Chapter 3
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Beep beep beep…
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“ Mm…”, Sheldon started to moan as he was slowly regaining consciousness after he was given a few blood transfusions and found himself lying in a hospital bed with his friends and his fiancee all surrounding him with at first worried expressions but then they turned to sighs of relief when Penny cried out, “ He’s waking up.”
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“ Oh thank God!”, Leonard exclaimed with relief.
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“ Dude are you alright?!”, Raj exclaimed after he had taken a placebo.
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“ Excuse me but what kind of a question is that Raj? No I’m not, I’m injured thank you very much.”, Sheldon softly said as he tried to sit up a little bit in the bed. He had a bandage placed over his knife wound site and was wearing a hospital gown now with an IV line in his arm and hospital bracelet on his wrist.
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“ Yeah we saw that when we were running you in here! What did that girl do?! Hit one of your arteries?!”, Stuart exclaimed.
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“ You know it honestly happened so fast Stuart that surprisingly I can’t remember what happened.”, Sheldon said with a sigh as his friends and fiancee gasped at what he said.
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“ But that’s impossible! You have an eidetic memory Sheldon! You never forget anything!”, Penny interjected in complete shock.
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“ Yes, I realize that Penny but… for some unexplained reason I can’t recall exactly how it all went down. All I know is that she stabbed me, that’s it.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Well that’s… odd. You must have gone through some sort of short term memory time loss. That’s the only way I could possibly explain that you don’t remember exactly how you got stabbed by Turtle.”, Leonard said as he pushed the bridge of his glasses up on his face.
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“ I suppose you could be right Leonard. To me it does make somewhat logical sense.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Well maybe it might come back to you once you heal from your injury.”, Bernadette said.
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“ I suppose so but I’m not really sure yet Bernadette.”, Sheldon said. Then he turned his head to Howard and said, “ Thank you for saving my life Howard. If you hadn’t been there at Caltech working late with me tonight I… most likely would have died.”
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“ Of course, what are friends for Sheldon. I’m just glad that you didn’t die in my car on the way here. It would have been horrible for me to see that and possibly would have made me get into a car crash.”, Howard said.
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“ Well that would have not been good, at all.”, Sheldon said as he shook his head.
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“ Nyeht(No), it would not.”, Howard said the word no in Russian. They all started laughing together for a brief period before settling down.
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“ I’m so happy you’re ok, I was so worried about you. We all were.”, Amy said as she kissed Sheldon.
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“ Well I can assure all of you Amy that I’ll be fine. It’s just going to probably take a while to heal.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Well it’s late, I think we should all think about going home now.”, Penny said.
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“ Yeah you’re right. Good night Sheldon.”, the others said before they started heading out of the room leaving Leonard just standing there alone with Sheldon laying in the hospital bed.
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“ Good night y’all. Thank you.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Are you going to be ok here by yourself for the night or do you want me to stay with you?”, Leonard asked.
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“ That won’t be necessary Leonard, I’ll be fine. You just go home and get a proper REM cycle.”, Sheldon said even though this really was the last place he’d ever want to stay in by himself due to his extreme germophobia. Hospitals were the number one place he hated to be in because he believed that they were just huge germ-infested petrie dishes that exposed him to possible unknown contagious diseases, pathogens and bacteria which would most likely kill him more than the knife wound he had just received from Turtle after she stabbed him at Caltech that night.
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“ Thanks buddy. I’ll see you tomorrow, good night.”, Leonard said with a smile of relief as he started to head out of the room shutting the light off in the process.
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“ My pleasure, good night.”, Sheldon said before he was completely alone in the room. He then relaxed himself and fell asleep. Meanwhile across town as Dr. Gunderson was driving his van he suddenly couldn’t help the rising anger inside of him towards Sheldon even though the two scientists had never met yet.
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“ Ugh I am so mad right now! I can not believe that some theoretical physicist is now starting to interfere with my perfect crimes! You know what I got a better idea, let’s skip the next university on our hit list just for tonight and instead, Turtle I want you to go pay this ‘ Dr. Cooper’ a little visit! That is if the fool is even still alive after what you just did to him tonight and send him a loud clear message that says he better stay out of our business or he’s really gonna get it! No exceptions!”, Dr. Gunderson evilly shouted.
