Chapter 5
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“ You’re a free woman now sis! How does it feel?”, Micah asked his older sister as him, their other sister, their parents, Sheldon, Raj, Howard, Leonard, Penny, Stuart, Amy and Bernadette were all sitting around the Drillbits living room with music playing on the stereo. The song playing was willow by Taylor Swift.
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“ It feels really good Micah. Doing some time in federal prison for a month really changed me. I feel like it’s made me a better person, better than when I first went in.”, Matteron said with a smile.
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“ We can definitely tell because you seem much calmer now than the last time we saw you.”, Leonard said as he pushed his glasses back up on his face.
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“ Yes I most certainly agree, you seem a lot calmer. You must have really improved yourself and paid your debt to society. I am very happy about this.”, Sheldon said with a smile as he looked at his girlfriend.
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“ Well thank you Dr. Cooper, what can I say? There’s just something about being in prison that makes you fix your mistakes.”, Matteron said.
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“ Well it’s good that you finally realize that sis.”, Savannah said.
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“ Yeah you’re right Savannah and if there’s one thing to be sure about it would have to be that I will never live my life under another false alias and commit anymore science university robberies or any kind of robberies ever again because that just ruined everything for me and it’s what got me sent to prison in the first place.”, Matteron said as she shook her head.
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“ That’s right sweetheart. Your father and I wouldn’t want that to happen to you ever again.”, Mrs. Drillbit said.
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“ I know Mom.”, Matteron said as she hugged her mother. But then when she let go her father suddenly walked up to her and handed her something. It was a brand new cell phone.
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“ Dad what’s this?”, Matteron asked as she toyed with the phone in her hand.
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“ This is something that your mother and I had been holding onto all these years that we wanted to give to you, it’s your very first cell phone.”, Mr. Drillbit said with a smile.
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“ Are you serious?! You guys got me a phone?!”, Matteron gasped with a smile.
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“ Yes we figured you would now need one considering that you’ve now gained some friends and a boyfriend.”, Mrs. Drillbit said with a smile.
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“ Oh my god Mom, Dad, thank you so much! I freakin’ love it!”, Matteron exclaimed as she threw her arms around her parents.
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“ You’re welcome Matteron, we love you.”, Mr. and Mrs. Drillbit said as they kissed their daughter’s head.
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“ I love you too.”, Matteron said. Then she turned to the others and asked, “ You guys want to swap numbers? I just got a brand new phone, my very first one!” Her friends and her boyfriend then took out their phones and they all sat around swapping numbers with each other. Then after that they put their phones away. Then Savannah suddenly pulled Matteron up to her feet and began to dance around with her to the music. Micah joined in as well.
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“ What are you guys doing?!”, Matteron asked with a smile.
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“ What do you think sis?! We’re dancing with you!”, Micah laughed.
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“ Yeah this is a celebration of the reunion of our family and your releasement back into society!”, Savannah laughed.
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“ I’ve never done this before! This is fun!”, Matteron laughed as she kept dancing around the living room with her new siblings. Seeing this made their parents very happy they were having fun together like the way that siblings should.
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“ Oh this is wonderful William! We have our family back together!”, Mrs. Drillbit happily cried as she had one arm wrapped around her husband’s with her head on his shoulder.
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“ Yes it very much is Maren! I love you!”, Mr. Drillbit happily cried as he looked at his wife.
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“ I love you too!”, Mrs. Drillbit happily cried as the married couple then kissed each other before turning back to their 3 teenage children who were having the time of their lives together as they were listening to the Taylor Swift song on the stereo. Smiles spread across the others faces too.
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“ Happy you got your girlfriend back Shelbot?”, Howard asked Sheldon with a stupid smirk on his face.
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“ Yes very much so Wolowitz.”, Sheldon said with a smile as he nodded his head.
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“ Good at least now you can stop screaming about it.”, Leonard said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.
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“ That’s not helpful Leonard!”, Sheldon shot back as he narrowed his eyes at his best friend.
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“ Hey would you two a**holes shut up?! This between the two of you is not helping!”, Penny hissed as she pointed back and forth between Sheldon and Leonard.
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“ Penny must you?!”, Sheldon scolded his neighbor and friend narrowing his eyes at her.
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“ Ok fine I’ll shut up!”, Penny interjected as she rolled her eyes.
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“ Thank you.”, Sheldon said but then he let out a startled scream when he was suddenly yanked up from the couch by Matteron who then started dancing with him as her two siblings were still dancing as well laughing their heads off.
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“ Good Lord woman what is this?!”, Sheldon shrieked as he was being pulled every which way and spun around the room.
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“ I’m dancing with my boyfriend! What do you think Dr. Cooper?!”, Matteron laughed as she continued dancing with him.
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“ Excuse me but I don’t dance Matteron!”, Sheldon shrieked.
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“ Oh shut up yes you do! You’re doing it right now!”, Matteron laughed.
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“ Yes that’s because you’re forcing me into this ridiculous social convention!”, Sheldon shrieked.
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“ Oh come on it’s not ridiculous, it’s fun! This is actually the first time that we get to do something together as boyfriend and girlfriend, I’ve been locked up in federal prison for the last month and I just got released today!”, Matteron laughed as she continued to dance with him.
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“ Well, now that I think about it I suppose you’re right.”, Sheldon said with a sigh.
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“ Of course I am! Now just shut up and come here!”, Matteron laughed as she spun him towards her and kissed him.
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‘ Godd*mn it I love this girl! I love her so much!’, Sheldon thought in his head as he was waltzing around the living room kissing his girlfriend. He really loved her very much even though she was now an ex-federal convict who tried to kill him before she was arrested. He had never thought that he would suddenly end up dating the girl who had been previously known to everyone as the University Bandit when she was living under the false alias of Turtle MayLee Gunderson. Nobody had also expected Matteron to end up dating him as well considering the fact that they hated each other the first time they met. It was a very beautiful thing for the others to watch these two go from hating each other to falling in love and it made them realize that Sheldon was right all along when he said that underneath all that fake evil that Matteron had portrayed in the begining that all she really was was just this scared, innocent and very sweetly nice person forced by someone else to do very horrible things that they were too cowardly to do themselves.
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“ Ok you know what that’s enough sitting for me! Leonard get up, we are so dancing now!”, Penny interjected as she got up from the couch.
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“ Sure whatever you want Penny!”, Leonard exclaimed as he got up too and the two started dancing together joining in with Sheldon, Matteron, Micah and Savannah.
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“ May I have this dance m’lady?”, Howard asked his wife with a smile as he held his hand out to her.
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“ Oh Howie why of course you may!”, Bernadette exclaimed with a smile as she let her husband take her hand and the two stood up to dance as well. Amy, Stuart and Raj just shrugged their shoulders staring at each other before they got up and started dancing too. Mr. and Mrs. Drillbit just laughed shaking their heads before they began to dance with each other too. The celebration had really now begun.
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“ I can’t believe I’m finally home where I belong! This is the best day ever!”, Matteron happily cried as she continued dancing around the living room with her siblings, her boyfriend and her friends.
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“ HAZZAH!”, everyone cheered as they continued dancing to the music around the Drillbits living room. Matteron then kicked her new sky blue shiny ballet flats off her feet and began to really have fun with it. She was so happy to be finally free from federal custody and allowed to start a brand new crime-free life with her family, her new friends and the man she loved.
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“ Yeah get it sis! Shake it!”, Micah and Savannah exclaimed as they continued dancing and laughing around their sister, their parents and the others.
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“ Oh just shut up Micah and Savannah!”, Matteron exclaimed as she was really getting into the music laughing her head off bouncing and sliding across the floor as well as the coffee table too. The flowy tails of the bodice of her dark navy blue silky t-shirt were swishing around flying all over the place as well as the flowy short sleeves hanging down over her shoulders. Micah then started jumping around imitating the sound of a barking junkyard dog making the others, his two sisters and their parents start laughing at what he was doing.
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“ Yeah that’s our son Micah for you Maren! The big jokester of the family!”, Mr. Drillbit laughed.
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“ Oh William just stop it!”, Mrs. Drillbit laughed as she smacked her husband on the shoulder. The celebration continued but after a few minutes when things started to calm down Matteron’s recent lack of sleep was starting to take effect on her body due to Dr. Gunderson previously forcing her to stay awake 24/7 after he screamed at her saying that he never slept and she shouldn’t either which immediately didn’t go unnoticed.
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“ Matteron are you alright?”, Sheldon asked in concern as he stared at his girlfriend when she suddenly started to look like she was going to pass out.
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“ Yeah I’m fine Dr. Cooper I think I just need to take a break.”, Matteron said with an exhausted sigh as she started to feel a lightheaded.
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“ I don’t know about that sweetie, you’re starting to look pretty exhausted.”, Penny said in concern as she looked at Matteron’s bloodshot face.
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“ No really it’s fine Penny I…”, Matteron started to say but then stopped mid-sentence when she suddenly began to feel her legs getting weak making her slump forward without warning into Sheldon’s chest after he caught her to prevent her from hitting the floor.
