I stared blankly after her as she fled into the storm. I bit my cheek to keep myself from going after her. The hurt expression on her face before she whirled around was burned into my mind. This is for the best, I kept reminding myself, rubbing my sore chest.
She caught me off guard when she turned on me and even then she seemed hesitant to hurt me. I recalled her smile breaking as she voiced how much she detested the idea of harming me in any way. When I thought about it, whenever we got into a physical fight she always was unwilling to hurt me even when I beat her within an inch of her life.
I suddenly felt very foolish for having this house built. For her, my subconscious whispered. I shook my head sharply and went into the kitchen to grab a bottle of whiskey. I yanked the cork out with my teeth and took a long swig, grimacing as the whiskey burned my throat. Glancing out the window, I determined I would be here for a while, the storm giving no hint of mellowing out.
With a sigh I went upstairs, bottle in hand, and flopped down on the bed. The wind howled loudly, the house creaking slightly from its force. Luke was nearby, probably taking care of some poor human caught in this blizzard.
I wondered if he would run into Melanie. I wasn't sure which was worse: imagining Luke killing her or her wandering alone in the storm, hopelessly lost. My leg spasmed, as though wanting to stand and prevent such a thing from happening. I gulped down more whiskey until my brain was decently fogged over.
I honestly had no idea what I had even been thinking, wanting to court a demon. They were vile, inherently evil creatures that lived off the pain and suffering of others. They weren't...human. Their instincts were basic at best and their intelligence was just barely higher than an average beast's. They were liars.
Melanie was the worst with her deceptively honest eyes.
I should have killed her the first time. I felt a pang in my chest at the thought of her limp body impaled by my sword. Killing things never sat right with me: I was the Bringer of Life. I wrote off my revulsion of killing Melanie as that and not because of any feelings I had for her.
It was growing dark out, the storm dying down. Part of me hoped she got to the portal alright. The other part couldn't care less. I sat up and dropped the empty whiskey bottle on the wooden floor. I scrubbed my eyes and sighed loudly. I snapped my fingers and my Book of Life appeared in my hands.
The Book of Life held the names of every human being born since the Old Times. The humans who were deceased were still in it, their names faded to represent their expiry. The pages never ran out, either. The Book was bound in black leather from a sheep, the parchment made from the white tree in God's garden. The quill came from a phoenix feather and required no ink.
Names filled my head and I began to scribble the names down, mouthing them as I did so. I found it easier to say the names as I wrote; it kept my mind from wandering.
It was maddening to hear the names, though. I'd known family members who lost their minds from being unable to control the names. That was the first thing my father taught me when I began my training: how to "shut off" the names.
"William?" I looked up quickly and saw Luke standing in the doorway.
I sat up and grinned at him. "Hey, Luke. What brings you here?"
His gas mask was hanging on the side of his face, revealing his damaged mouth and nose. He didn't return my smile, but his eyes softened. "I sensed a demon near Tobias' sanctuary. I went there, but there was no sign of one."
I felt my heart skip as anxiousness washed over me. I tried to come across as nonchalant. "I chased that one off hours ago."
He scowled, something he didn't normally do. "No, this was a different one."
The anxiety returned as I felt my palms begin to sweat. Tobias' greenhouse wasn't remotely near the portal. Was she still out there then?
"It takes us a while to die from the cold." Her voice echoed.
How long had it been since she left? It might already be too late. I made a noncommittal sound in the back of my throat when I realized I had yet to respond to Luke. He was hovering in the doorway still with his arms behind his back. He still had some melting snow clinging to his boots and I almost scolded him for not taking his shoes off before entering my home. He gave a small sniff.
"It smells like the demon has been in here. You know the one I'm talking about: the small female with strange eyes." I stiffened and turned to stare at him.
He entered the room fully, sniffing occasionally. I got off the bed, chuckling a little apprehensively. "That can't be right; I've been here the whole time."
"This demon has a particular scent; she smells surprisingly clean for a Fallen. You usually smell like that alcohol you enjoy drinking so much, so I know it isn't you." He pinned me with his white eyes, staring at me like he was trying to peer into my soul.
Melanie said I smelled like cinnamon and soot. Damned liar.
"The Lesser Angel who cleaned the house is probably what you're smelling. He smelled very sweet and he did go through the entire house." I pointed out.