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“ With pleasure father!”, Turtle shouted as the van drove for a while until Dr. Gunderson pulled up into the parking lot of the first hospital that came into his view, surprisingly the very same hospital that Howard and the others had admitted Sheldon to.
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“ Check this hospital, see if he’s here! If he is, do whatever you have to do to let him know that we aren’t playing around! That his interference with our plans is not appreciated!”, Dr. Gunderson evilly shouted.
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“ As you wish father!”, Turtle shouted as she grabbed the knife that she used to stab Sheldon with that was now clean after she had wiped the blood off and got out of the van sprinting and ducking behind cars across the parking lot making sure that no one could see her before she ran around to the side of the hospital and began scaling the outside wall peeking in every hospital room window to see if she could find him until she finally peeked in one room where she saw his sleeping form in the bed hooked up to an IV and heart monitor. A sinster looking smile began to spread across her face.
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‘ Hot biscuits I found him! Time to have some real fun!’, Turtle evilly thought as she quickly slipped in through the window and slowly approached the end of the bed watching him sleep for a few moments before she bend over forward at the foot of the bed, still holding the knife in her hand as she joined her hands behind her back and menacingly said, “ So you’re still alive, huh?! Lucky bastard!” which immediately woke him up as he gasped in fear when he saw his attacker standing at the foot of his hospital bed. She was still wearing the same clothes and the ski mask was still over face with her hair still stucking out underneath it over her shoulders.
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“ Oh Lord, it’s you again! What are you doing here?! Get away from me before I call security!”, Sheldon shrieked in fear as his anxiety started up again which increased his heart rate to some degree but not enough to cause him to have a sudden heart attack.
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“ Shut up! I warned you I’d stab you Dr. Cooper if you didn’t get out of my way but you didn’t listen to me did you?! Now you’re gonna learn the hard way after you realize what happens to fools who don’t listen to what I say!”, Turtle menacingly said as she walked around to the side of the bed, and climbed up onto it kneeling over his body bringing her face dangerously close to his face as she held the knife at her side. A look of evil pierced at him through the eyeholes of the ski mask on her face which really began to scare him as he laid completely helpless in the bed. He knew he was now trapped and couldn’t go anywhere even if he wanted to.
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“ I don’t know what is it you’re talking about! All I remember at the moment is that you stabbed me! I can’t recall anything else of what you speak of!”, Sheldon shrieked in fear.
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“ Well you don’t need to know! That’s my business and my mad scientist father’s business!”, Turtle menacingly said.
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“ You say that your father’s a mad scientist but I don’t even know who the hell this guy even is! I’ve never met him!”, Sheldon shrieked in fear.
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“ Well you’re gonna meet him if you don’t stay out of our way! In fact, here’s a clear message for you from him!”, Turtle menacingly said as she slowly began to slice the knife down his arm that wasn’t hooked to the IV making fresh blood start dripping down it which caused Sheldon to start crying out in pain.
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“ Ow ow stop, that hurts! What in the name of Einstein do you think you’re doing to me Turtle?!”, Sheldon cried out as he gripped his arm with his other hand being careful not to rip the IV out of his other arm.
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“ That’s a warning to tell you that you better stay away from me and my father! Stay out of our private business or else the next time I attack you, you might not be so lucky! It’s your choice Dr. Cooper, stay out of our way or you’re gonna die!”, Turtle menacingly shouted before she got up off of him, headed to the window and climbed back out to leave but not before she menacingly said, “ Strike one for you, idiot! Ta ta!” Once she was gone Sheldon then frantically pressed the call button for the nurses’ station and the night nurse that was on call came rushing in flipping on the light to see Sheldon gripping his arm with fresh blood dripping all over the bed.
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“ What happened in here Dr. Cooper?! Are you alright?!”, the nurse shrieked as she rushed to the bedside.
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“ No! The person who just stabbed me tonight came in here and slashed my arm! Oh god it hurts!”, Sheldon cried out. The nurse quickly took care of his fresh wound and the next morning when his friends came back to see him Leonard immediately noticed that his roommate/best friend had received another injury when he noticed the fresh bandage around Sheldon’s arm. They all gasped in horror when they saw this.
