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Spending time with Donna and Hailey actually turned out to be really fun. We spent hours browsing and going to different sites for clothes. We even got some stuff for the room, well two been bags, a hello kitty lamp, and a ton of pillows for our window. Goddess I love that window, I can't wait to get back to It.
Right now we're finishing up our pizza, my new favorite food. We were gonna go down to the pack kitchen at dinner time to eat with the others but when I remembered all of the people that we saw on the way up here I panicked so Hailey and Donna decided that that wasn't the best Idea and ordered In.
I kind of feel bad because Nadessa was excited but I'm really not ready for that yet. I'll have to make It up to her somehow.
After we got done eating we took a little break from shopping so that Hailey and Donna could find us something for In the mean time until our things arrived. That ended up being a bust though, me and Nadessa were way to tiny to fit their clothes. Donna's a big plump curvy beast and Hailey's really fit with a lot of muscle. Donna had to go all the way In the back of their closet to find clothes for us to fit. In the end she had to go to her eleven year old little sisters room to find us things that still ended up being baggy on us but at least we have something.
"So why did you two stay home today?" I ask curiously, they named off many reason as of to why so many people were out and It got me wondering.
"Well It's cold as fuck outside for one" Says Hailey, I sort of cringe, she curses too much but I continue to listen "And I also didn't wanna leave Donna alone."
I turn to look at Donna, nothing looked wrong with her. Whats up?
"Why didn't you?" I asked turning twords Donna.
"Well no reason In particular, I'm just hurting a little bit" She admits.
"Are you okay?" Nadessa asked very quietly, everyone looked at her for a second, she hasn't really been saying much. She would laugh every now and then when Hailey would crack a joke but other than that she's been pretty quiet.
"Well..." Donna starts " Yesterday when we were training I went up against Donovan and he kind of whooped my ass." She says with a light chuckle.
"Even though I told her not to." Hailey adds rolling her eyes.
"I know I know but....I just wanted to be close to him..." She says, a hint of sadness In her voice. I don't know why but It makes me kind of sad to, she doesn't act like that. She's more reserved and closed off compared to the loud and out In the open Hailey but It's not In her personality, well, I cant speak on that too heavily I just met them.
"Who's Donovan?" Nadessa asks concerned "Did he hurt you bad?" Looking Donna up and down.
"He's the packs soon to be Beta" Hailey explains "And also her ex that's why she felt the need to be close to him." She finishes while pretending to throw up.
"It's not like that!" Donna exclaims "I would never do that! I think he has a mate now!" She wines.
"Then why did you want to be close to him?" She narrows her eyes at Donna, folding her arms at her chest.
"Oh my god I said It's not like that!" Donna yells "He looked sad so I wanted to cheer him up a bit that's all!" She says folding her arms at her chests and falling backwards onto the bed.
"Okay Donna okay" Hailey says surprisingly calmly "Whatever the fuck you say."
The mood completely shifts and I start to feel uncomfortable. I meet eyes with Nadessa and I can tell that she feels the same way. It's high time we change the subject.
"So...how long have you two been living In the pack house? I ask nervously.
At first neither of them say anything until Hailey speaks up, successfully cutting trough the thick tension.
"For me, four years, and Donna five." Hailey says bluntly.
That's a long time. Don't they have a home?
"Why though? I ask.
"Well we came here to be pack warrior's" She begins "When you first shift you get the choice of becoming a pack warrior, If you choose warrior you have to move Into the pack house and train until you gain enough experience to earn an official spot as one or you find something else that Interest you" She finishes.
"Oh" Is all I say. A pack warrior. Tristan told us about the pack warriors. They help defend and fight for the pack. He also told us to stay away from the training boys because they were "horny bastards with no morals". A bunch of unnecessary curses but regardless, to me It sounds so cool. Maybe I could learn a few things.
"Do you think we could be warriors?" I ask. I'm a good fighter, or at least I would like to think so. I have more than enough experience so could I earn myself a spot?
Hailey looks me and Nadessa up then down before answering.
"Well...."She starts "Not to be rude, I don't think that either of you are cut out for It... But I don't think that Alpha would mind If you two came and watched a couple of practices." She smiles reassuringly at us.
"That sounds amazing" I reply "What do you do? I heard that there were specific roles."
She nods her head "Not really roles but like," She sucks her teeth "Specialties and field of expertise maybe."
She nods her head to Donna "We are warrior patrolers. Not all warriors are fighters, some are lookouts, and runners, we protect them as fighters In the face of danger."
I nod my head In awe "Dangers like other packs?"
"No, no one would dare and the only other people equal to our Alpha King would be another Alpha King. All Alpha Kings are a peace for now so we don't have to worry about them. Yes we are prepared for such Instances but the likeness of us being attacked by another Alpha King Is low. Rouges don't really fuck with us, our lower levels packs maybe but they never come to close to the capital If that's what you could call us."
