Chapter 4
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As Matteron sat quietly with her wrists handcuffed in front of her at a table in an interrogation room at FBI headquarters two agents walked into the room and one of them asked, “ What’s your name? Turtle MayLee Gunderson?”
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“ No, that’s not my real name sir. It’s an alias.”, Matteron sadly said with her head hanging slightly downward looking at the handcuffs on her wrists.
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“ Well then what is it?”, the other agent asked.
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“ It’s Matteron Reese Drillbit!”, Matteron shrieked as she started to cry. The two agents looked at her in surprise. They couldn’t believe what they were hearing.
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“ Wait a minute, so you’re the missing girl that the Drillbits have been searching for for the last 16 years?”, the first agent asked her.
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“ Yes that’s me! If you don’t believe me then take my fingerprints! It’ll prove that that’s who I really am!”, Matteron cried.
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“ Alright if you say so, come with us please.”, the other agent said as Matteron then stood up and followed them down the hallway to another room where the fingerprint scanner was. They scanned her prints and sure enough the identification results came back as Matteron Reese Drillbit.
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“ Ok you’re right, you are Matteron Reese Drillbit.”, the agent said.
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“ See, I told you! That’s my real name! Please just call my parents! Let them know that I’m alive and that I’m ok!”, Matteron cried.
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“ Of course, as you wish.”, the agent said but then he turned to another agen and said, “ Please notify the Drillbits that their daughter has been found and that she’s here.”
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“ Copy that.”, the other agent said as he went to his desk and picked up the landline phone that was sitting on it. He dialed the home phone number for the Drillbits residence. Mrs. Drillbit answered it on the 3rd ring and after the agent told her the good news about that her and her husband’s daughter Matteron had been found and she was there at the headquarters she bursted into happy tears and said that her and her husband would be there right away. The moment the married couple who were now in their mid-30’s with two other teenage children following behind them ran into the headquarters and ran into another room to see their long lost daughter sitting there crying with the handcuffs still on her wrists the song Again by Lenny Kravitz began to play in the background.
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“ It is you! Matteron Reese!”, Mr. and Mrs. Drillbit shrieked.
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“ Mom, Dad!”, Matteron cried as she stood up pressing her handcuffed wrists against her chest as her parents then took her into their arms crying tears of joy.
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“ I can’t believe you’re still alive! Your father and I have been searching for you for 16 years! We never thought we would ever see you again!”, Mrs. Drillbit happily cried as she kissed her beloved daughter’s head.
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“ Yes your mother and I had been worried sick! We were starting to think you were dead after beginning to lose hope of ever finding you again!”, Mr. Drillbit happily cried as he did the same thing that his wife did.
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“ I know but I’m fine! Oh Mom and Dad I missed you so much!”, Matteron cried.
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“ We missed you too!”, Mr. and Mrs. Drillbit happily cried but as they let go Matteron then noticed the two other teenagers in the room as well. One of them looked like a 17 year old boy while the other one looked like a 16 year old girl.
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“ Who are they?!”, Matteron cried.
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“ This is your brother and sister Micah and Savannah! Your father and I had them in the years that you went missing! We told them about you and they said that they wanted to see you! Micah, Savannah, this is your older sister Matteron!”, Mrs. Drillbit happily cried as she introduced her children to each other for the first time ever.
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“ Matteron!”, Micah and Savannah exclaimed as they threw their arms around the sister they had longed to finally meet.
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“ Hi! It’s nice to finally meet you!”, Matteron cried.
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“ You too!”, Micah and Savannah exclaimed as they then let go of her.
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“ Well I hate to break up the reunion now but unfortunately I have to inform you that your daughter’s in a lot of trouble. A lot of federal trouble.”, one of agents said in a serious tone when he walked in.
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“ Oh my god no!”, Mrs. Drillbit cried as she looked at her husband and then back at the agent.
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“ What happened to our little girl?!”, Mr. Drillbit cried. The agent explained the whole story of why Matteron was in trouble and by the end of the story all 4 of them gasped in horror covering their mouths with their hands.
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“ I’m so sorry, I didn’t know what I was doing! Dr. Gunderson made me do these things after he kidnapped me! He made me break into those universities for his own evil schemes! Made me live a horrible life of crime under a fake name! Because of him I’m now a federal criminal going to federal prison! It’s not fair!”, Matteron cried.
