Missing Persons case file: Matteron Reese Drillbit
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Chapter 1
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Friday- 12 p.m. at a Sunoco gas station in Pasadena, California
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Bright blue sunny skies rained down on a tan colored Toyota with dark green trim around it as it pulled into the parking lot of a local Sunoco gas station to fill up on gas. The car held a family of 3 which consisted of a caucasian mother, father and their beautiful 3 year old daughter. The mother, 20 year old Maren Yvett Drillbit parked the car in front of a gas pump and got out to fill up the car gas tank as her husband who was sitting next to her, 23 year old Air Force Lt. William James Drillbit got out as well leaving their 3 year old daughter Matteron Reese Drillbit sitting in her car seat in the back seat happily playing with her baby rattle. Her diaper bag was sitting on the seat next to her as well.
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“ Maren I’m going run inside to go to the bathroom for a moment.”, Mr. Drillbit said as he was heading towards the gas station building.
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“ Alright William I’ll just be in there in a moment to pay for the gas. I’m going to fill up first and then change Matteron’s diaper.”, Mrs. Drillbit said as she stuck the gas nozzle into the tank.
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“ Ok sounds good honey. I’ll see you in a moment.”, Mr. Drillbit said before he disappeared inside. As Mrs. Drillbit was pumping the gas she started humming happily to the tune of Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson as it played from the building’s external speakers while other people were walking in and out of the store and driving in and out of the parking lot. The song continued to play even after the gas tank was full and Mrs. Drillbit then walked around the car to tend to her child. Once she was done with that she locked the car and headed inside to pay for the gas leaving Matteron sitting in the car continuously playing with her baby rattle but little did the young married couple know that their lives were suddenly going to be turned upside down in the worst nightmare that any parent could ever experience. A suspicious black van with dark tinted windows suddenly pulled up next to the Drillbits’ car and shortly after Mrs. Drillbit paid for the gas just as her husband was coming out of the bathroom to join up with her the two spouses suddenly gasped in horror when they heard their car alarm go off and their daughter screaming as the van quickly sped away out of the parking lot leaving the backseat door of the Drillbits’ car wide open which immediately made the two of them sprint after the vehicle when they realized what just happened to them screaming, “ MATTERON, NO!”
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“ William go get some help now!”, Mrs. Drillbit screamed as she fell to her knees crying.
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“ Oh to hell I will Maren!”, Mr. Drillbit screamed as he turned around running back into the building screaming, “ Somebody help us, call the police! Our daughter has just been kidnapped!”
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“ Ok you little brat, pay very close attention to what I’m going to tell you. If anyone asks about who you are, you tell them your name is Turtle MayLee Gunderson and that you’re my daughter!”, the gruff evil voice of 26 year old mad scientist Dr. Bryceton Farkle Gunderson said to the frightened little girl sitting next to him tied to the seat. Matteron just sat there and nodded her head in fear as if to say she understood him even though her 3 year old brain was still developing and didn’t even realize what she was doing.
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The Cooper Family home, Galveston Texas
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“ Breaking news tonight, an Amber Alert is out for a missing 3 year old girl in Pasadena, California! Police say 3 year old Matteron Reese Drillbit was suddenly kidnapped from her parents car in broad daylight outside of a Sunoco gas station as the little girl’s mother, 20 year old Maren Yvett Drillbit was paying for the gas inside the store while the father, 23 year old Air Force Lt. William James Drillbit was in the bathroom before they heard the car alarm go off as well as the screams of their daughter and saw a black van with dark tinted windows speed away from the scene. It is unknown who the suspect is that committed this crime at the moment but if anybody has seen this person or has any information about this little girl’s whereabouts please contact the police immediately!”, a news anchor said on the tv screen in the Coopers living room that was being watched by a 10 year old Sheldon Cooper. As he stared at the picture of the missing little girl on the screen he took a mental stillframe of it trapping it for eternity in his eidetic memory.
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“ Shelly, time for dinner!”, Mrs. Cooper said as she suddenly walked into the living room and shut the tv off before she walked away back into the dining room.
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“ Coming.”, Sheldon said in a low voice as he slowly got up from the couch and headed to the dining room as well looking over his shoulder at the dark tv before he turned away.
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“ What were you watching baby?”, Mrs. Cooper asked as she was sitting at the table with her husband and two other children.
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“ A news story about a missing 3 year old girl from Pasadena.”, Sheldon said in that same low tone as he sat down at the table.
