"I hang on everything that you say
You know I can see all the things that imply
You secretly are in love
And finally when I let myself fall hard for you
I see you trying to pretend
Like I’m making it up
This is what it feels like
This is what it feels like "
This is What it Feels like - BANKS
Dahlia Rei
I squeezed my eyes shut scrunching my face while yawning. I could see the beams of sun through the lids of my eyes; Ugh, I felt sick as fuck. I opened my eyes, blinking lazily, the sun was way too bright. I shuffled in the bed and something felt off, something wasn't right at all. . .
This isn't my bed. . .
I jumped up out of the bed, and immediately regretted it afterwards. I was so dizzy, and lightheaded. Holy fuck. . .I grabbed on to the dresser, squinting my eyes looking around this foreign room.
Where the actual fuck am I ?
I looked down noticing I was wearing a button up white shirt and just my panties.
Now who the hell changed me out of my clothes ? I looked around and spotted a Beats Pill Blue Tooth speaker sitting on the dresser. Ha. I know how this works, I won't be going down without a fight.
I stood up straight, with the speaker in hand still looking around for any hints and clues as to where the hell I am. Hesitantly I made my way over to the door walking out into the long hallway. I heard a very agitated voice echoing in the house. I continued to walk quietly until I got to the stairway, then slowly went down holding onto the railing.
"I told you I took care of everything."
The voice was harsh, and stern, I didn't recognize who it was. Thankfully the stairs didn't creek, I squatted down peeping through the rails listening.
"And when did I have to answer to you? Last time I checked you answer to me."
I couldn't see him, but I seen his tall shadow that made this situation even more eerie than it already fucking was.
Why the hell am I here in some strangers house? Did he take advantage of me? Did he touch me?
I gripped the speaker hard, preparing for the worst as I heard his voice get closer.
"Don't worry about what happened, I took care of it."
The hell is he talking about? I looked around trying to figure out an escape plan.
"Honestly, Rollo, don't test me."
His voice lowered and then I heard a slam.
That's it!
I made my way down the rest of the stairs, clutching onto the pill speaker and looked around carefully. I seen a arch way to the kitchen, that's probably where he is, so I went the opposite direction into the living room. I crept around the flat screen mounted on the wall to the other arch way that led to the dinning room. I wasn't paying attention to anything I just wanted to get the fuck out.
I finally found an escape in the back of the dinning room, I peaked and it looked like it led to the backyard. As soon as I put my hand on the knob and twisted it an obnoxiously, loud alarm sounded the house.
Alerting every fucking body in this part of town. . .
"Why hello."
I see his mood lightened up since the phone call, he doesn't sound like a complete ass now.
"I know you're probably really confused right now. . .and I'll explain everything."
I swiftly turned around, swinging the speaker in front of me.
"I know the fuck you will! I swear, get any closer and I'm gonna go bat shit crazy."
He looked. . .amused? He was smirking at me with his eyebrow cocked. He definitely was not intimidated by my pathetic excuse of threats.
"Armed and ready, huh?"
He chuckled, shaking his head lightly.
"I'm not kidding! I don't know who the fuck you are, and I have no idea why I'm here!"
"If you'd let me explain instead of threatening me with my blue tooth speaker . . ."
I pressed my lips in a straight line, glaring, daring him to try anything. He looked so familiar yet he wasn't. I never heard or seen this man before in my life. He had dark black hair, a light beard just stubble. Perfect lips, he was mature in the face. Broad shoulders, I could see his muscular figure in his suit.
He had the kind of impression that made you feel insecure, I could tell he was dominating. I could tell he would stop at nothing to get what he wanted or to do as he pleased. There was nothing gentle about this man, his dark brown eyes were hard to see through. I knew he was older than me by the way he carries himself. He made things unsettling, and uncomfortable. Being in his presence made you feel beneath him, it made you feel little, less than.
He tucked his hands into his pant pockets, and stared blankly into my eyes. Not giving off any emotion, I don't have the slightest idea what could be running through his mind right now. He had a cold expression coming over to me and taking a hand out pulling the speaker from my hands with ease. I wasn't going to fight this man, he's not the type you'd want to start any issues with.
I was uneasy around him, I felt awkward and out of place. I pulled on the bottom of this shirt to try to show as little of myself as possible. I didn't like it when his eyes wandered over me. It's like when he looks at me, he knows what I'm thinking, he's knows my dirty little secrets, he knows exactly what's on my mind.
I swallowed nervously staring down at the floor, silence, that's all there was for a few moments.
"This way."
He started walking into the kitchen and up the spiral stairs. I obeyed him straying a little ways behind.
He opened a door down the hall, and waited till I walked in first. Walking in I could tell he did a lot of work in here. He pulled out the chair in front of his desk and let me sit down while pushing me in. Then he sat behind his desk in front of me, with his chair turned to the side. Leaning back in his chair, looking out the window that was behind him.
"Do you remember anything about last night?"
His voice had no emotion, it was monotone. No excitement, no expression there was just nothing there.
"N-no, I don't."
He spun his chair so he was facing me, and stared nonchalantly.
"You had some stimulants."
Once he said that, I heard nothing else; His lips were moving but nothing was receiving on my end. I remembered now, last night was the first time I did anything like that. I bit my bottom lip staring at the desk, zoning out.
"I remember a little now that you brought it up."
He nodded his head slowly, intertwining his fingers together on the desk.
"Do you remember how you got there though?"
"Uh, no not really."
"A yes or no will suffice."
Mr. Lexington
I was beyond frustrated she could've fucked everything up last night if I didn't take her back to mine. I hate taking people to my personal hide out, this is my area for myself to be alone. I value my alone time, unless I say other wise. I rubbed under both of my eyes out of aggravation, how can my employees be so ignorant? Someone will be answering for this, even if I have to use drastic measures. I honestly don't mind going there, when someone fucks up this bad you best believe someone will suffer the consequences.
"You're here because you started acting . . .your friends left you because they thought you were with someone. Then you blacked out in my car when I was on my way to take you home. I'm assuming last night was your first time with the drugs, yes?"
Her face looked sad while I spoke about the gathering, she started to nibble on her lip.
"Yeah, it was."
I nodded slowly, wondering why in the world a young girl, who was close to or in her mid-twenty's would start picking up these bad habits. I know anyone of any background, no matter their looks, status in society, etc can get hooked on drugs. She's just too beautiful to ruin herself like that, she's too cute to do such bad things.
"I guess I embarrassed myself?"
She asked sheepishly, with a slight uncomfortable laugh to ease the awkwardness of this conversation. I took in a deep breath, not really wanting to be the one to explain everything to her but someone has to be an adult and do so.
"Depends on what you think is embarrassing."
She half smiled, while she started to tap her foot on the floor.
I leaned back in my office chair and started telling her. The sooner I started the sooner I can get her out of here and I continue on about my day.
**Author's Note**
Sorry for the short chapter, thanks will be picking up after this chapter :3 I want to thank everyone for taking the time to read this story :) Thankies~