We grabbed a coffee table and placed it in the middle and placed our map on top. We sat around it in a circle and I said "We all talk one at a time (I picked up a pen), we will all pass this pen around and the one with the pen will talk" and they all agreed.
I gave the pen to Sam and he said "El-dorado is a lost city and it should be in the heart of a jungle, at least that's what I got from my movies and games" and we all nodded and suddenly the door knocked.
We checked and it was a friendly looking woman and Jack opened the door.
~Jack's P.O.V~
The woman said "Hi, my name is Prexa and I am the partial owner of this hotel so I just wanted to ask if you all were enjoying your stay here?" and I replied "Yeah, I'm in love with this place I'd give it a 10 outta 10 rating" and she smiled and said "thank you" and left.