Chapter 2
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Amy pulled up in the parking lot of Caltech a short time later just in time to see her fiance Sheldon quickly strolling out of the building towards her car.
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“ Oh thank god you’re here! I am so scared right now!”, Sheldon said in a frightened tone as he got into Amy’s car.
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“ Yeah I’ll say! You freaked me out too by the way you were talking about this woman!”, Amy said in concern.
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“ Yes well can we please just go now?! I just want to be somewhere safe!”, Sheldon said in a frightened tone.
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“ Of course, let’s just go to my apartment and I’ll make some hot chocolate.”, Amy said in concern as she put her car in drive and drove out of the university parking lot.
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“ Good.”, Sheldon said in a frightened tone as he began to fidget with his hands. Then once they got to Amy’s apartment and Sheldon sat down on the couch Amy then went to her kitchen and came back a moment later with Sheldon’s mug of hot chocolate.
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“ Here’s your hot chocolate Sheldon. I made it exactly how you like it.”, Amy said as she handed the mug to him and sat down next to him.
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“ Thank you Amy.”, Sheldon said as he took a small sip of it.
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“ You’re welcome. Are you feeling a little bit better now?”, Amy asked in concern.
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“ I suppose I do feel a little bit better but I’m still somewhat scared about the whole incident that just occured tonight at the university. That woman almost killed me.”, Sheldon said in concern as he took another sip of his hot chocolate.
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“ Well why don’t you just finish your hot chocolate and then let’s go to bed. Maybe you’ll feel better tomorrow.”, Amy said in concern.
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“ Well I suppose so.”, Sheldon said as he continued sipping his mug and once he finished it Amy took it from him and then they headed to her room shutting the door behind them. The next morning after Amy dropped Sheldon back off at his apartment complex Sheldon walked into the apartment he shared with Leonard and saw that Leonard was sitting at his desk working on his laptop. A cup of coffee was sitting on the desk next to the laptop as well.
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“ Good morning Sheldon. How was your night at Amy’s last night?”, Leonard asked when he turned his head to look at Sheldon who was taking his messenger bag off his shoulder and setting it down.
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“ Not very good I’m afraid Leonard.”, Sheldon said as he sat down in his spot on the couch.
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“ Why? What happened? Did you and Amy have a fight or something?”, Leonard asked.
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“ No but if you must know I got attacked last night at Caltech by the University Bandit. It scared me and so I didn’t get very much sleep because of it.”, Sheldon said as he turned the tv on.
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“ Really?! The bandit attacked you?!”, Leonard asked in concern and complete shock as he stared at his roommate/best friend.
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“ Yes she shoved me into a wall and threw a dagger knife at me before she fled the building with a bunch of stolen goods from one of the labs.”, Sheldon said as he was flipping through tv channels looking for something to watch.
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“ Dammit that bandit’s fast! I mean seriously, how is it that no one has caught this woman yet?! It makes no sense!”, Leonard hissed.
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“ I completely agree with you my good man. It most certainly doesn’t make sense. Just like how Wolowitz’s lack of a Ph. D doesn’t make sense either.”, Sheldon said as he rolled his eyes.
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“ Oh come on Sheldon cut Howard some slack would you? Just because he doesn’t have a Ph. D like the rest of us doesn’t mean that he’s not smart enough to figure out the world around him.”, Leonard said as he rolled his eyes and pushed his glasses back up on his face.
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“ You continue to underestimate me my good man, always have and always will.”, Sheldon said in a smart aleck tone.
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“ Whackadoodle.”, Leonard said as he went to working on his laptop.
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“ Hey Leonard that’s what I say! You can’t just use that!”, Penny suddenly exclaimed when she walked into her friends’ apartment uninvited again as she normally did.
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“ Sorry Penny no take backs.”, Leonard said.
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“ Asthmatic dumb a**!”, Penny hissed.
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“ Oh goodie Penny you’re back in here for more annoying mooching off I presume.”, Sheldon interjected as he rolled his eyes again staring at his blonde-headed neighbor and friend.
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“ Zip it Mr. Han Solo! That’s not what I’m in here for at all!”, Penny shot back using a Star Wars reference.
