I sat back in the previous spot that I had woken up in, glaring at the blue eyes demon. (as I liked to call him) It had a nice ring to at the moment, not to mention how similar it was to his name. The girl, Katherine, stood the furthest away from us. Leaving Damon to stand in front of me, preventing me to make a run for it.
I could take them down both. I thought, but deep down, somehow, I knew that I wouldn't get away so easy. Something about them told me different. Hell even that Stefan guy seemed off. Their conversation was as contradicting as they're actions were. Especially the explanation on how I got in the situation I was in now. Damon had explained it to where it seemed almost normal to hit a stranger with their car. And yet here they are, holding me against my will.
"What do you want from me? Just let me go." I demand, only to have Damon roll his eyes at me.
"You know, I liked you better unconscious." he stated nonchalantly. "The thing is, if it were up to me, you'd still be back on the road, dead. But since I did, my brother and I found out this interesting thing about you." my eyes, widened.
He couldn't have....I couldn't have done what I think he's implying.
"You're a vampire." He suddenly says. I blink in surprise, not expecting him to say something like...that!
"Uh...yeah..." I start to say slowly. Little did I know, Katherine was watching me closely in the back, clearly not believe my agreement to Damon's accusation.
A few hours from my 'confession', I sat in an imprisonment, blocked off from running by a giant, heavy duty wooden door. I was almost tempted to knock down the door, but decided against it. Seeing if I did so, Damon would probably find me, and drag me back to this place. So I just complied with them, and went into the cell. I even went as far as giving them my name.
It wasn't until a few minutes ago, I heard chattering from upstairs. But unlike the other few times, I choose to ignore it, seeing whatever they were talking about, was confusing. I had no idea what was going on, nor do I know why I should even bother trying to figure it out. In less than an hour, I heard the chatter die down, and the front door close. Thanks to super hearing, I walked up to the door, and pressed my cheek against the cool metal bar. Taking the time to listen for any noise, I let myself cool down in the hot room.
Has none of these people ever heard of an air conditioner? I thought to myself, hearing someone start to speak, and immediately recognize it as Damon's voice.
"Hey, Bonnie said the spell worked. She's locked and loaded." I furrow my brows, confused as to what he meant. What spell? I asked, knowing he wouldn't be able to answer me.
"At least something went right today. Katherine has no idea that Bonnie got her powers back." I could then hear Stefan say. I could only hear two heartbeats in the room, so I assumed they must have been alone.
"Uh-huh." Damon agreed plainly. I heard glasses clinking and being set down on a table.
" And Isobel had no idea what you and Jeremy took Bonnie to do today." Stefan continued on.
"Uh-huh" I could tell Damon was more focused on whatever he was doing.
"We're the only ones who know." he states. Well...he's definitely wrong about that. I snickered at the thought.
"That literally makes Bonnie our secret weapon." Damon says before I hear a clink, assuming it was them taking a victory drink. Sighing, I go to move away from the door, going over to a wall, before I sit down and lean back on it. I hadn't gotten the time to reflect back on everything that has happen. I felt overwhelmed. Not only was I finally out of that hell pit that I was in for over a year, but I just happened to get myself into some of the world's craziest shit ever. Tossing my head back, it hits the wall and I sigh again. I let my eyelids droop down, as I showed signs of exhaustion. I took a few soft breaths before falling into slumber.
"Zdravei, love." Klaus....