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“ Sheldon are you ok?!”, Penny screamed.
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“ Yeah what happened last night buddy?! You didn’t have that bandage on your arm before when I left!”, Leonard screamed.
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“ Turtle must have done it! That evil little bi*ch!”, Howard hissed.
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“ Yes that’s exactly who did it Wolowitz! She broke in last night through the window and threatened me again with the same knife she stabbed me with! She slashed my arm and then she left after she said this to me in a menacing voice, “ Strike one for you, idiot! Ta ta!”, Sheldon screamed.
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“ Ok I hate that bitch! She’s so going down for this!”, Penny hissed.
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“ To hell she is Penny! She hurt our friend!”, Bernadette hissed.
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“ Yeah I’d like to strangle her right now for what she did to my fiance! Nobody hurts my man like that and gets away with it!”, Amy hissed.
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“ You’re d*mn right no one does that Amy!”, Penny and Bernadette hissed.
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“ Alright you know what guys this settles it! Come bi*chin’ hell and high water, we are taking this so called University Bandit to justice, no matter what it takes! She’s not getting away from us! EVER!”, Raj shouted pounding his fist into his other hand after he had taken another placebo.
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“ Oh HELL no she’s not Raj! She’s a dead woman!”, his friends all shouted in agreement with each other.
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“ D*mn right she is! We will settle a score…”, Raj shouted.
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“ When the University Bandit is NO MORE!”, the others shouted as they cheered and smacked hands. Operation Destroy the University Bandit was now being put into motion. They continued to talk about other things with each other before they all went home after visiting hours leaving Sheldon there once again by himself. Then two weeks later he came home from the hospital after his injuries had healed and things started to return to somewhat normal despite the next two encounters they all had with Turtle targetting Caltech again at the request of her father but then 3 months later one morning Sheldon and Leonard were planning to go run some errands after they were running low on food at their place and as they were walking to Leonard’s car talking about all the usual science crap they normally talk about perticularly the science paper incident something unusual happened that they weren’t expecting.
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“ Oh come on Sheldon for the last time I didn’t skip the part about you walking in the park during the presentation of our paper! It was just an antidote, it wasn’t real science!”, Leonard spat back as they were approaching his car.
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“ And excuse me Leonard but I remember asking you if the apple falling on Newton’s head was just an antidote to which you said I was not Issac Newton!”, Sheldon defended as they stood next to the car doors staring at each other.
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“ Oh what difference does it make! Just get in my car you wacky nut!”, Leonard hissed as he opened the driver’s side door completely oblivious to the faint sounds that were coming out. There was a slight ticking noise and robotic female’s voice saying, “ 15, 14…”
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“ Ok fine. As you wish.”, Sheldon said as he got in with Leonard and the moment they shut the doors Sheldon immediately began to notice that something was wrong.
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“ 13, 12…”
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“ Um… Leonard?”, Sheldon asked in a low serious tone as he was looking forward at the windshield and out of the corner of his eye he saw a small red flashing LED light blinking inside the air vent and could hear the ticking sounds more clearly and the robotic female voice counting down the seconds.
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“ Yeah Sheldon what is it?”, Leonard asked as he was about to put his keys in the ignition.
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“ Does your air vent normally have a red flashing LED light inside it with ticking sounds and a robotic female voice counting down seconds?”, Sheldon asked in that same low tone as he pointed at the suspicious looking device inside the car air vent of his roommate/best friend’s car.
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“ No, why would it…? Oh shit it’s a bomb! SHELDON GET OUT NOW!”, Leonard started to say but then shouted at the top of his voice as the two physicists quickly scrambled out of the car bolting a few away leaving the doors wide open on both sides as they got down on their knees huddling over each other covering their heads in a braced position.
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“ 3, 2, 1…”
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A giant fireball suddenly went up in the air completely blowing out all the windows in Leonard’s car as it suddenly caught fire from an explosion with enough force to blow out a few first floor windows of the apartment complex as well. Sirens began to blare in the distance coming towards the scene as Sheldon and Leonard then stood back up to see what had happened.
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“ No, my car! Sheldon are you alright?!”, Leonard screamed as he looked at Sheldon with a freaked out expression on his face.
