2132Please respect copyright.PENANA1wOkyiJkK2
"Be careful with me2132Please respect copyright.PENANAHnVYoB8Avt
Do you know what you doin'?2132Please respect copyright.PENANAzGq0bkgJem
Whose feelings that you're hurtin' and bruisin'?2132Please respect copyright.PENANAyA95WPv1vc
You gone gain the whole world2132Please respect copyright.PENANAxrnyz5t6GC
But is it worth the girl that you're losin'?2132Please respect copyright.PENANAlpNKTdyz14
Be careful with me2132Please respect copyright.PENANAnKfJrl05pT
Yeah, it's not a threat, it's a warnin'2132Please respect copyright.PENANAvBPuqeaN2K
Be careful with me
Care for me, care for me2132Please respect copyright.PENANAnokDpv4dJ5
Always said that you'd be there for me, there for me2132Please respect copyright.PENANABijfKF58Wc
Boy, you better treat me carefully, carefully."
Be Careful - Cardi B
Dahlia Rei
6:00 P.M
Finally. Time to get the hell out of this office, I quickly shut down my computer and straightened up my desk a little bit before heading out.
"Bye Sam!" I said as I walked by the receptionist front desk, she waved back at me mouthing "Goodbye" whilst on the phone.
As I stepped outside of my office building, I completely forgot there was a chance of thunderstorms tonight. "Great, no umbrella."
I hurried to the parking lot, rushing to get to my car; It's cold, dark and raining heavily outside. I'm ready to get the hell home and see Sky.
All day he's been clouding my thoughts, I can't believe I've been with him for two years. I know for some two years isn't a long time, but it's my first love, most don't stay with their first love. I'm so thankful I've been blessed to have been with mine for this long. Yeah, we had our rough patches, but who hasn't?
Have you ever been so infatuated with someone before? My whole life was drowned in Sky, he was my everything. Some may say I'm the clingy type, the shy girl, the one that always has to be by her man; Some may see that as insecurity, some may take it as possessiveness, but it's not. I really enjoy being around him all the time, and experiencing everything with him. I've asked him many times if it bothered him he always replied with the same answer, "no, I'm your Sky, I'm meant to be everywhere you are."
Cheesy? I know, but I love it and quite enjoy the cringe-worthy comments. He's my protector, he fights my battles, he's my shoulder to lean on.
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Sky. The one person in my life I can fully count on, the one person who truly has and had my back. Forever and always, he's knows everything about me. His gorgeous brown hair, complimented by his cute little smirk, his well defined jaw that matched his gorgeous hazel eyes, his beautiful tanned skin that glistens in the sunlight in my apartment when he's working on his Architect sketches and he the way he flashes his pearly whiles at me makes my stomach clench witch excitement.
His strong arms filling out the arms of his short sleeve shirts, every shirt that man owns it clings to his toned stomach. Even thinking about him starts getting me worked up. Geez.
All of this makes me sound like a clingy, co dependent, insecure woman. Maybe I am in some people's eyes, but in mine it's just being deeply in love.
As attractive as Sky is, I was still saving myself for marriage, he knew that before getting into this relationship. He's been faithful since day one, no complaints at all. I know waiting for marriage is probably dumb in some people's eyes, but for me it was romantic. The day we vow to stay together until each other's last breath, the day we become one, the day I take his last name. That's what I was waiting for. Has it been difficult waiting till marriage? Yes, we've been close to breaking that rule plenty of times. He's never been upset about waiting, he never seemed mad about it. I'm just glad I've been with someone who respected my decisions and my body choices. That to me was pure love, he didn't have to wait for me, he could've cheated on me and threw everything away, but he never has.
I sighed out of relief finally getting the apartment door open, I'm just so happy to be home.
My voice echoed, then I heard a violent hush and a bunch of shuffling around. I furrowed my brows and sat my purse and car keys on the kitchen table.
"Sky. . .?"
I walked down the hall cautiously, maybe he's planned a surprise for me? Grinning at the thought, I started to tip toe quickly to the bedroom. Maybe he's setting up a romantic night, maybe he'll propose! I poked my head through the door, not ready to witness what I wasn't expecting. What I never expected in the slightest from this man.
"Are you fucking serious!?"