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“ Penny penny penny, must you continue to argue with me over these ridiculous pending nuptials?! It is at this point in the time continuum that I must point out that we have known each other for many years since you have graced Leonard and I with your presence across the hall and while sometimes your presence is delightful it can also be very chaotic, disruptive and annoying to one’s non-chaotic lifestyle such as myself.”, Sheldon said as he got up from the couch joining his hands behind his back while narrowing his eyes at her.
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“ And see you know what it’s behavior like this that makes you a resident fruitcake to everyone you meet Sheldon. Sometimes I just can’t even understand how in the bitchin’ hell Amy even puts up with you all the time or how you two are even engaged to each other in the first place.”, Penny hissed.
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“ Well it shouldn’t surprise you, Amy and I are pretty similar to each other in terms of our knowledge in the sciences and everything else that makes up how this universe started or as I would like to say ‘ The Big Bang’.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Ok I have no idea what the hell you even said Sheldon.”, Penny said with a confused look on her face. Sheldon started explaining what he was talking about but Leonard interrupted him by interjecting, “ Sheldon not now! We don’t want to listen to another ridiculous lecture!”
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“ Ok fair enough, I’ll shut up.”, Sheldon said with a sigh.
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“ Good.”, Penny said.
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“ Thank you.”, Leonard said.
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“ Although…”, Sheldon started to say but was interrupted by Penny rolling her eyes interjecting, “ Oh balls!” and Leonard slamming his head down on his desk making his coffee sloosh off the rim of the mug slightly interjecting, “ Oh for God sakes!” as Sheldon continued running his mouth making both of them cover their ears in annoyance. But then in the middle this Sheldon was suddenly interrupted again when Howard and Raj suddenly walked in and Howard said, “ Hey you guys what’s going on?” while Raj just stood there waving his hand slightly in silence when he noticed that Penny was there due to his selective mutism. Penny and Leonard then uncovered their ears letting out sighs of relief mouthing the words, ‘ Thank the f**king Lord!’ to themselves.
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“ Oh dear Lord! Howard and Raj you interrupted me! Now I got to start all over again! So as I was saying…”, Sheldon started to say and then continued rambling.
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“ Oh HELL no, get, go! Penny get the door now!”, Leonard screamed as he scrambled up from his desk and started shoving his two friends at the door just as Penny came behind them ripping the door open and her and Leonard then shoved Howard and Raj out across the hallway to her apartment with her screaming, “ Move it you asshats!” as her and Leonard shoved them into her apartment before she shut the door behind them.
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“ Hey where are you going I…?! I wasn’t done!”, Sheldon shrieked across the hall as he stood in the open doorway of 4A.
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“ Well we were done listening Dr. Whackadoodle!”, Penny hissed through the closed door of 4B.
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“ Aww man.”, Sheldon said with a sigh as he shut the door of 4A and went to go do something else.
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Apartment 4B…
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“ Ok what’s the deal with shoving us into your apartment like that Penny? What the frick frack is up with Sheldon? Why is he acting like that?”, Howard asked in concern as all 4 of them stood behind the closed apartment door.
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“ How the hell should I know Howard Wolowitz? This is the weirdest I’ve ever seen him act before!”, Penny hissed.
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“ Yeah well us too! Has he lost his mind or something?!”, Howard asked in concern as Raj nodded his head in silence.
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“ No he has not lost his mind, I know exactly what this is. You want to know what happened? I found out that he didn’t get enough sleep last night at Amy’s due to the fact that he got attacked last night at Caltech by the University Bandit!”, Leonard hissed.
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“ What?! The bandit hit Caltech?!”, Penny and Howard shrieked as Raj gasped in shock.
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“ Yes she did and she almost killed him which freaked him out! And we all know what happens when Sheldon doesn’t get enough sleep, he acts all wacko in the head!”, Leonard hissed as he did a corkscrew motion with his finger by his head.
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“ Exactly.”, Penny, Howard and Leonard said together as Raj nodded his head again in silence.
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“ Ok you know what I say we do something about this. Now.”, Penny said as she shook her head.
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“ Well I was just going say we could drag him to his room and make him take a nap because it’s obvious that he clearly needs more sleep at the moment. It’ll be better than us having to listen to him ramble on and on about a bunch of nonsense.”, Howard said as he shrugged his shoulders.
