"Spine straight, chin high. Yes, yes, good. Elongate that neck, Duchess! Don't forget to keep those shoulders back!"
My shoulders were stiff and if my spine became any straighter I would snap it in half. I had been at perfecting my posture for at least three hours from the moment I had breakfast. After lunch I would sit with Lin in the throne room to hear the plights of wealthy noblemen and peasants alike. Father would be there as well.
Currently, an older demoness was attempting to refine my posture after seeing me slouch once. She looked to be in her seventh millennia of life, the same age as Father, with streaks of silver emerging in her chocolate brown hair.
"My dear lady," I said imploringly, "should I elongate my neck further I fear my head will roll off my shoulders!"
Hawk-like eyes narrowed at me, unimpressed. "Do not get saucy with me, girl. I have taught Lin's mother and her mother before her. Show your elder respect!"
I hid a snort of laughter behind a delicate cough. She was older than I believed. She gave me a sharp rap with her hand against my spine, causing me to straighten further. My vertebrae cracked in response.
Amnon stood beside the door, thick arms folded across his barreled chest. I could see his ruby colored eyes glowing behind his helm. He had yet to change out of his armor and my curiosity of what he looked like under all that heavy steel grew with each passing day I scrutinized him. He stood so still I often wondered if he had turned into a statue, but then he would shuffle his feet to keep his blood flowing.
The demoness tapped the underside of my chin. "Head up!"
One of the servants scurried in, bowing low. "Excuse the interruption, Madame Estelle, but lunch is ready."
Madame Estelle waved a dismissive hand at the servant. "Very well. We shall continue with your lessons tomorrow morning at the same time, Duchess Melanie. You are excused."
I gathered my skirt on either side and curtsied, my left knee cracking. "Thank you, Madame Estelle, I wish you a most pleasant day."
"And to you as well."
Releasing my skirt, I turned and made for the door the servant stood by. As I passed my shadow, I said, "Come, Amnon."
He obediently trailed after me until he walked by my side as we followed the servant down corridor after corridor. The Persian rug was soft beneath my bare feet, which I had successfully managed to conceal from Madame Estelle. I shared a knowing look with Amnon's helm. He had slipped the shoes I was supposed to be wearing into the satchel fastened to his hip beside his longsword.
We got to the entrance of the Dining Hall where Father and Lin stood, chatting amiably with each other. I approached the two as Amnon took his place by five of the other Royal Guards who lined the walls of the Hall. The two demons stopped speaking when I drew near, both with varying expressions when they heard my feet slap against the tiled floor. Father's was a mix of horror and anger, Lin simply looked amused.
"I see you have forgone shoes today again, Melanie." Lin stated, glancing down where the tips of my toes peeked out from under my skirt.
"Did you attend your lessons like that?" Father seethed.
I shrank somewhat and began to pick at a hangnail clinging to the edge of my index finger. "A-Amnon has my shoes...I can put them on."
"Nonsense, if you are comfortable barefoot so be it. Come now, Tavor, wipe that sour look off your face. Everyone is permitted their eccentricities." Lin waved away my sheepishness as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder.
"Yes, Your Grace." Father said, though he still looked less than pleased.
Lin herded me to the table and pulled my chair out for me. I quietly thanked him and sank into the seat, remembering to keep my back straight. He sat beside me and Father sat across from us. Butlers swarmed the table, filling out goblets with wine and serving us souls covered in some sort of sauce. Like with every meal, there was a large plate of fruit placed in the center of the table. Lin was very fond of fruit and I was curious about how he obtained the fruit. There was no fertile soil in Hell, certainly.
"How are your lessons coming, Melanie?" Father asked before stuffing a green soul into his mouth.
I grabbed a handful of red grapes and dropped them on my plate. "Fine. It's so interesting to go over something I learned not long after being weaned."
My sarcasm was not undetected and Father scolded, "And yet you still speak uncouthly."
"As queen all she needs to do is be a gracious hostess and speak poetically. She already has a...colorful way with words." Lin supplied.
I began to move the grapes around until they circled a bright orange soul. If I was guessing correctly, it was likely a soul chock full of pride. Personally, my favorite flavor.
"Yes, but she has a bad habit of being sarcastic. She needs to be broken of that habit. I had been too lenient with her growing up when it came to speaking like a lady." Father argued.
"Hmm, it is a less desirable attribute for a lady to have..." Lin rubbed his smooth chin in thought.
I popped several grapes into my mouth and chewed irately. I hated when they spoke like I wasn't there. I mumbled, "Yes, Lucifer forbid a woman have a sharp tongue."
