Coming down from the hill, Manna was deep in thought. The beauty of the place and the wonder it possessed, they all seemed too surreal. While it was still in conflict with her belief that life should be extinguished in order for them to prosper, seeing the regal deers, river wolves, mane looters and other small critters just living alongside her siblings, made her ponder if it was truly right to believe such things.
Salvete was adoring the place. She was starting to grow worried that she may not find a place to leave Piki to safety, but Kilon and the others have prepared a safe haven for both them and their critters. So she thought 'I hope Manna will stop fighting Kilon's will,' she looked at Piki below her clothes, 'and if not, I suppose leaving her side is the only option. Despite everything we've been through...'.
As both Kilon's and Manna's group got closer, the Lightborn inside their home started to pour out. By the hundreds, soon thousands, they surrounded both groups. Welcoming the victorious Kilon and getting to see the draxes, some for the first time, while most jumped and cried at the sight of their lost siblings.66Please respect copyright.PENANAQOHQUHoiFE
Eraanel was counting his siblings, seeing how many they've lost. And while not as many as them have died, still plenty to where he would start whispering their names, an angered frown on his face. Meanwhile, Avaanel was making her way through, expecting to see the two thousand siblings that parted with them at that time. Only to be met by the horror of five hundred, a bunch deeply injured too.
"Manna," Avaanel said, looking at her from below, "what happened?". It was what everyone started to wonder, the pleasantries washing away. A lot of them thought more were to come, but looking back, there were no more. "Is this one of Orvus' little schemes?". His name alone brought repulsion on their faces, the atmosphere changing almost instantly. Kilon already knew something was deeply wrong, Orvus should've been the last of them to be missing from the bunch, that he was confident.
"We shall talk more inside," Kilon said, "there is no need to wait any longer, is there sister?". He looked at Manna who nodded, much was on her mind and much more she wanted to say, but couldn't think at the moment. "Then make way for Manna and us, a meeting will take place inside Luvina.". Lutra was the word for giant, while umvina for tree, thus Luvina. "Our sorrows, our regrets, and our victories. All shall be shared in the same manner.". Kilon waved his hand, no longer injured by the draxe's bite, the Lightborn respecting the gesture.
And so they went. Between the broken roads and the treehouses, the Lightborns couldn't talk much, they didn't feel it was appropriate. While Manna's group suffered the most, Kilon's losses were also felt from Manna's part, so it was a mutual grieving. Stelorus rode solemnly on Sirva, while Menoel was finally close enough to Manna to exchange a few words.
"Sad isn't it?" Menoel said, the pain and anger in his voice sincere. "Had Kilon took his rightful place amongst us, maybe we could've avoided parts of this tragedy.".
"I heard some words about you Menoel, and not all of them were good," Manna replied. "You schemed behind Kilon's back, the one you're supposed to entrust the most.".
"Everything I did was in our general interest, and since Kilon couldn't see it," he paused for a moment, thinking of Avunaia, " I did what I had to.". Menoel explained himself, Luvina getting closer in sight. "There is still much we don't understand about the world. My plans and Kilon's are similar but diverge in places, and so I see yours being the same.".
"I have yet to hear what his true intentions are, which I hope he will lay plainly without deceit.". Manna held a tighter grip on her spear, her emotions barely hidden as hope was radiating from her light.
"Then maybe you'll want to hear more from me if he doesn't, won't you?". Manna stopped a little at his words, Kilon noticing it and then wanting to stop them from talking as he approached them. "He had visions from the Creator you see," his words sparked large interest from her, "hopefully he will talk about it, but I doubt it. He keeps it all to himself.".
Manna saw Kilon approach, so she finished the conversation saying "We shall see then.". Menoel left with a smile back into his entourage.
"Anything he's planning?" when he spoke, Manna felt mistrust from Kilon. She could tell it wasn't directed at her. Still, mistrust is what ended up making Orvus and her fight, so she wanted to believe in Kilon.
"Well, he thinks you're not honest," Manna spoke plainly, "but I doubt it. You're the one person I trust most to be truthful.". Kilon smiled at her and put his hand on her shoulder, assuring her there was no need for worry. But as soon as he took his hand off, Manna couldn't help but think he was hiding something, just as Menoel said. 'Worry in his light,' she thought, 'perhaps because of all of this...hopefully because of all of this.'.
Once they were before the tree, the only Lightborns allowed inside were as it followed: From Kilon's group, Menoel, Avunaia as the draxe, Avaanel, Mercaara, Melonius and Stelorus. Eharel was to keep watch over the Lightborn and ensure none of them will try anything to disturb the meeting.66Please respect copyright.PENANAnJb6uaSBqV
From Manna's group, Eraanel, Salvete, Gilaate and Bustomus.
