It felt like I had been sleeping for years rather than a week and a half. I lifted heavy arms to rub my eyes, yawning mightily. I sat up, my body stiff and sore. My hand reached up and touched my cheek, feeling smooth uninjured skin.
"Thanks, Rayi," I murmured quietly, getting out of bed.
Don't mention it. She murmured back before she disappeared from the front of my mind.
Someone knocked on my door before opening and slipping inside. Mikayla sat on my bed, scrutinizing my face. I leaned back slightly, raising an eyebrow at her.
"Can I help you?" I asked unsurely.
She didn't say anything for a moment, before saying, "So, you're back. Do you remember anything?"
I frowned and shook my head. "No. I don't remember anything. Why?"
She shrugged, though there was a look of unease that flitted across her face. "Just curious. Don't worry; Rayi didn't do anything too horrible, aside from standing up against Father."
My heart plummeted and it must have shown on my face because Mikayla added, "You won't suffer for it; Zane's made sure of it. He reminded Father how important you are to the King."
A look of realization danced across her face and she slapped her fist in her open palm. "Speaking of the King, he's requested you for lunch. The carriage will be arriving very shortly."
I answered dryly, "You make it sound like he's going to eat me for lunch."
She snorted and stood, tossing her hair over her shoulder. "I wouldn't be surprised. He's been nagging Father all week to see you. Hopefully he won't paw at you like some animal."
I groaned, filled with dread. "I'll be alone?"
"Yes. Remember to be on your best behavior and do try to stop yourself from shocking him, no matter how irresistible the urge may be." She added, leaving my room.
I reluctantly got out of bed, stretching on the tips of my toes with my arms outstretched. I grunted as my bones popped and cracked before relaxing, lifting my hand up to scratch my head. Figuring I didn't have much time, I took a quick bath and washed my hair.
Standing in front of my closet, I looked at my dresses, unsure of which one would be acceptable to wear. After standing there for at least five minutes I went to Mikayla's room, clad in a towel, and begged her to choose something for me.
"Honestly, if I weren't here, you'd show up in rags." She bemoaned, walking into my closet.
I sat on my bed, avoiding the dresses being tossed out of my closet and landing on my floor in a large heap.
"Ah, here we are. This should be acceptable." Mikayla reemerged clutching a dark red dress and black heels.
I took the shoes and dress from her, smiling thankfully at her. "Thanks, Mikayla."
She hummed in acknowledgment and left my room without another word. Outside I heard a carriage pull up to our front gate. I shifted the curtain and cursed when I saw the royal insignia, a sword surrounded by light, on the carriage.
"I just got up, I thought lunch would be later!" I groused, hastily pulling the dress up my legs and hips.
If you didn't insist on sleeping past noon you'd be ready. Rayi scolded.
"You're the one who was in control of my body last night," I accused, zipping the back of the dress up, "it isn't my fault if you tired my body out."
She didn't say anything else, but I could feel her roll her eyes at me. I slipped my shoes on and combed my hair just as Father opened my door, looking annoyed. Seeing me ready, however, seemed to soothe his mood, as he straightened up and regarded me coolly.
"Back to yourself, I see. The King's carriage is out waiting for you." He said tonelessly before sweeping out of my room.
I followed after him to the foyer where two Royal Guards and a demon I had never seen before stood waiting for me. The unfamiliar demon was dressed like a butler in a black suit with a tail coat. He had short black hair and brilliant blue eyes with a young, handsome face.
He bowed to me when I approached, holding a hand out to me. "Duchess Amdusias, it is an honor to meet you. I am your escort for this afternoon, Ezra."
I curtsied lightly, placing my hand in his. He straightened and kissed my hand, smiling charmingly at me. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Ezra."
"You flatter me, Lady. Shall we go?" He placed my hand in the crook of his arm and led me out of the house. The two guards followed close behind us, their armor clunking loudly.
The clouds were swirling in the sky and it looked like it was about to rain. Hell rain wasn't water, either; it was blood.
Inwardly, I grimaced. I despised the rain here as it fell in thick glops. It spiked the bloodlust of many demons, particularly the Human-Turned-Demons.
Ezra helped me into the carriage, to which I silently thanked him for. My movement was limited exponentially in this dress, regrettably. One of the guards went to the front of the carriage and took the reins of the horses, who were neighing shrilly. Ezra got in, sitting across from me in the velvet black seat. To my surprise, the other guard got in the carriage with us, moving past me to sit beside the window.
"To protect you," Ezra explained when he saw my bemused expression.
I couldn't think of any demon besides the young female demons who would actively attempt to kill me. Demons tend to be lazy; the last assassination attempt on a king had been well over thirty thousand years ago and we have had far worse kings than Lin the Mad. The demons simply couldn't be bothered to revolt, that's all.
I looked up at the guard, who dwarfed me in size. His armor was polished finely and looked rather heavy. I always wondered how people could wear heavy armor, especially the Royal Guards: they made it look easy. His helmet obscured his face almost completely except for his six eyes and there were vertical openings in front of where his mouth would be for him to breathe. Feeling my gaze, he turned to look at me and I cowed beneath his hard red eyes. I looked away from him, focusing on my hands folded in my lap.
"Before we arrive, do you have any questions, Duchess?" Ezra asked, seemingly unfazed by the guard and his imposing presence.
"No, I don't think so. Just...what is expected of me?"
"I believe His Majesty intends to propose to you today. Once your dowry is paid, the plans for the wedding will begin to formulate."
Ezra made it sound like I had no choice in marrying the king. Perhaps he assumed I would be thrilled at the opportunity of becoming a queen and living an even more luxurious life. I wondered what would happen to me if I did refuse the proposal.
"Um, has anyone ever rejected a King before?" I timidly queried.
I heard the guard turn to regard me before looking straight ahead once more. Ezra rose a thin eyebrow at me, looking as though he didn't understand. "Yes, once. King Lin XV."
"Lin's father. What happened to the girl?" I didn't realize I forgot to properly address Lin by his title. However, if Ezra noticed he didn't remark on it.
"She was put to death immediately." I almost let my face fall, only managing to frown lightly.
"You weren't planning on refusing the proposal, Lady, were you?" Ezra's tone darkened as he stared me down.
I wondered what he would do if I said yes. Would he personally end me or leave it up to the Executioner's Block?
Morbid little girl, aren't you? Rayi asked sardonically.
I ended up shaking my head. "No, no, I apologize if I gave you that impression. I am inquisitive by nature and seldom think of just what sort of an impression I may make when I ask questions."
His face and tone lightened at my explanation. "Oh, alright. We're almost to the palace. When we arrive, I will escort you to the dining room where His Majesty is expecting you."
I nodded, my stomach twisting itself in a knot. We passed across the bridge and entered the palace courtyard. The carriage slowed to a stop and the guard got out quickly. Ezra got out next, helping me out of the carriage. When we got to the stairs that led to the main room of the palace, I lifted my skirt enough so I could step easier. Blood began to rain down the second we were within the palace. I glanced back at it, the iron smell filling my nostrils. Rayi stirred restlessly. The guard who had been in the carriage with me and Ezra inhaled deeply. Shuddering, I moved away from him.