I spat in Sky's direction feeling my jaw hit the floor in shock my pulse has quickened and I felt my face fill with embarrassment. I just stood there wide eyed, with my mouth hanging open, what do you say? How do you react? The person you thought so highly of, the person you were head over heels for. The person you thought was actually in your bedroom to propose to you, is fucking someone. . .
It's funny how you can be with someone, give them your all and they still fuck you over. Doesn't matter how long you've been with this person, it doesn't matter the utter bullshit this person put you through. They still play you like a stupid toy. Lather you in lies, bathe you in disappointment, and wipe you down with heartache.
"Babe, it's honestly not what it looks like! I. . "
I snorted at his remark, and shook my head with a sickening smirk curling my lips.
"It's not what it looks like huh. . ." I gritted my teeth, trying to look at anything else in the room other than him.
He got up and grabbed the the sheet that was hanging off the bed from him and his mistresses escapade. He wrapped it around him as if he's trying to hide his indecency from my uninvited guest. I stared at him, he had love bites on his neck and scratch marks on his chest they started from the middle of his chest down to his perfectly, god-like sculptured abs; I rubbed my chin, still wearing the same disbelief smirk. My eye's darted over from Sky to his mysterious lover. She's in my bed, that bitch is in my bed. . .
She was twirling one of her beautiful, golden curls, staring blankly into my vanity mirror on the other side of the room making sure she still looks as breathtaking as Sky was in bed with her. Cunt
"Babe, it was a one time thing! I-I don't know what happened, she just came over-"
"You fucking begged me in the club to come over. Don't play that shit with me, Sky."
Well that got a reaction out of her, she was no longer in this nonchalant state; he started pointing his finger like a child, putting the blame on someone other than himself for his actions. His face was getting more and more red, she got out of bed and was getting up in his face. Both we're pathetically spitting back he said-she said bullshit.
"Get out."
"But babe-"
"I said, get the fuck out, Sky. Take your side piece with you too."
"I don't know who the hell you're calling a side-"
I sighed, shaking my head standing in the doorway. One can only take so much, I was on the verge of co-clocking this bitch and beating his ass with a quickness. I had to gain my composure, violence is not the answer I don't care how much pain I'm in right now. It's just not who I am, but I'll tell you right now my patience was being tested right now.
"Look, I'm only going to be patient for so long. Get out and take the trash with you."
I walked out the doorway, I can't tell you how livid I am. I felt the anger festering in my chest, in my core. I felt my pressure rising, I was taking deep, heavy breaths whilst walking down the hallway. Their bickering became faint to me, things were now just starting to process. I'm not known for confrontation, I hate getting angry but it's so hard to contain myself and not let loose on them.
How foolish of me to think this man was going to propose to me. . .how stupid of me to think so highly of him, to actually think he would wait till marriage to have sex with me. Why did I even waste my time? I wasted my time, I pushed everyone else to the side, he always came first before anyone else. Before family, before friends, hell even myself. He came first.
I went into my office closing the door making sure it was locked. I can't deal with this, the heartache, two years down the drain. Our future, our plans, everything is obsolete now. Within minutes, I heard frantic knocking on my office door.
"Dahlia! Please! Hear me out!" he said frantically "it only happened one time. It meant nothing and I regret everything. Please, I was feeling down!"
I kept silent, "he felt down? Are you serious?" I thought to myself "Don't let him get to you Dahlia, stay calm, we'll get through this. You're the better person. . ."
"Baby! Come the fuck on. Open the door! You know how I've been. . ."
He is not about to do what I think he is.
"I was lonely, I needed affection. . .I-I needed to feel that connection with someone. I know I said I'd wait until we were married."
I stomped over to the door and flung it open.
"Did I not tell you I was waiting until marriage?! Did ya' fucking forget that? Do you not get it? Did it not fucking process? You're actually pathetic!"
He stepped closer to me gently placing his hands on my shoulders, I remained where I was his touch was foreign to me now. I looked over to the side, avoiding all eye contact.
"I know I told you I'd wait for you. . ." he whispered, you could hear the regret in his voice. It wasn't enough to take everything back and forgive him. It just wasn't.
Here we go. Here's the tears, I tried my best to hold them back as long as I could. He was my everything, now he's nothing, we're nothing.
