hi...it's me. sorry sorry i have not been busy. just lowkey forgot.
I really hoped i was not late, i hoped not, i stood in the shadows and watched, i had gone to the kitchen casually walked around until i had found a good spot to hide in, i waited to see if the waiter would give him the note i had written, i had begged him to watch what he ate and drunk as he was about to be poisoned. i waited and waited for a commotion for when he read the note but nothing happened, so i figured they had aborted their stupid plan and decided to go home. i had ridden a bike here, johns bike, if he found out he will kill me but it was better than walking. I can’t believe i put myself and my baby in peril to save his stupid ass; but i guess love does that to people; makes them stupid. I had just gotten home and gotten into bed when i started to feel sick, almost like i was in labour, but that is insane, I HAD TIME, I know i had time...so as fast i could i went outside in hopes of begging our closest neighbour for a ride to the emergency, each step to the neighbour the pain became unbearable. it got to a point i was almost crying after about 20 mins i got to the house, it was pretty late but i didn’t care, i needed to get to the hospital as soon as possible, i didn’t have my phone to call the ambulance and there was no way in hell i was walking to the hospital at this time of the night, i knocked as hard as i could when i got to their door, it took awhile for me to hear someone coming down the stairs, i was hunched over and tears were streaming down my face. the moment she opened the door, started begging for her to take me to the hospital, I could see the bewilderment in her eyes. First there was anger, then confusion, then she noticed my posture and my tears and then came the bewilderment, I know that she didn’t like my family because of the stories she had heard about me and because Jon is a dick-ward twat waffle. but that is besides the case at this point, she stood there still staring at me for a moment until i let out a scream due to the pain and then she rushed inside i heard her yelling something to her husband who had started to come down the stairs after my scream and then she grabbed her keys and ushered me into her van. i was so focused on dealing with the pain that i didn’t realize when we got to the hospital until i felt the nurses ushering me out into a wheelchair.
I could hear the doctors asking questions but i couldn’t answer because i was in too much pain, it was like the baby was trying to burst out of me. Fortunately my brother John in his infinite wisdom had made me fill out a little card with my information and his information as emergency contact/next of kin. the doctors started prodding and poking me, they touched and pushed and yelled things to each other, but i only focused on my baby, i needed the baby out, somehow i felt like i was suffocating the baby, i could feel its distress
“its suffering! please get it out its suffocating “ i could hear myself yelling. the doctors looked at me and yelled more things to each other, the next thing i knew i was being ushered into the theater for deliver. i was injected with something and passed out.
I don’t know when i woke up, i couldn’t tell the time because the room was quiet, the shades were drawn and i could hear people outside, patients yelling and doctors yelling...but i felt confused. something was wrong and something was missing. however my brain could not come up with what...it wasn’t until i tried sitting up that i heard a voice telling me to be careful.
it was the neighbour...Nancy...she was still in her nightgown, she was sitting in the chair in the corner (which was creepy if i had time to think about that).
“Nancy? what are you still doing here? what happened?”
“oh sweetie, i’m glad you are awake. do you need anything? water? food?”
“no i’m good ma’am. what happened?”
“you showed up at my door screaming that you were in labour”
“is fine, you gave birth earlier than expected but the doctors are saying that all is well, the doctor will be here soon to check on you again and will give you more information”
“oh my goodness...I’m a mom...boy or girl?”
“you had a beautiful boy”
i started crying. tears of joy, of pain of sorrow. for years pain have been my companion, i felt like my heart was ripped out, until i felt him move in me. and now he is hear, i get to find comfort in his touch and that overwhelmed me so much that i couldn’t stop crying. I felt like i finally found my purpose and it was a beautiful feeling.
“its ok sweetie. its ok, i understand” Nancy kept whispering to me, i could tell that she wanted to comfort me but didn’t know how, she have had such a strong negative opinion of me for so long that she wasn’t sure how to break that thought. But i was so grateful that she stayed, I felt better knowing that while i was out she was there to keep an eye on the procedure and the baby and that made me cry even harder. I understood that things were going to get harder from now on because i had to not only look out for myself, i had to look out for the baby too. with the little money i had saved in my room. I needed to leave, i couldn’t risk Hillary or John doing something to harm the child. i was so lost in my thoughts i didn’t hear Nancy leave the room or the doctor enter.
“Hello, I’m Doctor Akoto, how are we doing?”
“how is my baby? when can i see him?”
“the baby is fine, you went into labour a few weeks before he was due and there was some complications with the delivery so we had to do a C section, however everything was successful and so he is currently In the NICU, where premature babies are kept under radiant warmers or isolettes, which are bassinets enclosed in plastic with climate control equipment designed to keep them warm and limit their exposure to germs. And he will be able to go home as soon as he is able to maintain her body temperature in an open crib”
“when can i see him?”
“i need to run a few tests on you first to make sure all is well on your end and then you can go see him”
“thank you doctor. I also wanted to ask were you able to get a hold of my emergency contact?”
“we tried but it seems like the number had changed. is there anyone you want to call?”
“no its fine. how soon will i be discharged?”
“it will all depend on the tests I’m about to do, if everything comes out alright, you could be discharged in the next couple of days”.
“what about my baby? can i stay with him when i get discharged?”
“unfortunately once discharged you cannot stay in the hospital, but Parents can visit and spend time with their babies who stay in the NICU”
“thank you so much Doctor.”
“no problem at all, now tell me how you are feeling pain wise, what hurts and rate it on a scale of 1-10 for me; with one being almost no pain…”
Dr. Akoto kept asking questions, and he poked at me some more, i was in a little pain but not that much, all the while i wished to see my baby and also wished that my brother was here or at least Denvil was here to see his child. I had a son. a freaking son, i couldn’t stop smiling even if i tried, i had a human all to myself, i can’t wait to see him.
after about 20 minutes the doctor bid me farewell told me that the nurse will be in to see me shortly with the results and then left. right after he left Nancy walked in. I wonder if she just left to go sit outside and give me some privacy. she was still in her nightgown.
“sorry sweetie, i had to make a call and let the family know what was going on”
“your family or mine?”
“mine dear, i didn’t know if you wanted your stepfather and sister to know”
“i don’t”
“well is everything ok according to the doctor?”
“yea, the baby is in the NICU but is fine”
“that’s great dear. well i’m gonna have to go home and get ready for work, do you need to make a call or something?”
“yea, if you don’t mind, can i borrow your phone to call my brother please?”
“oh yes of course”
she unlocked her fancy phone for me and handed it over. i immediately started dialing the number i know by heart. It rang and rang but no one picked up, so i sent a text and then i called the hospital he works at to see if maybe i could get a hold of him. the nurse told me he was not in and would deliver my message to him. I thanked her and ended the call, i thanked Nancy for her kindness and begged her to not tell my step-family. I wanted to tell them myself. I could tell that Nancy wanted to say something to me but she was hesitant.
“what is wrong Nacy?”
“when i called home, my husband told me that there was an incident at Denvil’s party. apparently someone tried to poison him or something. he is ok though by some miracle he got a tip before he could eat/drink much of the poisoned food. he is here in the hospital too undergoing care”
I felt relieved that my plan worked
“i would pass by on my way out to check on him, do you want me to..”
“NO. no its fine, i will tell him when i’m ready”
“alright dear. congratulations. goodbye”
“bye Nancy, thank you for everything”
she smiled and walked out. I now was apprehensive because i know that once Denvil is out of the hospital, he would want to know how i knew about him being poisoned….dang. also what do i name my baby?
weeee i updated.
any ideas on what to name the child? not calling him Denvil Jr.