Chapter. 2
It’s almost been a month since I went and talked to Den and he still hasn’t contacted me, my baby bump was already showing but thank God for small miracles, most of my dresses were second hand and almost 3 sizes bigger than me so or else John would have found out and I would be dead and gone by now. I gave a tired sign as I knelt by the kitchen floor looking for a charm bracelet that my step sister Hillary had “supposedly” lost in the kitchen, I’ve been searching for the dam thing for about 20 minutes and still no luck, and the worst part was she wasn’t helping and she doesn’t even know if she lost it in the kitchen, with my condition, I was becoming tired easily so I stopped searching to sit down and rest for a minute; only to have her yelling at me539Please respect copyright.PENANAsP5f3Q2plI
“why the hell did you stop?!”
“Because it’s not in here, can’t you think of where you lost it?”
“You fucking retard, no I cant think!
“that’s an understatement” I mumbled but she was too busy to hear me and kept on ranting
“do you know how expensive this bracelet is?? Todd gave it to me…you know Todd right?? Denvil’s brother, he gave it to me as an anniversary gift and I want to make sure that I didn’t leave it at Ben’s house yesterday night, so get off your lazy ass and find it for me, btw I didn’t say I lost it in the kitchen, I said I lost it somewhere in the house, which means you are searching the whole damn house…so get to it.”
“what?!, I cant keep searching, I have to start making dinner soon or John would kill me…”
“and that’s my problem because??”
“I’m not searching for it, I would help you search for it tomorrow after John leaves for work”
“no I want you to search for it now, or I will tell daddy that you stole it”
“Come on Hillary you know this is ridiculous, I’ve been searching for almost twenty minutes” she was doing this on purpose; she’s hated me ever since my mom married her dad and I joined the family. She hates me because she thinks that because her dad married my mom, it blocked any chance her mom had of coming back and marrying her dad…like come on and be real here, your mom run away with your dads secretary….another reason she hates me is also because her brother “Jonathan “ likes me and treats me like a sister unlike his dad who started maltreating me ever since my mom run away with another man, sometimes I feel like the only reason mom married John was so I could have a family…but then again, what kind of family is this??? Families do not maltreat each other, they do not hit each other and they do not starve a member… I was brought out of my musing when I felt something cold being poured over me I looked up to see a smiling Hillary smirking creepily.
“You don’t zone me out when I’m speaking to you bitch! I’m better than you and always will be damn it so listen when I’m speaking”
“What is with the yelling” asked Jonathan as he walked into the kitchen and from his appearance he drove all the way here… I stood there stunned, it’s not like Hillary hadn’t done this before, it was since I became pregnant I’ve become very emotional, I try not to show it but it’s not working, and right now I felt like smacking the shitnizle out of Hillary while at the same time I felt like curling into a ball and crying my eyes out; i guess Jon picked up on my later emotions because before I could choose the lesser of the two emotions, I was wrapped in a warm hug by Jon… he asked if I was ok, while giving Hillary the evil eye, this caused her to shriek some more and storm out of the room which had me smiling, I forget how immature she is at times.
“You ok?”
“Yea I will be as soon as I take of this outfit”
“yea come on” he led me to his room and grabbed me a towel and a t-shirt then he left me for a couple of minutes to go grab some of my outfits from the basement which had been the place where I sleep since my mom left, he came back a couple of minutes later with an ugly yellow dress that looked huge on me and clashed with my deep oak red hair. I smiled my thanks and went into this bathroom to put the dress over his t-shirt and place my now wet outfits into his hamper. Apart from Denvil, he was the only person I talked to, the only person who cared, he treated me like a little sister and always brings me food even when his dad decides to starve me. And he is also the only person besides Denvil who knows that I’m pregnant, at first he was angry, then became disappointed, then became sad for me and this unborn baby because he knew the world I lived in, and it wasn’t a good world…he tried to keep in lookout for me as much as possible But he had a job as a doctor in another state so he wasn’t often in the house as much as I would have liked but he always made sure to call me with the secret phone he gave me and always come check on me as soon as he could
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“What is new since I’ve been gone?” he asked with a small smile
“oh nothing, you sister just trying to get me into trouble and ruin my life, while your father is looking for an excuse to kick me out or kill me…whichever one comes first...” I said with a sad smile
“oh honey…i’m soo sory, I wish I could take you with me but I can’t, you know that right??”539Please respect copyright.PENANAc2Mljfyo2M
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“Yes I know. And trust me I don’t blame you for any of this, you’ve done more than enough and you give me more than enough each time knowing that you love me…”
“soo…has he made contact with you yet” he asked, knowing that I would pick up on who the ‘he’ was.
“No…I haven’t heard from him since I told him” I said with a sad sign…
“oh honey” he said while drawing me into his warm embrace” “do you want me to go talk to his father for you?”
“oh would you…but No thank you though , I will wait for him to make up his mind, but I can’t keep hiding this forever, eventually your dad and sister would find out and I would be killed”
“I won’t let anything happen to you. And if it starts to really show, we would think of something ok??”
“Ok, thanks Nathan, I love you”
“No problem sweetie, I love you too”
“Enough of my sad life how is Colorado? Any new things happening?”539Please respect copyright.PENANA7Pkswqflxw
“Augh, Colorado is fine, just too much drama for my likening…but hey…what can I do??”
“If things go well, I wanna come visit you one day.”
“I would love that…”
We sat on his bed in comfortable silence until I heard the doorbell ring. i got up to answer the door with Nathan right behind me, I was giddy with hope thinking that I t was Den and he had come to say that everything was alright. But I was wrong. And boy was I wrong…