Better if I was Dead
"Zdravei, love." Klaus....
My eyes opened, I was back in the forest. The air felt lighter, and almost sweeter. Looking to my right, I was greeted by Klaus. He stood with his hands behind his back, He wore the same outfit from the last time I was here. Sided from his leather jacket missing, he looked magnificent.
"Pourquoi tu m'envoies toujours ici?" I spoke in an entirely different language than he did. Judging how he spoke, it must have been Bulgarian he was speaking. Much to my surprise he responded back in french,
"Je vous demanderais la même chose." he looked at me with a small smirk. "But I see you're just as bewildered as I." he finished in english. He takes a step toward me, and I follow suit, taking a step back. He paused, seeing this, before he sighed, looking down. "What wrong, love?" he asks, looking up at me, with his head down.
"Are you scared?" I frowned, not responding right away.
"No." I said plainly, "I'm not, I just don't want you getting any closer." I say truthfully. "The last time you did, you attacked me."
"And for that, you have my deepest apologies." he apologies to me. I sense he was sincere. "I wasn't in the right mind, and I wrongfully blamed you." I let out a shallow breathe, as he took another cautious step. This time I stood there, watching him, as he moved closer.
"You're forgiven." I whispered, when he stood right in front of me. Turning away from me, he walked around me, and away. Only stopping only when he notices I didn't follow him.
"Follow me, love." he says, before continuing on walking into the woods. Sighing, I shook my head, and reluctantly followed.
When I awoke, I wasn't in the cell. Instead, I was in a silk bed, with covers over me. I felt, warm yet cool. The room was at perfect temperature. I felt my way through the sheets with my hands, until I could prop myself up with them. Rolling my neck, I tilted my head towards the door, that opened, revealing Damon's brother, Stefan.
"What's the occasion?" I asked, pretending to pout, "Feeling bad for little old me?" he smiled slightly, before walking forward, and sitting at the edge of the bed.
"You can say that..." he starts to say, handing me the cup that was filled with a yellow liquid. Cringing slightly at the smell, I place the cup on the nightstand that sat near the bed. He frowned at me for a second, before looking away, hoping I didn't notice. "You didn't deserve to be down there." he said honestly. Looking down at my sheet covered lap, I said nothing.
"Damon had no right to throw you down there, and starve you." he continued, and I slowly nod. He paused for a while, looking at me, as if he was searching for something. Sighing, he stood back up and said before leaving, "Drink to keep your strength up. The smell may not be pleasing but it'll protect you.." he shut the door, leaving me perplexed, wondering what he meant by protecting me. But it didn't matter, I was dehydrated and it seemed to be the only thing that was a liquid in the room. Picking up, the glass cup, I sucked in a breath, before tipping my head back, bringing the cup to my lips, and drinking. The taste was bitter, nearly causing me to gag at the bittersweet substance. It was horrible and a part of me wondered why he would give me such a thing.
After drinking that foul, acrid excuse of a beverage, I found that I was hungry. Not surprising considering I was locked in a cell for 22 hours. I could hear commotion, but I was too hungry to listen in to what it was about. Somehow, I don't ́t know what brought it upon me, (maybe my hunger) my senses heightened allowing me to smell, see and hear everything. I could hear what I thought sounded like Katherine speaking.
"Stefan would you like to come into my house?" she asked.
"Of course." there was a short pause before Damon spoke.
"What are we? Twelve?"
"One us is." Katherine shot back snarkily, "If I let you in, do you promise to obey the owner of this house?"
"No." Damon was quick to reply.
" Seriously, Damon. My way. You promised. I call the shots. No lies, no secret agendas. Remember?" she whined.
"Yes, Elena, sure." he finally said. Wait...Elena? I was taken back. I was sure it was katherine who was speaking. I stopped listening to the rest, because it rendered me confused and agitated.
I paced around the room, fidgety. Desperate for Stefan to come back. A few minutes pass by and the door opens.
"Stefan." Sitting up, I turn around expecting to see Stefan. But instead Damon stood at the door way with what seemed to look like a bag of blood.
"Nope, try again." he says. Growling I stand up, and back up until my back hits a wall, making sure he couldn't get behind me.
"Damon..." I grit my teeth, he raised his brows with a smirk.