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“ Great idea Wolowitz let’s go with that! Because this is just nuts!”, Leonard shot back as the 4 of them then stormed back over to 4A and threw the door open to see Sheldon now sitting back in his spot on the couch with his laptop on his knees trying to do some more work. He suddenly looked up when he noticed his friends surrounding him with narrowed eyes pointed at him with their arms crossed in front of them with blank serious expressions on their faces.
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“ Oh there y’all are. Have you come back to listen to me this time?”, Sheldon asked with a stupid smirk on his face. His eyes were bloodshot with dark circles around them.
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“ Cut the crap Sheldon Lee Cooper and get off your laptop. You’re going back to bed.”, Penny interjected in a serious tone as she stared at the theoretical physicist in front of her.
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“ Oh please this is completely absurd! It’s only 11:30 in the morning and that’s Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper to you!”, Sheldon snorted derivitively as he rolled his eyes again.
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“ We don’t care buddy! You’re obvious very overtired right now and are not thinking right! You may be annoying as hell at times to be around but you’re still our friend and we care about you!”, Leonard interjected in concern at his best friend’s face.
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“ Yes, I realize that and though I care about all of you as well to some degree Leonard I must say that this is still very ridiculous what you’re all telling me to do at this moment.”, Sheldon said as he was gestering his hands.
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“ No it is not ridiculous Sheldon! You’re the one that flat out told me a little while ago before Penny even showed up first that you didn’t get enough sleep last night! And that’s NOT GOOD! Especially for SOMEONE who is so concerned with getting a proper REM cycle every night! You need to go lay down right now or you’re going to get sick! We don’t want that!”, Leonard interjected in concern.
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“ Ok I must admit you have a point about possibly getting ill but oh please what do y’all think you’re gonna do?! Take the laptop from me, kidnap me from my spot and drag me to my room?! That’s just obnoxious!”, Sheldon snorted derivitively again but before he had time to even react Howard suddenly took his laptop from him, closed it and set it down on the coffee table before he along with Raj, Penny and Leonard grabbed a hold of him, picked him up off the couch and started dragging him toward his room down the hallway.
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“ Oh now you’ve done it you low down punks! Unhand me, this is ridiculous!”, Sheldon screamed in somewhat a southern drawl as he was trying to get away from them. But as they carried him into his room and Penny pulled back the covers on Sheldon’s bed Sheldon screamed, “ Oh god this is horrible! Danger danger threat upon my person threat upon my person!”
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“ Just shut up and lay down you wacky nutcase!”, Howard shouted as the 4 of them then forced Sheldon into his bed with him swinging his arms and kicking his legs like a little kid throwing a tantrum would do as the covers were then pulled up over him up to his chest.
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“ Sheldon just chill the fudge out! Nobody’s hurting you! You already been through enough with what happened last night! We don’t want to deal with this nonsense right now so just shut up and go to sleep!”, Leonard interjected in concern as he firmly grabbed Sheldon’s shoulders forcing him to lie still on the bed.
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“ But I don’t want to take a nap right now! I need to work! The fate of science…!”, Sheldon protested.
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“ Yeah yeah science science science, tough rocks pal! You can do that later after you get some more rest!”, Penny hissed as she scooted Leonard out of the way and sat on the edge of the bed next to Sheldon.
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“ But I…”, Sheldon started to say with tears starting to fall from his eyes but Penny softly said with a smile, “ Shhhhh, calm down it’s nap time. Just close your eyes and go to a happy little special place.” as she gently stroked her finger in between his eyes making them slowly shut as he then fell asleep. His remaining tears hit his pillow after Penny gently swiped her thumb underneath his closed eyelids.
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“ Oh thank god he’s finally out now.”, Leonard said in a quiet tone.
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“ Yeah I agree, that was insane.”, Howard whispered.
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“ Let’s just let him sleep now. We can go talk more out in the living room.”, Penny whispered as she stood up. The three guys nodded their heads and headed out of the room. Penny then kissed her sleeping friend’s head before she shut the light off and shut the door behind her to join her other friends in the living room.
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‘ Great, just great! First I get attacked last night by some miscreant criminal and now I’m being forced to take a nap like I’m 2 years old by my friends! Thanks a lot Turtle Gunderson for almost killing me and scaring the living hell out of me! I am so going to get even with you the next time I see you if it’s the last thing I do! Come hell or high water, you’re going down sister!’, Sheldon’s subconscious mind interjected as he continued sleeping.