I could tell Luke was skeptical, but I had never given him a reason until now to not believe me. To my respite, he dropped the subject, his posture relaxing. He brushed some not fully melted snow off his shoulder, letting it hit the wooden floor. I watched irately as it swiftly turned into a puddle on the floor.
"Before I forget, God wants us to return to Heaven as soon as possible." He added, turning to the doorway.
"Why?" I looked up, puzzled. A moment later, I began to follow him.
He shrugged, "I'm not sure. The only thing I know is that He's called for all His Archangels."
We exchanged a somber glance. There were two times Joel had the Archangels convene: to discuss any changes in the Human World and during times of war. We were the front line; God's greatest warriors. We could determine the flow of the battle, especially the Angel of Death. After all, there was a reason they were required to wear gas masks.
"Let's go then." I followed Luke out of the room and down the stairs. He waited patiently for me as I yanked my leather boots onto my feet.
I shut the door behind me, not worrying about locking it, and spread my wings. Luke and I took flight, soaring through the icy air.
Heaven's atmosphere was simmering with tension when we arrived. Most of the Archangels had already arrived and were power walking into the palace in the direction of the conference room. The Lesser Angels were standing nearby, their small wings drooped as they nervously watched us. The human souls were perplexed, murmuring amongst themselves. Most had never seen all the Archangels convene simultaneously.
"Hey, Will." I looked down to see the Angel of Darkness walking beside me, cocky grin in place. His name was Vex.
Vex was lanky with dark skin, hair, and eyes. His eyes shined unnaturally and I didn't like to stare into them for too long. He wore a floor length black robe with the hood pulled up. If it weren't for his wings, I would have suspected him to be a demon.
"Vex." I replied with a curt nod of my head. He and I didn't get along well.
"So, I heard from Tobias that you had a house built in the Human World for yourself. Why so sudden?"
I made a vague sound in the back of my throat. "Less of a commute for me."
"Oh, I'm sure." He snorted and I narrowed my eyes at him.
I hoped he wouldn't sit beside me. The Angel of Light, Noor, jogged over and grabbed Vex by his arm, dragging him after her.
"Hurry up! We shouldn't keep God waiting!" She scolded.
"Noor has gotten to be quite pretty." Luke remarked, though his face remained impassive.
He never showed much interest in finding a lover, but never explained why. I once suggested he try to court one of the human souls but he felt like they would be bitter toward him. After all he was the one who killed them, usually.
"Maybe you should pursue her. Go sit on her other side." I recommended.
He shook his head dismissively. "She's frightened of me."
"Maybe if you smiled more." He glowered at me and I chuckled timidly and sped up.
We got to the crowded conference room, so thick with Archangels movement was reduced to a sideways shuffle. Turned out Luke and I had been one of the last few to arrive. The table was long and rectangular with ample room for the hundred or so Archangels and God to sit at. Several small crystal chandeliers hung overhead, lighting the room brightly. There were quite a few large stained glass windows, the colors making a rainbow on the floor and, in some places, the table.
Joel was already there, seated quietly at the head of the table. He was smiling gently as He watched us socialize for a bit, His hands bridged beneath His chin. It may seem strange to an outsider but that was how Joel was: He wasn't a people person, so He preferred to watch His children interact with one another. That was good enough for Him.
Luke and I searched for our titles so we could sit.
Unlike Luke, I liked to socialize and didn't mind being in a crowd. However, I wasn't that close with any of the Archangels sans Luke, so I preferred to just find my seat and wait for the meeting to begin. In my opinion the Archangels were full of themselves. And, I wasn't discluding myself; I could admit to my arrogance over my own abilities but being stuck in a room filled with egomaniacal Angels was a bit much. I'd rather ignore them and only speak to them if it was really necessary.
We found our names near the middle of the table and took our seats. Luke was seated across from me, one of his neighbors already there; a pretty brown haired Angel with peach colored wings. I glanced at her title and saw she was the Angel of Femininity. Her shoulder brushed against his and he looked at her. She offered him a warm smile before looking away.
"Everyone, if you could find your seats, we will begin the meeting." Despite the noise, Joel's soft voice carried over it.
The standing Archangels quieted down and obediently took their seats. I was seated between the Angel of Health and the Angel of Knowledge, both of whom I had never seen until today.
The Angel of Health was wearing a mask with a long beak that covered his face. I could see his bright blue eyes shining through the small glass openings. He was dressed in a large, shapeless black robe that covered him from head to toe.
