"I guess, I'm fucking other bitches now1093Please respect copyright.PENANAr8yRBlp1QJ
None of them compare to you1093Please respect copyright.PENANAeoW6Qyx1nU
But, girl, you're no where to be found1093Please respect copyright.PENANA7TIlt7H2DS
Yeah, my life is like circus, but I don't fuck with these clown
So I'm downing all these pills, I hope, they bring me up1093Please respect copyright.PENANAjF5XU8ZqSy
Cause that's all I got, but I wanted us1093Please respect copyright.PENANAuBmhq5fRxs
But fuck it, I'm cruising the city1093Please respect copyright.PENANAiczwORiMmT
Pop one, I'm rolling around1093Please respect copyright.PENANAGO7CS1mGP7
Pop two, I'm eyeing these biddies1093Please respect copyright.PENANAq5JNNnhbcQ
I lost my mind in the clouds1093Please respect copyright.PENANANoi51LtKCw
Now I'm just high and I'm dizzy1093Please respect copyright.PENANAyYoitUMMTu
But I'm coming down, coming down"
Cocaine Cinderella - Jutes
1093Please respect copyright.PENANAenYIbyro4O
1093Please respect copyright.PENANAO1iB8SJhtW
Everyone heard the glass shatter across the floor into a million pieces. Everyone's eyes darted over to where it came from and that's when I seen her. My heart rate quickened, I'm not sure if it was from the blow or if it was because I see my girl.
I leaned up from the couch staring at her beauty, ignoring the two basics caressing my body. My lips curved into a genuine smile, she hasn't changed much at all, appearance wise. I couldn't help but take it all in, her ass filled her sweater dress.
I seen her nipples poke out; Since when did she not wear bras in public? I licked my lips as memories flooded my thoughts of her and I. Laying on top of me against my chest, while I'd caress her body telling her how beautiful she was. Her soft, tawny skin would get chill bumps when my lips eagerly explored her body. . .
What the hell have I done? My smile suddenly disappeared when I realized she was here. What the actual fuck was she doing here? Since when does she know this place exists? How did she even get a hold of an invitation? Those are made exclusively. . .
I jumped up pushing the two girls off slowly walking up to her nervously. My body was shaking, if I wasn't high right now I probably wouldn't have had the courage to face her. I wouldn't want her seeing me in this state. Maybe she already seen me? I hope she didn't, as I started to push through the crowd I squinted my dilated eyes to see what she was so worked up about.
Him. Of course he would chase up her skirt tail as soon as I was out of the picture. I never liked them being coworkers, he was a sneaky bastard. I never know what his intentions were; Always in her office when I'd stop by with flowers and lunch, he'd always text her, they'd always stay late at the office. He was a love sick puppy, she never payed any attention to it but I sure as hell did.
He started buying her the coffees, taking her to lunch, grabbing dinner when they stayed late at work. Was I jealous? Fuck yeah I was jealous. Did I ever think she would cheat? No, if there's anything someone should know about Dahlia it's she's extremely fucking loyal. She would never turn her back on me, at least back then she wouldn't.
Wow, my eye's widen in shock. He was under the same chick I already had before he got here. She was riding him like a bull, he was in fucking ecstasy. I don't blame him, she's a nice little fuck. But why would he fuck her if. . .he's here with my baby?
I swallowed hard and rubbed my bare chest feeling my heart rate going from rapid to steady. Pushing the uneasiness from the side effects aside, I'm sure he hasn't got his hands on her yet. She's not easy by any means, she made it very clear to me before we started dating that she was saving herself for marriage. She's very much worth the wait but I was too weak and not worthy. Everyone was watching these two fuck like rabbits, when he came he grunted loudly and tried to pull out of her. Ha.
She's not one you can easily pull out of like that. She straddled him down and rode him until his load was inside her. I chuckled knowing his reputation would be completely annihilated in Dahlia's eyes. My eyes swiftly went over to look at her and by the way her expression was towards him right now, I knew something was going on between them.
The girl, I don't remember her name got off of him with cum dripping down her thigh, she giggled and walked away. Watching him come to the realization that my baby girl seen everything was priceless. All the color in his face disappeared, he quickly tried to pull up his trousers, I noticed that he didn't have a condom on. That's something you don't do with her, she's not on any contraceptives. Dahlia scampered off into the other room, her high heels clicked on the marble floor. He called her name stumbling after her.