"And she does have a habit of speaking out of turn." Father added, glowering at me.
I huffed and ate the orange soul. I had been right in that it was a prideful soul. The sauce that covered the soul was rich and sweet. I finished the rest of the grapes and continued to sulk while Father's and Lin's conversation drifted from me and onto something else.
"Lucifer has gotten edgier lately." Lin said. My ears perked up a bit.
"Yes, I've noticed that as well. Do you know why?" Father inquired, his golden eyes flashing.
"There has been speculation that a demon has been seen fraternizing with an angel. An Archangel." The King leaned forward, looking as excited as a gossiping noblewoman.
The fork slipped from my hands and fell to the floor with an earthshattering clink. It didn't cover my gasp. Lin and Father stared at me in alarm as a butler picked up my dirty fork and handed me a new one.
"Melanie, are you alright?" Lin questioned, concern lining his voice.
I placed a hand on my chest and cleared my throat, embarrassed. "Y-yes, forgive me. I just wasn't expecting such news."
"As was I. Can you just imagine it? It makes my stomach turn at the thought!" Lin exclaimed.
"Do the little snakes say which demon?" Father dabbed at his mouth, his eyes on me for just a minute longer before he returned his gaze to the King.
"No, unfortunately. But, the little snakes say the Archangel is from the Taylor clan. The Angels of Life."
My heart was beginning to thud painfully in my chest. Lucifer knew about me and William. 'But how?' I thought frantically, lifting my hand up to bite at the skin on my thumb.
One of Lucifer's spies. You know how fond He is of snakes. Rayi inputted, sounding about as anxious as I felt.
"Perhaps we should speak about this at another time. I fear my love is paling." Lin suddenly said.
I blinked slowly and Father focused back on me. "Yes, she is...What's wrong, Melanie? You look as if you've seen Death."
"It's just ever since the Angel of Life's attack on me, I have been frightened of him." I stammered around my finger.
"My poor lady! Forgive us for speaking of such a topic before you! Tavor, we will continue our discussion later."
"As you wish, Your Grace."
Lunch was continued in silence and I asked to be excused for the remainder of the day. I had said, "I suddenly feel ill."
I was pardoned and escorted back to my room. I bursted through the door and sank into one of the velvet chairs, placing my head between my knees. I deepened my breaths when they grew short and quick. My heart was in my throat and I looked at my trembling hands.
"Milady, are you alright?" Amnon's thundering voice asked somewhere on my left.
"Just give me a moment." I gasped, pushing my hair back from my face only for it to flop back into place.
He silenced as I took five minutes to compose myself. I reminded myself that Lucifer did not know the identity of the demon, only Will's identity, not that that made me feel any better. What if the next time Will came to the Human World, there was a trap waiting for him? I highly doubted Joel would take the kidnapping—and probable torture—of one of his Archangels lying down. I could only hope if such a thing were to occur Lucifer would be smart and avoid sending us hurtling into war. Or, if the outcome was inevitable, I am already Queen and therefore omitted from fighting.
My breathing settled but my worry did not. I straightened up and leaned my head back against the chair. Amnon approached me, taking my shoes out of his satchel.
"Are you okay now?" He asked.
"No," I admitted, "but I doubt I'll be okay after hearing such news."
His eyes focused on me from behind the slits in his helm. They seemed fretful. He paused for a heartbeat before asking hesitantly, "Were you really attacked by Angel?"
"Yes. I barely escaped with my life."
He fidgeted a moment. "Your response to Lin's words was beyond-"
"Enough, Amnon." I interrupted, knowing where he was trying to go. "I will not speak of it."
He gave off the aura of a scolded child and inched away from me. At his actions, I couldn't help but wonder just how old he was. There were times more often than not I almost felt like a mother to him, especially when I would scold him for saying or doing something that displeased me.
"Amnon, how old are you?"
He looked up at me with wide eyes, surprised by my question. "I'm halfway into my fourth millennia, milady."
"Oh, you act younger than that. Then again, I suppose that's because you're a Human-Turned-Demon." I said the last part more to myself. Then, louder, I inquired, "Why do you always wear your armor?"
"So I am ready to protect you, milady." There was more to it than that, I suspected, but it would be hypocritical of me to pry into something that was not any of my business.
When I felt certain my legs would not give on me, I returned to my feet. I went to the bookshelf and plucked out one of the novels and crawled into bed, my knees drawn up. Amnon sat on a wooden stool and watched me as I silently read.