where the hell was it? i couldn't find it for some reason. i have looked everywhere. hell i even snuck into John and my stepsisters room to look for it. now i’m sitting on my little bed about to cry again for the third time today and it's not even noon yet. I
I can't find my phone. it's been a week since Nathan left and I need to be contacting him about arrangements of move in with him. I need to ask about his final test and his new job and make sure everything was set. but for the love of peach cobbler i couldn't find the effen dang phone!
Last I remember, i had used it yesterday before bed when Nathan had sent me a stupid meme that said “why did the mexican take xanax? for hispanic attacks” and i had replied with what an idiot he was and he had sent me the laughing crying emoji and told me goodnight...but i woke up this morning, i didn't even look for it until after breakfast, my step sister had left for school, graduation is coming up, I had opted to finish school from home when the bullying got worse and i was almost hit in the stomach by one of her friends, i took an accelerated online course and would graduate with her, but i choose not to walk, nathan would be busy the day of the graduation and i have no other family to come and support me so i opted out of walking on stage and requested that my degree be mailed to me. Currently I only have this quarters classes to finish and then i’m done but i’m passing all my classes and will no doubt graduate.
back to the phone, after breakfast, John left, Hillary left and after cleaning the house i went to go look for the phone...that was when i realized i couldn't find it. if i don't find this phone. how would i get in contact with Nathan? I very well could not ask Hillary and John because they don't know i have a phone and it would bring about all kinds of drama and problems.
however if i don't find it by tonight , i’m asking them, damn the consequences, i would just tell them Jon gave me his old phone before he left last time. or i can say he forgot it and left it behind and told me to keep it for him...yea that might be better.
oh wait...with that thought in mind, i got up from my bed and made way to go start making dinner. for some reason they opted for jambalaya which takes time and asked to be served dinner earlier than normal. apparently Denvil is having his going away party tonight. He finally graduated and was having a big bash to celebrate his graduation and his going away; which is just him finally taking over the company and moving to the state where the headquarters are located; Los Angeles ...I had half the mind to go too. see what would happen if i did. I haven't seen him since that day on the road and i have made sure to avoid anywhere i might see him. But thinking about how well his life is going was making me angry, how dare he get me pregnant and act like i did it to myself...I need to calm down or i would do something stupid. He doesn't deserve anything from me, not even an emotion. so i quietly went to the kitchen to start prepping.
they came, they saw, they ate and now they are getting ready to head over to Denvil's, i realized that by the time they come back it might be too late so i decided to ask them about the phone already.
“hey Hillary, have you seen Denvil’s old phone? he left it last time and wanted me to mail it to him but i can't find it”
“nope” she said and went back to putting on eyeliner
“are you sure?”
“bitch...i said no. where did you last see it?”
“i had it in my room, by my bed”
“well then, better keep looking, i haven't been to your room in ages and besides i have my own phone”
“i was just asking. i will go look”
“yea you better and stop asking me stupid questions. does being pregnant make you dumb or something? oh never-mind, you always were stupid” she said with a smile and went back to putting on makeup.
I decided to not even ask John. I opted to rather search their stuff when they leave the house for the party. so i waited in my room until i heard them leave. I rushed to John’s room first and made sure to search everywhere. I didn't find anything after an hour so i left and went to Hillary’s room...that girl...shaking my damn head..I started with her wardrobe and looked through her clothes and her ‘secret space’ which is really not that secret. I still couldn't find it.
now i was having an anxiety attack, I NEEDED TO FIND THE PHONE. my gut was telling me that Hillary had it...but i couldn't accuse her of having it if i wanted to live...but it was not in her room…
there was not much i could do so i went to my room and decided to wait, i will search her room again when she comes home from the party and goes to bed. she probably took it with her. she might be stupid but she is cunning. So i sat on my bed and read a book black like me by John Howard Griffin . i had started dozing off when i heard them come in, my digital clock told me it was around 4am in the morning...wow...must have been some party. I heard them whispering about something and then footsteps coming my way...my gut told me to pretend to be asleep so i did...i never question my guts or instincts..i heard someone step in and i did my best to appear asleep, stop my heart from racing and calm the heck down. i heard someone gently shake me and Hillary say my name a couple of times...i still feigned sleep. I heard her tell someone,
“I told you she was asleep, she is a very heavy sleeper” that was a lie, i am a light sleeper due to pranks that was played on me by her when we were growing up, i wake up with the lightest touch and faintest sound, but she doesn't need to know that.
i heard them walk out of my room
they were now in the living room talking regularly, i went to the door and opened it very slightly so i could hear them, from the sounds of it, it was Denvil’s brother, John and Hillary.
“what i think we should do is make sure it looks like an accident” Hillary said
“yea but how” i heard Todd ask
“how about this, poisoning”? I head John ask
“i suppose we can do that, but it needs to be something that cannot be traced” Todd said
“i know just the thing” Hillary answered
I told you I’m a lazy writer...but I updated yay. thanks for sticking with me and reading. please vote comment and like.