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“ It’s alright sweetheart, your father and I aren’t mad! We’ll figure this whole mess out somehow! All that matters right now is that we finally have you back and that you’re ok! Who found you?!”, Mrs. Drillbit cried.
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“ A theoretical physicist from Caltech! Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper! He’s the one that found me after I tried to kill him with a dagger knife which I now immediately regret doing to him in first place because he saved my life! He got me away from that psychomaniac! He tried to tell the FBI the truth about me but they didn’t listen to him! They just told him to stay away from me and took me away in these stupid handcuffs on my wrists! Now I might never see him again!”, Matteron cried.
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“ Ok that’s enough talking Drillbit, let’s go.”, the agent said as he lead her out of the room meeting up with another agent as the two them then walked her down the hallway to where the cells were, removed the handcuffs, unlocked the cell and as they were shoving her in there she screamed and cried, “ No please don’t do this to me! I don’t want this! I just want to go home!” as the door slammed shut with a loud metallic bang before it was locked and the agents walked away leaving Matteron just sitting there bawling her eyes out. Then shortly after that the whole gang suddenly came running into the headquarters and Sheldon cried out, “ Excuse me but I demand that you release Matteron this instant!”
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“ Sheldon what the hell are you doing?!”, Stuart screamed at his friend.
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“ Stay out of this Stuart! I’m taking a stand!”, Sheldon cried.
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“ What are you doing here?! I thought I told you to stay away!”, the FBI agent that had arrested Matteron scolded at him.
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“ I don’t care! You’re making a big mistake! Matteron didn’t know what she was doing! Just because someone’s been exploited doesn’t make them a criminal!”, Sheldon cried.
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“ Actually it does Dr. Cooper and she tried to kill you!”, the agent interjected.
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“ Well that is just total BULLSHIT! Yes I know she tried to kill me but that wasn’t really her doing it! She was brainwashed for years into thinking that she was a villain by a complete PSYCHOMANIAC! Don’t you see what you’re doing is wrong?! Underneath all that fake evil she really was just an innocent girl that was forced into a life of crime! Why punish her just because of what someone else did?! It makes absolutely no logical sense!”, Sheldon cried as he jerked his face up close to the agent’s face making it very clear that the whole situation was completely absurd.
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“ Oh balls!”, Penny interjected as she rolled her eyes.
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“ Oh for cripes sake!”, Raj interjected.
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“ Sheldon Cooper knock it off! You don’t even know what you’re doing!”, Leonard shouted.
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“ Shut up Leonard Hofstadter this is MY STAND! I’m not just gonna let this girl sit in federal prison for however long that may be over the crimes she was forced to commit! She doesn’t deserve that! She should have been living a happy normal life but instead she gets kidnapped by some evil Neanderthal who turns her against society for his own nefarious purposes!”, Sheldon cried.
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“ Look Dr. Sheldon Cooper there’s nothing we can do. She’s being held here for 3 years.”, the agent said.
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“ No that’s wrong! How many different ways do I have to say it?!”, Sheldon cried.
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“ Excuse me but are you Dr. Cooper?!”, Mrs. Drillbit cried as she came into the room with her husband and two other children.
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“ Yes I am! Are you two this girl’s parents?!”, Sheldon cried.
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“ Yes we are! Matteron just told us what you did! We don’t know what to say except… thank you so much for finding our daughter!”, Mr. Drillbit cried as him and his wife suddenly threw their arms around him.
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“ You have no idea how long we’ve been waiting for this moment Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper! Because of your kind actions we now have our precious little girl back! Just… thank you!”, Mrs. Drillbit cried.
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“ We are so indebted to you forever!”, Mr. Drillbit cried.
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“ Oh please Lt. Drillbit you and your wife don’t owe me anything for this! None of this would have been possible without the help of my eidetic memory and seeing your little girl’s image on tv in the first place!”, Sheldon cried.
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“ Well whatever an eidetic memory is, it’s special! William and I really can’t thank you enough for this!”, Mrs. Drillbit cried.
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“ Well I’m just glad that I could be of assistance! The truth about what happened to your daughter had been bothering me for years! I couldn’t get it out of my head, no matter what I tried to do!”, Sheldon cried. After the Drillbits let go of him he spun around on his heel to face the arresting federal agent and cried, “ Where is Matteron! I want to see her right now!”
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“ You need to leave is what you need to do! The University Bandit has been caught! End of discussion!”, the agent scolded.