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“ Oh my god Matteron!”, Savannah, Micah, Mr. and Mrs. Drillbit, Raj, Penny, Howard, Amy, Stuart, Bernadette, Leonard and Sheldon exclaimed with concerning gasps as they stared at her. Her eyes were half shut as she was leaning against Sheldon’s chest moaning through trembling lips looking a little sickly.
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“ Ok that’s it, I think she needs to go lay down now.”, Sheldon said in concern as he was holding Matteron against his body.
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“ Agreed.”, Howard, Leonard, Raj, Stuart, Penny, Amy and Bernadette said in agreement with each other.
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“ Wai… wha… mm…”, Matteron moaned as she was struggling to stay awake.
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“ Shhhh, stop talking now.”, Sheldon softly said to her. It was very clear at that moment to him and the others that she needed a nap.
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“ Where are the bedrooms in this house?”, Leonard asked.
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“ Oh they’re upstairs. Matteron’s at the end of the hallway on the left next to Micah’s.”, Mrs. Drillbit said as she pointed up the stairs.
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“ Ok thank you.”, Leonard said.
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“ Alright come here you, let’s get you upstairs for some sleep before you start to get sick.”, Sheldon softly said as he gently lifted Matteron into his arms and started carrying her up the stairs with his friends all following him including Matteron’s parents, her brother and her sister. Once upstairs they all brought her into her new bedroom that was made up for her at the end of the hallway that was beautifully made with lots of furniture as well as big wooden letters that spelled out Matteron’s name hanging on the wall over her bed. Leonard then pulled back the covers on the bed and together with Sheldon the two of them eased Matteron into the bed with her softly protesting, “ No come on guys I don’t want this. I just got home.”
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“ Shhhh Matteron Reese I said to stop talking now, it’s nap time. Lay down.”, Sheldon softly said. Matteron let out a yawn, squinting her eyes shut as Leonard and Sheldon helped her lie back resting her head on the soft pillow and pulled the covers up to her chest. She was out within a second of them doing so as Sheldon then kissed her forehead.
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“ Is she out?”, Stuart whispered.
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“ Yeah she is.”, Leonard whispered.
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“ Alright you guys let’s just all clear out now. Have a nice nap sweetie.”, Penny whispered as she started ushering everybody out of the room before Sheldon shut the door behind them. A soft smile began to spread across Matteron’s face as she slept. Despite her not wanting to take a nap at first she was happy that she finally got to get some much needed sleep. Then a few hours later as she was waking up she suddenly found herself being gently pulled up to a sitting position with someone’s soft lips touching hers making her eyes flutter shut. When the kiss was broken Matteron opened her eyes to see that it was Sheldon sitting on the edge of her bed next to her. A soft smile spread across her face as she stared at him with him doing the same thing to her.
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“ Oh hi Dr. Cooper, I didn’t realize you were still here at my house.”, Matteron said.
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“ Well of course I’m still here Matteron, why wouldn’t I be?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ I don’t know. I would have thought you left with the others after I started taking a nap.”, Matteron said.
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“ Yes well that is what one would assume but we decided to stick around a little longer considering the fact that your father just ordered us all a pizza which should be here very shortly.”, Sheldon said.
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“ Oh well that sounds good. I don’t think I’ve ever had pizza before.”, Matteron said.
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“ Well then woman you’re in for a real treat if that’s the case.”, Sheldon said as he kissed her again.
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“ Oh just shut up and let’s go!”, Matteron laughed as she kissed him back and got out of bed before she followed Sheldon out of the room and down the stairs.
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“ Hey y’all look who’s awake.”, Sheldon said as he came down the stairs with Matteron following him.
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“ Hi everybody!”, Matteron said with a smile.
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“ Matteron!”, her parents, siblings and the others exclaimed.
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“ Did you have a nice nap sweetheart?”, Mrs. Drillbit asked.
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“ Yes I did Mom, thank you for asking.”, Matteron said as she tucked her hair behind her ear.
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“ Oh good.”, Mrs. Drillbit said.
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“ You woke up just in time. The pizza I ordered for all of us should be here any minute. Actually I ordered 2 pizzas and they should be here any minute.”, Mr. Drillbit said.
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“ You got 2 pizzas Dad? Why?”, Matteron asked in confusion as she stared at her father.
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“ Well one is a regular for the rest of us and the other one is lactose-free because apparently your friend Dr. Leonard Hofstadter is lactose intolerant.”, Mr. Drillbit said as he pointed at Leonard.
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“ Really? You’re lactose intolerant Dr. Hofstadter?”, Matteron asked in shock as she stared at her friend Leonard.
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“ Yes I am Matteron.”, Leonard said as he scratched the bridge of his nose.
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“ Wow that’s something new I didn’t know.”, Matteron said.
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“ Well of course you didn’t because you’ve been in federal prison for the last month.”, Leonard said as he rolled his eyes.
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“ I know that! I’m not a dummy!”, Matteron laughed.
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“ I didn’t say you were!”, Leonard said with a slight laugh.
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“ Ok that’s enough of that.”, Sheldon said as he narrowed his eyes at his roommate/best friend.
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Ding dong!
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“ Perfect! The pizzas are here!”, Mr. Drillbit said as he went to the door to answer it.
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“ Hello good evening sir.”, the pizza delivery guy said when Mr. Drillbit opened the door.
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“ Hi good evening to you too.”, Mr. Drillbit said with a smile.
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“ So that’s one large regular pepperoni pizza and one large lactose free pepperoni pizza?”, the delivery guy asked when he took the two pizzas out of the delivery bag handing them to Mr. Drillbit.
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“ Yes that’s right.”, Mr. Drillbit said nodding his head.
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“ Awesome awesome, that’s going to be $24.95. Will that be cash or credit?”, the delivery guy said.
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“ Cash. Here you go, keep the change.”, Mr. Drillbit said as he handed over the cash he took out of his wallet.
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“ Thank you sir, have a good night.”, the delivery guy said as he left the porch.
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“ You too.”, Mr. Drillbit said before he walked back into the house.
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“ Pizzas are here! Everyone dig in!”, Mr. Drillbit exclaimed as he set both pizza boxes on the kitchen island. Everybody then grabbed a paper plate and grabbed themselves a slice. As everyone else was eating Matteron took the first bite of her pizza slice and her eyes immediately went wide as she was chewing on it.
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“ Oh my god! This is seriously the best thing I have ever tasted in my life! This is so good!”, Matteron exclaimed as she continued eating her pizza slice.
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“ I told you that you were in for a real treat Matteron.”, Sheldon said as he was eating his slice of pizza.
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“ Oh yeah you weren’t kidding Dr. Cooper! Dad can I please have another slice?!”, Matteron exclaimed as she looked at Sheldon before she looked at her father.
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“ Of course you may sweetheart.”, Mr. Drillbit said.
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“ Thanks!”, Matteron exclaimed as she grabbed another pizza slice.
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“ But don’t eat too much because I made a cake for dessert.”, Mrs. Drillbit said.
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“ Oh really? What kind of cake did you make Mom?”, Matteron asked.
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“ Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting topped with fresh strawberries.”, Mrs. Drillbit said.
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“ Oooh that sounds really good!”, Matteron exclaimed. They all finished eating the pizza and then had some cake while continuing to talk until the others left for the night. Then the next morning Matteron woke up to hear her sister’s somewhat loud voice say, “ Ugh! Where the freak is it?!” along with some shuffling noises.
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“ Savannah what are you doing?”, Matteron asked when she entered her younger sister’s room to see her clearly searching for something.
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“ I’m trying to find my iPod touch Matteron but I can’t find it!”, Savannah said in frustration as she continued searching for what she was looking for.
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“ What’s that?”, Matteron asked.
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“ It’s a handheld music player with a touch screen on it.”, Savannah said.
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“ Ah got it. Why don’t you ask Micah, maybe he’s seen it.”, Matteron said.
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“ Of course, why didn’t I think of that.”, Savannah said before she stormed out of her room with Matteron following her.
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“ Micah what did you do with my IPod touch?!”, Savannah hissed as she stood outside Micah’s bedroom door.
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“ I borrowed it last Saturday to listen to music while doing some yard work for Dad! It’s out in the shed!”, Micah said when he opened the door.
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“ Why would you use mine?! What’s wrong with yours?!”, Savannah hissed.
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“ Because mine’s broken, it took a nose-dive in the toilet and my replacement one still hasn’t come in the mail yet.”, Micah said as he scratched the back of his head.
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“ Of course, figures you would do something like that you dork!”, Savannah hissed as she rolled her eyes and stormed down the stairs with Matteron following her. She went out to the shed and found her iPod sitting on the work bench under some old newspapers. But when she looked at it more particularly the back of it the two sisters stormed back into the house with Savannah hissing, “ Micah Jethro Drillbit what is the meaning of these stickers on the back of my iPod?!” in her brother’s face as she pointed at the stickers that were on the back of the device. Instead of it saying the word IPOD with the Apple logo under it there were stickers spelling out the words Savannah’s IPOO with a poop emoji covering the Apple logo.