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“ Oh that’s awful! I’m praying to the Lord that little girl gets found soon!”, Mrs. Cooper gasped as she held out her hands to grab one of her husband’s hands and one of Missy’s hands too. As they all grabbed hands after Sheldon put on his special oven mits on his hands, due to his germophobia, Georgie spat out, “ You know I would just punch the a**hole who did that in the first place.”
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“ George Cooper Jr. that is so rude! Do not curse in this house!”, Mrs. Cooper scolded her eldest son.
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“ Nice going wildhog!”, Missy spat out at her older brother.
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“ Missy shut up!”, Georgie shot back at his little sister.
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“ Missy, Georgie, enough!”, Mr. Cooper scolded.
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“ Dear Lord bless this meal that we’re about to consume as well as the hands that prepared it and a prayer that you protect that missing little girl and bring her home safe to her family again.”, Mrs. Cooper said as she closed her eyes.
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“ Amen.”, Mrs. Cooper, Mr. Cooper, Missy, Georgie and Sheldon said before they began to eat. While eating and listening to the conversations around him Sheldon’s mind went back to the little girl’s face that he saw on the tv making him sit in a trance again prompting his father to say, “ Sheldon?”
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Present day…
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“ Sheldon? You ok buddy?”, Leonard asked his roommate/best friend while driving his car to Caltech one evening to drop Sheldon off for a late shift.
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“ Oh… yes, I’m fine Leonard. I was just thinking about something.”, Sheldon said as his attention snapped back into focus.
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“ Really? What were you thinking about?”, Leonard asked.
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“ Um… you know what why don’t I just tell you later, perhaps tomorrow because immediately after work tonight Amy’s going to pick me up and I’m staying over at her apartment tonight. I might as well get used to it considering the fact that Amy and I are going to be getting married soon.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Yeah that makes sense. I still can’t believe that’s actually happening.”, Leonard said.
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“ I know me neither. I feel like everything is changing so fast that it’s becoming somewhat nervewracking to me. I mean just think about it, in approximately a few months from now Amy and I will be joined together as husband and wife. I’ll be a 36 year old theoretical physicist married to a neurobiologist and possibly end up with a future prodigy of ours.”, Sheldon said with a stupid smirk.
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“ Well I wouldn’t go that far now yet Sheldon Cooper. You and Amy just got engaged like 4 months ago. I think you guys should just stick to getting married in a few months and wait a while to see how your marriage works out instead of saying that you want to have a baby right away after you get married. You wouldn’t want Amy to get mad at you and make you sleep in the doghouse.”, Leonard said.
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“ Well, I suppose you have a point Dr. Leonard Hofstadter and that’s Dr. Sheldon Cooper to you!”, Sheldon spat back in his Almighty Know-It-All voice.
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“ Oh does it really make that much of a difference you crazy bastard?!”, Leonard shot back as he shook his head.
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“ Yes it most certainly does and I’m not crazy, my mother had me tested!”, Sheldon shot back as he crossed his arms in front of him.
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“ Oh grow up!”, Leonard hissed but when he finally pulled up in the empty parking lot of Caltech and Sheldon got out with his messenger bag over his shoulder Leonard said in a serious tone, “ Oh and hey I don’t want to scare you but you might want to be careful tonight Sheldon. I heard on the radio that there’s been a young woman that sources are calling the University Bandit reportedly breaking into science universities for the last 16 years stealing important science work files and various dangerous chemicals to make deadly explosives. She hasn’t been caught yet but sources say that she’s been lurking around close by with a black ski mask on her face.”
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“ Well that doesn’t sound good but very well I shall keep my eyes vigilant for this so-called ‘ bandit’. Have a good evening Leonard, I shall see you tomorrow morning.”, Sheldon said in concern as he gripped the strap of his messenger bag.
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“ You too Sheldon. Have a good night.”, Leonard said before Sheldon shut the door and headed into the building pulling out his work ID as Leonard was driving away. Sheldon swiped his ID in the slot and walked inside not realizing that he was being watched by the same woman that Leonard warned him about. She suddenly quietly slipped inside the university behind Sheldon as he continued walking to his office completely oblivious as to what was going on. Shortly after Sheldon got to his office and started working on his equations on his whiteboard the same woman began spying on him a second longer through the side window next to the door before she quietly slipped down the hallway towards one of the laboratories. She at first quietly opened drawers taking things out but soon Sheldon noticed the noises and decided to go investigate flipping on the light to reveal what looked to be a 19 year old girl dressed in all black clothes with long dark emerald green to black ombre hair sticking out over her shoulders underneath a black ski mask stuffing things into a black bag.
