"Damien Bruner. Alpha king of the U.S, Alpha of the Hunter's Moon Pack, The bigge- blah blah blah blah blah blah blah".
I stop listening when things get boring. All we need to know was his name and position, to me the rest of that Is unnecessary.
I Instead look down at boy, who's all nice and snuggled up In my lap with his new sweater and cover combo that King Damien's men found during the raid and had them handed out to us.
Its been a couple of hours since and we have relocated outside after smoke from the fires found It's way to where we resided and King Damien had us evacuate. I held boy close and this time he was calm, he layed his head on my shoulder and I got us out of there just trying my best to shield him from the horrors that lingered outside, he's already seen enough today alone. Enough to scar him so I protected him and he let me.
He trusted me and I can only hope that I didn't let him down.
Before putting the cover back over his face to stop the falling snow and debris from touching his warming skin I put my hand on his head and stroked his soft cheek with my thumb. He's looks so peaceful. I can't wait to see him like this when he's all cleaned up and smiling.
I smile to myself. That's going to be a sight.
"Miss" I hear someone call while tapping my shoulder for their attention and avert my gaze to see one of King Damien's men, his large size and healthy build gave It away.
"Yes?" I reply lowly.
"Have you chosen yet?" He sighs and I give him a confused look.
What does he mean? Looking up now from the corner of my eye, I can see that wolves are walking and forming groups all around us.
Oh no what did I miss?
"I um.....I didn't hear what was said." I whisper out too afraid of his response as he already looks mad.
"You didn't hear?" He asks aggressively.
"No." I admit.
"How come?" He sounds as If he's getting aggravated. Which Is more than understandable I would be to.
"My um....my um....ears are still ringing from the alarm" I lie.
He throws his head back for a couple of seconds before letting out a deep sigh that leaves a thick cloud of smoke In the air.
"Do you have a pack?" He asks.
"Are you Interested In joining king Damien's pack then? He says finally looking back down at me.
A pack?
Do I?
Can I?
I open my mouth to ask but when I meet his eyes I can tell he's already fed up with me.
"Yes." I blurt out.
"Then go that way."
He points to the crowd to the left of me and I look at It. There's only a couple of people, maybe twenty? Standing all huddled up In a group to get warm, they look older, they look feral. I don't know If I'm okay with that. I look down to boy, who Is safe where we are. Safe with me.
I then take a quick glance over to one of the other groups way beyond the demolished buildings and find that the majority of them are already gone, the remaining one's are shifting both young and old to then take off In their shifted forms all alone, all by themselves with no one to protect them.
I don't want that. Not at all.
Back at the group I was directed to I can see some of King Damien's men dispersing blankets and these little white packets that the wolves take all too eagerly and rip open to suck the substance out. It seem's to be food and the very thought makes my empty stomach growl.
When was the last time that I ate? I look down to boy. When was the last time that he's eaten?
From what I can see these wolves, the wolves of King Damien's pack. They show hospitality and kindness, things that I could get used to but If I go with them would they still act the same? If so for how long? I ask myself.
Would I be able to properly care for boy and myself?
Can I even care for myself?
Boy shifts In my lap which brings my gaze back to him. If I won't join the pack for myself then I'll do It for him, to keep him safe.
I've made up my mind.
I turn back around to say thank you but the guy Is gone.
I stand up and pull boy close to my chest as I start to walk twords the crowd of people that linger by the big set of barbed wire gates that surrounds the setting bloody setting of fallen wolves and humans all alike.
I walk through with my head held high and as I near them, I hear King Damien talking so I speed up determined to hear this one at all costs and look for the King. A couple of the wolves see me, only a few acknowledge me but even so they don't say anything.
When I spot King Damian the first thing that I notice Is that's he looks exhausted. His striking blue eyes have dark bags under them and his dirty blonde hair Is a mess. He also looks kinda older. But even so, he's still extremely Intimidating with his Immense nice tall and lean muscular build.