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“ Oh come on I thought it was funny! Can’t you take a joke Savannah Irma Drillbit?!”, Micah laughed as he slapped his thigh.
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“ This is not funny, this is disgusting! Take these off before I tell Mom and Dad what you did!”, Savannah hissed.
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“ Alright alright I’ll take them off! There, happy?!”, Micah laughed as he took his sister’s iPod and ripped the stickers off before he handed it back to her.
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“ Yes, thank you!”, Savannah hissed as she then scrolled through her playlist and saw that Micah had added a new song to her playlist.
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“ Micah why is Am I a Psycho? by Tech N9ne on my playlist?! Did you add this without my permission?!”, Savannah hissed as she flashed the screen in front his face. Her finger was pointing directly at the explicit rap song listed on there.
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“ Yeah I did! So what?! All your songs were too girly!”, Micah laughed.
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“ Micah remove this! I don’t want this on here!”, Savannah hissed.
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“ Oh come on you and Matteron haven’t even listened to it yet! It’s cool!”, Micah laughed.
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“ Yeah I’ll be the judge of that! Come on Matteron let’s go to my room!”, Savannah hissed as she stormed back to her room with her sister following her. A few moments later they came back out with the song blaring through the doorway and Savannah interjected, “ Ok the song stays, it’s cool!”
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“ See?! Told ya!”, Micah laughed.
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“ Ok we get it you dork! Shut it!”, Matteron laughed. The three of them then went their separate ways again with Micah dawning a stupid smirk on his face while pumping his fist.
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‘ Yes, success! I got my sisters to listen to something I like! Sweet!’, Micah thought as he shut his bedroom door. Savannah and Matteron continued to listen to the song in her room while they danced around talking and laughing with each other. Then later that morning shortly before noon after Matteron bought her own iPod touch downloading a bunch of songs on it including the song she listened to with her sister and was dropped back off at home by her parents before they went out to run some more errands while Savannah and Micah were hanging out at their friends houses, a big storm rolled into the Pasadena area causing a huge power outage. The lights suddenly going out and ceasing the music on the speaker scared Matteron to the point where she screamed and hid under her bed covering her ears for a brief moment before she began to squeeze her arms around herself. It was the first time she had ever experienced anything like this since being reunited with her family. Tears started to well up in her eyes even when a sudden voice called out to her with footsteps coming up the stairs towards her room.
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“ Matteron?!”
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“ Who’s there?! I can’t see anything!”, Matteron screamed as her bedroom door was suddenly pushed open.
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“ It’s Dr. Cooper! Where are you?!”, Sheldon asked in concern as he walked into his girlfriend’s pitch black bedroom. Lightning flashed outside the house followed by a thunder clap as the thunderstorm raged on.
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“ I’m under my bed!”, Matteron screamed as she started to cry.
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“ Well good Lord woman come here! Don’t just sit under there in the dark!”, Sheldon exclaimed in concern as he pulled her out from underneath the bed and carried her downstairs to the living room. As he sat down on the couch with her on his lap he held her against his chest as another lightning strike split the sky and another thunder clap sounded as the rain and wind continued to slam against the house.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAEp8BM9kT00
“ It’s alright, calm down. I got you.”, Sheldon said.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAJPNxaivF58
“ What the hell just happened?! Why is it so dark in here?!”, Matteron cried.
24Please respect copyright.PENANA4iJI9hPNst
“ There’s a severe thunderstorm going on at the moment and it knocked the power out.”, Sheldon said.
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“ I don’t like this! It’s scary!”, Matteron cried.
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“ I know and I don’t like it either but PG&E will turn the power back on once the storm passes and they figure out what caused it to go out in the first place.”, Sheldon said.
24Please respect copyright.PENANATLaHd8T1yO
“ Well I hope it’s not for long because I don’t want to be in the dark by myself Dr. Cooper!”, Matteron cried.
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“ Matteron you’re not alone, you have me! I’m not going anywhere!”, Sheldon said as he kissed her.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAQJh2akadpy
“ Well how did you get over here?!”, Matteron cried.
24Please respect copyright.PENANA4c6aqdrtIL
“ Leonard dropped me off after he said he was going to head out to find some place that still has power to charge our laptops. Our whole apartment complex lost power too.”, Sheldon said.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAuZUCuwNEdx
“ Ok well it makes me feel a little better that you’re here but I’m still scared! I’ve never experienced a situation like this ever in my life!”, Matteron cried.
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“ You mean to tell me that this is the first time you have ever seen a power outage?!”, Sheldon asked in complete shock.
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“ Yes! I know it sounds crazy but I’ve never seen one before and I honestly don’t ever want to see this again! It’s dark and scary! Especially when it happens when you least expect it!”, Matteron cried.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAjvVDaNuxxo
“ Shhhhh, calm down. It’s alright. Look, here’s something that might help.”, Sheldon said as he felt around one of his back pockets in the dark, pulled something out of it, cracked it and shook it up which immediately engulfed the room in a soft green glow of light reducing Matteron’s crying to sniffling. It was a green glow stick that was among several others that he used during power outages due to his belief that candles were too much of a fire hazard to use.
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“ There, is that better?”, Sheldon asked as he set the glow stick down on the coffee table.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAwifjj9qDq1
“ Yeah a little! At least it’s not totally dark anymore! Where did you get a glow stick?!”, Matteron sniffled.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAJ7bma8Jk20
“ I keep them for situations like this. Glow sticks in my opinion are a much safer way of giving you a little bit of light during a power outage than the flame from a candle. According to research about 75% of house fires are caused by candles during power outages, that’s a huge percentage that greatly concerns me which is why I don’t ever want to take the risk.”, Sheldon said.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAamsGKF2kLD
“ Well I guess that makes sense.”, Matteron sniffled.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAQbBUQGf2Z8
“ Exactly. Let’s go see if we can find some flashlights too in the kitchen.”, Sheldon said as he picked up the glow stick again.
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“ Ok.”, Matteron said as she got up and followed him to the kitchen. As Sheldon held the glow stick Matteron began to search the drawers for flashlights only to scream and yank her hand back out of the drawer gripping it in pain as she started to cry again.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAykp3X4eGnT
“ What?! What’s wrong?! What happened Matteron?!”, Sheldon asked in concern.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAGltEKEcFDA
“ Something poked me in the hand in the drawer Dr. Cooper! It hurts!”, Matteron cried.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAkAUfV2QK8t
“ Alright alright let me see.”, Sheldon said in concern as he gently grabbed her hand holding the glow stick up over her palm with his other hand to see what the problem was. He could clearly see a small star-shaped puncture hole in the middle of her palm that was bleeding. He could immediately tell what kind of injury it was just by looking at it.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAzrexPOdEiW
“ That looks like a screwdriver injury, that is not good at all. Let me take care of that before it gets infected.”, Sheldon said in concern as he turned the kitchen sink on to the cold water and started running his girlfriend’s hand through it. Matteron gritted her teeth together in pain as the cold water splashed onto her injury making her cry even more.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAZCdsybqvqN
“ Ow ow this hurts!”, Matteron cried.
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“ Shhhhhh don’t cry, it’s ok.”, Sheldon said as he finished rinsing her hand and gently dried it with a paper towel making Matteron press and hold the towel against her wound with her other hand as he then lead her back to the living room in the dark after he left the glow stick sitting on the kitchen counter. He sat her down on the couch and pulled out his emergency head lamp light turning it on before he grabbed his first aid kit that he brought with him just in case if he needed to use it. Sheldon then by head lamp light on his head removed the paper towel from Matteron’s hand, sprayed a generous amount of hydrogen perioxide spray over the wound to sterilize it and stitched it closed before he gently wrapped a bandage around it.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAupiQvY92uX
“ Thank you, that feels much better.”, Matteron sniffled.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAtJulNcwodd
“ My pleasure. I love you.”, Sheldon said as he kissed her again.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAwe8Vlvhqhu
“ I love you too.”, Matteron said as she kissed him back. Then she asked, “ What does the PG&E app say about the power outage and restoration estimate?”
24Please respect copyright.PENANAKc1iZLYJ9k
“ Nothing yet. It’s probably going to be a while before we get anything from them.”, Sheldon said as he checked the Pacific Gas and Electric Company app on his phone but saw no power outage cause and restoration estimate yet.
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“ Ok well I’m tired, I’m going to take a nap on the couch. Wake me up if the power comes back on.”, Matteron said as she let out a yawn before she laid down on the couch pulling a blanket over herself.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAlPlQFO8RWO
“ The bright lights might wake you up first but very well if you insist.”, Sheldon said as he got up for a second and walked to the kitchen to grab the glow stick before turning off his head lamp and walked back into the living room with the glow stick setting it back down on the coffee table. Just moments after Matteron started falling asleep however was when the front door suddenly opened and a certain female’s voice hissed, “ Son of a bitch!” as she threw her soaking wet umbrella on the floor taking the hood of her jacket down before she took the jacket off and hung it up on the coat rack as best as she could.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAyiEV19jPz6
“ Penny must you be obnoxiously loud at this moment?! Because I don’t think so!”, Sheldon quietly hissed at his blonde-headed neighbor and friend who suddenly walked in the door as if she owned the place.