"These are those which helped most in pushing us forward, move us through dangers and find new ways of living. As such, they shall be the ones representing us with me at the front. Are there any complaints?" Kilon said and asked. There was silence. "Good, now-" before he could move on, a Lightborn made his way through, a large but short hammer made of greymatter in his hands. His arms became thickened by the constant work he performed, and will grow larger still, while his hair looked as dishevelled as the ones from Manna's group.
"Yes Kilon, I would like to join the meeting as well," Galanius said, the forger of Melonius' shield. "There has to be someone neutral to all of your opinions and thoughts, and I believe myself to be the best in that regard.". Manna remembered Galanius as this small spark of light back at the Link, always tinkering and messing with various animal parts. He never seemed satisfied by them. When he stepped up though, he had a confidence he lacked before.
"I have no issue with that, let Galanius join us," Manna said, to which Kilon responded with a nod. "Now let us begin, this is long overdue.". Manna walked inside Luvina impatiently.
The others soon followed. Inside the tree, at the centre where Kilon usually took his spot with Menoel and a couple others, was now a table with a few chairs. Kilon wanted this to be done alongside the roads, the tree itself being expanded upon so more Lightborn with different skills could join the conversations, not only the elite ones. 'A necessary step in order to further expand,' is what he thought at the time, something which hasn't changed.66Please respect copyright.PENANAaA6sSj4LUX
Manna was first to sit, her feet still weary from all the travel, those from her company joining by the left and right side soon. Kilon sat at the opposite side, Avaanel at his left, Melonius at his right and then the others. Galanius stood up at the side of the table, acting as the objective observer.
Kilon dreaded that moment, but it came at last, where he asked "Manna, what happened after we parted ways?". Manna took a good look at everyone, ensuring Eraanel was keeping his watchful eye over them, so she could find out about their true feelings. Then, with a deep breath and a sigh, as she stood up, she began to tell their story.
From how things looked promising at first, to then descending into pure madness and agony as they travelled the Frozen Passage. Then finding out about Orvus, who killed their siblings amidst a storm in order to save them, and then escaping into the Gargantuan Forest to enact some other plan of his. Then finally the hunt for him and how many more have died as a product of that. The way he died, what he said before that, and the assurance that not a piece of his soul was left.66Please respect copyright.PENANAcso8SXZJxV
It all ended with her and her group wandering the forest, trying to find a way to escape and losing more of their siblings to the creatures and the forest itself.
No one had the words for it. A true tragedy, from the very start until the very end. Menoel, who came into Luvina with the intention to put out his plans and get Manna on his side, had anything but that in mind. They were all horrified, Kilon most of all. All he could think was 'Similar to the vision, too similar.'.
"Now," Manna said, "can you see why we don't trust these creatures you use as pets? Why their very existence is intolerable to us?".
"I understand," Kilon said as he stood up, "however, things were different for us sister.". Manna didn't need him to tell her that, it was obvious from the way they lived. Even so, she was curious. Was it Kilon that directed their fate to be better? Or was it that their road was simply easier?
She soon found out her answer, as Kilon described their journey. From the Whistling Valley's merciless weather, to the rootworms devouring their siblings, amongst which Efeehem. Melonius helped Kilon on the details, as the display of power Efeehem showed was sure to intrigue the others, which it did. Then they moved to talk about the Lands Between Mountains. How they encountered the mane looters and how the Sweepers were formed, Mercaara staying silent, still shocked by the transformation Avunaia underwent. He went a bit into details about the flora and fauna of those lands, and ensured to make a point about Menoel's created belief, which Manna found amusing at best.
Then, at last, about the draxes and how Avunaia ended up the way she was. All in all, Manna found their journey to have been similar to theirs. Key differences were there of course, but when it all boiled down to something, it was that Kilon and his group handled things better. Manna found that Orvus and her were simply inept in dealing with the larger issues.
"I've arrived at a conclusion Kilon," Manna spoke shortly after Kilon sat down, "you simply were the better leader.". A painful and defeated smile was on her face. "I'm glad really, that you managed to find a way through all of that and still come to peaceful resolutions. I simply wish I was more like you, because I find it frustrating. From the way we dealt with the dangers surrounding us, to the way we approached and talked to one another. Quite frustrating really.".
Those from her group shared her feelings, while those from Kilon's empathised. There was, however, something Manna was still waiting for from Kilon. 'His visions, why isn't he speaking about them? Maybe he doesn't find the time right?' Manna thought, thinking maybe a nudge in the right direction may help. "Is there anything else Kilon?".
