We were all having snacks when we heard a knock at our door, I ushered Jack to go and open it and after some arguing and insults, he got up groaning. He opened the door to reveal Camila and Crystal who were soaked from head to toe in rain. But their equipment was dry though. Poor girls were shivering like hell. Sam and Alan dragged them both in and placed a towel on their heads as I turned on the heater.
-Jack's p.o.v-
These two..I swear we cant leave them for 5 minutes without them almost killing themselves. I facepalmed. "Camila, Crystal." They both looked at me, "Go shower. We swear we wont do anything." Crystal got up first and ran in, slamming the door shut behind her. I laughed slightly but was quickly shushed when we heard a whirling sound erupting behind us. It was a portal!
I stepped back, so did the others, except for Alan who walked forward. "Alan get away from that!" Sam screamed but he didnt listen, reaching out to touch it. Suddenly, a bright light flashed and a huge force made us all jump back. A boy who looked about my age walked through, cautiously observing the surrounding area. He looked at us, as if trying to calm us down. Yeah freakin right! This kid just randomly appears in our hotel room and he expects us not to panic. Camila was about to scream but a he ran over and covered her mouth.
"Do you know where is Crystal?" he asked in a very monotone voice. She shook her head. He glanced at me and crept over, asking the same question. I nodded in fear, pointing to the bathroom door, he ran in. We all were stoic and silent, hoping nothing happened to Crystal.
-Crystal's p.o.v-
I just finished showering and was only in a towel when I heard the door click open. I stepped back. Then I saw Ben stumble in, clearly unaware of me just being in my towel. His face went maroon, covering his eyes, "Woman put on some clothes!" he shrieked, I slapped him a little too hard, "You were the one who just ran in!" I accused, "How would I know?!?" I gave him an: 'Are you serious' look, "Its a bathroom stupid." he just rolled his eyes and looked at me, "I need help if you guys are okay with it."