24Please respect copyright.PENANApTDMk7TQcz
“ Ahhhh oh my god! Sheldon?! What the hell are you doing here and why are you being so quiet?!”, Penny shrieked a little in surprise when she noticed her theoretical physicist friend sitting there on one end of the couch.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAA45SR0sZhW
“ Well to answer your question I came here to check on Matteron since I figured she was by herself and why I’m being quiet is because she just fell asleep on the couch!”, Sheldon quietly hissed.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAXpg8ffEAhU
“ Oh, sorry. I didn’t know.”, Penny said in a quiet low tone.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAdP0zUXU1rG
“ That’s alright.”, Sheldon quietly said as the two of them watched the majority teen sleeping on the couch next to him.
24Please respect copyright.PENANA4zv7kjX707
“ So how did she react when the lights went out?”, Penny quietly asked.
24Please respect copyright.PENANATKAtmGgVhf
“ She was scared and she was crying when I showed up moments after the power went out. After I explained what happened she told me that she’s never seen a power outage before.”, Sheldon quietly said.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAwaUYqAz1XN
“ Oh balls are you flipping kidding me Sheldon Cooper?! Your girlfriend’s never seen the lights go out?! Like ever in her entire life?!”, Penny quietly hissed in complete shock.
24Please respect copyright.PENANA4Hbzg9NYSU
“ Firstly that’s Dr. Sheldon Cooper and secondly Penny I only kid when I say Bazinga immediately afterwards to which I said no such thing, therefore I’m being serious.”, Sheldon quietly said.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAEXCk90hT3k
“ Ok you know what I don’t want to argue with you about this! Why don’t you make yourself useful and go start up the generator so that we can at least watch tv and have something to do while we’re waiting for PG&E to turn the stupid power back on!”, Penny quietly hissed.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAcKxgtTafNH
“ Excuse me but are you insane woman?! I am most certainly not going outside during a thunderstorm just to set up a power generator! That is very dangerous and could possibly electricute me to death! Not to mention, I’m afraid of the rain!”, Sheldon spat back at her as he narrowed his eyes.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAOsWgykvWge
“ Well I don’t care Mr. Spock! I’m not just going to sit on my big a** butt in the dark with nothing to do for who knows how long! I’d like to at least do something during this power outage so that it’s not completely boring!”, Penny quietly hissed.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAPVRS2ZOOoF
“ Yes well good luck with trying to find someone else to do what you request because I’m not doing it!”, Sheldon quietly hissed.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAEqi83SzcfT
“ Sheldon you’re the only one here that can start something like that up! Leonard, Howard, Raj, Bernadette, Amy and Stuart are all busy trying to find other places with power so they can charge their stuff and Matteron’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Drillbit, her brother Micah and her sister Savannah are not here right now! It’s just me, you, and Matteron! I don’t know a clue about setting up a power generator and I’m sure Matteron doesn’t either so it has to be you!”, Penny quietly hissed.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAjvg7E6ElsI
“ Well then you’re out of luck Penny because I’m not doing it! I’d rather not risk my life thank you very much!”, Sheldon quietly hissed.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAl90gMxLkhi
“ Ok then what if I told you I’ll take every comic book you have and flush them down the toilet if you don’t!”, Penny quietly hissed.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAGHm4CsYvm5
“ You wouldn’t dare!”, Sheldon gasped in horror.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAhONn7jxb37
“ Well I will if you don’t do what I say!”, Penny quietly hissed.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAwAqZ1KJ3Yc
“ Aww alright, I shall go start the stupid power generator if it will make you happy! But if I get hurt or killed doing this then it will be your fault because I had nothing to do with this!”, Sheldon quietly hissed as he spun on his heel and headed to the back door of the house. He opened the door to see that the rain was still pouring down with lightning and thunder still splitting the sky and the winds were whipping around at gusts at least over 40 miles per hour.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAg6ShyTXeko
‘ Dear Lord I can not believe I’m doing this! This is preposterous!’, Sheldon thought in irritation as he sucked in a breath of air before he bolted out into the rain a few feet across the yard to get to the side door of the garage. Once he got into the garage and managed to open the main garage door he started looking around the dark garage at everything shoved in there making him roll his eyes in frustration.
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“ Great Caesar’s Ghost look at this place! I hate my life!”, Sheldon hissed under his breath to himself as he started to search for the power generator. Once he found it he pulled it outside the garage and set it underneath a wooden framed protective hood to keep it from getting wet from the rain. Then he grabbed three long extension cords and ran them through the house plugging in the tv, refridgerator and a small charging tower so they could charge their phones before he ran back outside despite his fear of the rain to plug the other ends of the cords into the generator, poured some gasoline into the tank and grabbed a set of construction/hunters earmuffs placing them over his ears before he started up the generator which kicked on after two pulls on the ripcord.
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“ There, I got the stupid generator started Penny! Happy now?!”, Sheldon quietly hissed at his friend as he came storming back into the house all soaking wet ripping the earmuffs off his ears.
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“ Yes thank you Sheldon!”, Penny quietly hissed as she then flopped down in the living room chair and picked up the tv remote to turn the tv on.
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“ My pleasure, but do not ask me to do something like this again in the near future or you shall receive a strike!”, Sheldon quietly hissed as he started drying himself off.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAv5ojqv8DPR
“ Oh balls!”, Penny hissed as she rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to the tv flipping through channels after she turned it on. The sounds inadvertently caused Matteron to suddenly wake back up.
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“ What’s going on? Is the power back on?”, Matteron asked as she sat up on the couch.
24Please respect copyright.PENANA2mTYXZKe18
“ Not yet. Go back to sleep.”, Sheldon said.
24Please respect copyright.PENANATR43H54Kte
“ Well how is the tv working?”, Matteron asked in confusion when she saw that the tv was on.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAhJ4WPIkdWz
“ It’s running on the generator sweetie.”, Penny said.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAEcV2u8Y076
“ Wait a minute! Penny?! What are you doing here?!”, Matteron asked in shock when she saw Penny sitting in the living room chair.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAxbb1bi2npK
“ I’m here because I got nothing else to do at home right now. Half the city is out of power including our apartment complex.”, Penny said.
24Please respect copyright.PENANALEBg5kzJyk
“ Yeah I know because Dr. Cooper just told me that.”, Matteron said. The conversations continued among the three of them even after the storm passed at around 3 p.m and then shortly after 5:30 the power finally came back on which was about the same time that Matteron’s family was returning home. Sheldon shut the generator off too before he came back into the house.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAYuKEjPwnBm
“ Hi honey we’re home!”, Mrs. Drillbit said to Matteron as she walked in the door with Mr. Drillbit, Micah and Savannah.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAy9QCicXN1J
“ Hi Mom.”, Matteron said she started to talk about everything that happened at the house while her parents and siblings were out. Her family was shocked at what she said.
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“ Oh Matteron we’re so sorry. Had your mother and I known that was going to happen we would have just stayed home and told your brother and sister to do the same.”, Mr. Drillbit sympathetically said as he put the shopping bags on the kitchen island counter.
24Please respect copyright.PENANA41Ls9uSZjL
“ It’s fine Dad, Dr. Cooper and Penny came over to stay with me during the storm and power outage. In fact, they’re still here.”, Matteron said as she pointed at her boyfriend and her friend sitting in the living room.
24Please respect copyright.PENANA9hwopdZSAB
“ Hello.”, Sheldon said with a smile as he gave a Mr. Spock salute with his hand.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAAlJ10x9uGM
“ Hi.”, Penny said with a smile as she waved her hand.
24Please respect copyright.PENANA0PJaDZ0Uvr
“ Oh thank God, really?! You two didn’t have to do that!”, Mrs. Drillbit exclaimed as she shook her head.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAY1wHvAhK47
“ Well on the contrary Penny didn’t really need to be here, she just wanted to have something to do during the storm where as for me I wanted to make sure that your daughter Matteron was ok considering the fact that I’m dating her as we speak.”, Sheldon said as he pointed his finger and narrowed his eyes at Penny.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAankqZSHVi3
“ Zip it Dr. Whackadoodle! That’s not helping!”, Penny hissed at her friend.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAZg4ljYXxg9
“ Ha that’s a good one!”, Micah busted out laughing.