I had no idea she was going to come home and witness me in the act. She said she was staying late at the office so I went out and had a few drinks. It's no excuse by any means, I know. Trust me, but I've had this sexual frustration pent up inside me for 2 years now. I've been decent for 24 months, 730 days. . .
I didn't intend on cheating tonight, I honestly didn't intend on cheating on her ever. I didn't intend on ever breaking her fucking heart yet here I am, breaking the only girl I had true feelings for.
Before her I was a player, I was getting laid every night. I had girls numbers in my phone I could call at any given moment but I dropped it all for her, I dropped it all for love. . .and now? I dropped my love for a one night fucking stand.
It meant nothing to me, it was a quick fuck. I had to get it out my system, she came up to be in this skimpy white dress as it hugged her thighs and child bearing hips, god that was my weakness. She started grinding on me, and I kept ordering the drinks, then one thing led to another until I invited her back to the apartment, I did fuck another woman in our bed. I can't even blame the alcohol for my clouded, idiotic decision making tonight. It was me, the true me, I knew it would be hard waiting for marriage, but I promised. I knew it was going to be difficult for me to keep my promise, I wasn't a virgin. I was used to getting a good lay often, and to stop all of that for love. I just pushed those desires to the side where they slowly built up over the past two years. Now it came back to haunt me, I royalty screwed her over. fuckfuckfuck.
I looked into Rei's red, blood stained eyes. They were so stressed, they were glossed in tears building up and pouring out. I sighed looking down at the ground, I was ashamed. I lost my self-control and my self-restraint. I fucked this relationship up and I knew it was time to go.
I took her trust, I took her love, I took her everything for granted. She was saving herself for the right time, and she was going to give herself to me eventually. I knew that before I got into this relationship; Now? Someone else is going to have that, someone else will be her first, someone else will take care of her body how I was suppose too.
I wrapped one of my arms around her pulling her towards me taking in her vanilla sugar scent for one last time. I pressed my lips on her forehead and gave her a soft kiss goodbye. It was time for me to leave. I've caused enough heartache, now it's time to heal. I just hope I didn't damage her enough to not find love again, or worse. . . break her into something she's not.
Dahlia Rei
I stayed silent the whole time he was giving me his final goodbye. He knew it was over, he knew. I didn't have to say it, it was a silent understanding. I'm glad I didn't have to tell him it was over.
That pains me even thinking it, I never was one to hurt someone's feelings. If things were ever going to end between us, he knew I would never verbally end it. It hurts too much, ending something that's been with you, something that is you.
Ending what you've ever known was to be true love, I guess that's what I get for being naive when it comes to these kind of things. He was my first love, my first boyfriend, my first kiss, he was going to be my first to share that body to body connection with. He was going to be my husband. . .how can someone go from all of that to nothing.
His arm around my shoulder bringing me in closer made me ache, the wet stain of his kiss on my forehead stung. Him taking in his favorite body spray of mine, for the last time caused me to become nauseous. This was actually over, this was the end.
I watched him turn around and walk out, I nervously walked a few steps behind him then stopped. That pull we had was done, that ownership of him being mine and me being his was gone. Now there's just disgusting images of how he shared our bed with someone. I slid down against the wall with my head buried into my arms and chest. I started breaking down when I heard the door shut, sobbing hysterically.
It was officially over.
Six months have past by, at first it was hard, it was damn hard. I made amends to my two best friends who I've neglected these past two years, not answering phone calls, not replying to texts, not meeting up at the cafe or having our girl dates. I was a bad friend and didn't deserve these two, I acted like a complete ass these past two years; I'll never make that mistake again putting my family and friends last. I'm not happy about my actions, and how I treated them. Actually, I'm shocked they took me back with open arms. That night it happened I went over to their flat sobbing. They rushed to my aid immediately and taken care of me ever since.
Eventually, since I was pretty much living with them, I just asked them to move in with me because I did not want to be alone in this vulnerable state. They both squealed in joy when I asked them, and it's been lovely ever since. I had enough room for the both of them, I think it's safe to say, I made up for being a shitty friend for two years.
