Fire, an element deviant to all things peaceful yet a first sister to all things beautiful when seen In the right light. Every hue, flicker, and flame born from a spark to either burn those of the unworthy, the sinners, the saints and the Innocent all alike If seen In the wrong light, or to spread with beauty and grace to bless those willing to see what It has to offer.
In birds eye view I can see people running, I can hear the screams and feel the terror but there's nothing that I can do.
Not me, not I. Someone as frail as a butterfly and already consumed by the flame without being burned. I see It's beauty, I can hear It's crackling song so It brings me no harm. Consequently, It brings me no fear so I bear the dancing flame as I lay Immobile, tiny hands held up high In the air without a care In the world for I am worthy.
I even pay no attention to the approaching figure as I know that It cannot harm me In this form, I am protected so I hold no fear when I'm hoisted up by the giant who I soon learn too shares my gift. I'm held and caressed as her sweet lullaby soothes me along side our skin to skin contact that grants our flames the chance to combine and hum as one In a sweet harmony of bliss and assurance.
Our soft sway, her song, and the dark night calms me, which Allows my person, my flame, and my mind the chance to slowly but surely drift off Into swallowing darkness. With a yawn I welcome It, and feel as my eager conscience Is sent drifting Into the dream world of my feeble yet bright mind.
Like every night after such a dream I shoot awake, not startled but aware and ready for anything.
I wait In place to allow myself more time to register whats going on.
I'm still In the van I sigh, no harm done. Only warmth and two heavy bodies stationed to hold me In place. I smile lightly as I look down to the sleeping bug who lays curled up In my lap comfortably, We decided to call him buggy because he doesn't know his name and boy wasn't going to work, It just didn't sound right. Tristan said that he would look him up In the system when we reached the house so we could find his real name. Until then he's buggy. Nadessa Is also sleep, she's laying down In the seat, her head also resting In my lap peacefully and I gaze at the side of her pretty face adoringly.
We've become close In these past days with us being so close and I think that I'm starting to like her. She's nice, funny, and smart, bug likes her too so I think that we could eventually form an even closer bond.
I wouldn't mind that at all.
"Is It too hot?" I hear Tristan ask from up front and nod my head. He sees me do It from the little mirror thingy up top then reaches over to play with a couple of nobs that shuts the heat off.
"Thank you." I whisper to him.
"No problem speedy, get some more sleep we have a long day tomorrow." He suggest and I nod my head again more then ready to return to my slumber.
"Only three hours left then were home free." He says with a sigh and I watch as he starts to grip the steering wheel tighter. He's exhausted, this trip most definitely has taken a toll on him being that he only got to sleep like twice.
Ill make sure to properly find a way to thank him when we reach our destination for being so good to us, he's a really nice man that has made the drive to the pack house was unbelievably fun and even though Its took a three whole days so far, and got pretty uncomfortable at times with us being all cooped up In such a tight space, Tristan made sure that we were constantly entertained. He blasted music trying to teach us the words by playing them multiple times, It also gave me multiple headaches but for the most part It was really fun.
We also stopped and took a couple of breaks where Tristan would let us go walk around In the area for a while to stretch our legs and get food In really pretty places then later on at night he would let's us watch movies on his laptop thing, my favorite one so far would be shark tales, then lilo and stitch because It made me cry the most.
Also Tristan Is "the guy" I had to ask eventually because I couldn't keep saying hey every time I wanted his attention.
It felt rude.
Along the way he also gave us tons of valuable Information too, like how he's the Hunter's Moon Pack's Beta, which he told us was the second In command. After he realized that we didn't know what that was, He decided It would be best to explain to us the rankings In a pack. The alpha Is the leader, but I already knew that of course. Then It's the beta, he would be the one to take over If anything ever happened to the Alpha and Luna. I asked him why the Luna wouldn't be considered second In command since she would be the one to take over If the alpha died and he explained that's because she's technically the alpha to, so If something happened to the alpha then she would become Alpha, then the Beta. He then told us about the delta and how he's third In command.
I feel pretty stupid having to ask these questions. But It's not like It's my fault. If I had a choice In what I could have learned, Pack life would have definitely been on the list. But sadly that was robbed from me so I'll just have to make do.
With a tired yawn I turn to look out of the window. Its dark out so I don't see much but the passing trees and mountain's but even so, Its super calming just to be able to see the outstanding scenery. I honestly don't think I could ever get over It after spending my whole life believing that I would never be able to see It. The outside world Is just amazing and I cant wait want to see It all.