24Please respect copyright.PENANA2dkGT8vp2r
“ Micah Jethro shut up! That’s not appropriate! Don’t make fun of my boyfriend!”, Matteron hissed at her younger brother.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAhmwmCTyGpB
“ Would you just chill out Matteron Reese! All I said is that what your friend Ms. Penny said was funny! I’m not making fun of your boyfriend Dr. Cooper at all! Why would I have any reason to?! He saved your life from Dr. Gunderson and brought you back to us!”, Micah laughed.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAq1BtaxMg6x
“ Ok that part’s true. Sorry I jumped to such stupid conclusions.”, Matteron said with a sigh.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAaUh6SDZ4Zi
“ It’s alright sis.”, Micah said.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAra0bMwhOZT
“ Puckhead!”, Savannah jokingly said referring to Micah’s somewhat flat-topped head as she samcked him upside the head in a playful way.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAJHFx9c9dnr
“ Ow! What was that for Savannah?!”, Micah shrieked in surprise with a laugh as he rubbed his head and stared at his sister.
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“ Oh nothing, just wanted to do that! Felt like it was the thing to do!”, Savannah sarcastically said with a smirk on her face.
24Please respect copyright.PENANA6Pb87ANsWJ
“ Hardy har har, you’re being sarcastic!”, Micah sarcastically said.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAsPcFJK5eQA
“ So are you! See how that works?!”, Savannah laughed.
24Please respect copyright.PENANADgFC9E5ydw
“ Yes I get it! Shut up!”, Micah laughed as he playfully smacked his sister back.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAN7ZAUnGJ2R
“ Ow! Ok that’s it you’re gonna…!”, Savannah hissed but before she could do anything Mr. Drillbit scolded, “ Alright Micah, Savannah, that’s enough! Cut it out!”
24Please respect copyright.PENANAc6CB0A4p0L
“ She’s the one that started it Dad! I had nothing to do with it!”, Micah laughed as he pointed at Savannah.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAkq7oXRjN00
“ I don’t care, I’m finishing it! You two shouldn’t be acting like that! You two just got your older sister back yesterday! This is supposed to be a celebration, not a bunch of sibling drama between the two of you!”, Mr. Drillbit scolded.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAtH4FLWN6uQ
“ Ok fine Dad, sorry Micah.”, Savannah said.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAWlyPBqpoBK
“ Sorry Savannah.”, Micah said.
24Please respect copyright.PENANA4zLWBdCxKM
“ Thank you, that’s much better.”, Mr. Drillbit said.
24Please respect copyright.PENANA4TzeaFxbm3
“ I apologize for that you guys, my siblings seem to be a little weird.”, Matteron said.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAZ9O9msyHHw
“ Oh you don’t need to apologize Matteron it’s ok. Sheldon’s weird all the time so nothing like that phases me anymore.”, Penny said.
24Please respect copyright.PENANA68lkIn3ZVD
“ Oh what fresh hell is this?! Here we go again, everything I do is weird to you! There is just no pleasing you is there?!”, Sheldon interjected at his neighbor and friend.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAAop66dqRXS
“ Sheldon Cooper knock it off! Don’t start something with me, not in front of your girlfriend!”, Penny hissed as she pointed at Matteron.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAc1dV6GKrlB
“ Alright I get it, as you wish.”, Sheldon said as he put his hands up in front of him.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAPEWEglmJ4I
“ Ok you know what let’s just get out of my parents hare for the moment, go up to my room and listen to some music.”, Matteron said.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAe1Zon3TmaG
“ Sounds cool with me, I got nothing else to be doing at home at the moment.”, Penny said as she walked past Sheldon towards the stairs with Matteron. The actress and the majority teen then looked at him and Penny asked, “ Sheldon, you coming or what?!”
24Please respect copyright.PENANAi0HxbJixMS
“ What kind of a stupid question is that Penny?! Of course I’m coming, you’re my friend and Matteron’s my girlfriend!”, Sheldon spat back as he followed the two women up the stairs who were laughing their heads off.
24Please respect copyright.PENANA6RQryQb1oo
“ Oook… we don’t really have much room in here right now so we’re gonna have to move my bed against the wall.”, Matteron said when they walked into her room and she saw that her bed was basically in the center of the room.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAVX69zst6u2
“ Oh hell yeah we are! Come on Sheldon, you got to help us!”, Penny exclaimed as the two women got on each side of the bed.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAIbJZDS5fGO
“ Alright alright I’ll help! You don’t need to bark at me!”, Sheldon interjected as he helped Penny and Matteron move the bed towards one wall of the room. The sounds of the shifting furniture caught the attention of Mr. and Mrs. Drillbit as well as Micah and Savannah who all came up there to see what was going on.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAiRaAMjOJI6
“ Matteron Reese Drillbit what on Earth are you, your friend and your boyfriend doing in here?!”, Mr. Drillbit scolded his daughter.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAW8GNZQSmqW
“ We’re just moving my bed against the wall Dad! There wasn’t much room in here for the three of us to be doing something in here when it was in the middle of the room!”, Matteron said.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAMkykzErnNK
“ You know you could have just asked me and Micah to move it for you!”, Mr. Drillbit scolded.
24Please respect copyright.PENANABt4Rha5xhw
“ Yeah I know that Dad but I’m 19 years old now, I’m practically an adult!”, Matteron said.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAVurkzfwdzj
“ Yes that’s somewhat true but your mother and I don’t want you to hurt yourself! You already accidentally hurt yourself with a screwdriver in one of the kitchen drawers during the power outage, we don’t want you getting any more injuries!”, Mr. Drillbit scolded.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAiNhEQBrBsX
“ Alright I get your point. Next time I want something moved around in here I’ll ask you and Micah.”, Matteron said.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAYTCk8P7Uec
“ Thank you Matteron.”, Mr. Drillbit said.
24Please respect copyright.PENANALi7eRVORPO
“ Well now that that’s over I guess we’ll leave you guys alone now but please do not get too crazy up here. We don’t want the neighbors to call the police on us.”, Mrs. Drillbit said.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAJPURBy3Uv5
“ Oh that’s something I’ll definitely be staying away from now from this day forward! I do not want to get involved with the police or FBI ever again! And I certainly don’t want to get involved with Dr. Gunderson ever again either! The dude ruined the last 16 years of my life and turned me into somebody I’m not!”, Matteron laughed.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAirVkv5997b
“ Yes sweetheart we’re very aware of that but we don’t need to worry about him anymore. He’s in federal prison where he belongs for what he did to our family.”, Mrs. Drillbit said.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAmQvrUyB7pG
“ Yeah I totally agree Mom! Dr. Gunderson sucks!”, Matteron laughed.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAqN9aIxMEOr
“ Ok ok we’re done, you just have your fun. We’ll leave you alone now, come on let’s go.”, Mrs. Drillbit said as she ushered Micah and Savannah out of the room following them out with her husband following her shutting the door behind them leaving just Matteron, Penny and Sheldon in Matteron’s bedroom alone with each other.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAakXELjqUYK
“ Ok, I think I can used to this! A new, normal life without the FBI being on my back anymore! This is great! Screw that jackass Dr. Gunderson!”, Matteron exclaimed as she then began to scroll through her IPod playlist. The song she chose was I’LL BE GONE by LINKIN PARK. She started laughing as she then started dancing around the room.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAD9ADnKtoas
“ Oh yeah that’s what I’m talking about bi*ch! Move over!”, Penny exclaimed as she then joined in with Matteron dancing around to the music with Sheldon just staring at them as if they were nuts.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAfRHK5cqhtX
“ Excuse me but what ridiculous social convention is this?!”, Sheldon said as he narrowed his eyes at them.
24Please respect copyright.PENANA9QxW3cmOE4
“ Oh just shut up Sheldon and get over here!”, Penny laughed.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAZqhnX3dgWS
“ Yeah what she said! Don’t be such a buzzkill!”, Matteron laughed as she jerked her head in Penny’s direction as the two of them continued dancing around the room having the time of their lives.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAiHsbiYcGnF
“ I’m not being a buzzkill! I told you yesterday that I don’t dance!”, Sheldon shot back.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAXqY0lgtsB8
“ And I told you that you’re being ridiculous! It’s fun! Come on just get over here!”, Matteron laughed.
24Please respect copyright.PENANANOiB2RHbWZ
“ I’m sorry Matteron but I’m most certainly not doing it!”, Sheldon said.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAVUgLZdmQfr
“ Oh you so are and I’m gonna make you!”, Penny hissed.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAll7jUFO1IZ
“ Penny you do that and I’m gonna…!”, Sheldon started to protest.
24Please respect copyright.PENANA8WuZaom7Gw
“ Yeah blah blah blah you’re gonna give me a strike, I don’t care mister! Get over here!”, Penny hissed as she pulled him into their little two person flash mob making him scream in surprise as he was then being pulled around by Matteron.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAzE4uRwszpx
“ Ok I hate you for this Penny! You big ol’ five!”, Sheldon hissed.
24Please respect copyright.PENANArS5RcAAOfX
“ Oh shut it Dr. Whackadoodle no you don’t!”, Penny laughed.
24Please respect copyright.PENANARw3d8lVJmh
“ Whatever, if you say so!”, Sheldon hissed.