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Knock knock!
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“ Hi Leonard can we come in?”, Bernadette asked when Leonard opened the door. Amy and Stuart were with her too.
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“ Sure come on in Bernadette. You too Amy and Stuart, come on in.”, Leonard said as he stepped aside allowing his three other friends to come in.
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“ Thanks.”, Bernadette said. Everybody said hi to each other and then Stuart asked, “ So everyone’s all here? Where’s Sheldon?”
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“ He wouldn’t shut up about stupid nonsense so we made him go take a nap in his room.”, Leonard said as Penny, Howard and Raj nodded their heads.
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“ Oh is that because he told you that he didn’t get enough sleep last night at my place?”, Amy asked.
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“ Yeah Amy that was after he kept trying to talk about how the universe got started after Penny asked what he was talking about and it unfortunately got really annoying.”, Leonard said.
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“ Well how come he didn’t get enough sleep? What happened?”, Bernadette asked.
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“ He got attacked last night at Caltech by the University Bandit.”, Amy said.
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“ Son of a bi*ch! Are you serious?!”, Bernadette and Stuart exclaimed in shock.
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“ Yeah she must have broken in after Sheldon started walking inside and Sheldon said that she almost killed him on her way out after she apparently stole some stuff from one of the labs.”, Leonard said.
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“ Well who is this woman that’s doing this?! Does she even have a name?!”, Bernadette asked.
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“ Sources say that her name’s Turtle MayLee Gunderson but there’s still no way to know if that’s really her real name due to the fact that she wears all black clothes with a black ski mask over her face and dark emerald green to black ombre hair. Some are speculating her age to be 19 years old.”, Howard said to his wife.
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“ That doesn’t make any sense. Why would a 19 year old girl do that?”, Penny asked in confusion.
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“ Well that’s another thing Penny, she’s believed to be working for her father Dr. Bryceton Farkle Gunderson, a very elusive evil mad scientist that basically lives out of this suspiciously looking black van with dark tinted windows. He never leaves it, he just drives it around and parks it in dark allies near the places he wants to hit.”, Leonard said.
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“ Ok I can understand this guy’s first and last name but seriously, the guy’s middle name is Farkle?! That is the stupidest middle name I’ve ever heard in my life!”, Penny interjected. Instantly after she said that her friends all started laughing.
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“ Yeah you’re right it is stupid bestie!”, Amy laughed.
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“ Yeah I agree because people can just say things like this, “ Top of the Farkle to ya!”, Howard laughed as he spoke in somewhat of an Irish accent as a reference to the Top of the morning to you phrase.
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“ That’s a good one Howard! They also could say things like, “ It wasn’t me, it was Farkle!”, Leonard laughed as he pounded his fist into his thigh.
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“ Oh balls Leonard Hofstadter just stop! You’re killing me! That is so bi*chin’ hilarious!”, Penny laughed as she threw her head back against the couch. They all continued laughing until Leonard started to calm down a bit and said, “ Ok guys we should calm down now. We don’t want to wake up Sheldon.”
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“ Yeah you’re right Leonard we shouldn’t be so loud right now.”, Penny said as she started calming down now too. The others followed suit too.
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“ Oh man that was a good laugh.”, Howard said.
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“ I agree Howie, that was really funny.”, Bernadette said.
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“ And that girl’s name is odd too, Turtle MayLee. Where did this guy come up with a name like that for his daughter?”, Stuart asked.
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“ No one knows Stuart. He must have liked it and thought it was evil.”, Leonard said.
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“ Weird.”, Stuart said. They continued to talk about it until they decided to move on to a different subject.
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Meanwhile somewhere near Redding…
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“ Yes, YES! My experimental concoction for the explosives is almost finished! But wait a second here, I’m still missing something! Turtle, rise up!”, Dr. Gunderson evilly shouted out for his daughter as he was mixing various chemicals in beaker jars while standing in front of a small makeshift lab table at the back of his van that was parked on a peagravel lot at an abandoned campsite in the middle of the woods. The only response he got was a series of somewhat loud snoring coming from the front of the van so he evilly shouted again, “ Excuse me Turtle I said to rise up!” but when she still didn’t wake up he stormed up to the front of the van and bent over shouting in her ear, “ Turtle MayLee Gunderson I said to GET THE FUCK UP NOW!”