"So there's really no danger?" Nadessa ask's.
"Well, the vampires around here can be quite troublesome. They don't know their boundaries but altercations are rare as we never catch them, they are slick and the abundance of them have lived for longer than our pack has been a thing so they know our grounds like the back of their hands. We have treaties with them but they find loop holes In and out." She speaks of the vampires with a slight bit of disdain laced In her words. I don't think that she's very find of them.
"Oh." Is all I say.
When I feel something soft hit my shoulder I open my eyes I see our black haired roommate across the room from us In her bed, she looks really angry so I sit up to see whats going on.
Knock! Knock!
I wake up fully when I hear the sound of knocking on the door. Someones here? What time Is It? I sit up and roll over onto my back, propping myself up on my elbows to see what time It Is. Straight ahead on the desk In the left corner of the room sits a clock. It reads 10:34 PM.592Please respect copyright.PENANAK2k2HZdFWo
Wow It's late.
The knock comes again so I decide to get up. Throwing my legs over the side of the bed I slip my feet Into my slippers and walk to the door. I whisper a quick sorry to our roommate before she encases herself back Into her covers. I feel like we only keep making things worse with her, It may not be Intentional at all but I still feel bad.
When I get to the door and pull It open and I find that there stands a tall gorgeous looking woman, she has long brown curly hair and beautiful sparkly brown eyes.
"Hello?" I say very softly while watching her every move.
"Hello, you must be Honey" She says with a big bright smile. Her teeth are perfect oh my goddess and her voice also sounds different but I can't explain why.
"Y-yes" I stutter out "And who are you?" I ask cautiously.
"I'm Catalina, Tristan's mate" She answers "He sent me here to come and get you two. Do you still want to hang out? I can always come back another time If your not ready yet." She says beginning to back away from the door.
"NO NO NO! we- we- were just not ready yet would you like to come In?" I ask hurriedly while opening the door and motioning for her to come In.
"Of course love" She begins to make her way Into the room. I follow behind her then look over to my bed to see Nadessa sitting up. Good she's awake.
"Good morning Nadessa" I whisper to her still mindful of our sleeping roommate.
"Good morning" She says back while rubbing her eye's.
"What are we going to do today?" Nadessa asks Catalina during a yawn, I guess she heard why she's here, that's a relief.
"Well, first, I'm going to take you two by alpha Damien's office, he wishes to speak to you two. Then I'll show you around a little and after we can do whatever you two want." She tells us.
"Okay, we'll get dressed now then" I say making my way twords the closet.
"I'll be here" She replies.
I get to the door and open It to walk twords our things. I move around the clothes until I find a nice big and black warm hoodie that I match with a pair of comfy, warm matching black joggers. Then I pull on some socks and put on my slides. Nadessa ends up wearing the same thing, just In grey.
"Alright you two ready?" Catalina ask's as we walk out of the closet.
"Yeah" me and Nadessa both say In sync.
"Then let's go." She waves us to her as she opens the door. We comply and follow after her Into the hall. It's quiet again.
"Why Is It so quiet?" I ask Catalina.
"Well.... Its pretty early so I'm just gonna guess school." She states. "And speaking of school are you two going to attend?" She ask's turning back slightly to look at us.
"No." I say lowly while looking at the weird paintings of scribbles on the walls.
"What why?" Nadessa ask's as she completely stops walking to turn and look at me.
What? I look up at her In confusion.
"You wanna go?" I ask her.
"Of course I do. You don't?" Her eyebrows furrow equally confused with my resistance.
"I um.....I just don't think I'm cut out for It....I mean I....I'm not smart enough" I finish. It hurts saying It out loud but It's true.
Donna and Hailey asked us last night about It too when Hailey turned on the bigger movie player thingy and saw that mean girls was on. I replied with a maybe, Nadessa was all for It but I refuse to make a fool out of myself. I only know so much. And what I know Is not enough to get me through what mean girls depicted as high school. Another thing that was robbed from me.
"Oh no babe don't think like that" Catalina says while turning around to cup my face In both of her big soft hand's to pull my head up to look at her.
"Why would you say that?." Nadessa asked sounding very hurt by my words.
"Because It's true...." I whisper.
"No It's not and I don't want to ever hear you say that again." Catalina demands "School Is for learning love, that's why you go, what you don't know you will, yes It will be hard but you'll always have help there with you every step of the way" She assures with the sweetest smile " And I know that Its hard but you cant let your past affect your future, some of the best years of your life were torn away from you and there was nothing that you could do about It. But now you have a choice and nothing Is holding you down love." She smiles592Please respect copyright.PENANAegfueXEGft
"You'll love It. You both will" she turns her head to look at Nadessa. "You Also have your friend here".
"Help your friend" She says playfully.
"I was already going too" Nadessa adds while grabbing my hand and smiling at me.
"Well alright then" Catalina smiles big "What do you say?"
Even though I feel like I'm being set up for failure I nod my head In agreement so that we can drop the subject.
Unlike last time alpha king Damien's office Is full, even the hallways are swarming with people. I'm on edge because of all the stares we've been receiving. It made me anxious. And all I could think about was how under dressed we were. Everyone else Is dressed up nicely In very expensive looking clothes. Nadessa didn't seem to mind though, she's all hype but that's because Catalina told Tristan that we wanted to go to school so he started filling out the paper work.
"Oh my god I can't wait!" She tells me while squeezing my hand.
"Yea." Is all I say as I continue to look out of the window.
"Hey Catalina where are you from?" Nadessa ask's suddenly.
"Columbia" Catalina answers "Why do you ask?"
"I was just asking because of your accent, I thought It was something like that but I wasn't to sure" She replies.
"Well now you know" She says and they both begin to laugh.
A little bit more time passed before we finally get called Into alpha Damien's office office. It was quick though, because he was busy but all he did was prick our fingers to link us to the pack. I don't know what I expected, a ceremony maybe? Na. Other than that he Informed us that we would be starting school Monday. It seems that we never had a say In this situation In the first place but It's cool.
Not gonna lie I'm not feeling It anymore, They had to bribe me with going to see bug before I fully decided that I was gonna continue my day with them. It's not their fault that I feel this was but I just cant help It.
I really feel like I'm being set up for failure and It's hitting me somewhere deep.
When done Tristan decided to walk us out so that he could say bye to Catalina. It was cute at first seeing them together as a couple warmed my heart with them being so perfect for each other. Up until he pulled her In by the waist and began kissing up and down her neck while growling. Yea no. Me and Nadessa excused ourselves to the bathroom to give them a moment.
"Don't stray to far!" Catalina yelled after us giggling because of Tristan.
"Ew" I commented.
"I know" Nadessa agreed with a shiver.
As we walked down the hall I got hit with a weird sense of uneasiness that sent butterflies Into my stomach. I had to stop for a second because It became to much as my chest suddenly started to feel achy and I couldn't breathe.
"What Is It?" Nadessa asked me worried.
I took a deep breath In "N-Nothing I'm just hungry" I lie.
She looks at me for a couple of seconds but decided not to push any further as we continued walking. Somewhere In the hall we heard voices so we followed them and soon more people started coming Into view so we kept going.
"Hey you don't think we're going a little far Honey?" Nadessa asked.
I don't know why but I had to keep going. Something was calling me, making my stomach knot up and my legs turn Into jelly. My butterflies only worsened the closer we got to the source. We had to keep going.
"No" Was all I could seem to muster out. I pulled Nadessa closer to me, I felt as If she wasn't moving fast enough and soon we reached a room. There was loud music playing and It was crowded with teens. There was a huge tv thingy and tons of couches and chairs spread throughout the room. I stood In the door way scanning the busy setting, no particular target In mind when I felt the sudden need to sniff the air so I did. I closed my eyes and began to Inhale slowly through my nose, Instantly catching onto a scent that flooded my nostrils and brought my mind Into a state of high when the scent of pine wood and citrus made my tense body relax. My mind subconsciously locks onto something and when I opened up my eyes slowly, I saw him.
He stood leaning up against a table across the room with his arms crossed at his chest. Dressed In a long sleeve shirt that does nothing to hide his muscular upper body, accompanied by a nice pair of jeans and combat boots. All black. A silver chain hangs from his neck and a really nice expensive watch from his wrist. I watch as he takes one of his hand's and runs It through his beautiful black messy hair. What catches my full attention though Is the red headed girl on him. One of her hand Is rubbing on his lower stomach, while the fingers of her other run along his perfect jaw line. I feel a slight ting In my chest. Why? I don't know.
"Honey I think we should be heading back now" Nadessa warns me.
I look back at her. I honestly forgot that she was there for a second.
"Oh.... okay of course" I say turning twords her to leave.
But before we walk away something tells me to look back. So I do. I look back and lock onto a pair of the most stunning eyes I have ever seen In my entire life. Hazel green. Not just any old regular boring hazel like mine. Hazel green. Wow.
My mind blowing moment comes to an end when he he sees me and his face lights up, he pushes himself up off of the wall and moves as If he's coming our way. It startles me and my heart drops.
Confrontation Is not for me.
With that I tighten my grip on Nadessa's arm and Sprint down the hallway back the way we came. All the way back to Tristan and Catalina.592Please respect copyright.PENANAODfqyI8UJ1