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‘ Oh no it’s the University Bandit that Leonard was telling me about! She struck Caltech!’, Sheldon thought in fear but hid it under a loud shouting voice, “ Hey you! What do you think you’re doing you miscreant?! Get out of here!”
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“ Shut up, that’s none of your business to know fool! Leave me alone!”, the woman shouted aggressively as she continued to steal things from the lab.
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“ Excuse me I don’t know who you think you are but I suggest that you leave the premisis this instant before I call the proper authorities to arrest you!”, Sheldon shouted as he stormed up to the other side of the table standing just a few feet away from the young majority in front of him.
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“ You ain’t doing sh*t and the name’s Turtle MayLee Gunderson, daughter of the evil mad scientist Dr. Bryceton Farkle Gunderson! Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m leaving!”, Turtle shouted as she tried to leave with the bag of stolen goods but Sheldon shouted as he started to follow her, “ Oh not if I have anything to say about it! Come back here you miscreant criminal! I’m calling the FBI and you will go to federal prison for the rest of your life along with your psycho father, whoever he is!”
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“ Get the f*ck away from me you d*ckhead!”, Turtle shouted as she shoved him away from her throwing some kind of dagger knife at him but he ducked out of the way as his head hit the wall almost knocking him out. Turtle then fled out of the building with the stolen items and jumped into a suspicious black van with dark tinted windows being driven by her father.
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“ Step on it father! We got to get out of here!”, Turtle shouted as she threw the bag in the back and strapped herself in the passenger seat next to her father.
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“ Well did you get the files and chemicals I told you to grab from that lab?!”, Dr. Gunderson scolded.
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“ Yes but I almost got caught doing it!”, Turtle shouted.
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“ Well who’s the fool that almost caught you?!”, Dr. Gunderson shouted.
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“ I don’t know but he looked like a nerd!”, Turtle shouted.
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“ Well whatever let’s just go! There’s more science universities out there that we need to hit before this night is over and nothing’s gonna stand in my way, NOTHING! Aha ha ha ha ha!”, Dr. Gunderson shouted with an evil laugh as he was driving away.
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“ Yeah well I got one, what’s the deal with me telling people who I am if I have to wear this stupid ski mask the whole time! Explain that, father!”, Turtle shouted as she ripped the ski mask off her face.
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“ It’s for safety reasons, I don’t want people seeing your face and have a chance to recognize you! All you need to know is that you’re my daughter and there’s no question about it! Ok?! So just sit there, shut up and put that ski mask back on your face!”, Dr. Gunderson shouted in his daughter’s face as he continued driving the van.
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“ Ok fine, I’ll put it back on! Happy now?!”, Turtle shouted as she covered her face again with the ski mask.
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“ Yes very much so thank you!”, Dr. Gunderson shouted.
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“ Oh Lord! This can’t be happening!”, Sheldon screamed to himself as he stumbled back up to his feet and ran back to his office pulling out his cell phone from his messenger bag.
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“ Hello?”, Amy answered.
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“ Ok Amy I am unfortunately ending my shift very early tonight! Can you please come get me this instant?!”, Sheldon interjected in a frightened tone.
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“ Why Sheldon? What’s going on and why do you sound so scared?”, Amy asked in concern as she listened to her fiancé’s distressed voice.
“ Because you will not believe what just happened to me! I just got attacked by the University Bandit!”, Sheldon screamed.
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“ WHAT?! That woman that we heard about on the radio just attacked you?! Are you ok?!”, Amy screamed.
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“ Yes I’m fine but I’m completely petrified! Look can you please just come get me now! I don’t want to end up staying here tonight anymore than I have to because if were to stay any longer I’d probably end up dead considering the fact that she shoved me into the wall and threw a dagger knife at me before she fled the building! That woman is completely armed and dangerous!”, Sheldon screamed.
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“ Alright alright don’t panic! I’m on my way!”, Amy screamed.
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“ Thank you!”, Sheldon screamed before he hung up and threw himself into his computer chair at his desk.
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Woah, talk about creepy! What do you think will happen next?! Let me know in the comments. To be continued…
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