But after a while my eyes start to get heavy and I let out a yawn. So I close them and give In, to get sent drifting Into the peaceful darkness of my sure to be vivid dreams.
The next time that I awake It's not so pleasant due to the giddy Nadessa there shaking me half to death.
"We're almost there!" She exclaims. excitement heavy In her voice.
I sit up groaning because of our sleeping position and the shining sun without warning or a care burned my my unprepared eyes so I throw my arm up to cover them.
"Good morning!" I hear bug sing and open my eye's to see hims smiling from ear to ear In the front seat with Tristan. His voice surprises me and I find myself smiling big with him.
"Rise and shine speedy" Tristan says looking at me through the mirror up above.
Did I mention that he's the massive wolf? He nicknamed me speedy after our little encounter. He said that It was a well earned name because I gave him a good chase. Even though the experience was pretty traumatizing for me I did earn It.
"Good morning" I say while putting my arms above my head to stretch and pop my back.
"How far are we?" I ask.
"We're pulling up now" He assures as I turn and Look out of the window and I notice that we are surrounded by towering trees. I don't know why I thought that we would be In a city like one of the ones that we visited with Tristan being that werewolves only associate with werewolves so of course a more rural area would be the move. As we come around a pass a huge lake appears, But what catches my eye are the houses beyond It. There's so many. Its like we are In a city. But more private.
"Are they part of the pack?" I ask
"Yea everyone In the area Is, this Is our land. All of It." He states proudly.
"Wow that's a lot of people then" Nadessa adds.
"Well we are one of the biggest pack In the world after all." He speaks with pride.
"I see." I mumble while sitting back In my seat. That's a lot of people.
"Where will we be staying then?" Nadessa asks.
"In the pack house. You'll stay there until you get on your feet, then you can move out Into one of the houses on the land and settle down there." He tells us "You all will like It there I promise." He assures when we don't answer him.
Eventually the lake comes to an end and were submerged back Into the thick trees on a tiny little road that he speeds down claiming that were just that close. We scream and laugh as he hit's sharp turns that have us flying all around In our seats.
Eventually he stops playing around and when we hit a turn that lets an enormous mansion emerge from the thick trees we all let our loud gasps sound. It looks like It's being sucked Into the mountain that hides behind It as large parts of the house trail and stick out of different parts of the large mountain. The house Is In the mountain? That's amazing. The outside of It Is covered In brown bricks which gives It an old time feel but the many different lights and Windows all along with the out side decor makes It look more modern then In the front sits a large marble fountain with the a statue of a wolf.
When we near I spot the other vans but not the people.
"Tristan are we late?" I ask remembering when he told us that as soon as we get to the pack house we would all gather out front so that we could officially become part of the pack.
"Hella" He admits way to calmly for my liking.
I turn my head to Nadessa giving her a confused look that she returns.
"So like.... what's gonna happen then?" I ask skeptically.
"Um nothing special we just go straight to Damien I guess." He shrugs.
He stops the car and we get out the cold air Instantly hits me, this Is something that I do not miss feeling. Tristan grabbed bug and we began our way to the large pack house. There's a large set of stairs that we have to go up before we reach the big set of double doors that I thought would be heavy but Tristan pulled them open with ease.
As soon as we walk In I'm enveloped In a blanket of warmth and start to rub my cold arms. It feels so good. I could get used to this. Warmth.
When I finally I get to Looking around I see people. A ridiculous amount of them stare as we walk through the wide room and I start to feel very self conscious. When I think about It I mean who wouldn't? We probably look like freaks. Dressed In all white no shoes and thin clothing like It's not cold out side. I move to walk behind Tristan with my head hung low as my body begins to shake and sweat drip from my forehead. To my luck he's big enough that I can hide In his shadow. Nadessa does the same thing but she grabs a hold of me so we could link arms. I do so happily trying my best to keep calm.
We walk down a long corridor and pass many different rooms. A lot of them I cannot Identify but I see people socializing everywhere and they all without fail stop and stare when we pass which makes my stomach do flips. I hate It. I wish they would just keep on doing what they were doing before but soon we hit a left and go up what felt like a million stairs until we got to the fourth floor.
"Alright I hope you all payed attention to which way we came because It's not hard to get lost around here." He advises.
I don't say anything I just want this to be over with. We continue to walk down the long hallway until we near a door and Tristan stops to knock. Over the door read "King Alpha Bruner's office". We wait there for a couple of seconds. No answer. Tristan knocked again this time louder. Still no answer "Well looks like we missed him." And turns to leave.