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“ Yes I’m fine Leonard! You?!”, Sheldon screamed with the same freaked out expression on his face too.
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“ Yeah I’m fine too! Thank god for that!”, Leonard screamed clasping his hands together over his mouth. As the Pasadena Fire Department began pulling up in the parking lot Penny suddenly came sprinting out of the building toward her two friends screaming, “ Oh my god what the hell happened out here?! Leonard, Sheldon, are you guys alright?!”
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“ Yeah we’re fine Penny but my car just exploded! Someone rigged the inside of my air vent with a bomb!”, Leonard screamed.
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“ Well what kind of low life would do something like that?!”, Penny screamed.
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“ I don’t know, I’ve never had someone do this to me before! It could have been anyone in this whole goddamn city! Oh god this is horrible!”, Leonard screamed.
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“ Wait a minute, I know what this is! Dr. Gunderson must have done it as a threat Leonard!”, Sheldon screamed.
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“ Well that doesn’t make any sense?! Why would he target my car and destroy it like that?!”, Leonard screamed.
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“ Because somehow he must have found out that we’re friends and wants to kill me for messing with his daughter! I’m the intended target! He’s out to get me!”, Sheldon screamed as he pointed at himself.
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“ Ok that slimey, scuzzbucketing self-centered ba***rd is so gonna pay for this now! Who the hell does he think he is?!”, Penny screamed.
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“ I don’t know Penny but this is so gonna end one way or another! This guy’s messing with the wrong geeks I can tell you that much!”, Leonard screamed but then he shouted out into the air, “ You hear this Dr. Bryceton Gunderson?! You’re so going down for this sh*t you f**king ba***rd!”
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“ Oh good Lord we’re gonna be late for work now but we still need to run our errands!”, Sheldon screamed as he looked at his wristwatch.
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“ Oh son of a bi**h! Look both of you just get in my car and I’ll drive you to work and while you’re working I’ll run your errands for you!”, Penny screamed.
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“ Oh that’s preposterous Penny! You don’t even know what we need!”, Sheldon shot back.
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“ Zip it Sheldon Lee Cooper and get in my car now! You too Leonard Leaky Hofstadter, get the hell in!”, Penny hissed.
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“ Ok thanks Penny!”, Leonard screamed as he and Sheldon got into Penny’s car with her and she sped out of the parking lot while the firefighters were putting the last of the car fire out and Leonard’s car was then towed to the nearest repair garage. Penny then dropped Sheldon and Leonard off at Caltech and then as promised headed to the store to run their errands for them. The two men tried to focus on their work as a distraction for what just happened but then in the middle of the day while sitting in the cafeteria with their two friends and every other researcher and scientist was sitting there too for their lunch breaks and shortly after Sheldon and Leonard explained what had happened Barry Kripke suddenly shouted out pointing his finger, “ Hwey ewerybody thwere gwoes thwe University Bandit! Somebwody gwet her!” when he spotted Turtle trying to slink along one of the walls in the cafeteria to get to another door.
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“ Oh shit no! Get away from me!”, Turtle screamed as she tried to run with everybody jumping up to try to grab her all screaming and shouting at once but then Sheldon came running forward and shouted, “ Alright that’s it, this insanity ends now! Come here Turtle, time to reveal the truth!”
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“ No no no no don’t…!”, Turtle screamed as Sheldon finally ripped the ski mask off her face letting go of her as she then stood in the middle of the university cafeteria mouth agate with everyone gasping in complete shock when they all saw her face.
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“ Oh Jewish hell I don’t freakin’ believe this!”, Howard shrieked with wide eyes. His friends all had the same expression too.
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“ Don’t look at me!”, Turtle screamed as she then covered her face with her hands but Sheldon then stepped towards her and grabbed her wrists, pulling her hands down as he screamed, “ No no no don’t hide your face, I know exactly who you are! I’ve seen your face before when I was a child!” Turtle just stood there with a blank scared expression and after Sheldon briefly saw the image of the same little girl he saw in a picture on the tv screen of his childhood home flash across his mind he lowered his voice and said, “ Oh my god it’s you. You’re that missing 3 year old from the gas station that I saw on the news 16 years ago, Matteron Reese Drillbit!” making everybody gasp again.
