I should have known that Hillary would hear about our little chat. And that she would tell John. Why I’m surprised I would never know, but then again I was too busy trying not to die of broken heart to care about her.
“HOPE!” I heard John yelling for me the next day as fast as I could I run toward his voice and found him sitting in the living room watching
“Yes sir?” he asked me to call him sir 3 months after my mom left.
“ I heard some very interesting news yesterday….i heard that you being the whore you are got yourself pregnant by some useless person and tried to blame it on Mr. Monroe’s son, Denvil. I have to say I never knew you had it in you, I thought that your mom’s bad influence did not rub off on you, but I was wrong wasn’t i?”
I stood there quietly not knowing what to say, for a fact, I knew that I was dead now and nothing can save me, not even Nathan.
“Answer me damn it!”
“um…no…no you weren’t”
“of course I wasn't. I’m always right…whatever possessed you to do something so stupid is beyond me. Did you really think that even if that thing you are carrying is his, he would readily accept it? Did you? Oh my dear…let me give you a little advice. Everyone sees you as a whore now…I will make sure that the whole town knows about this incident. From now on, I’m banning you from going to the library. From stepping out of this house. You will only go out if I want you to and don’t even think that just because you are pregnant you will be treated special, you are a whore, a slut, a useless human just like your mama and you will never be special”
I stood there sniffling, trying my hardest not to start bawling, my emotions are a wreck and lately I’ve been snapping at Jonathan for the littlest thing he does wrong…I felt like I was falling and there was nothing below me to break my fall… when I realized that John was done with his degrading, I quietly walked back into the kitchen to finish the dinner I was preparing….
********authors note***********
sorry guys for the short chapter, i try to write as i go and have realized i just need to write as much as i can and break it down into chapters so i can update more frequently. I promise to start trying to do that...update frequently that is.
Thanks again for reading