Kilon found the question a bit odd, he felt from her voice a bit of expectancy. He still couldn't figure what Menoel talked with her, but started to have a clue. "There might be some details I missed, but I believe that to be all," Kilon responded, "unless you're expecting me to talk about something else.".
"Menoel," Manna looked at him, "that whole belief you developed for Kilon, it seems to me it was constructed on something more than just his display of power.". That was all Kilon needed, it was clear Menoel told her about the visions. He was planning something once more, and Kilon didn't want it to sprout into another false belief or put others at risk for it. So he spoke plainly.
"I suppose Menoel told you about my visions," Kilon revealed. All of those at the table looked curious at each other, then a common frown adorned their faces.
"Visions?" Melonius asked intrigued, "Did the Creator show you something?". The same questions were on everyone's minds. "Since when?".
The last question Kilon knew would have the potential to create disparity, 'But is there any point in hiding it any longer? It seems as if Orvus was the cause of all those visions. Then why am I still seeing them? And why me and not Manna or someone from her group?'. There were still questions unanswered from his part, although, with the brightest minds present, an answer would arise.
"I had these visions ever since we left the Link. They've been haunting me, getting clearer and changing in parts. Seems like some of my actions lead to change, while others were outside of my control.". The revelation made them all fall into deep thought.
"I'm assuming there were reasons for which you haven't told us about it, aren't there?" Stelorus asked, for the first time in his life feeling anxious about whatever would come next.
"There were indeed, perhaps to my own folly," Kilon said, "the vision was about a Lightborn, one I couldn't recognize, that was draining our siblings of life while empowering themselves further. It was a...disturbing view, one I couldn't stop no matter how hard I tried. And not me the person, but me who I saw in the vision, as I was a mere spectator to all of it.".
Manna immediately reacted "You mean Orvus!". The others looked at each other and nodded. "But why you?" she asked, her voice desperate. "Why wouldn't the creator show us that sort of vision?".
"That's what I was trying to figure out before speaking. Now I'm hoping we can find an answer to that," Kilon looked sad but hopeful, thinking what would be next.
"Maybe I should start by saying sorry Kilon," Menoel rose, "if I'd known the kind of vision you had, I wouldn't have attempted to make the other venerate you. Who knows, I may have ended up creating the one in the visions.". Menoel then sat down, perturbed by his own revelation.
"No, that can't be the case," Eraanel added, "I can see inside and outside your bodies, the kind of abilities and powers you have.". Eraanel showed what he meant immediately by looking at Kilon "I can tell, for example, that Kilon can see souls. His eyes cast light similar to mine, just not as focused.".
"So you're saying your eye hasn't seen anyone besides Kilon who could observe souls like he does, is that right?" Melonius figured out.
"That is right, therefore," Eraanel looked at Menoel, "you haven't done anything to bring forth that vision to fruition. Although, I will say to you Kilon," he switched his gaze upon Kilon, "hiding the truth may have been the bad choice all things considered.".
"Was it now?" Stelorus asked, an awkward smile on his face, "we all saw how Manna reacted to knowing that Avunaia's soul was inside the beast. How do we know the others wouldn't have acted in a similar, incoherent manner?".
"You're calling my pain incoherent Stelorus?" Manna's eyes flamed with sparks, and Stelorus seemed more than eager to test his might against hers given the opportunity.
"Let's not provoke one another Stelorus," Galanius intervened. "The way I see it is that Kilon did what he thought was best, similar to how Manna did in the Gargantuan Forest.". His words seemed to have appeased them, "Kilon, is there a way to know how your actions affected the outcome?".
Kilon closed his eyes, revisiting the visions. "I can see their faces, of the dead ones. Once they were starting to take shape, now though, they're less clear and the figure seems weaker, the number of dead siblings is also lower.". Kilon didn't have a vision in a while, but they haven't stopped after Orvus died. They just got more diluted.
"So there we have it, we at least know that his actions prevented some from dying," Galanius pronounced.
"While we know less of whose fates are damned," Menoel reciprocated as he stood up. "Although, are we to believe the threat is still alive? Manna and Eraanel were witnesses as Felemous and Orvus died, not a speck of dust left behind, not a trace of Orvus' soul.".
"Who says it would be Orvus?" Salvete said, "As far as we're aware, the vision could've foretold Kilon about any of us in here. While me and a few others are not that strong, Menoel, Manna, Kilon, maybe even Stelorus and Melonius from the looks of it, any of you could rise up to be such a threat.".