24Please respect copyright.PENANA9vCs0E8gnJ
*approaching footsteps outside the door*
24Please respect copyright.PENANAo7L8zGkWhy
“ Wait a minute, who’s coming up here?!”, Penny asked as she went to the door and opened it to a crack to see who it was that was coming to the door.
24Please respect copyright.PENANATeQrLGQEnP
“ Oh balls it’s Leonard! Matteron help me hold the door shut!”, Penny laughed as she shut the door and started leaning on it.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAHwPDFroYpw
“ Ok!”, Matteron laughed as she joined in which made Sheldon say, “ Wait a second, what in the name of Einstein do you two think you’re doing?! This is completely absurd!”
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“ Sheldon just go along with it for a second! We’re locking Leonard out as a joke!”, Penny laughed.
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“ No you’re most certainly not! Doors are not meant to be played with like that! Now both of you move!”, Sheldon scolded as he was trying to pull his friend and his girlfriend away from the door.
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“ Oh come on! I just said don’t be a buzzkill Dr. Cooper! We’re just trying to have a little fun messing with Dr. Hofstadter!”, Matteron laughed as she stared at her boyfriend.
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“ What the…?! For God sakes why is this door not opening?! Matteron open your door! This isn’t funny!”
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“ Nope! Sorry Dr. Hofstadter, you can’t come in!”, Matteron laughed.
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“ Yeah what she said! We don’t want none!”, Penny laughed.
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“ Penny?! What are you doing here?!
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“ I’m here hanging out with our friend because I got nothing else to do at home at the moment! What are you doing here Leonard?!”, Penny laughed.
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“ I came here for the exact same thing that you came here for! To hang out!”
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“ Well sorry about your luck buddy! We don’t want none!”, Penny laughed.
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“ Ok that’s enough! Penny, Matteron, move this instant! Someone’s gonna get hurt doing this!”, Sheldon scolded as he ushered the two women away from the door with them just laughing their heads off as he opened the door allowing Leonard to walk in.
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“ Thanks for that Sheldon.”, Leonard said as he scratched the bridge of his nose and pushed his glasses up on his face.
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“ No problem Leonard.”, Sheldon said as he shut the door behind them.
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“ Seriously Penny, Matteron, what the hell was up with that?! Why did you two try to lock me out?!”, Leonard hissed as he stared at his two friends.
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“ We were just messing with you, you asthmatic dumb a**!”, Penny laughed as she slapped Leonard on the shoulder in a playful way.
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“ Yeah you should have seen your face when we did it Hofstadter! It was hilarious!”, Matteron laughed as she slapped her thigh.
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“ No it wasn’t Drillbit! It was stupid and NOT cool!”, Leonard shot back at her.
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“ Oh come on give me a break man! I’ve been in federal prison for a month because of stupid Dr. Bryceton Farkle Gunderson and what he did to me and made me do for the past 16 years of my life! I wanted to do something fun and what better fun to have than to mess with one of my new friends who just so happens to be an experimental physicist from Caltech University! Seriously, lighten up would ya?!”, Matteron laughed.
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“ Oh you are so going to get what’s coming to you when you least expect it from me Matteron Reese Drillbit! You too Penny! I’m going to get both of you back for this!”, Leonard interjected as he pointed his finger at the actress and majority teen in front of him.
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“ Fine we don’t care Dr. Hofstdater! I say go right ahead and bring it on!”, Matteron laughed as she rested her arm on Penny’s shoulder.
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“ Yeah you bring it on real good Leonard because chances are you’re just gonna end up on your ass anyway from me going all Nebraska on you with my Slugger bat!”, Penny laughed.
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“ Yeah real funny Penny!”, Leonard shot back in a sarcastic way as he rolled his eyes.
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“ Oh shut up!”, Penny laughed. The conversations and the music continued before Sheldon, Penny and Leonard all left a few hours later. Then around midnight as Matteron was coming downstairs to get a glass of water before going to bed she noticed that her father was sitting in the living room chair, leaning his hand against his cheek with his head slightly down looking like he was upset about something. Without hesitation she walked over to him and asked, “ Dad? You ok?”
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“ Yes I’m fine Matteron, I’m just a little upset.”, Mr. Drillbit said with a sad sigh as he looked up at his daughter for a brief moment.
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“ Well what’s the problem?”, Matteron asked.
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“ I found out that I’m being scheduled for another deployment next month to Afghanistan for 6 months.”, Mr. Drillbit sadly said.
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“ Oh, really?”, Matteron asked.
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“ Yeah. I… normally would be happy about this because I’m fighting for the country but, between your mother and I just getting you back from missing for 16 years and all of us trying to rebuild our family I feel like it’s too soon for me to be leaving again for deployment.”, Mr. Drillbit sadly said.
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“ Oh Dad, it’s ok. I totally understand, duty calls. It’s not your fault.”, Matteron said.
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“ Yeah I know that but I just wish I had more time to spend with the whole family, especially you. You’re my first child and I was wrongfully forced to miss out on 16 years of your life all because of what Dr. Gunderson did! 16 YEARS, OK! That in my opinion is BULLSHIT! I absolutely hate this man for what he did to us and for what he did to you! It’s sickening and just overall not fair!”, Mr. Drillbit sadly said as a tear began to slide down his face.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAPgoa1B3rgM
“ Dad I get it, I’m just as upset and angry about what this guy did as much as you, Mom, Micah and Savannah are. But, the only thing we can do is try to forget about it and move on with our lives. And another thing, think about it. If Dr. Cooper hadn’t discovered who I really was after him and the others had caught me from those university robberies, I wouldn’t be here. I would have still been considered a missing person forever and nobody would have known what had happened to me.”, Matteron said as she placed a hand on her father’s shoulder.
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“ I know and I’m very grateful for what Dr. Cooper did. Your mother is too and we’re also very happy that you two fell in love with each other. Your mother and I never expected that to happen, especially right in front of us after we all reunited with each other at the FBI headquarters.”, Mr. Drillbit said as he brushed the tear away with his finger.
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“ Yeah it was quite a shock to everyone. I never thought I’d love someone like that especially after they just ended their engagement to somebody but I don’t know. I guess love just works in mysterious ways that you can’t really explain. He’s the first guy I’ve ever fallen in love with which is why I still feel really guilty about the way I treated him after the first time we met. I never realized that despite his eccentric personality that he seems to display he’s actually also very sweet and caring.”, Matteron said.
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“ Yes I agree with you. He’s very sweet and he seems to care about you a lot. This is actually one of the reasons why your mother and I approve of this relationship between the two of you because I’d like to think of it as our thank you to him for finding you and reuniting you with us.”, Mr. Drillbit said.
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“ Really?”, Matteron asked.
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“ Yes sweetheart. That man is something special and your mother and I couldn’t have asked for anything better than that. He truly is the answer to our prayers. There really is no words to express the gratitude that we have for this man that you’re now dating.”, Mr. Drillbit said.
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“ Well that makes me happy that you both are that appreciative for what Dr. Cooper did for our family in terms of bringing us back together.”, Matteron said with a smile. Then she said, “ Well I’m getting tired so I’m going to bed. This was a nice conversation we had.”
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“ I enjoyed that too. Alright good night Matteron, I love you.”, Mr. Drillbit said as he stood up and hugged his daughter.
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“ You too Dad, good night.”, Matteron said as she hugged him back and headed up the stairs to go to bed. Mr. Drillbit followed shortly afterwards and went to bed as well. Then the next evening Penny invited Amy, Bernadette and Matteron over to her apartment to discuss what they were going to do that evening for the start of the weekend.
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“ We should do something fun this weekend, just the 4 of us. You know, a Girls weekend?”, Penny said as she took a sip of her wine.
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“ Yeah I agree bestie. Do any of you have any ideas?”, Amy asked as she sipped her wine.
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“ I know, let’s go to Vegas!”, Bernadette exclaimed as she sipped her wine as well.
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“ Well the three of you can go but I can’t. I’m not old enough, I’m only 19.”, Matteron said as she took a sip of her non-alcoholic champagne.
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“ You don’t have to be old enough this weekend Matteron.”, Penny laughed as she shook her head.
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“ What the hell are you talking about Penny?”, Matteron asked in confusion as she stared at her friend.
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“ It’s Majorities Weekend, duh! Anybody 18 and older can go!”, Penny exclaimed.
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“ Really?! I didn’t know that they did majority weekends once in a while! That’s awesome!”, Matteron exclaimed.
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“ Yeah so do you want to go with us?”, Amy asked.
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“ Yeah sure I’d love to go with you guys but I have to ask my parents first because I can’t just leave without telling them where I’m going!”, Matteron laughed.
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“ Yeah that’s true! Go ahead and call them sweetie.”, Penny laughed as she took another sip of her wine.
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“ Ok.”, Matteron said as she pulled out her cell phone and called her mother.
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“ Matteron?”, Mrs. Drillbit answered.
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“ Hi mom, I got a question to ask you and dad for a second.”, Matteron said.