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“ But she’s not a bandit! How many times do I have to tell you that?! Her alias was the bandit, not her real self! You either let her go or I’m gonna end up doing something that’s gonna ruin my life!”, Sheldon cried.
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“ Which is what?!”, the agent scolded.
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“ Kill you!”, Sheldon cried.
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“ Dr. Whackadoodle would you just shut the hell up?! You’re acting crazy!”, Penny screamed at her theoretical physicist friend.
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“ Penny not now and I’m not crazy, my mother had me tested! You know what if you’re not gonna tell me where she is I’ll find her myself!”, Sheldon cried out both at Penny and the agent before he sprinted down the cellblock hallway with everybody following after him screaming at him.
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“ SHELDON!”, his friends all screamed at him as they were running after him. The Drillbits and FBI agents were following as well.
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“ Shut up guys I’m not afraid anymore, I know the truth!”, Sheldon cried as he continued running until he found the cell that Matteron was being held in.
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“ Matteron!”, Sheldon cried as he fell on his knees in front of the door gripping the bars with his hands.
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“ Dr. Cooper!”, Matteron cried as she did the same thing inside the cell.
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“ It’s ok, you’re safe! No one’s gonna hurt you anymore!”, Sheldon cried.
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“ I’m so sorry for what I did to you! For what I did to all of you! I didn’t know what I was thinking!”, Matteron cried as she saw everybody else including her family gathered behind him.
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“ It’s ok I forgive you! I know that what you did was not really you! You were just scared, it happens to everyone that gets kidnapped and forced to live a life that they don’t want to! Dr. Gunderson turned your sweet innocence into guilt!”, Sheldon cried.
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“ Yeah I realize that now! I’m so sorry I tried to kill you Dr. Cooper, I didn’t know at the time that you actually saved my life! You saved my FUCKING life! You helped me finally realize what the truth really was about where I came from in the first place! You reunited me with my real parents and two new siblings that I never even knew I had! I’m so grateful for this and I’m never gonna take this moment for granted, ever!”, Matteron cried. As the two of them just stared at each other with tears streaming from their eyes Amy suddenly started crying and bolted away back down the hallway which immediately caught Sheldon’s attention.
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“ Oh my god, I’ll be right back! AMY!”, Sheldon cried as he jumped up and started running after his fiancee following her into another room slamming the door behind him.
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“ Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler where are you going?!”, Sheldon cried as he approached her.
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“ Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper I can’t do this! Not when the obvious is right in front of us!”, Amy cried as she took his hands into hers.
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“ What are you talking about?! You can’t do what?! We’re getting married in a few months!”, Sheldon cried.
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“ That’s the thing Sheldon, I don’t think it’s right for us to get married! It’s making me feel guilty inside!”, Amy cried.
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“ I don’t understand what you’re implying here!”, Sheldon cried.
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“ Oh my god do I have to yell it at you in your face?! YOU AND THE DRILLBIT GIRL! You and I both know that it’s very clear that the moment you found out who she really was, you fell in love with her! And I can’t force myself to get married to you if it’s obvious that you’re meant to be with someone else!”, Amy cried as she then slipped her engagement ring off and gave it back to Sheldon closing his fingers around it in the palm of his hand.
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“ Look I’m not mad, I don’t care if she’s a federal criminal! I just want you to do what will make you happy! Because I can’t stand around for one more second pretending to be your fiancee when you clearly love someone else!”, Amy cried.
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“ Well now that I think about it, I suppose you’re right!”, Sheldon cried.
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“ I am! You know this is the right thing to do!”, Amy cried.
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“ Is this really what you want Dr. Fowler?! You want me to be with the Drillbit girl?!”, Sheldon cried.
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“ Yes I do Dr. Cooper! I just saw the way you two were looking at each other and you two are clearly in love with each other! So just go be with the girl you want to be with and don’t ever let her go for one second! I forgive her for what she previously did to you because I saw the true remorse on her face! I trust your judgement and I know she’ll make you happy! I love you enough to let you go and just be friends with you! Does that make sense?!”, Amy cried.
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“ Yes it most certainly makes sense! I know what I need to do!”, Sheldon cried.
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“ Good then go before it’s too late! Go tell her you love her before I smack the crazy out of you!”, Amy cried.
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“ I will, thank you!”, Sheldon cried as he kissed her cheek and bolted out of the room sprinting back to Matteron’s cell with Amy following after him as he cried out, “ And I’m not crazy, my mother had me tested!”
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“ Matteron I need to tell you something!”, Sheldon cried.