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“ MATTERON REESE DRILLBIT?!”, everyone in the cafeteria shouted.
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“ I don’t know what the fracking hell you idiots are talking about! That’s not who I am!”, Turtle shouted.
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“ Yes it most certainly!”, Sheldon shouted.
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“ My name is Turtle MayLee Gunderson! I don’t know the hell this Drillbit girl is you’re talking about Dr. Cooper! That’s not me!”, Turtle shouted.
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“ Again it most certainly is! Turtle MayLee Gunderson is just a false alias! Here, you see this?! This is the Amber Alert on the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children website out for you that is still active today!”, Sheldon screamed as he pulled his phone out flashing the website on the screen infront of her face showing the active Amber Alert profile of the missing 3 year old girl that Sheldon now believed was standing right in front of him as a 19 year old.
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“ You’re bullfightin’ lying to me Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper! That is not me!”, Turtle shouted as she continued to deny what she still believed to be his ridiculous claims.
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“ Woman I am not lying to you! I can’t lie, lying is wrong! You know what let me just show you something! Howard give your spoon for a second!”, Sheldon screamed as he looked at her before he spun around looking at his friend while still holding his phone in his hand.
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“ Here, go nuts with it.”, Howard said as he handed his friend his metal spoon.
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“ Thank you!”, Sheldon screamed as he took it in his hand and spun around to face ‘ Turtle’ or the girl that was believed to be Matteron approaching her again with the spoon in one hand and his phone in the other.
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“ What are you doing Dr. Cooper?! Get away from me!”, Turtle shouted as she started to back up away from him holding her hands up in front of her.
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“ No, come here!”, Sheldon screamed but then he lowered his voice and said, “ I want you to look at yourself with this spoon and then at that picture and get a really GOOD look.” as he held the spoon up in front of her. At first she refused to look at it but then she took the spoon in one hand and Sheldon’s phone in the other looking at both images side by side before she realized that they were exactly the same.
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“ Oh my god, you’re right… that is me! I really am Matteron Reese Drillbit!”, Matteron gasped in shock as she threw the spoon down on the floor looking at everybody with wide eyes as they were still surrounding her.
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“ Exactly, that is you. Dr. Gunderson is not your real father, he’s your captor. He kidnapped you 16 years ago from the back seat of your parents’ car outside that Sunoco gas station right here in Pasadena and had been exploiting and lying to you this whole time. He raised you up in a life of crime which is something that you never realized until now.”, Sheldon said in a low serious tone as he took his phone back from Matteron.
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“ I don’t believe this, that scum bag! Where are my parents?! Are they even still alive?!”, Matteron sadly asked.
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“ Yes your real parents Maren Yvett and Air Force Lt. William James Drillbit
are very much still alive and they’re still looking for you to this day. They are worried sick about you.”, Sheldon said in a serious low tone.
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“ Well how do you know this? Are you a psychic or something?”, Matteron sadly asked as she stared into his eyes.
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“ No, it’s just a gut feeling I have.”, Sheldon said in a low tone.
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“ I can’t believe it…”, Matteron sadly said but then suddenly without warning she shouted at the top of her voice, “ I AM GONNA KILL THAT PIECE OF SH*T!” before she bolted out of the cafeteria down the hallway carrying the same knife she used to stab Sheldon with on a previous encounter with everyone running after her screaming, “ Hey hey hey get back here! What do you think you’re doing?!”
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“ Everyone just stay back! This is something that I should have done a long, long, long time ago but have just been to afraid to do it!”, Matteron screamed as she ran out into the parking lot with everyone from the university still running after her and watched in horror as Matteron approached and stood a few behind the black van holding the knife in her hand to finally confront the man who had lied to her for the last 16 years of her life.
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“ Father you get the HELL out here right now or should I say, lyin’ a** Dr. Bryceton Farkle Gunderson!”, Matteron shouted in anger at the van with seething rage. Upon hearing this, a scary looking middle-aged caucasian man suddenly stepped out of the van for the first time ever in his life slowly approaching her with a look of pure evil in his eyes as he menacingly said, “Excuse me but… what did you just say to me?!” Everyone standing a few feet behind Matteron gasped in complete shock when they finally saw what this guy looked like. His hair was now long and greyish with a long beard and goatee to match and he had a huge scar across his neck. He had amber colored eyes, a set of safety goggles was sitting on top of his head and he wore black clothing underneath a huge white lab coat.
