My head was throbbing. As if I had gotten hit by a bus, and I couldn't get this buzzing out of my head. Groaning, I grip onto my head, being blinded by a bright light when I open my eyes.
"Morning sunshine." a male voice, caused me to slightly jump. My eyes had finally adjusted to the light, only to see a broad looking man, with raven hair and blue eyes, looking down at me. He held a cup filled with water in his hand, and I assumed it was for me.
"Wh-where am I? How did I get here?" I asked, taking the cup that he offered me. He sat next to my feet, causing me to scoot up, hesitantly bringing the cup to my lips. He sighed, leaning into the couch, getting comfortable.
"Well, funny story actually." He began, narrowing my eyes at him.
"So you took me here...." I say slowly. I look at Damon, who was across the room, pouring himself something to drink. He turned to see me looking at him with frightened eyes. "Why'd you save me?" I asked, as he downed his first drink, before pouring himself another.
"Apparently, my choices have been a little controversial lately." he shrugged non-chantly, "And well technically i....did run you over. Couldn't leave you there." he made a point. I just nod before going to take another sip of my drink. Hearing a knock from upstairs, I look up, confused.
"Give me one second." he puts his finger up before jogging off and up the stairs.
Not even moments later, another man comes in, looking right about my age. With brunette hair and green eyes. He shut the door before turning to me, finally noticing my presence. Narrowing his eyes, he takes off up the stairs, Damon had just went up. Once I couldn't see anyone in sight, I make a move to leave, only to collapse when I feel a sharp pain ripple through the back of my thigh, causing me to stumble, before I caught myself with the arm of the couch. Stumbling up, I accidentally knock over the glass cup that I was just drinking out of not to long ago upon hearing someone coming down the stairs.
"Isobel showed up on their front doorstep." I heard a man say, as I hid somewhere quick. Going into the dinning room, I hid behind the table, so they couldn't see me when they came down. I could hear Damon say,
"What's she doing here?"
"I don't know. That's what I'm gonna find out." another voice could be heard but I had no idea who it belonged to.
"I don't think you should tell her that I'm here." a woman says, her voice sounding young.
"What? Why?" the guy asks. Looking through from under the table I could see a brunette woman in front of Damon and the male brunette.
"It's better if she and John not know that I stayed in town after I got out of the tomb." she says, the stranger looks at Damon as he goes to speak.
"You're the one in cahoots with them. You made a deal with John that almost got me killed" Damon states.
"I did what I had to get out of the tomb. Now I'm reconsidering my alliance." she rubs the back of her neck, before turning to leave only to be interrupted by the mystery man.
"What do you know?" he asks.
"I know that I want Klaus dead, which puts me squarely on team you. Besides, if you two ever need me to swap places with Elena again, the less people know that I'm here, the better. Think about it, Stefan. Come on. Be smart." she says turning toward this Stefan. Klaus... I thought, it almost seemed familiar to Niklaus. Shaking my head I knew it wasn't possible. It had to be someone else. Hearing movement again. I see Stefan move past the girl and toward the front door.
"Tell you what. Why don't you, uh...Call Alaric and let him know that his wife just showed up on his girlfriend's doorstep." he says, grabbing his jacket and leaving. Damon makes eye contact with the woman before the door shuts before turning both turning and walking opposite ways from each other. When the disappeared from my line of site, I move toward the exit, quietly but quickly. I pause when I hear someone stepping on glass, only to close my eyes, I hope that they don't come looking for me. When I hear no other moment, I slowly, grip the door handle, with full intentions of getting out. Only to have the door slam shut as soon as I open it.
"Now where do you think you're going?" I hear the woman ask, before I turn towards, her. She crosses her arms before giving a hard look.