-story title :On my way to the bus stop
My name is shazan and I want to tell you a real story It was about 6 in the morning as i was on my way to the bus stop waiting for the bus to arrive.I stood there for about 5 minutes waiting.It was very dark outside.As time went by i noticed the bus driver was a little late but i didnt mind.Suddenly i heard something coming from the bush across.I didnt really pay attention but the noise got louder.Me being curious i went to go check it out.As i got closer and closer.I felt something on my foot.As i looked down there was a dirty hand.Almost looked like blood or maybe it was.I screamed and ran off back to the bus stop.I called my mom but she was already to stressed as she was driving to work she didnt really care.The bus arrived and i went off to school.I couldnt stop thinking about it at school.I was terrified.Later in the afternoon i got home.As i was looking for my keys i noticed an old man. He looked dirty covered in blood or dirt. I freaked out i opened my door and went inside.2 minutes later i heard the door knob. It was like if someone was trying to break in. I was shaking i called 911.The police arrived and took the old man away. The police saw him trying to break in my house. Luckily they caught him. My mom arrived as the police took him away. I told my mom everything. She hugged me and told me she was sorry for not listening.2 days later my mom recieved a call from the police.Turns out he was a crazy old man who had escaped from prison 4 months ago.Who knows what could have happened if i didn’t call the police on time.