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“ What father, I was sleeping! Don’t you ever do that?!”, Turtle suddenly shouted in her father’s face when she finally woke up.
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“ No! I never sleep when it comes to world domination! And neither should you!”, Dr. Gunderson evilly shouted.
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“ Well then what do you want me to do?! Run myself like a robot?!”, Turtle shouted.
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“ No of course not, we’ll discuss a different alternative later! But right now what I want you to do is to take this box of dagger knives and go do some target practice with them on the trees outside! You need to stay in physical tip top shape if you’re ever gonna help me take over this godd*mn universe someday! Let the whole world fear the destructive power of Dr. Bryceton Farkle Gunderson and his savagely evil but beautiful daughter Turtle MayLee Gunderson! No pathetic fools shall ever stand in our way! Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha!”, Dr. Gunderson evilly shouted as he let out another loud evil laugh.
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“ Yeah well what about my mother?! What is she like?!”, Turtle shouted as she stood a few feet in front of her father with her arms crossed.
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“ I’m not married, it’s just me! Now just go do what I told you!”, Dr. Gunderson shouted as he threw his finger at the van door.
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“ Fine! As you wish father!”, Turtle shouted as she picked up the box of knives and stormed out of the van with it. Moments later as Dr. Gunderson continued his experiments he heard the sounds of his daughter slashing and throwing the knives at the tree trunks outside the van.
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‘ That’s my girl! A trailblazing born villain just like her old man! I’ve never been so proud!’, Dr. Gunderson thought with a look of evil in his eyes as a sinister smile spread across his face.
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Meanwhile back in Pasadena at Apartment 4A later that day after the others left and Leonard was now sitting on the couch in the living room watching tv he was suddenly joined by Sheldon when he finally woke up from his nap.
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“ Hi Leonard.”, Sheldon said as he walked over to the couch and sat down in his spot next to Leonard.
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“ Oh hi Sheldon. You feeling any better after having a nice long nap?”, Leonard asked as he looked over at Sheldon.
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“ Yes very much so. Thank you for asking.”, Sheldon said.
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“ That’s good. We were worried about you for a moment there.”, Leonard said.
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“ Yes well I can assure you I’m fine. Perhaps a little more rest was what I needed after all.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Exactly.”, Leonard said. Things were then quiet for the next two nights until this one perticular night where Sheldon was working late again at Caltech but he wasn’t working alone there like he was before, Howard was also there as well. For the first hour and a half Sheldon was in his office working on his whiteboard while Howard was doing some mechanical work in his lab that he shared with Leonard until the two men decided to take a short break and carry some boxes of various items into the university’s basement to put them in one of the storage rooms down there. The first couple trips back and forth between the two of them were normal until on another trip down that Sheldon made alone while Howard went to go get more boxes Sheldon suddenly got the biggest scare of his life when a certain somebody from before suddenly decided to drop in right in front of him from the air duct above weilding another dagger knife screaming, “ You’re minced meat you pathetic fool!”
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“ Oh dear Lord, no! Not you again Turtle!”, Sheldon screamed as he dropped the box he was carrying onto the floor making it hit the floor with a loud thud.
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“ Yeah it’s me, we meet again! What of it nerd?!”, Turtle shouted with clenched teeth as she got up in his face pointing the knife at him.
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“ Look I don’t know what it is you want from me! I’m just a brilliant theoretical physicist with an IQ of 187 and my name is Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper!”, Sheldon screamed in terror as he pointed at himself.
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“ Shut up! That’s the stupidest name I’ve ever heard in my life!”, Turtle shouted.
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“ No it most certainly is not! It is your name that’s stupid!”, Sheldon screamed in terror.
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“ Yeah well whatever! Out my way fool! I got important business to tend to!”, Turtle shouted.
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“ You are not stealing anything else from here! You already hit this place once, why do it again?!”, Sheldon screamed in terror.
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“ Because it’s fun you idiot! Now I said out of my way!”, Turtle shouted.