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“ I don’t understand, I thought you were with your fiancee!”, Matteron cried.
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“ We just ended our engagement, we called it off! It wasn’t right for us to get married! Not when the obvious is here!”, Sheldon cried.
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“ You two ended your engagement?!”, Leonard, Howard, Raj, Bernadette, Penny and Stuart exclaimed in complete shock.
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“ Yes we did!”, Amy cried.
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“ What do you mean it wasn’t right?! What are you…?!”, Penny screamed at Sheldon but Amy shouted and cried, “ Bestie shut up! Just let Sheldon talk and say what he needs to say! It’s the right thing to do!”
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“ What is happening?! What is going on here?!”, Leonard screamed.
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“ Leonard Hofstadter just shut it! I need to do the one thing that now really makes logical sense!”, Sheldon cried as he got back down on his knees in front of the cell door and to the complete shock and surprise of everyone except Amy he did something that they never would have expected for him to do. Sheldon reached his arms through the cell bars gently caressing the back of Matteron’s head as he pulled it forward and he kissed her on the lips. The moment their lips touched both of their eyes fluttered shut in a romantically passionate way. When they broke apart Matteron cried, “ Did you just kiss me Dr. Cooper?!”
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“ Yes I did! Because I have a confession to make Matteron Reese Drillbit, I love you!”, Sheldon cried.
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“ You…you love me?!”, Matteron cried.
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“ Yes I do! Ever since I first saw your face I… I secretly fell for you! I had always wondered what had happened to you after I saw that Amber Alert put out for you 16 years ago! I couldn’t get your image out of my head! Even when I started dating Amy and got engaged to her I still couldn’t get it out of my head! You were so innocently beautiful and you still are despite you now being in this horrible place! This is the last place I ever want see someone so young and innocent that I love in! I’d rather kick myself than to see that!”, Sheldon cried.
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“ Well can confess something too?!”, Matteron cried.
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“ Of course, what is it?!”, Sheldon cried as he stared into her eyes.
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“ I love you too!”, Matteron cried as she kissed him back doing the same thing he did to her. Her parents just there with the others crying as they watched the touching scene between their long lost daughter and the man who saved her life from the clutches of the evil mad scientist who had abducted her when she was just a toddler. They were so happy to see this. Not only happy to have Matteron back in their lives again but also happy that she found her very first love, a person that they had just met and thanked for reuniting their family all thanks to his eidetic memory and his eccentric but also caring nature. Sheldon was also really lucky because he now realized that if he hadn’t ripped that ski mask off of Matteron’s face in the first place she would have never been discovered and would have remained a missing person forever. Her parents probably would have gone to their graves as the years went by not knowing what had happened to her. Mrs. Drillbit decided to take her phone out and snapped a picture of the touching scene before she took it to Facebook and wrote something that she thought she would never have been able to post. Her status said:
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This is one of the best and worst moments of our lives for William and I. Our precious first born daughter Matteron Reese has now been returned to us all thanks to this eccentric kind-hearted soul. This man, a theoretical physicist from Caltech University named Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper is a very special and amazing saving grace who selflessly risked everything including his life to find her and get her away from the sick twisted individual who took her away from us so long ago. I’m happy to say that these two are now in love with each other but the worst part about this is that our innocent little girl has unfortunately ended up in a whole whirlwind of federal trouble due to reasons that I can’t really explain. We don’t know how long she’ll be here and we don’t care if we have to wait a bit longer for her to come home but we will get through whatever challenges that lie ahead and come out of this situation together stronger than ever before. Thank you everyone and Dr. Cooper for everything you did for us to make this moment happen. You all have truly made us so happy. God bless you. :)
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“ I’m truly very sorry for everything I have ever said to you previously before I found out who you really were! I am the biggest a**hat fool that had ever walked this Earth for not discovering you sooner the very first time you attacked me at my workplace! I should have known right from the start that you really weren’t the savagely evil villain that we all thought you were! That all you really were was just a scared young innocent girl forced to do the evil deeds of some jerk head scientist who really should go to hell for what he’s done! Not just to you but to everyone in this whole world! I feel so stupid!”, Sheldon cried as he continued to kiss Matteron through the cell bars door.
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“ It’s ok I forgive you for that! You don’t have to be afraid of me anymore! I’m never going to hurt you ever again! Never!”, Matteron cried as she continued to kiss him too.
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“ Will you be my girlfriend?!”, Sheldon cried.