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“ Ok sweetheart let me get your father.”, Mrs. Drillbit said as she put the phone down on the counter after putting it on speaker and interjected, “ William get in here! Matteron’s on the phone and she has a question to ask both of us!”
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“ Alright alright I’m coming Maren!”, Mr. Drillbit interjected back. Then he said into the phone, “ Alright what did you want to ask your mother and I?”
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“ Well I was talking with my girl friends and they want to go to Vegas for the weekend and so I was wondering if I can go with them since Penny told me that it’s Majorities Weekend there this weekend. I don’t know if that’s a thing but it sounds interesting. So, can I go?”, Matteron nervously asked.
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“ Well, um, could you give us a moment to talk about it?”, Mrs. Drillbit asked.
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“ Sure, I’ll wait.”, Matteron said.
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“ Alright thank you.”, Mr. Drillbit said before him and his wife pulled each other aside to talk about what Matteron just asked them. After a few moments they came back to the phone and Mr. Drillbit said, “ Ok your mother and I talked about it and as long as you don’t get yourself into any trouble we’re fine with you going.”
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“ Really?! Thank you so much Mom and Dad! I promise I won’t get myself into any trouble what so ever!”, Matteron exclaimed. She then hung up and finished her drink with Penny, Amy and Bernadette finishing theirs as well before Penny drove Matteron back home for a brief moment so she could get whatever she needed for the weekend after telling Bernadette and Amy to grab whatever they would need as well and meet them back at her apartment. Matteron then ran into the house and ran upstairs to her room while Penny stayed in her car that she parked in the driveway outside.
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“ Woah Matteron what are you doing?!”, Micah asked in confusion when he entered his older sister’s room and saw her packing a duffle bag that she pulled out of her closet.
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“ I’m packing a duffle bag. What does it look like to you Micah?”, Matteron asked as she continued packing.
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“ Yeah I can see that but why? Where are you going?”, Micah asked.
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“ I’m going to Vegas for the weekend with my girl friends.”, Matteron said as she finished packing, zipped up the duffle bag and threw it on over her shoulder.
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“ Wait what?! Mom and Dad are letting you go to Las Vegas?!”, Micah exclaimed in shock as he stared at his sister who then walked past him.
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“ Yes they are because it’s Majorities Weekend! So later little bro! See you and Savannah on Sunday! I’m going to have some fun with my girl friends!”, Matteron exclaimed as she ran down the stairs screaming with excitement but before Micah could follow after her he heard the front door slam shut down stairs meaning that his sister had already left the house.
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“ What’s up with Matteron? Where did she go?”, Savannah asked when she came out of her room.
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“ She just left the house to go to Las Vegas for the weekend with her friends. Apparently Mom and Dad are letting her go since it’s Majorities Weekend.”, Micah said as he shook his head.
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“ Well hopefully she won’t get herself into any trouble because if she does Mom and Dad are going to have a cow!”, Savannah laughed.
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“ Yeah ain’t that the truth!”, Micah laughed. Meanwhile shortly after the 4 women met back up with each other at Penny’s apartment and Matteron told Sheldon that she was going to Vegas her and the other three women got into Penny’s car and drove off toward the highway heading into the direction of Las Vegas. The radio was blasting the song See You Again by Miley Cyrus.
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“ The last time I freaked out, I just kept looking down! I st-st-studdered when you asked me what I’m thinking ‘bout! Felt like I couldn’t breathe, you ask what’s wrong with me?! My best friend Leslie said, “ She’s just being Miley!” The next time we hang out, I will redeem myself! My heart can’t rest til then, oh oh I! I can’t wait to see you again!”, Penny, Bernadette, Amy and Matteron sang the chorus of the song at the top of their lungs which was enough to almost blow the roof off the car.
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“ This rocks! Best idea ever Dr. Rostenkowski-Wolowitz!”, Matteron exclaimed over the somewhat loud music in Penny’s car.
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“ I know, right! First Girls weekend with you with us Drillbit!”, Bernadette exclaimed.
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“ Yeah this is going to be awesome! I’ve never been to Vegas before!”, Matteron exclaimed.
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“ Oh well you’re going to love it! Vegas is so fun! There’s a ton of casinos and malls there to go to!”, Amy exclaimed.
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“ Will I be able to get into the casinos?”, Matteron asked.
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“ Yeah you can come in there and play some machines but only on Majorities Weekend which is this weekend!”, Penny said.
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“ Oh sweet!”, Matteron exclaimed. The song on the radio switched to Say It Right by Nelly Furtado.
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“ Oh hell yeah it is! Sheldon Cooper can’t say shit about this now!”, Penny laughed.
24Please respect copyright.PENANArEZVbGozKF
“ Hey that’s my boyfriend you’re talking about! Shut up!”, Matteron laughed as she playfully punched the back of Penny’s driver’s seat with the music thumping out of the speakers in the car.
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“ I know that Matteron Reese Drillbit! I’m just messing with you! We’re friends and that’s what friends do!”, Penny laughed as she slapped her steering wheel with her hand.
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“ Ok ladies let’s just stop and have a nice, fun Girls weekend together!”, Bernadette laughed.
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“ You’re right Bernie! Vegas here we come!”, Penny exclaimed.
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“ Woo hoo!”, Amy exclaimed.
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“ Vegas! Vegas! Vegas!”, Amy, Bernadette, Matteron and Penny chanted at the top of their voices over the music which had now switched again to Boom Boom Pow by The Black Eyed Peas. As Penny’s car was flying down the highway the car began hitting a series of bumps and potholes causing it to jerk around a lot making them bouce around.
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“ What the hell are you doing bestie?!”, Amy shrieked.
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“ It’s not me doing it on purpose Ames! It’s the stupid road! It’s very bumpy! Son of a bi*ch!”, Penny hissed.
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“ Well then maybe we shouldn’t have taken this road to begin with!”, Matteron laughed.
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“ Yeah you think Drillbit?!”, Penny hissed.
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“ I think we should just shut up!”, Bernadette butted in.
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“ You’re seriously going to say that with a Black Eyed Peas song blaring in this car?!”, Penny shot back.
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“ What do the Black Eyed Peas have to do with this Penny?!”, Bernadette shot back.
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“ Nothing, they don’t have anything to do with it!”, Penny said.
24Please respect copyright.PENANATCV9iDK8ae
“ Exactly my point!”, Bernadette said.
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“ Ok why are we just sitting here talking about a musical band?”, Matteron asked in confusion as she stared at her girl friends.
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“ Nobody knows Matteron.”, Amy said.
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“ Alright you guys shut up! I’m trying to find another radio station!”, Penny hissed as she started flipping through radio stations after Boom Boom Pow had ended and what she found was a radio station where the current song had ended just as Pocketful of Sunshine by Natasha Bedingfield was starting to play.
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“ Oh hell yeah! Pocketful of Sunshine, bitches!”, Penny exclaimed.
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“ Oh my god this is a good song! I love this!”, Matteron exclaimed.
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“ Take me away! A secret place! A sweet escape! Take me away! Take me away! To better days! Take me away! A hiding place!”, the 4 women sang at the top of their voices.
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“ Best start to a great weekend!”, Amy exclaimed.
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“ You said it Dr. Fowler! I can’t get enough of this! This is fire! Thank you Mom and Dad for letting me get away with my girl friends! This so beats a life of crime!”, Matteron exclaimed as she started laughing.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAFDWk2UhBSR
“ Yeah to hell with all that federal prison stuff! You don’t need that anymore Matteron!”, Penny laughed.
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“ Yeah f*ck that sh*t man!”, Matteron laughed. They continued listening to music for the whole car ride and once they got to Las Vegas they checked themselves into a hotel room with two queen size beds before they hit the casinos. In the first few casinos that they went to everything was fine with no issues but when they entered The Wynn Hotel & Casino however was when things got a little scary. After playing a few machines Matteron told Penny, Amy and Bernadette that she was going to go find a drinking fountain to get a drink of water leaving them to continue playing while she walked towards the far side of the casino and the moment after she sipped from the drinking fountain was when she was suddenly approached by 3 big and burly caucasian guys who looked like they were in their early 20s with several tattoos and piercings all over them and they smelled heavily of marijuana like they had just smoked it.
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“ Hey baby, you lookin’ hot tonight.”, one of the biggest guys of the group said with a creepy looking smile on his face as he leaned against the wall raising his eyebrows.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAHjFM1Ar64v
“ Um… thanks. But, … I don’t talk to people I don’t know. So could you kindly please go away. I’m hanging out with my girl friends for the weekend and I don’t want any trouble.”, Matteron nervously said but as she tried to walk away the three guys suddenly started to surround her closing in on her making her start to feel a bit scared. She knew that these guys were up to no good and that she was in deep trouble.
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“ Oh playing hard to get I see. Well why don’t I just fix that?”, the same guy said with that same creepy smile on his face as he tried to grab her breast while the other two tried to grab her butt only for Matteron to shove them away and shout angrily in their faces, “ Woah woah woah back the fuck up! What do you think you’re trying to do to me?! I have a boyfriend who’s a theoretical physicist! I don’t want anyone else touching me except for him! Do you hear me you perverts?!” But no matter what she said they kept trying to advance on her so she screamed, “ No way jose, get away from me! Penny, Dr. Fowler, Dr. Rostenkowski-Wolowitz, somebody help me!” and shoved them away again before she started to run away to find her friends.
