I had just been getting ready for bed when one of the messenger Angels knocked quickly on my door. With a grumble I kicked my covers off and lumbered to the door, wrenching it open. I glared at the poor girl, who shrank under my gaze.
"What?" I asked irately.
"G-God has called an emergency meeting for the Archangels, milord." She stammered, wringing her hands in front of her.
I groaned and waved her away, not bothering to watch her scamper down the hall and out of sight. I was tempted to remain in my sleep pants, but decided against it, knowing I would likely be scolded for it. I grabbed the pair of blue trousers I had worn that day and a loose cotton white shirt, yanking them on before leaving my room.
The other Archangels were jogging to the conference room, anxious looks on their faces. As the Angel of Speed raced past me I saw the Angel of Children clinging to his shoulder, begging him to not let her fall. I picked up the pace, squeezing through the mass of Archangels trying to get to their seats. Some were already seated, yawning or blinking sleepily.
Luke was there, his arms folded across his chest. He was dressed for work; I assumed he had been in the Human World when he was summoned. The Angel of Femininity was partially leaning against him, seemingly unbothered by his icy skin. She was dressed in a soft looking bathrobe, her long hair pulled back in a braid. Lately, it was rare to see one without the other, sparking rumors that Luke was courting her. I had yet to ask my brother about it.
"I apologize for calling you all so late in the evening, but if you could please find your seats quickly." Joel's voice called over the noise.
It somewhat quieted as the remaining Archangels slumped into their seats. I sat and covered my mouth as a yawn slipped out. Joel Himself looked tired, hastily dressed in His blue robe, His hair in disarray. There was movement behind Him and I realized it was Justin, a sour look on his face. His right arm was in a sling, to my surprise.
"Now then, Justin went back to Hell to scope the area under my orders. Justin, what do you have to report?" Joel looked up at him expectantly.
Justin cleared his throat and schooled his features to their usual bored look. "A demon had been running through the forest, one I was not familiar with, but she was familiar with me. At first she played coy and asked me if I was a lost traveler. We spoke for a bit and I noticed she suddenly seemed to not be listening to me and she was no longer looking at me. She snapped out of it a few minutes later and asked me how I slipped past the guards. I tried to save my cover, but she told me she knew who I was. 'You are kin of the Angel of Death,' she had said."
I nibbled on my lip to keep from frowning. Judging by the looks of the others I assumed they didn't know that Joel was still approving spying on the demons. We thought He was all done with that after the fiasco with Melanie a few weeks prior.
A few of the Archangels murmured amongst themselves, several of their tones disapproving. Amir pointed an accusing finger at Justin. "You are slipping! There is no other explanation for it."
Justin's eyes flashed as he gazed at Amir. He spoke rather coldly, "I did not slip up. This one is far more intelligent than other demons I have encountered, aside from Optima and Lucifer himself. I attempted to 'persuade' her to leave and forget me with my Charmspeak, but it had no effect on her."
Yet another one of his abilities I couldn't help but wonder if he ever used that on any of us. I knew he never used it on me; I was rarely in contact with him and didn't speak with him. He made me uncomfortable.
Joel agreed, "Justin did not botch his assignment. While I do not know how she discovered your true nature, I suppose it is safe to theorize we do not know all of a demon's physiology. Do any of you have theories as to how this demon knew Justin?"
No one volunteered, looking around or at the floor. I thought about offering my thoughts, but I truly had no idea how Justin was discovered. This demon was abnormal, that's all I could come up with.
The Angel of Knowledge, Gyan, piped up, "Perhaps she could smell your true scent over that cologne you wear."
A couple of the Archangels nodded in accord. I saw Luke frown, clearly dissenting with Gyan's theory. Justin opposed it as well, shaking his head. "That's impossible. The cologne is too potent."
"Not necessarily," Joel murmured, rubbing His chin in thought, "perhaps demons can heighten one sense by focusing it. Justin, did you learn anything like that from observing demons?"
"No, My Lord. I believe this demon I encountered was an Optima. From what I've noted, being 'purebred' demons, their abilities far surpass a Human-Turned Demon's, or even a noble's." Justin responded, shifting from one hip to the other.
I perked up at the mention of Optima and wondered if it was possible what he encountered was a fully merged demon. Seeing Melanie's increase of power when she was not completely one with her Adsecula made me think of it. Then, my thoughts drifted to her and the apprehension of her losing to Rayi.