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“ Yes!”, Matteron cried. Once they broke apart again she looked up at the FBI agents standing there too with her family and the rest of the gang and cried, “ Please just let me out of here! I never meant to do any of this!”
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“ Turtle just calm down! Everything’s going to be fine and we’ll get out of this mess soon!”, Dr. Gunderson shouted from another cell a few feet away down the hallway.
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“ Stop calling me that you apesh*t jar head! That’s not my real name, it never was! I told you it’s Matteron Reese Drillbit! This is what you get for all the crap you have inflicted on everyone and for bringing me into it too when I had nothing to do with any of this! I should have been living a happy normal life with loving parents but instead of that you kidnapped me and made me live through 16 years of pure evil lying HELL! Not to mention you trying to force me to be a part of the explosion of Dr. Hofstadter’s car with a bomb! You destroyed that guy’s car for no flipping reason and almost killed him all because you wanted to kill Dr. f***ing Cooper!”, Matteron shouted and cried.
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“ Well what choice did I have?! He was ruining everything because he didn’t stay out of our way!”, Dr. Gunderson shouted.
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“ No he didn’t stay out of YOUR way! There is no ‘we’ in this scheme anymore that you drew up! We are not partners, we never were! You were my captor and I was your prisoner! You are nothing but a sleazy, toned-dead assassin! I want nothing more to do with you than to kill the h-e double hockey sticks life out of you and for you to never come near me, my family, my newfound friends and my new boyfriend ever again for as long as you live in federal prison! You are never going to manipulate me into doing anything for you ever again! You hear me Dr. Bryceton Farkle Gunderson?! Stay away from me!”, Matteron shouted and cried.
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“ Yes you just stay away from her before I come over there and punch your lights out! I should do that anyway especially after what you did to my roommate/best friend’s car, setting off a bomb in it that almost killed us earlier today! That was so uncalled for and you certainly made yourself an enemy of me on my enemies list for screwing with my friends and I in the first place! You can attack me for whatever reason you want but when you attack my friends too that’s when it becomes way out of line! No one hurts my friends like that and gets away with it!”, Sheldon shouted in anger down the hallway at the mad scientist.
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“ Shut it Dr. Cooper or I’m gonna…!”
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“ Dr. Gunderson that is enough! Just shut your mouth!”, one of the FBI agents shouted at him forcing him to shut up.
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“ Thank you! Now please just let me go! I want to go home!”, Matteron cried.
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“ Alright look Matteron we’ll cut you a deal, if you publicly apologize to everyone saying that you’re sorry for everything that you’ve done in the last 16 years we may consider releasing you in 2 months.”, another agent said. Everyone gasped in shock.
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“ Releasement?! 2 months?! Really?!”, Matteron cried as her face lit up a little bit.
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“ Yes. Make a heartfelt public apology to every science university that you have targeted and we will reduce your federal prison sentence from 3 years to 2 months. Does that sound like a fair deal?”, the agent asked.
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“ Yes I’ll do it! Thank you!”, Matteron cried.
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“ Alright it’s a deal. We’ll hold a public press conference in 3 days and you’ll speak out your apology, after that your sentence will officially be reduced.”, the agent said.
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“ Thank you!”, Matteron cried. Her parents and the others thanked the agents as they were all walking away from the cell leaving Sheldon there still kneeling in front of it.
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“ I’ll wait for you on the outside when you get out! I won’t leave you!”, Sheldon cried as he stared at his new girlfriend in the face.
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“ Thank you, I love you Dr. Cooper!”, Matteron cried as she stared at the man who now had become her very first boyfriend.
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“ I love you too Matteron, I got to go! I’ll see you soon!”, Sheldon cried.
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“ Ok, see you soon!”, Matteron cried as she kissed him one last time before he stood up and reluctantly walked away. 3 days later Matteron found herself standing in front of a podium microphone for a public press conference with people from every science university which included the gang from Caltech as well as the FBI and her family surrounding her in the heart of Pasadena in the middle of the street. Her wrists were handcuffed in front of her connected to a waist chain that glistened in the bright sunlight shining down over everyone from the clear blue skies above.