The Angel of Knowledge's graying brown hair was pulled back in a tight bun, her stern mouth pressed firmly together. Her spectacles were perched primly on her long nose and her bony fingers were folded neatly in front of her. Sensing my glance, she looked at me out of the corner of her eye and muttered, "Italy is suffering from a nasty bout of the plague."
I focused my gaze back on Joel, uncertain on how to respond to her. Joel beamed at us all, drinking in our faces with a warm expression. "Welcome, welcome! It is so good to see you all together again."
In the presence of His love we all murmured a greeting. Though I spent quite a bit of time with Him, I felt giddy being in His presence, a smile of my own emerging.
"I am sure you are all wondering why I called you here so suddenly. It has to do with the demons." His smile fell and in its place was an uncharacteristically serious expression.
Several of the Archangels glanced at one another with varying miens of disgust. The Angel of Health adjusted his bird mask and muttered something about miasma.
"Recently, there has been activity near the portal; I've sensed something enter the Human World quite often. The amount of humans forming contracts with demons seems to be increasing, as well. It pains me to see my children robbed of their souls." He said, His face saddening briefly.
Luke rose his hand slightly, lowering it once he had been acknowledged by a nod of Joel's head.
"Earlier today I had been in the Human World when I decided to visit the Angel of Love, Tobias. I went to his sanctuary and noticed an unfamiliar smell around the area. The scent belongs to a female demon that regularly invades the Human World. This is the second time I have detected her presence, the first being with the Angel of Life."
Dozens of eyes turned to me and Joel nodded His head at me, encouraging me to speak.
I swallowed, "Uh, yeah, I know the demon he's speaking of. I've run into her several times, each time she is unwilling to engage battle. I also chased a demon from Tobias' greenhouse earlier today. This was a different one, a male demon. I know not why he was there, but luckily I got to him before he could harm Tobias."
The Archangels murmured anxiously until the Angel of War, a large brute of a man, slammed his meaty fist on the table.
"Those damn creatures are mocking us! They are getting too bold and we are too lax with the security around the portal. We should have guards posted there at all times." He snarled, peering at us all under his steel helmet.
A couple of us agreed, but the Angel of Peace shook his head in disagreement, his braided beads clinking together. "That wouldn't solve anything; if anything it would agitate the situation. Perhaps we should negotiate a treaty with them-"
He was cut off by loud protests, the Angel of Arts calling him a pacifistic fool. Joel raised His hand and we all silenced. He bridged His hands under His chin once more.
"I've sent someone into Hell to observe the demons and see if he can uncover any plans they may be making."
"Who have you sent, if I may ask, My Lord?" The Angel of War inquired, no doubt loathing he hadn't been aware of such a move. When it came to decisions likely to put us at the brink of war, he was the one to be consulted. The fact Joel didn't do this was rubbing the Angel of War the wrong way, as evident by his fists clenched tightly, but he knew better than to question His judgment.
Joel glanced at Luke. "Justin Thioren."
Luke's eyes widened as most of the room stared at him.
Justin Thioren was Luke's brother by blood, though the family liked to think he didn't exist. He was a disgrace in their eyes, being the oldest yet he would never be the Angel of Death. He was born wingless, the worst deformation an Angel can suffer. As such, Luke was shouldered with the burden of being Death. He had limited contact with his brother. I didn't even know he was still alive; the last time I saw him I was still a small boy.
"How will he get to Heaven to tell us what he uncovers if he survives?" Noor inquired.
"One of the Lesser Angels will escort him here when he returns. Until that time, I require that you all remain in Heaven, except the Angel of Death. For now, we are adjourned." Joel stood.
The Archangels stood and I noticed Luke pull the Angel of Femininity's chair out for her. She blushed prettily and smiled gratefully up at him. I smirked when he didn't see me looking.
The next night, Justin returned and the Archangels gathered once more. They were quiet, staring hard at the wingless angel as though hoping he would disappear if they glared long and hard enough.
Justin looked nothing like a Thioren. Unlike the typical platinum blond hair and white eyes, he had black hair and green eyes. There was a controversy surrounding the Thioren family during his time of birth that Luke's and Justin's mother had been unfaithful. She denied the accusations but their name had been tarnished since. He certainly had their icy demeanor down, given by how he dutifully ignored the hated stares he was receiving with eyes colder than Luke's.
Joel didn't smile at him, but greeted him kindly, "Welcome back, Justin. What have you discovered?"
