He Picked at her heart just like he did with that butterscotch coloured guitar. Strumming each part creating an indescribable image which stayed transfixed in her head. While the beautiful notes drowned her sorrows Jessica couldn't drown her untold feelings. The red haired girl had always been his shadow, his sidekick. The yellow jumper she wore was another priceless memory she associated with him: November always seemed so grey and thus she confined in her ‘Best Friend’ about how the colour yellow made the world seem brighter. Even her love for music came from their youth together, Drake was truly talented as if he was born with notes running in his blood.
His warm shoulder beside hers whenever they were bored, His jet black hair ruffled as he talked about his dreams and she would listen tentatively. They were together in a way she thought was…Perfect. The way he would entwine his hands into hers after playing a newly composed song in hopes of a far-in-the-future record deal. Drake then finally met Her. No-Not Jessica, Though her heart stung in pain she knew she had to be happy for her guitarist. “Sunshine gold hair and a shimmering twinkle in her eyes.” She scoffed at the ‘Perfect’ girl Drake murmured on about. Jealousy filled her mind but most importantly fear, fear of being alone. That week she met the gorgeous gal herself Jess couldn't deny the beauty he saw inside this lady and by the way he lingered around his Perfect match she knew she wouldn't change his mind.
Wait, what did she mean change his mind…No she wasn't like that…she was ‘Nice’, ‘Caring’ and definitely not the jealous type! November had rolled back in with it’s wonder of magic and white powder dusting the surroundings and her spell on him just got stronger, she was no longer his muse and the guitar noises only filled the air when she was around. Today she had the courage to do one last..personal thing with him because when the church bells ring the chance disappears for the fiery haired girl.
Her Request ended up with them once again shoulder to shoulder. Jessica’s memories of Jake would be hung in the promise of past winters But for now she decided to refresh the memories with the music that was labelled “Record deal” on her iPod, with Drake next to her.
The Music drowned her sorrows once again, this time no sorrows would be left.