He's even a giant In this form.
"Everyone here Is to come with me to my pack correct?" He ask's the man besides him.
"Obviously" The guy replied and I dropped my jaw. Why would he say that? And to the Alpha King with so much confidence?
But to my surprise, King Damien only rolled his eyes and continued to speak. He must be really tired.
"Alright know now that you can leave at any time until I bond you to the pack" He Informs us while making sure to put extra emphasis on until "And know that once you are In my pack you will have the responsibilities of being In a pack. But that's a conversation for another time. Also once you are In MY pack, You will be held on a higher pedestal than other packs, you will be treated differently, better, like you're the one of the strongest, None of you are there yet, you may never be, but you damn sure can act the part." He Stated.
"Now, We're going to start loading up the van's soon. It's three to a seat. pick your buddies. Five minutes." And with that he clapped his hands together and walked away.
Van? Buddies?
I look around and see that people have already began picking their buddies and It puts me on edge.
I already have one, boy, I just need one more.
I glance over to a girl who looks like she's having trouble finding a buddy too, she stands In the back not saying anything just like me. I want to walk over there and say something but I just can't bring myself to do It. Just thinking about It makes my heart speed up. I look down at the ground trying to think of something else.
I take a deep breath In trying to relax but when I exhale It comes out all shaky with a cloud.
"Alright let's go"
I look up to see the guy that was next to king Damien motioning us to come to him.
Oh I don't have my third buddy, I turn my head to see If the girl was still there and I see her already walking my way. We make eye contact but I break It by looking at the ground.
Oh no. What do I Do? Jesus man.
"Um.."she whispered.
I look up and meet her eyes, I notice that she stopped a little ways away from me. She's nervous to, but she walked over here and talked to me first. She did the hardest part now It's my turn.
I opened my mouth to say something but my words caught In my throat.
"Y- I....okay" I whispered back.
She looked at me confused. As was expected.
"Buddy?" I pushed out.
"Yes please" she muttered back, her hair has a little blanket of snow on It that makes her look so cute. We stared at each other for a couple of seconds until I decided to take the last couple of steps up to her.
"Okay then let's go." I muttered turning to leave.
Oh wait.
I smiled a little twords her to let her know I wasn't trying to be rude. She smiled back and we started walking to catch up with the others who had already began getting Into what I suppose are the vans.
When we caught up to the big white vans, the three that were there were already full.
"Over here!"
We turned to see the guy from earlier gesturing to us. He was by a fourth one and already had the door open so we rushed over to him.
"Well It looks like you girls got lucky, a whole van to your selves" He said to us with a smile.
"Hop In."
First I pushed boy In, scooting him to the far end of the seat so I could get In, Then followed the girl.
The guy then slams the door closed, startling me a bit. Its quiet for a second until he pops up In the front seat slamming his door behind him as well.
"Shit It's cold man fuck!" He yelled rubbing his hands together.
He then reached over to flick a knob on the front part that made hot air start blowing on my head. I shivered In delight, It felt amazing. The girl did to. Her long wavy brown hair blew out of her face and I looked.
She was really pretty, A nice oval shaped face with big brown eyes, accompanied by long thick eyelashes, her face, littered with freckles, her skin, fair and her lips, plump red. I also realized that she only had on a sweater and shorts. Without a second thought I take my cover from around me and lay It out on her legs.
She looked at me all wide eyed.
"Thank you" In a whisper.
"Your welcome" I replied.
"Aww look at you two just getting along all nice and swell"
We all smile at that.
"Alright now, drive time lady's I just want to say sorry In advance for my road rage and I like to speed so be ready."
Me and the girl both looked at each other before saying "okay" I grabbed boy and placed him In my lap, Then let him wiggle around till he got comfortable again after I moved him.
"Okay then"
We began moving.
"So" I said to the girl "What's your name?"
She looked at me and smiled.
So pretty.
"What's yours?"