I honestly forgot how different they both were. Leah was a little more reserved than Britt, she was like the mother figure in our little trio, she wanted what was best for us. She had beautiful, wavy blonde hair, button nose, with the cutest freckles anyone would be jealous of. Girl loved her some messy buns and leggings, that was her attire every day, and hell I don't fucking blame her. She was uptight a bit, not full on prude, she was quiet, never out spoken, she always had the right advice to give in any situations and as much as I hate to say it, she's pretty much always right. She always calls it, in everything situation, and I hate it.
Britt on the other hand, that was a bad bitch, always dressed up as if we're going clubbing every day. Face is fully caked, 24/7 baking all the time, girl knew how to get her brows in line and had the meanest contour job I've seen thus far. She had bright red dyed hair and it was always on point, never a hair out of place. She's the wild, boy crazed one, she loves to hook up randomly which Leah loathes. I don't blame her, when she drinks, she'll do anything.
I was sitting on the couch with the television playing in the background catching up on the latest episode of Grey's Anatomy while working on some projects enjoying my alone time.
"Mmmk, so we're going out tonight. You need some fresh air." Leah.
"Yeah, no." I continued to multitask.
Brittni came in behind Leah huffing whilst plopping down on the couch beside me.
"Come on. You've been cooped up in this apartment for months. Don't you wanna. . . ya' know, air things out?" Brittni
"Or or or! Meet some new guy?" Leah giggled.
"It's been forever since you've seen some dick, right girl? You deserve it." Brittni
Leah and Brittni cracked up laughing, I rolled my eyes and continued practicing my pen tool in Adobe Illustrator on my laptop.
They know I'm a virgin, and they also know I'm waiting. There's no airing out anything! Although I was a virgin, doesn't mean Sky and I didn't do certain things. Apparently that wasn't enough though. Some people may think two years is a long time but I believe to let people decide on their own when the right time is for anything.
Meeting new guys however? No, fuck no.
"Please D, you let us move in 6 months ago! You've done nothing but study, work and come back home. I wanna see you have a good time and enjoy yourself." Leah sat down next to me more easily than Britt did.
I rolled my eyes again.
"I'm trying too, I love Grey's Anatomy and you two are currently interrupting it."
They finally stopped, for the next few weeks it's been the same shit. These two would come home and harass me whenever they could, it was with good intentions but I just wasn't ready to get back out there after a two year relationship.
Even though I wasn't ready to get back out there, I am getting tired of doing the same shit. I'm tired of this good girl shit, I'm tired of saving myself till marriage, I'm tired of the boundaries I set for myself, I'm tired of waiting. I didn't need to be in a relationship to have a good time; it's time for a change in my reality.
I was ready to take things to next level, I was ready to experience more fun. Experience sex, experience orgasms in different ways, experience different men. It was time for me to focus on myself. I haven't in two fucking years, I put someone above me and I should have never done that. I'm ready for new memories, with new people, I want to go out and drink, and not remember what the hell happened that night. I'm ready for this.
I popped my head in Leah's door grinning holding on to the door way while leaning to the side. They were both in there laying on the bed, scrolling through their phones.
"Get ready bitches. We're going out tonight."
Britt and Leah's mouths dropped and they jumped with excitment.
"Fuck yes!" Leah.
"About god damn time! It's time to get a new boy toy." Britt smirked
They both got up and started heading to their closet. I walked away to go get ready myself.
Boy toy. . .?
For some reason. . .that word intrigued me more than it should have.
I went to my room, caked my face and slipped into my tight black dress. I wanted to show off a little bit tonight, I started to check myself out in my full length body mirror mounted on my wall. 2132Please respect copyright.PENANANBjXc3zKao
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Nude matte lip, smokey eye, fake lashes are even, push up bra is working, hair is in place falling down my back.
"D, you ready!?"
Let's get this show on the road. I winked at myself in the mirror and left my room.
The music vibrated the club's brick walls, we even heard it outside waiting to get in. The vibrations ran through every body on the crowded dance floor, bodies rubbed against one another, people grinding the night away, we were all close, hot, sweaty, lost in a trance from the music. The club was dark and had purple flashing lights that scattered across the dance floor, there was some purple dim mounted wall lights as well plastered all around the club so we could see.