My eyebrows furrowed I followed them, I wanted to know who gave them invitations. When I parted the curtain I heard my baby's sobs. It hurt me that she was hurting, but I know she wouldn't confide in me, she wanted nothing to do with me. Quite frankly, I don't blame her one bit, I wouldn't want anything to do with me either. He was at loss for words, her head was buried in her hands. His hand rubbed the back of his neck, he was spitting out all the apologies, and excuses in the world.
Been there done that, bro.
He tried to step closer to her and she started chewing him out, I never seen her get like this before. I felt a a heavy tap on my shoulder.
"You're needed down on the main floor, there's a squabble that you need to take care of, Sir."
I rolled my eyes making my way there.
Dahlia Rei
Between seeing Sky and then seeing Riv in this state was unbearable. I know we weren't anything but it was just too much to deal with.
"What the fuck!?"
"Dahlia, look I came through the opposite side, I seen other people going in. I ordered a drink, someone put some shit in my drink! Look at my eyes!"
He came closer to my face pulling open his eyes even wider for me, his pupils were extremely constricted. I took a deep breath processing all of this.
"Someone spiked my drink! It was that woman, she handed me my drink, I swear I don't do this. I don't know what came over me. I felt so amazing, the feeling Dahlia, the feeling. I was overwhelmed with pleasure and then that happened made it go on override. I don't feel like my usual self!"
I felt a sense heat forming in the pit of my stomach. Am I jealous again? First Roman, now Riv?Hearing him describe the sex between him and this random bitch made me sick. My lip quivered I didn't know what to say. His hands cupped my face he was looking in my eyes for answers, for what I was thinking.
"Say something, please. . "
"What do you want me to say?! We were nothing anyways."
I threw my hands up backing away from him, he crept up back to me.
"Dahlia. .you don't mean that."
I heard the pain in his voice, the hurt from what I said, He was so high I don't know whether to believe him or not. Guys have the tendency to fuck up and disappoint these days and I don't know who or what to believe anymore.
"Stay away. I need to cool off."
I whispered as my voice cracked.
"Don't do this Dahlia."
I kept backing away shaking my head bumping into something hard.
"She said stay away."
A very close disembodied voice said. Riv's eye's lost all hope and he nodded towards me then walked away in shame; I heard him cursing under his breath. I sighed in relief once he was gone, I turned around wanting to know who this mysterious voice belonged too.
"You look like you could use something to get the edge off, yea?"
He stared at me for a minute, he had a mask over his mouth and nose.
"Here, come with me."
Why did I follow him? I couldn't really tell you, I had an inkling on what he was involved in. I honestly did need to get the edge off. Seeing my Sky again in the same act that ruined our relationship. Then seeing Riv in the exact act as Sky has done to me; I just didn't care anymore this evening, I had no more left to give in me. So the mysterious, masked man took me by the hand and went over by a wall and knocked and slid the wall open. I blinked in confusion.
What the fuck?
He pulled me in sealing the door into the wall again, the room was extremely bright, the counters were marble. He guided me to the back and he sat down on a stool putting new latex gloves on. Then pulled a razor out and grabbed a baggie.
"I just got this off the brick; We had a delivery today to get it ready for the party."
He said, while prepping the snow.
"How many lines do ya' want?"
How many lines do I want? Is this even what I wanted to do? I didn't know anything about cocaine, all I know is people do this shit to take pain away. People do a lot of things to take pain away, I frowned looking down at the floor.
"Look man, I really don't know anything about this. . . kinda shit."
He nodded and continued to do what he was doing, I heard the razor he was using tap on the counter top and he was trying to grind it down.
"I've been in some situations like that myself, not that you're wanting to talk about it or anything."
I didn't respond, small talk is awkward as fuck. He took in a deep breath still working.
"Trust me, this shit will fuck you up. I laid down a few extra lines if you're feeling confident."
I heard his muffled chuckle through his mask.
"You do . . .this stuff a lot?"
Ugh, he's being too kind. I crossed my arms uncomfortably, trying to be nice in this situation. I mean who just stands and talks to the person helping them sniff the first time? Anyone? Didn't think so.
He glanced up at me, and stopped what he was doing,
"I used too, not anymore."
"What happened?"
"Isn't it hard to work around all of this then?"
He shrugged.
"I was an addict, overdosed three times. Then came to realization I needed to stop. So I checked myself into a decent rehab center for about eight in a half months; Came back out. . .certain people didn't want anything to do with me when I was out."
He took a deep breath and rolled his eyes out of aggravation.
"So, I went back to the same group of people who got me caught up in this shit and started working for them because flipping burgers wasn't cutting it for me. I couldn't make it on my own all that money went towards paying off the rehab center."
