Twisted Little Party669Please respect copyright.PENANAxFNOVXZzYC
Everyone was getting ready for the 60's decade dance. Being the jerk that he was, Damon decided to take me to the dance as another chaperone and stuck me in his room until they were ready to go. In all honesty, I didn't want to go. all I was stuck thinking about was Niklaus and the time we spent together in our dreams. At some point I had to accept that he wasn't real, but everything screamed at me, telling me he was. He was charming, yet dangerous and determined. We had spent most of our time, sitting in a field of flowers, just talking. It wasn't us telling our life stories, it was just me and him, and everything around us. He had even told me about the 20's, and how I would have loved being there.
"Anytime tonight." I hear Damon say, snapping me out of my thoughts. Sighing I look myself in the mirror and leave his room. Walking past the three, I walk down stairs saying,
"Lets get this night over with." and so the night went on.
The dance music was loud. Too load for my liking. But as the music vibrated through me, I felt this odd sense of power. It came from within me, and I suddenly felt stronger. Growing curious, I look around me, checking to see if anyone was watching me, before I thrust my hand downwards in front of me. A cup that a student was drinking, flung out of his hand and into a girl. Grinning, I turn before walking away discreetly, inwardly excited that I had gotten my powers back.
A girl goes onto stage, standing behind the microphone before speaking.
"Thanks for being here, everybody. We have a special shout-out tonight." she smiles into the crowd, "This is for Elena. From Klaus." Rolling my eyes, I shake my head, before making my way over to Damon. I notice Alaric next to him as he says,
"Special dedication, huh? This guy's a little twisted." I roll my eyes once again.
"I'm not impressed." Damn states with his arms crossed.
"No?" A flash of disappointment is seen on Rica face before I step in.
"More like, way to make himself known that he is here." I say, standing on the other side of Damon.
"Let me know if you see anything out of whack." he says before leaving Alaric and I standing alone together. I watched Damon's back until he disappeared into the crowd. Preparing to leave, Alaric stopped me in my tracks when he asked,
"So tell me, out of all of this, why haven't you made a run for it?"
"What's the point, Damon will just track my ass down and drag me back here." I stated, stuffing my hands into my jacket pockets. When he said nothing, I just sighed, and turned to walk away saying, "I just want to get this over with."
Not even a few minutes later I see Jermey walk out of the dance into the hallway, seconds after two boys follow him. Curious I follow to, wonder what they were up to. Thanks to the music, I wasn't unable to hear the words they were exchanging, until I saw them start fighting. The two other boys grab Jeremy while another one punches him in the stomach a few times. The other boys throw Jeremy to the ground and they all start kicking him. Rushing over, I push myself in between the boys, only to thrust my hand out, flinging them back. Helping Jermey up, Damon and Stefan come in just in time to stop them from attacking us.
"Hey idiots!" Damon says, provoking one of them to pull out a crossbow before shooting it at Damon's shoulder. Rushing over using my speed, I catch the stake before it could hit him, and toss it aside. He looks at me in shock for a second before turning back to the compelled teenagers.
"Let me guess...Klaus says hi?" Damon asks, before Stefan speeds over toward them, hitting one of them. Damon, quickly grabs the stake before going after the other one, grabbing ahold of the other one, with the intent to kill.
"No, no, no, no. Damon, don't kill him. He's being compelled." I tried to reason with him. He looked at me with this crazed look in his eyes. For once I could see him as the monster he was.
"So, the whole thing's a distraction. You guys go find Bonnie and Elena. I got this. Go." Stefan butted in, piercing his lips together in a straight line, he shoved the boy into the lockers, knocking him out. Before sprinting back into the dance floor, looking for any sign of Elena or Bonnie. Stopping I closed my eyes, drowning out the music, only listening for the sound of either of the girls voices. Suddenly I heard Elena say,
"Klaus!" snapping my eyes open, I dashed out of the dance once again, and down the hall, searching for any sign of them. Not 20 seconds later, I see Elena sprint passed me with Bonnie.
"Come on!" Bonnie yells, grabbing onto my arm dragging me along with them. She then forces the doors open with her magic and we run through them, Damon suddenly next to us, as he had came through another set of doors.
"What's happening?" he asks, frantically looking over us.
"Klaus is in Alaric's body!" Elena informed, and it all suddenly dawned on me. The looks he has been giving Damon all made sense now. He was offended when Damon shot down his little tricks.
"What?" me and Damon say at the same time.
"He's possessing him or something."
"Go find Stefan. Now." I tell her, she looks at me with bewilderment.
"Okay." she looks at Bonnie unsure of what to do.
"Now." Damon steps in. She nods before taking off, leaving the three of us to fend off Klaus.
"Can you kill him?" he asks.
"He's got some kind of protection spell on him." Bonnie explains.
"You have the power of a hundred witches. Break it." I growl, she looks at Damon then me.
"I'm trying! If I kill Alaric, he'll just possess someone else. He knows I have my power, Aleana. He's trying to kill me." she tells me. Sighing deeping Damon says,
"No. Klaus does not get to win tonight, no way. You still willing to do whatever it takes for you're freedom?" he looks at me, causing me to shift my footing.
Bonnie and me walk down the hallway hastily. Before entering the cafeteria, only to see Klaus sitting on a chair with a knife between his fingers.
"What took you so long?" He asked, looking between, as he stood up. "Now, we can either do this the easy way or the hard way." Smirking I speed over to him, grabbing the hand that held the knife and twisted it, successfully breaking in his wrist. He grabs me by the jacket, lifts me, only to toss me away and onto the ground. Snapping his wrist back into place, he stands straight again.
"The hard way, got it." he states. Bonnie thrusts her hand out, breaking his shoulder, bringing him to his knees. He groans before gritting out,
"What? You'd kill your favorite history teacher?"
"It's what Alaric would want. And he'd want you to suffer first." she says, and I notice blood starting to drip from her nose. Once again, I go after Klaus again, but this time he was prepared. He dodged my attempt to hit him as I swiftly and barely miss his attempt to strike back. Grabbing onto his sleeve, I twist my arm around, intending to punch him in the face only for him to grab my fist, bends the hand back, breaking my wrist. Giving out a cry of pain, I let go of him, and he flings me back, causing me to slide across the floor.
"Look at you" he tells me, "is that all you got?" it was Bonnie's turn to hit him with a wave of magic, that broke his arm.
"Let's find out." she says, as I get back, my wrist healing back into place. She thrust her hands out as I sprint towards Klaus once again. A gust of wind blows in, causing the lights to flicker and papers flying. Her nose continues to bleed as she breaks his leg, and I punch his face. She then breaks his foot, as he punches me in the stomach, defending himself from my attacks. He falls to the floor, as I struggle to get up, looking over to see Damon, Stefan and Elena running towards us. Only to have the doors be forced shut by Bonnie.
"Bonnie no!" the lights burst and I cover my head, as Bonnie continues to attack the vampire. I could hear it as Stefan tries to open the doors, but is unable to. Bonnie looks at Elena with a smile. Klaus gets up and Bonnie faces him. Suddenly with a jerk of her body she bends back and falls on the floor. Elena and Stefan open the doors and rush over Bonnie in the now dark room. Only for me to feel strong arms, pull me backwards and I lose consciousness.