The music was on point, the DJ knew how to get the crowd going. From vibrant, enthusiastic pop music to the hot,new, explicit rap song and right back to pop again. Everything transitioned nicely and the people were here for it. All three of our bodies never stopped since we hit the club, we haven't even gotten our drinks yet. We were having so much fun, touching one another, laughing, doing stupid dances, even trying to learn to twerk from Britt.
My hips were swaying left and right against the front of Leah and she had her hands on my hips rubbing the front of her body on the back of mine. Britt was in front of me rubbing against me, while her arms were wrapped around some guys neck, making out heavily. We were all lightly grinding on each other just having a great time. It was hot as fuck, we were sweaty, and I needed some air.
"I'm gonna go grab a few drinks!"
"Alright D!" Leah yelled back at me as she made her way towards Britt's backside to grind against her
I left them on the dance floor while I made my way over to the bar; I ordered a Gin and Tonic and waited patiently for the bartender to deliver. Whilst waiting, I looked around and it was so dark and dim, with bright purple strobe lights flashing across the floor, it was actually really pretty in here. It was also mysterious looking, anything could be happening, you could do anything in this club and not get caught. The corners were dark, I scanned the room and seen some girls in the corners on their knees, saw some guy's getting dry humped on. I saw two girls that were on either side of one guy one was making out with him while the other was caressing the other girls breast and unzipping the guys pants. I smirked and shook my head, this club has no fucking chill, no one gave a fuck.
"Miss, your drink."
I thanked the bartender and stood there sipping on my Gin and Tonic
"Hey. . ." the hot, husky voice breathed in my right ear, sending shivers down my neck and arms.
I jumped a bit, whilst spilling some of my drink down my chin. I heard a chuckle to the right of me so I looked over and dropped my drink.
Holy fucking hell. . . for two years I haven't looked at another man in this way, I haven't looked at another man with so much desire. Good lord, he was stunning. Jawline could cut through bricks, his brown hair was styled messily, he had a black biker jacket with nothing under it. His chest was defined, I seen the sweat glisten in the purple strobe lights that flicked on his body. I worked my way down to his unrealistic abs shyly peaking out from under his jacket. I was in awe, I didn't know what to say, I didn't know how to react, should I touch? . . .Can I touch?
He got closer to my ear and nibbled on my lobe, I felt his hot breath surround it; I closed my eyes feeling him suck against my ear tugging at it whilst pulling away I finally opened my eyes when he unlatched. I finally opened my eyes when he unlatched. He took his thumb and rubbed my chin, my eye's never left his. I've never experienced such sexual tension, such teasing. He dragged his thumb up to his mouth sucking the liquor off and slowly pushed his thumb onto my bottom lip. I parted my lips for he could slide his thumb in and he did just that. His mouth stayed open, still gazing into my eye's, I closed my lips around his thumb and sucked gently and he took in a sharp breath.
"Be careful next time, babe." He winked at me, taking his thumb back, slightly chuckling. How he got his composure back so quickly after all that sexual tension is beyond me. He bounced right back as if it never happened.
I narrowed my eyes watching as the lights flashed on him again. I tried to study him, I saw a few hickeys on his neck, his lips looked swollen and red, I can only imagine what he was doing before he made his was over to the bar. He was breathing heavy gazing back at me, finally breaking our gaze he chuckled and ran his hand through his hair, making eye contact with the bartender.
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"Can I have two Gin and Tonics? Please and thank you."
Unbelievably sexy and has manners? I licked my lips with utter thirst. This man was actual sex with legs, who created this gorgeous creature? What does his mom look like? Wait. . .what does his dad look like actually. I mean Jesus Christ I've been missing out on so much, just looking at this stranger made me want to go wild. This man made me wanna do some things, some unspeakable things at that.
"Here you go beautiful." He smirked lifting his glass to me while slowly licking the rim of the glass.
He knew what the hell he was doing. He dragged his tongue around the rim, placing his lips on the glass before gulping it down. I watched the beverage go down and make his Adam's Apple jerk up and down sharply. I held my breath, biting the side on my lip getting turned on.
"See anything you like?"
He had a smug look while staring blankly into the dance floor.
"Uh, s-sorry I. . .thanks for the drink."
"No problem, doll face."
