Kidnapped... Again654Please respect copyright.PENANAoiMvnvrzXN
What was it with people kidnapping me...
Groaning, I grab my stomach, feeling incredibly sore from Klaus' impeccable timing in his attacks. Klaus was truly the "biggest baddest vampire around´, as he puts it himself.
"Ugh, that's gonna leave a bruise." I groan again, trying to move.
"I wouldn't move just yet, love. That was a pretty nasty blow you took from me." I heard Alar- I mean Klaus say. Opening my eyes, I see him sitting across from. So being the person I am, I glare at him. "I know you must hate me, but it'll all make sense eventually." he says, standing up. I sit up painfully, still looking at him.
"I don't hate you. I'm just not necessarily excited about your existence. But I don't hate you." I rasp out, a sudden feeling on my back caused me to grab whose ever hand it was, swing them over the couch and pin them down by the neck.
"Let..Go Of Me!" I suddenly hear Katherine say. In shock, I gasp and release her.
"Katherine?!" she scrambles up, holding where I had her by the neck, and glares at me.
"Great way to say hi." she growls, before stomping away. I had honestly no clue she was here. more of the matter, why she was here. But I didn't care, I hated her since she had forced me to stay in that boarding house.
"Congratulations. Now I hate you." I glare at Klaus once more. He chuckles before standing up. Leaning into the couch, I rest my hands onto my healing stomach. A tall muscular brunette walks into the room, with a bag in his hand.
"I'll be back as soon as I can." he tells Klaus. Raising a brow, I look between the two.
"Yes, do hurry. I'm anxious to get out of this body. And if you get hung up, call me. You know how impatient I get." Klaus replies, keeping his back toward me. Once the man leaves, Klaus turns to me.
"Who was that, boyfriend?" I asked sarcastically.
"No, he's my witch actually."
"Where is he going?" Katherine asks, holding a cup of coffee in her hands. She holds it out to Klaus, in which he took before taking a sip.
"To retrieve me. So I can get out of this bad hair-do." he says, placing the cup of coffee down.
"You sure that's a good idea, Klaus?"
"Well, the full moon is almost upon us." he informs, taking out what looked like a white stone. My eyes widening, I stand up quickly.
"Where did you get that?" I demanded. The two turn to me with perplexed looks.
"I take it, you know what this is?" Katherine asks, looking at me coldly.
"C'est la pierre d'ange, vous n'êtes pas censé l'avoir!" I yell in french.
"I'm sorry you're going to have to translate, I don't speak french." she says, crossing her arms, walking over to the other side of the room. Klaus looks at me with confusion, before saying,
"Vous devez avoir tort, c'est une pierre de lune."
"Ne me joue pas pour un imbécile, Klaus. Je connais une pierre d'ange quand j'en vois une." I yell at him, speeding over to grab the stone, only for him to push me back. He grabs the stone himself, and slips it into his pocket.
"Calmez-vous, love." he tells me, growling, I step back. "You don't want to do test me." he warns, "You don't have a witch to protect you this time."
"What are you going to do with it?" I growl. He relaxes his shoulders before saying,
"I've killed the witch, I have the moon stone, and the doppelgänger is waiting in the wings. Ohh, I am ready to break this curse."
"And why would you do that here? There's so many people that would try to stop you." Katherine asks, looking directly at me, knowing I was now one of those people.
"Because he has to, it's the birthplace of the doppleganger." I said, glaring at the both of them.
"I didn't realize that was a requirement." Katherine stated, placing her hands on the countertop. Moving around, I went over to the mini kitchen and opened the fridge. I ignored the rest of their conversation, being that I noticed my hunger was getting the best of me. I couldn't remember when the last time I had a decent meal.
"Doesn't this guy have real food here?" I say after hearing the door shut.
"You're more worried about food, when you just found out seconds ago that Klaus has the moon stone." Katherine says, leaning onto the countertop, facing toward me. Shutting the fridge I turn around looking at her before replying,
"1.) It' s not called the moon stone. It's an angel stone. And 2.) Case you haven't noticed, I haven't eaten since Damon kept me as his own personal prisoner and blackmailed me. So yeah, I'm a little more worried about getting food in my stomach rather than worrying about a man that I cannot stop."
"He's breaking a curse, what could go wrong?" she says, I scoff crossing my arms.
"You're only saying that because he's not using you in the ritual. And okay, admittedly, a lot could go wrong." I tell her. She looks at me unconvinced before I sigh and explain it to her. "There are three things that cannot belong hidden: the sun, the moon, the truth." I recited what my brother had once told me.