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“ Hello everyone, I’m sure everyone has known me for a while as Turtle MayLee Gunderson the University Bandit. Well I’m standing here before you to tell you that it’s not my real name, my real name is Matteron Reese Drillbit. I’ve been missing for the last 16 years due to an abduction caused by one very sick twisted individual, Dr. Bryceton Farkle Gunderson. Shortly after he kidnapped me he began exploiting me, making me comit the most horrible acts I could ever imagine doing in my life. And so I say from the bottom of my heart to every science university that I have ever targeted including Caltech, I am truly sorry for doing these things! The things I’ve done were not caused by the real me, it was a fake me living under a fake name and these things were only done because I was scared, scared of the man that forced me to live like that! Not to mention, he almost made me kill the one person I love! He made me stab him and he tried to make me take part in trying to kill him with an explosive in his best friend’s car! He tried to make me kill my boyfriend Dr. Sheldon Cooper and his best friend Dr. Leonard Hofstadter! Dr. Gunderson is a horrible, horrible person and I hope he rots in hell forever for what he did to me and what he made me do! So I say again from the bottom of my heart, I am so so so sorry! I hope everyone can find it in their heart to forgive me for my past mistakes that I have made while living under a false alias! And for a word of advice if someone ever kidnaps you, don’t ever let them manipulate and lie to you like this guy did to me because if you do it could end up ruining your life like mine was! That’s all I have to say, thank you!”, Matteron said as she started getting emotional during her heartfelt apology that she was making to all the researchers and scientists working for the numerous science universities she had targeted in the past 16 years of her life. Everyone gave her a loud round of applause as if to say they have forgiven her for what she did just as the FBI was about to take her back to headquarters after she stepped down from the podium once the apology was over.
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“ That was… an amazing apology you just made Matteron.”, Sheldon said as he walked up to her.
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“ Thank you Dr. Cooper. I spent 3 whole days in my cell working on it. See you in 2 months?”, Matteron sadly said.
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“ Yes I shall see you in 2 months. I love you.”, Sheldon said.
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“ I love you too.”, Matteron sadly said as she kissed him again before the FBI took her away.
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“ You really love that girl do you Sheldon?”, Leonard asked when he walked up placing his hand on Sheldon’s shoulder.
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“ Yes I do Leonard.”, Sheldon sadly said.
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“ Well don’t be upset buddy, the next 2 months are going to fly by real fast. You’ll see her again soon, we all will.”, Leonard said.
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“ I suppose you’re right Leonard. Let’s just go home.”, Sheldon sadly said with a sigh as the two of them headed back to their apartment. Life began to return to somewhat normal but however 1 month later after the apology press conference the FBI released a statement that said Matteron was going to be released back out into society for good behavior. Her family as well as the gang were so happy to hear this that they all drove up to stand outside the FBI headquarters building and wait for her to walk outside. Smiles spread across everyone’s faces as Matteron came walking out through the doors dressed in a completely new outfit. Instead of the previous black clothing she had been wearing she was now wearing a dark navy blue silky t-shirt that had flowy sleeves and a flowy bodice, a pair of blue jean shorts and sky blue shiny ballet flats on her feet. Her dark emerald green to black ombre hair was still hanging down over her shoulders and she had a sparkle in her eyes as a soft smile began to spread across her face. She was a free woman now.
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“ Matteron Reese!”, Micah and Savannah exclaimed with huge smiles on their faces as they ran towards their older sister at the same time she was running towards them and when they got to each other they threw their arms around each other crying happy tears. As Matteron was hugging everybody else and the happy tears kept coming the song Darling Pretty written by Mark Knopfler from the Twister movie soundtrack began to play in the background.
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“ Hello Matteron, welcome back to society.”, Sheldon suddenly said to his girlfriend with a smile as he stepped out from behind a wall on the outside of the building.
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“ Dr. Cooper!”, Matteron exclaimed with happy tears when she spun around to see her boyfriend and jumped into his arms knocking him to the ground which made him let out a startled scream before she started kissing him. She was not only happy to be finally reunited with her family and new friends but also happy to be reunited with the man she loved.
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“ I told you I’d wait for you Matteron Reese Drillbit.”, Sheldon said with a smile as he pulled her up to her feet and continued to kiss her.
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“ I’m so glad you did Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper because I missed you!”, Matteron happily cried as she caressed his head.
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“ I missed you too. Are you ready to begin a started over crime-free life now?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ Yes I am! I never want to see this place again for as long as I live!”, Matteron happily cried.
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“ Good. Let’s go, your new life starts now.”, Sheldon said as he walked with her away from the building and everybody all left the FBI premisis together.
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Aww Matteron and Sheldon fell in love and got together! What do you think will happen with their new relationship? Let me know in the comments. To be continued…
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