This was not happening. I need to gain some confidence and let this man know I want him, I just sucked his thumb for fuck sake! Now he's acting like nothing happened, like nothing would have happened. . . I think the hell not, it's been over 6 months since I've been in contact with anything with a penis. I leaned on my side against the bar and stared at him. He looked up at me and raised his glass again and started flicking his tongue on the rim in a naughty way. I can only imagine how he flicks his tongue on other things.
"Something you want, love?" He said in a low, raspy voice.
Yes there's something I want, I want you.
I feel my wetness ooze out of me onto my panties. Fuck, he has so much power and control over me, and I don't even know who the fuck he is. Just some, random, sexy guy I just met at the bar and casually sucked his thumb off.
Maybe it's because I haven't got off in 6 months, maybe it's the environment were in, seeing people dry hump on the dance floor. Seeing people in the booths have threesomes, seeing all these hickeys and swollen lips on everyone. Maybe this alcohol went straight to my head, I know I definitely need to get straight to his head. Just thinking about him in my mouth definitely made me wet.
I can't take it any longer, I nervously looked into my glass and downed it in one gulp. Slamming it back down on the bar and did something I never thought I'd have the balls too, something ballsy.
He started to walk away, I grabbed his face pulling him to mine and smashed my lips onto his hot, wet ones. He was shocked at first but quickly responded, slipping his tongue into my mouth I could feel him grinning against my mouth. I had my hands on the sides of his perfectly, sculpted face, feeling his rough, stubble. I pulled him into me, trying to get as close as possible, wanting no distance between us. He sat back down on the stool and he spun it around and I was standing in between his legs, letting our tongues collide.
I some how managed to get into his lap, straddling him. I parted his jacket, exposing more of his chest and abs. I was not holding back anything, if there's anything I've learned within those two years, I've learned to not hold back. I held back a lot with Sky. There was plenty of times I almost lost myself and gave myself to him but I restrained. I fought so hard saving myself, and it ended up causing us pain. So instead of being shy and innocent, not having sex, I'm turning things around. I need this man to know I'm craving every inch of him.
I don't know what came over me, hell I don't even know what came over her. I was already tipsy and high as hell. Before I came over to the bar I already got done sucking face with a few other broads, and being jacked off by one in the booths. I don't know when, and I don't know what is about to take place. I'm pretty fucking clueless right now, all I know is this woman straddling who was basically rubbing me off with her aggressive grinding, tasted and smelled like cherries, and I couldn't say no. She's practically throwing herself at me here. I'm definitely not gonna say no. . .this is the hottest thing I've been threw tonight.
Who the fuck was she? Her petite hands cupped my face and her nails dug into cheek bones and jawline. She started moving her hands up to my hair, rustling and tugging it. My hands immediately found her curvaceous hips when she straddle the fuck out of me. She bit down on my bottom lip and started sucking at it. I grabbed her neck firm but gentle, pushing her away. Why? Because if I don't, I was 5 seconds away from throwing her up there and taking her right here and right now. In front of everyone, at this point I don't give two solid fucks. Although I don't think anyone is paying us any mind, I'm still unsure of her.
A wave of confusion flashed over her eyes, her lipstick was smeared, I already know I have lipstick all over my mouth. There's no doubt in my mind that I don't. I don't mind though, I probably have a few different shades on my lips already.
I stared her down, trying to figure out what she's playing at. If she's really sure she wanted the same thing. Her eyes were questioning me, her bottom lip quivered. God her lips were so plump and swollen, she was slightly out of breath. Her chest was coming up and down, very noticeable.
Thank you low v-neck dress.
I started growing more noticeably myself in my jeans, and hopefully she feels what she's doing to me. I need her to feel what she's causing and what she'll take care.
My eyes made their way back to hers and she was now smirking, now I knew for sure she felt me growing between her legs. I knew she felt the bulge, I wanted to take her. I don't care if it was in the restroom stall, I don't care if it's out in the alley way, or the front seat of my fucking car. I need to be inside of her.
She giggled and grabbed my hand that was wrapped around her neck, she guided my hand in between her breast, and down her stomach. She started to slide my hand in between her legs I felt the heat coming from her. I felt her wetness against my hand, it didn't deserve to be on my hand. It needed to be lathered up on my tongue.