"And....what's that supposed to mean?" she asks perplexed. Closing my eyes, I put my hand on my chest. I felt Katherine watching me intensely before I opened my and released my now clutching hand. Letting the object fall out only to hand by a thin piece of rope. It was a rather large stone coin, that had three conjoined spirals embedded into the flat sides of it.
"What's that?"
she goes to grab it, to inspect it.
"It's a family aireloom. It goes back centuries into my family history." I say, watching her trace the spirals over.
"What does this stand for?" she asks, referring to the spirals.
"It is a symbol of three conjoined spirals that curve outward in a flowing fashion. It's called the triskelion. My family used it for mental and spiritual growth and development. We mostly used it for a sense of control and peace. The words: the sun, the moon, the truth, is what each spiral stands for individually."
"So it's a rock that helps with depression and anxiety, so what?" Katherine says, tossing the stone onto the countertop.
"It's not just a rock." I grit out. Grabbing it, and holding it between my fingers. "It's a talisman. Legend goes on into my family, that it was an angel's magic that is sealed into it. And the angel stone is the key to breaking the seal. It takes a powerful witch to do that spell. You think he's just breaking a curse? Once the stone is used, it was send off a huge wave of magic. Magic that is strong enough to break the triskelion seal." I hiss, she stands up straight after hearing this.
"What will happen is the seal is broken?" I say nothing when she asks. "Aleana. What happens if the seal is broken?!" she asked loudly. Bowing my head down, I look up at her.
"It doesn't matter, you'll find out soon enough anyway." I flip the stone coin, before catching it and slipping it into my pocket. "I'm going out to find get something to eat." I didn't wait for her reply, because I had already left.
A few hours later, I was sitting at the bar in Mystic Grill, with my once empty stomach now full. I was finally able to get out of the apartment and away from everyone to have a decent meal. I had even taken the time to get myself a new outfit and a new phone. I was now wearing a lace panel blouse with a peplum leather jacket, black jeggings, and heeled black buckled ankle boots. I was enjoying my last bottle of beer until Damon sat next to me with Klaus. Damon order some bourbon, only for Klaus to order the same.
"I'll have the same." he says, looking at Damon with worried eyes.
"I screwed up," Damon said.
"Yeah, yeah you did."
"Yeah." Damon turns to me, about to say something but I cut him off.
"What do you want Damon...Klaus." I ask, as they sat next to each other.
"Uh...not Klaus..." he said, I then realized who it was.
"So you must be Alaric then." I say nonchalantly. He nodded, laughing to himself a little.
"And you are..."
"Damon's little back mailing victim." I say sarcastically. I then hear an accent that I thought I would have never heard in real life.
"Ladies and gentlemen? Why so glum?" the three of us turn to identify the voice.
"Niklaus..." I say in shock. It all had made sense now. Klaus was short for Niklaus. How stupid was I to think that they were two different people.
"Hello, love." Klaus says with a smirk.
"It was you this whole time...." I gasped. Damon looked at me confused.
"You know this guy?" he asked, but I didn't reply.
"Let's just say we have some history together." Klaus replies instead. Alaric looked at Klaus with fearful eyes. Damon then realized,
"Ugh, Klaus, I presume." he grabs his bourbon and takes a drink.
"In the flesh." he says, I nearly cringed at him saying that. He then looks at Alaric and pats him on the back, "Thanks for the loaner, mate." Damon gets up angrily.
"Any reason why you stopped by to say hi?" Klaus looks over to me before back to Damon before he noticed. But I did.
"I'm told you and your brother fancy my doppelgänger. Just thought I'd remind you to not do anything you'll regret." he warns. Damon smiles at the irony of the comment. For what, I do not know.
"Ha. Thanks for the advice. I don't suppose I could talk you into a postponement, by any chance, huh?" he asks, and I look up agreeing with him.
"You're kidding? He's kidding, right?" Klaus looks at Alaric for confirmation.
"No, not really." I say with him. I smile at him, thinking, The longer wait, the more time for me to get the hell out of here with the triskelion with me. I grip the talisman in my jack, wearing it now as a necklace. They exchanged a few more words before Klaus came over to me, and tapped my shoulder. Looking up from the stone coin, I let go of it and turn my attention to Klaus.
"Come on, love." he says with a smile, holding his hand out to take. Instead I gave him the, you-got-to-be-kidding-me look. He raises his brows, still smiling and holding his hand out for me to take. Sighing, I go to reach to pay for the beer, and I slam a 20 on the countertop before getting up.
"You better explain everything to me for this." I hiss before moving around him, and heading towards the exit of the place.