He cracked his neck and moved his shoulders up and down.
"I had people I owed a lot of money too."
He swallowed hard and stared at me, I sighed nervously looking around the sanatized room.
"I tried running away from these people but I owed them too much money. Pretty much a life's worth so it was either stay here and live semi comfortably, or get followed wherever I go and killed."
Wow, I didn't think he'd open up to me like this. Didn't think anyone ever opened up to people like this, we just met a little over ten minutes ago and he's sharing his story with me.
"Aren't you ever tempted?"
"All the time."
He grinned at me cheekily with his eyes, I smiled.
"Temptation is a bitch."
He scoffed.
"Ain't that the truth. Alright, so enough chatting your ear off. The lines are done this is top notch, high quality shit. Purest form of snow, crystal white, if you put a clean piece of white paper next to it, the paper will look off white."
He stood up crossing his arms and leaned his shoulder against the wall besides his work.
I stepped closer to the counter not knowing where to start.
"Do I just bend down and sniff it up? Or . . .?"
He laughed loudly, it was the most cheerful thing I heard all evening.
"Nah, I got you."
He handed me a rolled up sticky note paper.
"Okay, so what you do is take the rolled up paper, don't worry it's clean, it's not tainted at all. Anyway, you take that and put it right at your nose then slowly breath in over the line. Don't do it too quickly, do it nice and slow. You want to make sure it gets up in your system."
My arms were shaking I was nervous as hell, I took a deep breath and bent down examining the lines.
"What is this chunky stuff?"
"Oh! It can be chunky it'll just dissolve in your nose. Trust me it doesn't hurt if that's why you're hesitating."
I closed my eye's standing back up.
"And what if I'm terrified?"
His voice became hushed.
"Tuck the fear away then think about how good you'll feel afterwards. Everything you're sad and upset about now won't be an issue after you do it."
My fingers were twirling the sticky note.
"Why are you so sure of this? Why aren't you against it?"
"I get a weird thrill from watching people get high. It's kind of like I'm living vicariously through them."
I leaned down and put the sticky note up to the lines and started to run the first one, nice and slow just like he said. It didn't even burn, and I was fully expecting it too.
"You good? You think you can hit the next line?"
I nodded, grinning up at him.
"Hell yeah."
I finally started feeling some sort of excitement just off of doing this alone, I'm not even high yet. The danger, the panic, the worry of all of this was so stimulating. It was the best feeling I've ever experienced.
"The thrill of this. . ."
I whispered sniffing up the second line a little quicker than the first and I stood up with my head falling back with a crazy grin on my face gripping the counter.
"It's great, huh? Better than sex?"
My face got red, and I slightly smiled over at him and bent back down to take my third line in. Right when I started running the third line I heard an all so familiar voice. Sky.
I just got back from collecting the deliveries from downstairs, needed to bring them into this room for evaluation. I snorted about 5 lines tonight within the last few hours, I was on cloud nine.
I made my way through the wall door that was intentionally suppose to be difficult to find. I couldn't believe my fucking eyes. . .
I stood there, dropping the rest of our packages on the floor; Fresh, clean, expensive fucking bricks all over the floor.
"Dude what the actual fuck?!"
Dominic got up and threw his hands up at me.
"That's rent and car payments for most of us, man. The fuck is your problem?"
I didn't hear anything else, all I saw was my baby girl doing something that wasn't her at all.
How many?
Why the fuck would she do this? Am I cause of this or is something else the cause? I couldn't wrap my head around of what I'm witnessing. I couldn't process this shit in.
I roared, making my way over to her pulling her into my arms. She had residue on her upper lip I took my finger and wiped it away. I wrapped my arms around her shaking my head.
My poor baby girl.
"What the hell is wrong with you, babygirl?"
"I just wanna fuckin' feel right."
She mumbled in my chest, I stroked her hair closing my eyes. I missed her body; hell I missed her. I started feeling very off, my hands started trembling.
"Uhh, Sky? You alright?"
Dominic eyed me down carefully. I stumbled into the wall trying to get out of this room; I can't taint anymore shit than I already have. I was trembling trying to push the door open; I finally got it opened and fell outside the door into the other room, a warm sensation started running down my upper lip. My eyes fluttered while and everything started to go black.
"You could be my Cocaine Cinderella, baby1093Please respect copyright.PENANA7G0Yoh7w51
Girl, I'm down to role-play, you can be the main scene1093Please respect copyright.PENANA6gHMdL7CMV
Baby, be my Cocaine Cinderella, babe"