We saw Jack and Sean strut over to us in triumph pose and we laughed at their childish attitude. Last was us...I pondered as I spotted the man out of the corner of my eye. He beckoned us over and before sending us into the room he asked us to clasp our hands together and show it to him. When we did so I noticed that my right thumb was above and for Sam his left thumb was above.
Then he brought us to two doors and pushed us in roughly. I was about to make a remark but chose not too. Inside my cell there was a table with different colored and shaped blocks on a table, with a machine-like object in the center. On one side there was a small window that connected me to the next door room and I saw Sam. He seemed to have found me too.
~Third person p.o.v~
Within Alan's room was a creative puzzle, the machine that was within his room was a machine for a key-maker. But only a certain key can open Sam's door. Alan's door was locked from the out and can only be unlocked from the out but Sam's can be unlocked from the outside with the right key.
Within Sam's room was just a plain manual and the door itself. He needed to instruct Alan on which blocks to place in the machine and which buttons to press in order to make the right key. Slowly but surely they made progress and soon enough the key was ready for Alan to pass over to Sam. But there was another problem.
Alan was too short to reach the window and pass the key....
The two boys thought for awhile and got an idea. Alan began stacking the blocks he didnt use on top of each other and formed a staircase for him to use and reach Sam, whom he passed the key to and he heard a click.
The next thing he knew, Sam had unlocked his door as well and they both returned to the room.