“I need to leave by Friday” Jon said to me after dinner, i was devastated, I didn't want him to leave me, he was my only aly, if he left then i might have to eventually leave too. this really sucks balls, but i understood that he needs to leave. His job is really important and was in his final days of his residency and then he will officially become a surgeon so he does not need anymore added stress.
“oh yea”? i will miss you
“i know sweetie but we have a few more days before i leave, so lets make a plan”
“how is school,? how many more days?!” i whisper screamed at him, honestly i’m so damn proud of him, just thinking of it made me start tearing up, with everything he had to go through in highschool and college and yet he didn't let that hinder his goals, this is why he is my motivation, if he can do it, i can too.
“i only have two more weeks...can you believe it? i would officially be a doctor within the next month!”
“ohmegoo ohmegoo” then i started crying, i couldn't help myself, did i already mention how emotional i’ve been lately?
“oh honey, dont cry, i know these are tears of joy but dont cry”
“i cant not not cry!”.
“ well then i wont tell you the even better news i’ve been dying to tell you” he said with a smirk and pretended like he was about to go to sleep.
“oh no mister! tell me!”
“well i got offered a job at the hospital i am at, after a month, you can come live with me if you want!” he said with such excitement i thought he was going to bust
“what?” i asked, not sure i heard him right, I knew Jon loved me but to even suggest that i can leave this hell hole...ok now i’m crying, i’m definitely crying
“oh honey, why are you crying? please stop crying”
“you really mean it? i can come and visit?
“ofcourse baby, i need a roomie, you will be very bgi soon’ he said with a smile and i made as if to hit him
“are you calling me fat ?!”
“ofcourse not love, just ….umm….um….there will be more of you to love, your body will be a cushin for the baby?” he ased
“jerk” i said with a smile “but seriously do you want me to come visit and…
“not visit, i want you to leave this place” he said, “ you know if i could have taken you away years ago i would have”
“I know and i told you that is not your fault, you were barely a child, your scholarship only paid for so much and you shared your place with 6 other roommates...i mean you didn't need the added stress of a highschooler”
“yea but now, after I’m done with school, i can get my own place, and i want you out of here as soon as possible, especially since you are pregnant” he said with a smile and a gentle touch at my protruding belly.
“i love you so much John, you will make someone so lucky someday”
“i love you more love and so will you. besides, with my ‘curse’ i don't think i will ever find the love you want for me” he said with a sad smile and air quotes around the word curse.
“Jon, come on you know that John is an idiot, there is nothing wrong with you, we just live in a really small town being…”
“its ok love, seriously, its ok, which is why i’m glad i left, the city i live in now is so loud and busy and open minded”
“then don't limit yourself, i know you’ve been busy with school and what not but now that you are done, you can start living again” i said with a smile and a hug. i felt myself getting tired and sleepy so i went to lay down but Jon refused to let me sleep saying he had ordered food for me to eat before i sleep. so we sat there in comfortable silence until a ping from his phone made him get up, presumably to get the food. he came back later with chinese containers and i could smell sesame chicken and glass noodles...ooh lawd yes!
“gimme gimme gimme”
“i was about to you fatass” he said chuckling, i didn't even take offense and just grabbed the two containers and started digging in. i saw him also digging into his own containers and i got curious so i grabbed my chopstick and casually dipped it into his to taste his food. he didn't even blink, just tilted it for easy access… after about 15 minutes of just grabbing down the food i could barely breathe, mainly because i had finished mine and believe i had eaten about a quarter of his as well, but he was so kind he barely even said a word.
“you're such a slow eater’ i said to him
“nah you just don't chew your food “
“shut up, can i play bouncy ball on your phone while you finish eating please”
“oh yea” he said and handed me his phone, i quickly opened the app and started playing, this game for some reason fascinates the shit out of me, it's just a ball bouncing, it bounces to the rhythm of a beat and your job is to follow the rhythm. I got so into the game that i hadn't realized its been 30 minutes, he had finished eating and had even thrown away the containers, he was now alternating between watching me play and reading a huge text book.
“i’m so sorry Jon, do you need your phone for anything”
“nah, i’m just doing some reviewing and then we can head to sleep”
“i’m surprised that your dad and sister have not yelled for me yet…” i said with a small frown, that was unusual
“oh because i told them to back off tonight”
“i really love it when you are home, you ready to sleep? ” i said,
“yes i am, it's been a long couple of days”
“I’m so happy i get you for two whole days!”
“me too love, me too, I’ve missed you so much” he said while cuddling me and going to bed. it didn't take long before i followed.