She would talk so excitedly about it, always singing tunes of joy in a voice that held no joy. She wanted to be better but living in the city, never a star in sight, never a dream really fulfilled did nothing for her. He knew though that what she wanted would not help. Seeing the world and the things that happened no matter where you went surely would not give her hope.
There never were stars so the two wished on Starbucks. The day before she set to leave they made one last wish. She wished that he would not miss her and he wished that she would not go. That night they sat in his room, back to back and sharing earbuds with her music playing. They talked and laughed and they fell asleep laying beside each other on that small twin bed.
She left the next day and he said a tearful goodbye, trying to be strong and hide how much it hurt to see her go. She drove across hundreds of miles, all the while thinking that she was going to be just like her big brother, the one she looked up to most. She visited all sorts of places and the fresh air and the new friends slowly healed her, her brothers worries had been wrong. But neither of their wishes came true.
He missed his sister dearly and none of his family could help. Soon he fell ill from his worry and loneliness. His sister heard of this and rushed home. Their roles reversed, she sat there by his hospital bed and they would listen to his music and fall asleep there. She realized then why her brother had worried.
Her leaving had hurt him and that was the harsh reality of the world, life hurt. She could hold her own now though and so she could help hold him. And so, sitting back to back and chatting away the day they sat as visitors came and left. They sat and talked till they had nothing left to talk of and then they made things up. All until he got better and they left together, a promise standing to be there for each other forever.