Justin stood at the foot of the very end of the table, his arms folded behind his back. He was dressed in a black suit with a gray waistcoat, a bow and arrow strapped to his back.
"The demons have a king, separate from Lucifer himself. The current king is Lin XVI. I managed to infiltrate his birthday party. Through observation and invading the mind of one of the demons, I was able to discover much about the Fallen."
Several of us shuddered at the idea of our minds being invaded. Justin's powers were different from a usual Angel's, something that set the rest of us on edge. It was like he wasn't even an Angel. The ability to enter another's mind was one of his many capabilities, the rest none but Joel knew of. I wouldn't care to find out the rest of Justin's power.
"How could a wingless brat uncover anything?" The Angel of War scorned, his red wings flapping once agitatedly.
Justin seemed unfazed by his elder's tone and continued as though he hadn't been interrupted. "There are about a dozen 'pure' demon families that come from the first Fallen Angels that followed Lucifer. In demon culture, they are one step below the king and are known as the 'Optima.' The family that holds the most power of the Optima is the Amdusias family line. The patriarch, Tavor, is the King's adviser."
He paused for a minute and looked at Joel. Joel waved for him to continue. I leaned back in my seat, folding my arms across my chest as I frowned.
"The demon's mind I invaded actively goes to the Human World, leading me to believe she is the one we sense breaching the portal. She is a regular participant in contracts and the only demon who leaves her summoners alive, opting for a different method of payment. During my time with the humans I've discovered they have coined her 'Rayi of Benevolence.' She has experience with us, particularly the Angels of Life and Death."
My arm twitched at the mention of my title, alarm flooding me. He invaded Melanie's mind? I worried if he saw the nature of my relationship with her the last several months. If he had, though, he didn't seem about to bring it up.
"And what have you learned about demons from reading her mind?" Joel queried, leaning back in His seat.
"Demons live roughly 20,000 years, suffer from cold-fever if out in snow for too long, they can determine how strong an Angel is by their scent, and are naturally intrigued by us." His lips twitched as though he were about to smile. "The demon's mind recounted several times how fond she was of the Angel of Life's hair."
I recalled a few times Melanie would reach toward my hair like she wanted to touch it before bashfulness outweighed her curiosity. She never verbally said anything, though. My face burned with mortification as quite a few of the Archangels snickered. The Angel of War taunted, "Looks like Life has a secret admirer."
Luke seemed simply disgusted while the Angel of Femininity hid her smile behind her hand. Joel shook His head and chided, "Let us permit Justin to continue with his report."
Nodding at Joel, Justin continued, "A strike to the heart or decapitation are the only sure way to kill them, similar to us. They go blind if in a light environment for too long, the damage being irreparable once full blindness has occurred."
He seemed to pause before adding, "There was an opportunity for me to assassinate the King while he was distracted and I took full advantage of the moment."
Several of my siblings crowed cheerfully at the news, while Joel's face hardened with disapproval. Luke's face was also stony. Following both their examples, I wisely kept silent even though I wanted to cheer. Any semblance of joy I felt over the riddance of the King was that Melanie would no longer be forced to be courted by him.
Not that it mattered to me, I quickly rebuked myself.
"With their king out of the way, they'll be bumbling fools!" An Angel cried happily.
Joel disagreed, "No, the King is the messenger to the demons. Justin simply cut off one of many legs. In fact, he's probably infuriated the demons. We should expect a retaliation of some kind. Justin, I did not give you permission for such a drastic course of action."
Justin dropped to a knee and apologized, "Forgive me, God, I thought I was carrying out Your will."
He sounded far from sorry and from where I was, I could hear Luke mumble, "Idiot."
Joel smiled slightly. "I forgive you for your indiscretion, but see to it never happens again, else there will be consequences."
"Yes, My Lord." Justin got back to his feet, his face expressionless.
"For now take extra precautions when in the Human World, my children, especially those who are regularly there. If there is reprisal, Lucifer will undoubtedly send his demons after the Archangels first to weaken us."
"I'd love for one of those demons to show his face around me." The Angel of Masculinity huffed, puffing out his barreled chest.
His counterpart rolled her eyes and rested her chin in her hands. I glanced at Luke, whose fists were balled up tightly.
"Do not actively go after them," Joel warned, staring hard at us all like a stern father, "if they approach you, defend yourself. That is all."
The Angel of Knowledge said almost inaudibly, "A storm is coming. We'd best hope we're prepared for it when it strikes."