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“ Oh no you are not stepping a foot past me! In fact, come here Turtle! It’s time to see who you really are!”, Sheldon shouted as he tried to rip the ski mask off her face but Turtle jerked back slightly tightening her grip on the knife that was still pointed at his face and shouted, “ Don’t you dare touch me Dr. Cooper! Get away from me before I stab you! I should have already done that after the first time we met! You’re getting to be a real pain in my side! So it’s your choice, you either step away from me and get out of my way or you’re dead!” She then tried to roughly shove her way past him but the moment he tried to grab her again to rip the mask off her face she suddenly spun around and plunged the knife hard into the side of his chest making him let out a loud blood-curdling scream of pain after she jerked it away and started bolting up the stairs dripping Sheldon’s blood from the tip of the knife letting every drop hit every stair as she ran up them. This immediately caught Howard’s attention as he dropped the box he was carrying and he started running up and down the hallways trying to find her but she had already stolen what she needed and as she was running towards the front entrance of the university Howard spotted her and bolted after her shouting, “ Hey where do you think you’re going bandit?! Get back here!”
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“ Get the f*ck away from me fool!”, Turtle shouted as she shoved him back before bolting out the door into the night. But as she was running away Howard could see a brief glimmer of red on the tip of the knife Turtle was carrying with her. This immediately freaked him out because he knew that something bad had happened.
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“ Oh no… there’s blood on that knife.”, Howard said in fear as he could feel his heart starting to race.
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“ Sheldon… SHELDON!”, Howard screamed in terror as he ran down the hallway and flew down the basement steps as fast as he could to see one of the most frightning sights he had ever seen in his entire life. There leaning against a wall with his hand pressed firmly against the side of his chest covered with dripping blood down the front his shirt was his friend Sheldon screaming and crying out in pain.
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“ Son of a bi*ch, Sheldon are you alright?!”, Howard screamed in terror as he quickly pressed his hand on top of Sheldon’s blood covered hands to help try slow down the bleeding.
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“ Wha… what do you… think Wolowitz?! No! … Turtle just a…attacked me again… li…like really attacked me this time! Sh… she stabbed me I’m… bleeding!”, Sheldon tried to scream as he was starting to gasp for air.
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“ Yeah I can see that! It’s all over your hands and your shirt! Come on we need to get you to the hospital now!”, Howard screamed in terror but as he started leading his injured friend towards the stairs Sheldon let out a gasping scream, “ A…and d-do what?! Leave me… leave me there to die?! I…I don’t want to die! Ther… there’s so much in life tha… that I haven’t accomplished yet! I’m… I’m only… 36 years old! I’m still… still too young!”
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“ Sheldon you’re gonna die real fast anyway if you don’t get immediate medical treatment! I’m not just gonna stand here and watch one of my friends die right in front of my eyes! You need to go to the hospital now before you lose anymore blood and go into cardiac arrest!”, Howard screamed in terror.
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“ We… well ok!”, Sheldon let out another gasping scream as Howard quickly and carefully helped him get up the stairs as more blood started to drip from the knife wound. Once Howard got Sheldon sitting safely in the passenger seat next to him and set Sheldon’s messenger bag down on the floor by his feet with Sheldon still pressing his hands against the knife wound with hot salty tears streaming down his face Howard then jumped in the driver’s seat of the car, started the engine and sped out of the parking lot as fast as he could but not too rough as to cause more further injury to his already injured friend. Howard then pulled his phone out dialing Leonard’s number putting it on speakerphone. When he heard a click on the other end meaning that his friend picked up the phone he screamed, “ Mayday mayday mayday we have a situation! Leonard can you hear me?!”
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“ Yeah I can hear you Howard! Why are you screaming?! Is something wrong?!”, Leonard asked in confusion.
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“ Something’s very wrong! Look I can’t talk now! I’ll tell you guys up at the hospital!”, Howard screamed.
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“ Hospital?! Ok dude you’re really freaking me out now! For God sakes tell me what is going on?! Are you alright?!”, Leonard asked in concern.
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“ Yeah I’m fine but Sheldon’s not! He’s hurt… like bad hurt! Turtle MayLee Gunderson stabbed him!”, Howard screamed.
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“ Stabbed?! Stabbed him where?!”, Leonard asked in concern as he started to scream.