"Do you guys mind fucking somewhere that isn't the fucking bar? K thanks." Some random girl pushed her way beside us, ordering her drink. It snapped me out of my daze.
Dahlia Rei
I quickly hopped off of him from embarrassment, I forgot we were in public. Nothing around us mattered just then but I was snapped back to reality. I'm not sure what came over me, I never did that before. I stood breathless in between his legs straightening out my dress and fixing my hair.
"Uhm, I'm sorry about that."
He calmly got off the stool, and adjusted himself. I love that I had that effect on him, that bulge he has right now? I caused that, I made his dick stand.
He grabbed me by the arm firmly and escorted me outside the back of the club.
I didn't know what he was playing at. I tried to rip apart from his grasp but he wasn't having it, he slammed the back club door open and that rush of cool wind hit me. Calming my body temperature down.
"What the fuck! Let go!" I finally ripped away from him. Rubbing where he gripped firmly on my arm, there was red marks.
He was so flustered and agitated. He had his hand on under his chin looking around then he turned to me.
"I'm not about to get blue balls."
Was I baffled that he said that? No. Not at all, if I was him I wouldn't want blue balls either. I was fully aware of my intentions. I'll play with this.
"And? Do you expect me to. . .just drop to my knees?"
He rubbed the back of his neck and looked over to his side again. He was so frustrated, he sighed and was becoming very fidgety, I still seen his huge bulge. I knew his cock was pulsating for me. I also was fully aware it was driving him insane.
"What the fuck was that shit in there!?"
"What shit?"
I knew what shit he was talking about, I just wanted to tease him and see how far I can take this.
He shoved me against the cold brick wall of the club and put both of his hands on the side of my head on the brick. I suddenly felt less confident than I did moments ago, this could go bad. I don't know this guy, and I don't know what he's capable of doing to me. I did lead him on, I gave him the exact impression I wanted to give him and he gave it back.
"You just can't do that to a man and not expect to put out. . ." he gulped and stared me down.
"Please. . . don't."
My voice was shaky, I closed my eyes, shivering not knowing whats going to happen to me next. He could take me right here and right now against my will. He could force me to do anything, and it'd all be because I got caught up in the moment. I got caught up doing something I probably should've never done.
Whatever happens, happens. and it's completely my fault.
"No. . ." he sighed, I opened my eyes to meet his gaze. He was staring deeply into my eyes with sadness. Sadness? Out of all the emotions he's sad right now?
"I'm not going to hurt you or take advantage of you. I'm not like that, I just need to cool off."
I offended him. Something about him was intriguing, something about him drew me closer to him. Something told me to get bold, to get more demanding.
"What do you want?"
"You" he breathed
"Beg me." it came out as a faint whisper.
He was staring at me as if I spoke another tongue. I smirked whilst batting my eyes up at him, he took in a sharp breath. I knew I turned him on even more than he already is, I'm sure he's loaded with precum.
"Beg me."
My fingers danced along his stubbled jawline, down his neck that was covered in hickeys from the women before me this evening. He shivered under my touch, then slid my fingers down his bare chest lightly scratching, making my mark on him where the others were. All the way down to his rock, hard abs, his jaw clench up tight.
He breathed in deeply, you would think this man was fighting demons. All I asked was for him to beg me. Still not breaking eye contact, I let my hands slide down to his jeans, where I know his throbbing bulge was yearning for me.
He let out of soft moan, as if he's really trying to restrain himself from begging.
"Please. . ." he barely whispered, then hung his head down as if he was in defeat.
I happily obliged.
I unbuttoned his jeans and slid my hand in, pulling his cock out of his boxers. He was rock hard, I knelt down on the alleyway street, I didn't care about my knees getting scraped. The only thing on my mind was how I was gonna swallow this stranger whole. He was looking down at me panting, I looked up at him with a devilish grin and took his swollen tip that was covered in precum in my mouth. Sucking hard, barely grazing my teeth on him, he groaned quietly while throwing his head back.
"Oh god. . .suck me dry, dollface."
*Thank you for taking the time to read the first chapter to my story, I really appreciate it~2132Please respect copyright.PENANAeFrEla8SJ4
I hope you all enjoyed this rather lengthy chapter, don't forget to leave a comment for ya' girl to read! :D Have an amazing day/night~
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