"As long as I maintain an even emotional balance, I can keep her under control." She had told me when I asked.
Recalling the last time I had seen her—nearly a month ago—and just how stressed she seemed caused the apprehension to turn into fear.
"This demon, what did she look like?" I questioned.
"What does that have to do with anything?" Amir demanded, fixing me with his silver eyes.
I defended, "It's possible Justin encountered a fully merged demon; they are known to be incredibly powerful, perhaps on par or more so with an Archangel. I'm sure you haven't forgotten the lightning to your face by a partially emerged Optima Adsecula, Amir?"
Amir's face flushed with indignation and a vein throbbed dangerously in his thick neck. He still bore the scar from the attack, a mark that splintered and bloomed across his face like tree branches. Our healers could do nothing and the Angel of Health determined he would have it for the remainder of his life. It was a sensitive topic for him. He bared his teeth and warned, "Be cautious, Life, else my hammer might just pound you through the floor!"
I was ready to stand, smiling tight-lipped at the Angel of War. He had at least seventy pounds of muscle on me but I excelled at long distance combat. He was short range.
"Amir, your brother brings up an interesting point." Joel stepped in, sensing my rise in anger. "Justin, answer William's question."
Justin scratched his cheek in thought as he tried to recall the demon. "She was small in stature and young, maybe no more than 1,000 years old. She had short white hair and red eyes. I do not know her name, only that she is a duchess of one of the legions. She also had a wound on her face; looked like she got slapped or something."
At the description I straightened up, my brow furrowing. It was without a doubt Melanie. She must have merged with her Adsecula.
"You came across the Optima we released." Luke intoned flatly, uncrossing his arms.
Joel seemed to stiffen and I glanced at Him out of the corner of my eye. His face became strained and a mixture of contempt and forced indifference flashed in His eyes.
"The demon that was brought here a couple weeks ago? Is it possible for them to merge that swiftly?" One of the Archangels asked.
Justin said, "It wasn't her; when I went through Melanie's mind, there was a part of her mind fortified to the point even I couldn't access it. That's where she keeps her Adsecula. Besides, this demon attacked me and broke my arm."
He gestured to his sling for emphasis and added, "It is to my understanding Melanie is more likely to flee from a fight than to engage in one."
I wasn't convinced. Her Adsecula was a hellcat and Melanie proved to be not as docile as initially believed, if provoked.
I inquired, "How did you escape the demon?"
He stared me down, his eyes bright. I didn't maintain eye contact with him for long. "She let me leave. Told me she wasn't interested in fighting or killing me."
The Angels began talking amongst themselves, puzzled that a demon allowed an intruding angel leave Hell with just a broken arm. I leaned back in my chair and worried at my lip again. That certainly didn't sound like Rayi's personality at all. Luke looked uncertain now as well.
Joel sighed and stopped rubbing His chin. "Very well...Justin, you will not return to Hell; it has gotten too dangerous. My children, remember: be careful when you go to the Human World, especially those of you who are not adept at fighting. I'm sure you have not forgotten about Dezso."
Many of us grew somber at the mention of the young Lesser Angel. Luke had come across his mutilated body just several days ago. His heart was missing. Many of the Archangels urged Joel to wage war, but it seemed He had learned not to give orders when emotionally compromised. The Angel of Children whimpered and placed her thumb in her mouth. The Angel of Speed, who was more or less her guardian, placed a comforting hand on her tiny shoulder.
"You are dismissed." Joel stood and disappeared with a flash.
The rest of us stood and stumbled tiredly out of the conference room and to our homes. Luke murmured what I assumed to be a goodbye to the Angel of Femininity before whisking out of the conference room in the opposite direction of the crowd of Archangels. I followed my shuffling brethren until I arrived at the black door that opened to my room. My title, in Latin, was carved into the wood as well as my family's coat-of-arms: a dragon coiled around a flaming shield.
I shut my door behind me and yanked my tunic off, letting it drop carelessly to the floor. I didn't bother to remove my trousers and put my sleeping pants on. My eyes felt like weights were on them as I slid into my soft bed. The silk sheets slid easily over my body as I pulled them and the quilt up to my chest. Shifting until I was comfortable, I shut my eyes and drifted off to sleep, deciding to summon Melanie in the morning.