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“ In the side of his chest! He’s got his hands pressed against the wound at the moment but he’s still losing a lot of blood!”, Howard screamed.
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“ Well is he still conscious?! What is he doing right now?!”, Leonard screamed.
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“ He’s still conscious but barely and he’s gasping for air! Look I got to go right now! I’ll see you guys at the hospital!”, Howard screamed.
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“ Ok we’ll all see you there ASAP! Bye!”, Leonard screamed as he hung up, grabbed his keys and wallet out of the bowl before he stepped out into the hallway locking the door behind him just as Penny opened her door to see that he was leaving.
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“ Leonard where are you going?”, Penny asked.
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“ Penny we need to get the others and go to the hospital now!”, Leonard screamed as he was heading towards the stairs.
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“ Why?! What the hell is going on?!”, Penny asked in concern.
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“ Howard just called me and said that Sheldon got stabbed!”, Leonard screamed.
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“ Stabbed?! Where?!”, Penny screamed.
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“ In the side of his chest!”, Leonard screamed.
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“ By who?!”, Penny screamed.
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“ Turtle MayLee Gunderson that’s who! The University Bandit!”, Leonard screamed.
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“ Oh my god! Well is Sheldon ok?!”, Penny screamed.
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“ I don’t know! Howard said that he’s barely conscious, gasping for air and losing a lot of blood fast!”, Leonard screamed.
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“ Well don’t just stand there like a halfwit you idiot! We need to go see if he’s ok!”, Penny screamed.
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“ That’s what I’m doing! Now come on!”, Leonard screamed as he ran down the stairs. Penny then slammed her door shut and followed him down the stairs to get to his car.
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“ Lord forgive me for saying this but I swear to f*cking God you better not let me lose my best friend! He may be crazy as hell but I can’t live without him!”, Leonard screamed as him and Penny got into his car and he sped out of the parking lot down the street in the direction of the local hospital. Both of them had tears coming down their faces as Leonard was trying to drive fast but still maintain the speed limit. He called the others, told them what happened and they all said that they would meet them up at the hospital right away. Once they all pulled up in the hospital parking lot they all got out of their cars and when Leonard spotted Howard quickly walking Sheldon to the hospital entrance they all started rushing towards them and when they saw the blood dripping in a trail behind Sheldon on the ground they all screamed, “ OH MY GOD! SHELDON!”
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“ Oh thank God you guys showed up! Sheldon’s really struggling to breathe now! He’s lost almost half his blood supply!”, Howard screamed.
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“ Well what are we standing around out here for?! Let’s get him inside now!”, Amy screamed at her friend as she pointed at the hospital entrance door.
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“ Oh you don’t have to tell me twice Amy!”, Howard screamed as they all rushed inside the hospital lobby with Sheldon and Howard screamed, “ Somebody help us now! Our friend just got stabbed in the side of the chest!” which immediately caught the attention of several doctors and nurses as they came rushing over to see what happened. Once they got Sheldon sitting in a wheelchair with him still pressing his hands against his knife wound he was suddenly rushed down the hallway towards the Emergency Room wing with the others following behind one of the doctors shouting, “ Code red! We have a code red! Middle-aged male stabbing victim!”
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Gunderson van…
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“ Go father! Step on it!”, Turtle shouted as she jumped back in the van tossing the black bag and bloody knife into the back of the van before she strapped herself back in.
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“ Well what the hell happened?! You look like you got into a big scrap with someone?!”, Dr. Gunderson shouted as he saw the bruises on his daughter’s arms.
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“ Yeah that’s because I stabbed the same idiot who almost caught me the first time after he wouldn’t get out of my way!”, Turtle shouted as her father started speeding away.
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“ Well who is this fool you’re talking about?!”, Dr. Gunderson shouted.
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“ He’s some theoretical physicist with a genius IQ of 187 and he said his name is Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper!”, Turtle shouted.
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“ Well good I hope the fool dies because that will teach him a lesson for messing with you and my plans! No one screws around with Dr. Gunderson and gets away with it!”, Dr. Gunderson shouted.
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“ Yeah yeah whatever father! Let’s just go!”, Turtle shouted.
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Oh no, it seems that Sheldon’s been injured! What do you think will happen to him in the next chapter? Will he live or die? Let me know in the comments. To be continued…
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