"Challenge! Reward! $1,000,000!!!!" Jack yelled out in his high pitched Irish voice as he jumped for joy. We passed around the newspaper and checked the terms and conditions, which we all seemed to fit.
"So......Lets get to it!" Alan shrieked, causing his voice to crack and we all laughed. We didnt want to bother our parents so we just Ubered it. The place was actually quite nearby, and the place gave me good vibes.
A really buff guy greeted us there, he was like a security guard, buff but he was very kind to us and led the way. Eventually we were all led into a oval room office with a man sitting in the center.
"Hi guys! Want to join the challenge aye?" he said, we all nodded happily and he asked one of us to come so he/she can help introduce us. Everyone pointed to Sam, who was the oldest.
"Im Sam, thats Camila, Sean, Jack, Alan and Crystal." he pointed to each of us as he named us. We all smiled and waved. The man waved back and looked at us, "Alrighty then! Lets begin yeah?" he started and we nodded, listening carefully.
"Rules are simple:
-no cheating
-no asking other teams for help
-no taking too long for each puzzle
Oh yeah, and we need you guys to be in pairs and answer this sheet." He concluded, noticing how all of us were already in pairs and handed us the papers gladly.
The questions were very easy, and quite personal, but I honestly didnt mind at the moment. I was tempted to ask the others but I didnt cause its against the rules so all I knew was who was with who, which was: