-story title nightmare
-author abid zai
All rights reserved
Hi this a story which my friend told me I am gonna tell you This story takes place during a summer night: Jackson who was 22 years old 6 ft tall and black hair and American was bored and wanted to do something exciting, he remembered an old abandoned amusement park that had been closed for years and knew exactly what he was gonna do, so he left his apartment got into his car went to the old park and hoped the fence, Jackson had been there for over an hour and much to his disappointment he did not find and anything interesting, feeling unhappy decided to look back 1 more and saw in the distance what looked like to be a bright light coming from the dark shadows, Jackson : Wha…..? But that’s impossible how can a light especially that bright come from someplace where there’s no electricity? Confused but excited Jackson decided to find the source of the bright red light, he walked into the place where the light was and only 2 seconds passed before Jackson ran out there with a petrified face, he sprinted back to his car and drove away quickly, what Jackson had driven away from was the sight of the old train ride with a skeleton face and when it saw Jackson it’s face became even more terrifying to look at, after that Jackson was now too disturbed to go outside and was even more scared to look out his window but he did but when he looked out he froze, that same scary looking train locomotive somehow manage to end up in the driveway, Jackson called the police and they showed up quickly but not quick enough as that old rotting scary train disappeared without a trace, Jackson explained everything that happened and officers told him to simply stay in his apartment and lock the door and windows, Jackson did all that and being the strong guy he was managed to fall asleep