I opened the door to find Denvil standing there with Mr. Monroe and non-smiled back when I greeted them with a smile, and that moment I knew that something bad was about to happen.
“goodeveing Den, Mr. Monroe”
“Good evening Hope, may we come in?” it was Mr. Monroe who answered while Den stood there silent with a blank expression. I ushered them inside and showed them a seat.
“umm so may I offer you anything?”
“no we came to talk to you and your family”
With that Nathan who was about to leave as alone stepped back into the living room and sat down.
“so what is it?” he asked with a blank expression
“a couple of weeks ago your step sister…
“you mean my sister?”
“yes well…you sister came to our house and dropped a bombshell on us. Apparently my son had gotten her pregnant”
“what do you mean by apparently?, did your son get her pregnant or not?”
“he did”
“ok continue”
“after thinking about it, we’ve come to the decision that it was a mistake, as you know my son have one more year left of college then he would take over my multi billion company and we cannot let a mistake that was made at the backseat of a car ruin his life, as much as I like Hope here, I can’t let my son pay for one lousy mistake”
He finished calmly while I could see that Nathan was trying his hardest not to kill him right there. I felt hollow inside, I couldn’t even feel sad, I just felt hollow, I looked up at Den hoping that he would say something, say anything at all but his face remained blank.
“ok, and is that the decision of your son also?”
“Yes it’s my decision, when dad asked that I either give up all chances of being a CEO and marry hope, I decided that I can’t let my future be ruined by a mistake. I love hope but this is the only chance I’m going to get to make something of my life, if I don’t do this, my dad would give the position to my older brother and I cant let that happen… I’m sorry Hope”
With each word I felt like crying, I pictured him holding a jack hammer, and slamming it on my heart with each word for emphasis. Now it wasn’t just my heart that felt hollow it was my whole body.
“Denvil, if you are worried about money, I can help you and hope out long enough for you to finish school and get a job. All you have to do is marry her; you don’t have to listen to your father.” Jonathan bless his big heart tried to give Denvil a way out and help me out.
“but we’ve decided that since Denny here doesn’t want the baby, and hope can’t take care of it herself, a friend of mine who takes unwanted babies and give them to rich families who want a child have decided to give hope $100,000 for the kid, with that much money she can move out and even go to a new state after the baby, she can start a new life for herself.” Mr. Monroe butted into the conversation.
“ so what you are suggesting is that Hope sells the baby to the highest bidder and move on with her life?” asked Nathan with a suppressed anger
“No not at all, hope can’t care of the baby without help and with the maltreatment of your family, she needs the money.”
“thanks for that offer, but the moment you and your son rejected that baby you lost every right to care about its welfare and his/her mother.”
“the decision is not yours its for Hope”
“Well Hope…Hope!”
From far away I heard Nathan speak but denvil remained silent and kept his face blank of all expressions. At that moment I knew that I was no different from a dead person. I wondered if this was what people felt when they died…it didn’t feel bad…with 100,000 I can build a new life, start over, even maybe be happy again…but then i touched my stomach and felt the baby bump and I realized I can’t give up. I had a reason for living and it was that baby inside me, a part of Denvil and myself that was carrying inside me. And I’m not selling what was mine not even for all the money in the world.
“You heard her, now I believe it’s time for you to go”
“Come on Hope you are a smart girl, think of all the things you can do with that money”
“I.SAID.NO, NO. NO. NO.” I yelled at them Denny looked up at me in surprise because I have never shouted in my life and he knew that.
“She has spoken and my patience is running thin so get out!” yelled Nathan causing both father and son to scramble out of the house, Denvil looked back at me when he got to the door but this time it was me that had a blank expression on.
I refused to let him see that he had crushed my heart, I refused to let him see that I’m broken and can’t be fixed I refused to let him see that the little piece of me that believed is leaving with him.