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“ You heard me you lying snake! I just discovered who I actually really am today! My name is not Turtle MayLee Gunderson as you claim it is, it’s MATTERON REESE DRILLBIT! You kidnapped me and lied to me my WHOLE FUCKING LIFE! You are the biggest a**hole who have ever lived! You are not my father! My REAL father, William James Drillbit is an honorable AIR FORCE LIEUTENANT! I also have a mother too which you lied to me about as well! My mother is Maren Yvett Drillbit! You heartlessly took me away from them 16 years ago in the back seat of their car! How could you do that to them and to me?!”, Matteron angrily shouted in his face as she pointed the knife at him.
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“ What the hell are you talking about?! Turtle is your real name and I am your real father! Stop this nonsense and get back in the van!”, Dr. Gunderson shouted at her.
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“ No I am not going anywhere with you, ever again! Turtle is not my real name and I hate you I hate you I want you to just get out of here and get the f**king hell away from me!”, Matteron angrily shouted as she shoved him away from her and threw the knife at him but he ducked his head at the last second and the knife impaled itself in the open driver’s side door of the van setting off a loud car alarm sound.
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“ Oh now you’ve done it you little brat! I’m gonna…!”, Dr. Gunderson shouted at her but before he could do anything the FBI suddenly showed up and several agents began swarming the parking lot of Caltech with their guns drawn at the mad scientist and 19 year old girl shouting, “ Freeze! FBI, nobody move! Hands behind your heads!” Dr. Gunderson complied and after he was taken into custody by two of the agents another agent approached Matteron from behind her, took out a set of handcuffs and interjected at her, “ And you are under federal arrest for the university robberies and the attempted murder of Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper!”
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“ Oh no no no please don’t do this to me! I didn’t know what I was doing I swear…!”, Matteron shrieked in terror jerking her head back and forth as her wrists were suddenly pulled behind her back and slapped with handcuffs before she was handed off to another agent who started walking her away just as Sheldon came running up the arresting federal agent with Leonard, Howard and Raj running behind him and he screamed, “ No wait stop, what do you think you’re doing?! You’re making a big mistake! She’s not who you think she is!”
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“ Dr. Cooper you need to step away please. It’s for your own safety.”, the FBI agent who just arrested Matteron said as he held his hands up in front him.
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“ No you don’t understand! You don’t realize who you’re actually looking at! She’s just an innocent person! She doesn’t deserve this!”, Sheldon screamed as tears started to well up in his eyes.
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“ No she’s not, we know exactly who she is it’s you that doesn’t. Now just step back and let us do our job.”, the agent said as he started walking away. Matteron looked over her shoulder back at Sheldon with a look of terror in face as she was being taken away by the FBI but before she was shoved into the back of the FBI van watching Dr. Gunderson about to be placed into another one she screamed in a bloody murder voice, “ YOU RUINED MY F**KING LIFE YOU A**HOLE, YOU TURNED ME INTO A FEDERAL CRIMINAL! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! I HOPE YOU ROT IN FEDERAL PRISON FOR THE REST OF YOUR MISERABLE LIFE AND THAT THEY KILL YOU FOR THIS SH*T!” She then was shoved into the van and as the FBI was pulling away with sirens blaring Sheldon just dropped to his knees and choked out, “ Oh god this is horrible! Matteron…” as he started to cry. He immediately began to regret all the horrible things he had previously said to this girl and just couldn’t believe that FBI agents didn’t believe him when he said that she was just an innocent girl that didn’t deserve to be treated like the criminal that she had been falsely living as all these years.
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“ Sheldon… buddy… are you…?”, Leonard asked in concern as he placed his hand on Sheldon’s shoulder with Howard and Raj standing next to him but Sheldon just said nothing, batted Leonard’s hand away, stood up and angrily kicked the back of Dr. Gunderson’s van as he cried and shouted at the top of his voice, “ Son of a f**king bi*ch! Why?!” Then he cried, “ Howard you need to drive us up to FBI headquarters right now!”
