mumbling about, some even behaving unbecoming of such a meeting, showing a difference in class as that worked more than learned showed between them.
“I welcome you, my siblings!” the whole tree went silent as Kilon’s voice resounded all around, amplified by his light to have a booming sound to it. Menoel was wondering something about Kilon, as he could see he wasn’t himself ever since he started walking beside him. “It is nigh time for revenge!” Menoel was starting to get an understanding of what was wrong standing by Kilon. “For too long had the draxes tormented, killed and hunted us!”. The whole crowd was agreeing with nods and silent yeses. “And answer me this, brother, sister,” Kilon started to walk between them, Menoel starting to fear for what was to come, “do you fear them?”.
Kilon’s voice had a cold depth to it, his eyes were the same as when they walked up to the tree, so compared to them, the draxes seemed like mere inconveniences for a moment. All the Lightborn, even those yet to see them, cried a loud “No!!”.
“Then should we kill them?” a resounding yes could be heard from the crowd, but Kilon shook his head and smiled. “No my foolish brethren,” Kilon patted some of them on their heads, and they became further entranced by his words and demeanour, “if you don’t fear them, then they should fear you, and how should we impose that onto them?”.
There was silence in the crowd. Some seemed to clue in on the answer, but didn’t dare speak as to not give the wrong one and garner the wrath of the others. Then, as Kilon paced around, eyes waiting as if to prey on someone from the crowd, Stelorus made his way through. Pushing his siblings aside and wearing a stone with metal infused hammer at his back, he said “Subdue them, tame them, and make them obey our will,” he said in a low, deep tone. Angry eyes shifted towards him, but were soon appeased as a happy Kilon met his eyes.
“That is right!” the other Lightborn gasped and whispered between them. “Do not forget what I said when I left the Link: I will tame these wilds!”. His siblings were boiling, ready to erupt with cries and fervorous tears. Before they could, Kilon took Stelorus’ hand and raised it up, “WE will tame these wilds! For that is our purpose!!”.172Please respect copyright.PENANAEop3ws237o