"Now, I know we got off to a bad start and all. But...I brought a peace offering." he starts off, holding up the blood bag. "I hope you like O positive." he finishes before tossing me the bag. Catching it, I give him a look, hoping he was joking.
"Well this was surely not my definition of food." I growled tossing the blood bag on the bed. Damon narrowed his eyes, looking me over.
"You haven't had a drop of since you've been here..." he says suspiciously. Gulping I look down. "And yet you don't look like utter hell."
"Um...Stefan came in with a blood bag earlier..." I lied, he stared at me for a second, before shrugging.
"Welp, suit yourself." he grabs the bag rips and sinks his fangs into the bag. Jumping back a little I noticed veins under his eyes. It looked creepy as hell. Looking away I decided not to watch as he drank the blood bag dry. Before throwing it away from him.
"Now that you're done, you can leave." I say looking back at him. Wiping the excess of blood off his mouth, he goes to speak,
"Because I need your help."
"I'd rather die than help you. After everything you've done." I spat at him, only to have him raise a brow at me.
"Did I ask? No, I mean, you're going to help me."
Sitting on the couch, I had my arms crossed and a frustrated look on my face. I had tried to escape shortly after I meet Elena (who I found out was Katherine's doppelganger) but was stopped, by Damon, yet again. Not only after that I meet Bonnie, who is a witch. Stefan, who happened to be along with them, gave me a confused look when he found me out of his room. Now the four stood in the living room, talking about this 'Klaus'.
"So we go to the dance, we find him." Damon finally said after Elena explained what happened at the highschool. Apparently Klaus had compelled a teenager to send a message to Elena, and I was more worried about what he could compel than the message that was given to the human. I also wondered if any of them could do the same. Since Klaus is a vampire, I could only assume that they could, being vampires themselves.
"Really? How are we going to do that? We don't even know what he looks like." Stefan says.
"Something tells me he's not going to be sixteen and pimply." Damon states sarcastically. "And.. We have a new secret weapon." Damon looks at me.
"How is a another vampire the answer to all of our problems? " Bonnie asks, causing me to roll my eyes.
"Klaus doesn't know about me, which gave Damon the bright idea to use me as the sacrificial lamb. To go undercover and work for Klaus." I explain glaring at Damon whilst doing so.
"In which she will do so. " Damon states matter of factly.
"I'm sorry I don't take order. I barely take suggestions. Nor am I accepting any from you, " I growl, turning to him. Damon was now in front of me.
"You're acceptance is non negotiable. " He grits out. Stefan steps in before anything escalates and says,
"Either way, He could be anywhere at any time. He compelled somebody at school, " he then looks over to Elena and Bonnie. "I guess it's not as safe as you guys thought, huh?"
There was then a knock at the door, interupting the conversation. Damon hurries over to the door before opening it, revealing a middle aged man. Could there be anymore of them? I thought to myself when the man apologies for being late. Damon invites him in before informing him.
"Hey, I need you to put me down as a chaperone at the dance tonight. Klaus made his first move." the older brunette's eyes scanned over the room before stopping at me, looking slightly shocked. Narrowing my eyes, he blinked and the astonishment in his eyes were gone, leaving me perplexed as to why he looked at me that way.
"Okay, so we find him and then what, hmm? What's our plan of attack?" Elena said, taking us out of our trance. Bonnie was quick to reply.
"Me. I'm the plan. He has no idea how much power I can channel. If you can find him, I can kill him." she says with much confidence. She looks over to me with a smug look. Giving her a blank look, I shrugged it off and stayed quiet.
"That's not going to be that easy. I mean, he is the biggest, baddest vampire around." the man says, making a good point.
"Alaric has a point, I mean what if he..." Damon flashes over to Bonnie, but before he could get to her, he was fung accross the room with some unknown force.
"Well, I was impressed." Stefan smirks at his brother.
"It doesn't matter if he's an Original. I can take down anyone who comes at me. I can kill him, Elena. I know I can." she makes her point. Standing up, I alert everyone's attention to me.
"Well, that's great news, guess you don't need me." I say, heading towards the door. Once again I was stopped fromo leaving, as Damon had sped over to me, blocking my way out.
"Not so close, you're our plan B." he looks down at me with a smirk. Sighing, I close my eyes, to control my temper, before opening them to look back at Damon.