"Then we do not know for sure," Menoel added, "so what are we to do about it?". Kilon could sense it from him, a plan was in the works.
"I propose we start by constructing more potent weapons," Avaanel was first to suggest, which surprised Kilon. "We have nature at our hands, and we know in which ways to make use of it to our advantage, and disadvantage.".
"I agree, but not from living matter no, the same matter as the one you have used for your weapons," Manna pointed at Kilon's spear. Bustomus and Gilaate nodded at the words.
"We have faced strong enemies in the Gargantuan Forest, some had claws, fangs and spit that could permeate any and all living matter," Bustomus added to it. "We can safely assume whoever may end up that way, will be a lot more dangerous.".
"Making use of our companions will prove crucial as well," Mercaara wanted to argue, "the mane looters we have, they act as our eyes and limbs for places that are hard to reach and such. I know you Manna and the others don't see it the way we do, but we learned much thanks to them.".
"You do what you think it's best, sister," Eraanel said, "we're going to prepare in whatever ways we deem most efficient. And then we'll help the others.".
"No point to argue then," Galanius said, "each of us wants to do things differently. I find myself at the middle of all of it because I'm the only one, I found out, who knows how to properly manipulate greymatter.". That statement intrigued Manna and those from her group. "Looking at our siblings from Manna's group, at a glance I could tell they're not fit for it.".
"As much as I'd like to try and argue," Eraanel stood up, "I can see it yes. His light flows differently both in his body and mind. It's as if it has a mind of its own.". Melonius felt his shield, the work of a master that didn't need long to reach his potential.
"Returning to what you said, you mean that whichever path we choose to follow, it will only be through you that we can be quick about it," Menoel asserted. "So which sounds best to you?".
Galanius pondered for a few moments, then said "I believe something between those two can be achieved," Kilon was intrigued, and so was Manna. "As you said Eraanel, my light seems to possess a mind of its own, and for some time I have thought of ways to teach or have helpers that could perform the same as me. And no matter how much I thought, I could only find such helpers inside of me.".
"Is that why you've been keeping yourself hidden all of this time?" Menoel asked.
"Partly yes," Galanius answered, then looked at Avaanel, "but it's also that I wanted to avoid all those conflicts that were dividing us. And thanks to Avaanel, I may have found a way to make those helpers I so need from within myself.".
"And that is the crystallisation process," Avaanel rose on her wooden leg. "By using my ability and his, we were able to figure something out: we can create our own beings.". Those words carried a lot of meaning for all those present. "We still haven't figured everything out, but here's a small example.".
Avaanel pulled from one of the pouches adorning her what seemed like a wooden doll with a round hole in its chest. She then took out one of the light balls she kept inside her body and placed it into the doll's body. Galanius then infused his own light into it, and at first moved it with his thoughts, but then he let go of the light. While it didn't retain a lot, it was enough for the doll to keep moving, the light circling and fueling itself from the sphere at the centre.
"It's not big nor complex enough to where we can make good use of these little things yet," Galanius said, "but once we get them where they can be as useful as any of you for helping me create tools and weapons from greymatter, I believe I'll have what I need to fuel all of your ambitions.".
"Wouldn't it be easier if you just had a few of us learn about it?" Menoel posed a fair question.
"It would, but what would stop either of you from influencing me? Trying to persuade me in their favour against another?". He made a solid point, one which Menoel felt like pushing forward, but thought it might put him in a bad light.
"It's especially true for siblings like Menoel isn't it?" Stelorus poked at him. "He shouldn't be here in the first place, for what he did to Avunaia," Stelorus looked at Mercaara who Avuania seemed to like very much as the draxe.
"He's here because we need his mind," Kilon said, "his punishment will come shortly after. We must first decide on the best course to move forward.". Manna nodded, wanting to see how Kilon thought about it. "Thus, once the cold winds will pass the Lands Between Mountains, I want us to move forward. Keep exploring and see other places, meet other creatures.".
The thought alone was disorienting to Manna, the fact that he spoke them perplexing. "You want use to explore? Despite what we all endured?" Manna asked. "Your visions are not to be ignored, let alone the threats that are out there.".
"Then what would you have us do Manna? Stay in one place, wait for our fate to catch up to us and kill us all?". Manna frowned and grit her teeth, "We must keep challenging the world, that's what I've been doing since I first left the Link, and that's what I want to keep on doing.". Kilon stood up, taller than everyone and having the presence of someone, something that has ascended beyond their initial making.
"That is what my belief is, that we must keep moving forward, no matter what. Otherwise we may as well die waiting.".66Please respect copyright.PENANAXt7Pg6SIlB