We missed him?
"Wait!" I yell on accident. Instantly slapping my hands to my mouth. Man my nerves are really getting to me.
Tristan turns to look at me. Eyebrows furrowed In confusion.
"What Is It speedy?"
"I...I..I'm sorry, Its just....what are we gonna do?" I ask.
Are we still gonna be able to join the pack? Will he be mad at us for being so late?
"We go and get you guys settled then come back and talk to him tomorrow" He assures In a calm voice.
"Oh" I say, lowering my head to the ground again. Embarrassed at my outburst.
Nadessa squeezes my arm and I turn to look at her. She gives me a reassuring smile.
"Okay" I say.
"Okay then" He says and turns back around to continue to walk.
We go back down to the second floor.
"This floor Is for girls and It's where you will be staying until you leave" He Informs us "I'll have someone bring you two some clothes and food shortly so try to ready."
"Okay" We both say.
Wait two?
"Where's buggy gonna go?" I ask. I was kind of hoping he could stay with us.
"He's gonna come and hang out with my son for a while since he doesn't have a roommate yet." He says.
"We can be his roommates...." I almost wine "Ill take care of him I swear I will."
"I'm sure you will but It's against the rules and If I bend this one for you then others will think that It's okay."
"I....." I feel my heart start to hurt.
"He'll be okay with my I promise speedy."
"And where Is that?" I ask. It's not that I don't trust Tristan. I've just become very attached to buggy. He means a lot to me.
"My house. You two can come visit whenever you would like. I'll have my mate come and show you two around If you would like. I would have one of the pack girls do It but they can be be pretty Insensitive sometimes and I wouldn't want to put either If you In that position when your not ready." He states "Ill try to send someone sensible by for now."
I look over to Nadessa who hasn't said a thing In a while. I really don't mind but I just wan't bug to stay here.
"Would you like that?" I ask her.
She hesitates for a second before answering "What's she like?" She ask's a really good question. What Is this woman like?
"Well.." He starts. "She's amazing, truly one of a kind and I think you two will love her. She'll be nice and patient with you two, she's a cook and owns her own bakery so she'll probably take you there and she loves to help." He says, his words were full of love and adornment "You two can get to know her better tomorrow. She will treat the both of you so good I promise." He says.
We come to a stop.
"Alright this Is yours." He gestures to the door that we stopped In front of.
"Thank you Tristan" Both me and Nadessa say.
"Will you two be fine until I send for someone to help with settling In?" He cocks an eyebrow an I nod my head before reaching my hands out to buggy and he Instantly let's go of Tristan neck to come to me. If he Is leaving then I want to properly say goodbye so I grab his waist and pull him Into my chest for a big hug.
"I'll miss you bug" I say while planting a soft kiss on his curly head.
"Me to..." He mumbles while playing with my hair and giving me a kiss on the cheek. He gives Nadessa a hug too before Tristan takes him back to disappear down the hall.
"You ready?" I ask Nadessa.
"Of course." she smiles back.
I open the door and my jaw drops Instantly when I see the size of the room. Its huge. To the left and right of us are two beds with another one In front of the one on the right. Looking straight ahead there's a really long desk the occupies the free left corner and wall but It stops at the big widow. I walk over to It and pull open the pretty light blue curtains that reveal a little sitting area covered In pillows. I look out of the window to see that It over looks the magnificent lush green forest. I love!
"Nadessa!" I yell "come look at this!"
She was sitting on one of the bed's but quickly comes over to join me.
"Wow" She comments "It's really pretty here."
"I know!" I exclaim continuing to look out of the window.
"Hey what's that?" Nadessa asks while pointing twords the odd set of double door's by the desk.
"I don't know" I say " go check."
With a nod she gets up to walk to the door as I sit down and make my self comfortable at the window. Its big enough that I can lay down, stretch out and roll twice before touching the window.660Please respect copyright.PENANAjgfwR9pSYx
I. Love. It!
I'm Interrupted when I hear Nadessa scream and slam the door.
"NADESSA WHAT HAPPENED!?" I scream back.
I get up to see what's happening but she's already In front of me climbing Into the window.
"NADE-" I start but her hand's over my mouth before I could get It out.
"There's a girl In there and she's naked." She says In a whisper.
Now letting go of my mouth to cover her eyes "And I saw her oh my god" She leans down to put her head In my lap.
I look over at the beds and notice that there's a bag on one of them. Oh. Well there are three beds.