These kids really think its THAT easy to find Shambhala? Pshhhh.. Yeah right. "Well...?" I turned to face the midget in front of me. "Ask Crystal, she knows." I commented, looking her straight in the eyes and furrowing my brows.
"YOU KNEW?!?!" They all shrieked at her, she shook her head, "I know where SHAMBHALA is, not EL-DARADO." "Same thing." The other girl mentioned. Crystal just shrugged, "We need his help if you guys wanna get there...Ben?" She faced me, "Mind opening a portal for us?" I nodded, bowing and acting out my best 'butler accent' "Very well Mi'Lady." And with a simple click of a button, we're through.
-hello from the other siiiiiiddde-
We all piled out, woozy and unstable, suddenly we heard a shriek and footsteps running towards us.
-Crystal's p.o.v-
I noticed a young boy running up to us, probably a Shambhalian. "!!srotisiv eht lla dellik sah enoemos! gnik ym" He screamed in panic, my friends looked confused so I translated for them, "He says that the King's friends have been killed." Their faces paled, I knelt down to the young boy's level, "gnik eht ees ew yam?"