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“ Matteron what is it?! What’s wrong?!”, Penny shrieked when she came running up to her in the middle of the casino along with the other two.
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“ You guys are not going to believe what just happened to me! I was getting a drink of water when all of a sudden these three creepy dudes came up to me and tried to sexually assualt me!”, Matteron screamed in terror like girl in a horror movie.
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“ Oh balls!”, Penny groaned as she rolled her eyes.
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“ WHAT?!”, Amy and Bernadette shrieked in complete shock and concern.
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“ Are you serious?!”, Amy shrieked.
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“ Yes I’m not joking! One of them tried to grab my breast and the other two tried to grab my butt!”, Matteron screamed.
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“ Those sickos! Ew, that’s ridiculous!”, Bernadette shrieked.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAQ4GpFWoy3J
“ You know what I’m calling Sheldon about this!”, Penny shrieked but as she started to take her phone out of her purse Matteron screamed, “ No Penny please do not get Dr. Cooper involved in this nonsense! This is our weekend and it’s just going to make things worse!”
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“ Why the hell not?! He’s your man! He’s going to find out anyway if he sees you all freaked out when we go home on Sunday! You know he’s going to want to know what happened! Alright?!”, Penny shot back.
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“ Ok I get your point!”, Matteron screamed.
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“ Alright so just let me call him!”, Penny hissed as she dialed Sheldon’s number.
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“ Hello?”, Sheldon answered.
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“ Sheldon it’s me Penny!”, Penny shrieked.
24Please respect copyright.PENANArvKeyprjXp
“ Oh goodie Penny to what do I owe the meaning of this phone call to?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ Ok I don’t want you having one of your little freak outs but I just thought I’d let you know that three guys just tried to sexually assualt Matteron!”, Penny interjected in concern.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAWXmzFoLUif
“ Oh what fresh hell is this?! Are you kidding me?!”, Sheldon shrieked in concern.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAcgTQ2nK7Le
“ No I’m not you whackadoodle! She said that she was getting a drink of water from a drinking fountain and these three creeps just came up to her out of nowhere! She said that one of them tried to grab her breast and the other two tried to grab her butt! She’s really freaking out because that’s the first time that something like that has ever happened to her!”, Penny interjected in concern.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAYNrJn5fRbQ
“ Oh good Lord I’m coming up there immediately! What casino are y’all at this very moment?!”, Sheldon shrieked in concern.
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“ We’re at The Wynn Hotel & Casino!”, Penny interjected in concern.
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“ Alright just stay there! I shall be there as soon as I can! I’ll have Leonard drive me!”, Sheldon shrieked as he then hung up and started getting up from his spot on the couch. As he was putting his tan colored windbreaker on over his red Flash shirt as well as his messenger bag over his shoulder Leonard suddenly looked up from his laptop as he was sitting at his desk and asked, “ Sheldon what are you doing?”
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“ Leonard can you please drive me to Vegas?”, Sheldon asked in a serious tone.
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“ Why?”, Leonard asked in confusion.
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“ Because Penny just called me and said that three Neanderthals just tried to sexually assualt my woman!”, Sheldon hissed.
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“ What?! Three guys just tried to sexually assualt Matteron?!”, Leonard asked in complete and concern.
24Please respect copyright.PENANAjcZTYByJG7
“ Yes and I’m very outraged by this! So can you please drive me?!”, Sheldon hissed.
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“ I guess. What casino are they at?”, Leonard asked as he started grabbing his keys and wallet out of the bowl.
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“ They are at The Wynn Hotel & Casino!”, Sheldon hissed as he then grabbed his Klingon bat’leth that he used to threaten Todd Zarnecki with before he said, “ Ok I’m ready, let’s go.”
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“ Why are you bringing that Sheldon?!”, Leonard interjected as he pointed at the bat’leth and rolled his eyes.
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“ This is to strike fear in the hearts and minds of those idiots who tried to mess with my girlfriend! They shall not get away with what they’ve done! I will see to that!”, Sheldon hissed as he stuffed the bat’leth in his bag.
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“ Ok whatever.”, Leonard said as he rolled his eyes and the two men left the apartment. Once they got to Vegas, Leonard dropped Sheldon off in front of The Wynn casino and the moment Sheldon walked in he was suddenly startled by Matteron running into him almost knocking him down with the other three women standing around them.
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“ Oh good Lord woman! You scared me!”, Sheldon shrieked in surprise as he let out a gasp of air.
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“ Oh thank god you’re here Dr. Cooper! I was about ready to lose it after what these three dudes tried to do to me!”, Matteron screamed.
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“ Alright alright calm down. Who were these three guys that were messing with you?”, Sheldon asked in concern.
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“ There they are, right there!”, Matteron screamed as she pointed to one of the far corners of the casino where the three guys that had just harrassed her were leaning against the wall laughing and smoking marijuana joints with each other.
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“ Alright one moment please.”, Sheldon said as he then stormed over to them and stood a few feet away shouting, “ Hey you stupid Neanderthals, look over here!”
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“ Who us?!”, one of the guys asked as he snickered.
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“ Yes you! What are y’all think you’re trying to do to my girlfriend?! Do you think this is funny?! Has your mother ever taught you not to put your paws on another man’s woman?! You don’t touch her, EVER!”, Sheldon shouted as he narrowed his eyes at them.
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“ Yeah right she’s your girlfriend, nerd!”, the guy laughed as his two friends started laughing too. They didn’t believe him which began to make Sheldon very mad.
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“ Oh so now you’re going to make jokes about this I presume?! Well you’re not going to think it’s so funny when you see THIS!”, Sheldon shouted as he pulled his bat’leth out of his bag and held it up in front of him causing more laughter from the three guys as they stared at him as if he was nuts.
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“ What the hell is that?!”, one of the other guys snickered as he put his marijuana joint out in the ashtray.
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“ It’s going to be your doom if you low down punks don’t get out of here! You touch my girlfriend Matteron Reese Drillbit ever again and I’m going to kill you! I will see to that! I’ll toss you in a river and let the alligators eat you! So if you wish to continue with these ridiculous pending nuptials then I say go right ahead but you’re going to be dead!”, Sheldon shouted as he tightened his grip on the bat’leth holding it in front of him in a threatning way. The Coming by The Black Eyed Peas was playing over the speakers in the casino.
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“ Oh shit, run!”, the third guy shouted as the three of them instantly ran out of the casino screaming like weenies. Penny, Bernadette, Amy and Matteron instantly busted out laughing when they saw this.
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“ Oh son of a bitch that was awesome!”, Penny laughed as she was clapping her hands.
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“ Yeah I agree! What a bunch of scaredy cats!”, Bernadette laughed.
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“ Nice touch with the Klingon bat’leth Sheldon!”, Amy laughed.
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“ Wait what?! That’s what that thing is that he was threatning them with?!”, Matteron laughed as she pointed at the bat’leth.
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“ Yes that is most certainly what it is Matteron. It is a Klingon bat’leth.”, Sheldon said as he put it back in his bag. Then he asked, “ Are you alright?”
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“ Yeah I’m fine now Dr. Cooper, it’s just that was really scary. I’ve never been in a situation like that before.”, Matteron said as she took a deep breath and let it out.
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“ Well you are very vulnerable, I’m not going to lie. Your features are quite pleasing to me as they would be to any other guy as well if they took one look at you but if the second someone else looks at you they’re going to be dead. You’re mine and no one else’s.”, Sheldon said with a smile.
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“ Yeah that’s true. I wouldn’t want to be with anybody else but you.”, Matteron said with a smile as she kissed him.
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“ Good.”, Sheldon as he kissed her back.
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“ Well I think we should head back to our hotel now. It’s getting late.”, Penny said as she started to yawn.
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“ Yeah I’m ready to go to bed. What about you guys?”, Bernadette said as she did the same thing.
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“ Me too.”, Amy said.
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“ Yeah let’s just go.”, Matteron said.
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“ Then I shall walk the 4 of you there until Leonard comes back to pick me up.”, Sheldon said as the 5 of them then left the casino and walked down the street for 2 blocks until they reached the hotel & casino that the 4 women were staying at. They walked up to the room and after the women got dressed for bed Sheldon gave Matteron some kind of sleep aid shot, kissed her head and then he left after Leonard told him that he was waiting for him out front.
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“ Did you scare those guys for what they did to Matteron or what did you do?”, Leonard asked.
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“ I did scare them and I believe they’ve learned their lesson.”, Sheldon said as he nodded his head.
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“ Well that’s good. Hopefully they won’t mess with her again.”, Leonard said.
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“ I hope so too.”, Sheldon said as Leonard was driving himself and Sheldon back home.
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To be continued…
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