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“ Are you insane Sheldon?! Why in the world would you want to do that?! That girl tried to kill you!”, Howard screamed at his friend as he stared at him like he was nuts.
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“ Yes I know that she tried kill me before Howard but she didn’t know what she was doing! She had been kidnapped and lied to her whole life! She’s innocent and she only did these things because she was forced to by that jerk of a scientist! This isn’t right! She shouldn’t have to be punished for his crimes that he made her comit! If her real parents find out about this that their innocent little girl has been turned into a federal criminal they’re gonna be devestated! It’s gonna kill them inside!”, Sheldon cried.
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“ Is that really what you want dude?!”, Raj screamed.
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“ Yes it most certainly is! I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life Raj!”, Sheldon cried.
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“ I still don’t think this is a good idea Sheldon! She’s dangerous!”, Howard screamed.
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“ No she’s not, I just said she’s innocent! Howard please just drive us up there! This really is the right thing to do! You didn’t see the pure look of terror on her face like I did when those agents were taking her away! The last thing I ever want to see is an innocent young person being locked away in a prison cell all because some psychomaniac exploited her for his evil deeds! He’s the one that really deserves to be there, not her!”, Sheldon cried.
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“ Alright fine, I’ll drive us up there! But if anything bad happens to us it will be your fault! We had nothing to do with this!”, Howard screamed as he stormed to his car and shouted, “ What are you still standing there for you apesh*ts?! Let’s go!” His friends then piled in his car and Howard sped out of the parking lot into the direction that the FBI vehicle units were heading.
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Ring ring ring!
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“ Howie what is it? I’m working.”, Bernadette asked her husband when she answered the phone with it pressed against her ear and shoulder as she was doing something with a petrie dish in her lab.
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“ Bernie this is really important right now! Tell your boss you need to leave, get Penny, Amy and Stuart and meet us up at FBI headquarters!”, Howard screamed into his phone that was put on speaker as he was driving down the highway.
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“ Why?! What’s going on?!”, Bernadette asked.
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“ Because Sheldon just discovered the truth about the University Bandit and so did we! We found out that Turtle MayLee Gunderson is actually a missing girl named Matteron Reese Drillbit! She had been kidnapped by Dr. Gunderson 16 years ago from the back seat of her parents car outside a gas station right here in Pasadena! Sheldon believes that she didn’t know what she was doing all these years and that she’s innocent! We all think he’s crazy for this but he’s adamant that he doesn’t want this girl being punished for something that Dr. Gunderson did!”, Howard screamed.
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“ Oh my god that’s horrible! That poor girl! What the hell were we thinking?!”, Bernadette screamed as she dropped the petrie dish on the table gasping in complete shock and horror at what her husband just said.
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“ I don’t know but just get Penny, Amy and Stuart and meet us up there now!”, Howard screamed.
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“ Ok ok don’t freak out! I’m on my way!”, Bernadette screamed as she bolted from her lab after she grabbed her purse and car keys, told her boss what happened and left jumping into her car speeding away down the road as fast as she could. She picked up Penny, Amy and Stuart after telling them of what happened and the 4 of them raced off towards the same highway that Howard was traveling on.
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“ Sheldon just stop crying! You’re driving us nuts!”, Leonard screamed at his roommate/best friend who was sitting next to him in Howard’s back seat bawling his eyes out.
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“ I can’t Leonard! The thought of that innocent girl being held in federal custody is driving me nuts!”, Sheldon cried.
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“ Well would you just calm down you wacky bastard?! We’re on our way there! I’m going as fast as I can!”, Howard screamed.
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“ F*ck you Dr. Bryceton Farkle Gunderson! Now you got us doing something stupid!”, Raj hissed under his breath with his arms crossed as he sat next to Howard in passenger seat.
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“ Rajesh Koothrappali stop it! That’s not helping!”, Sheldon cried.
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‘ We’re coming for you Matteron! Just hold on!’, Sheldon’s subconscious screamed as he continued to cry like he never cried before while Howard was racing his car down the highway towards the direction of the FBI headquarters.
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Well there you have it, the truth about this girl finally came out! What do you think will happen to Matteron while she’s in federal custody? Will she be reunited with her real parents? Let me know in the comments. To be continued…
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