"Duchess Melanie, I bring you the enemy who mortally wounded you. King Lin XVI, I bring you an Archangel, seeing that you have never laid eyes on such a creature before this moment. Your Majesties, please accept my gift to do as you see fit with: the Angel of Life." Lucifer grandstanded, bowing flamboyantly.
Will's nostrils flared when he saw Lucifer and tried to lunge. The guard holding the chain connected to his collar yanked hard on it. He choked and fell backwards, coughing.
Shit! Rayi swore, though I wasn't sure if she was upset because Will was hurt or because of the situation as a whole. Will was forced upright on his knees by the rough guards, who squeezed his shoulders until he winced and purple blossomed beneath their fingers.
Lin approached him cautiously, an incredulous look pasted onto his face. "Amazing...they really don't look much different from us, do they? Hair the color of fire, how intriguing!"
I felt the blood drain from my face as I stared at Will. My bottom lip trembled and I bit it until I tasted blood to keep from crying. Will looked at me and his lava colored eyes widened. Lin followed his gaze and glanced back at me.
"Why, Melanie, I think he remembers you!" He turned to Will and kicked him in the stomach. "That's right, you winged bastard, she lives!"
I winced when I heard his boot connect with Will's body. Lucifer was watching my reactions intently and I tried to place a blank mask over my face. "Melanie, you do not seem pleased with my gift."
There was a knowing undertone to His voice that I didn't like.
Of course he knows; he's bloody Lucifer! Rayi screeched, tugging at her hair.
I felt like I got drenched with ice cold water. Clearing my throat, I got to my feet. "My Lord, I am more concerned than displeased. Surely capturing one of God's Archangels will have severe repercussions?"
Lucifer rose an eyebrow at me. His fingers reached up toward his necklace and he fingered the bones. "My dear, let me worry about any repercussions there may be. Enjoy your gift; it was quite difficult to catch him. It's a shame I couldn't catch his little demon lover, too. He has refused to tell me who it is, the stubborn fool. But, I think he'll crack sooner or later."
I looked at Will, who had yet to tear his eyes away me.
Rayi groused, He's going to give us away if he keeps staring at us like that!
I constantly wondered before this moment what I would do if Will was captured and I found out about it. At the time, I always selfishly thought I should be grateful it was him and not me in chains, but seeing him presented to me like some sort of trophy made me wish I was in his place. 'This must have been how Will felt when Luke brought me to Heaven,' I thought to myself.
Will ignored Lin's prodding of him as the King traced his tattoos with curious hands. Lin ran his hands over his wings, feeling the soft feathers before plucking out a black feather. Will winced and his wing twitched.
"So fascinating! Melanie, what should we do with him?" He looked at me with wide, childish eyes.
My eyes found the chain around Will's neck that held his ring. I brought a hand up to my throat and fingered my chain. Tears were threatening to spring when I caught the smell of Will's fear. In all the times he and I had fought, in the times he had faced my brother not once had I smelled fear on him. Determination had shone through, but never fear. It made me hate everyone who was making him afraid, including myself for being too craven to try to do anything about it.
Now I understood how he felt when I was brought to Heaven in chains. The fury that burned through my body was almost as intense as my fear for his safety.
"Let him go." I whispered hoarsely. I licked my lips.
Lin frowned and shared a look with Lucifer. "What? We can't let him go. Why would we?"
I blinked, as if in a trance, and stared flatly at the pair. "I do not want to go to war because we took one of their Archangels! Lucifer, You said I may do whatever I wish with the Angel and I wish for his freedom."
The atmosphere was so tense you could cut through it. I was slowly collapsing in on myself with each passing moment of silence. Lin was heavily scowling at me like a child denied what he wanted and Lucifer simply looked entertained. "You are such an interesting girl, Melanie. You never behave the way I think you will."
My heart stopped and picked up again at a breakneck pace. My fear was beginning to mingle with Will's. "W-what do you mean, My Lord?"
Lucifer approached me like a predator who had cornered its prey with a smirk toying with the edges of His mouth. "Did you honestly think it was mere coincidence I took this particular Archangel and presented him to you? Did you believe you could hide your involvement with him from me?"
Oh, god. Rayi let slip.
I managed to keep my face inquisitively innocent as Will laughed deliriously. "You honestly believe I would have relations with one of your demons? Don't flatter yourself, Lucifer!"
Lucifer turned to him and, with a flick of His wrist, snapped his neck. I couldn't stop the shriek that left my lips even as I pressed my hands against my mouth. Will's body slumped forward.
"Hush, the adults are talking." Lucifer chided Will's body. He looked at my horrified expression and rolled His eyes. "Come now, don't look like that, he isn't dead. Just stunned for the moment."
Tears began to run down my cheeks as I slowly removed my hands from my mouth. Lin was glowering at me so hatefully I was surprised I hadn't combusted on the spot. I wished I would.
"You-you were the one involved with the Angel of Life?" He asked incredulously. "Even after what he's done to you?"
Lucifer flourished a bored hand at me. "I don't know why you are so shocked, Lin. She's been sneaking off to see him for a while now; this isn't anything new. I just needed Irsya to prove it."
At the mention of my sister's Adsecula, I audibly cursed. Of course Mikayla had been involved from the start; the amiability between me and her just before I arrived at the palace, how she suddenly seemed so interested in where I was going all the time. All of it had been a ruse. Rayi simmered as she approached the front of my mind.
There was a gasp and everyone's attention snapped to Will as his neck forced itself back into place. He cringed and rolled his neck a couple times. "Damn, that smarts. Anyway, I would-"
"Will," I said shakily, "enough. They've known for ages."
Will stared at me with wide eyes as I openly admitted my involvement with him. Then, his eyes softened and he turned to Lucifer. "Hey, don't blame her for any of this. It was me; I forced her."
I gaped at him. "W-Will, stop! Why are you-"
He ignored me, raising his voice so he could be heard over my protestations, "So don't punish her! Just do what you want with me; I don't care."
For several moments it looked like Lin believed him. Lucifer, however, was not so convinced. He glanced at me before using his speed to close in on me. I tried to take a step back, but He grabbed my wrist and held me steadfast as He grabbed my chain. "What's this, hmm? I believe I recall seeing you touch it earlier when you asked to have the Angel released."
He pulled the chain out from my dress and stared at it. He looked genuinely incredulous as he said, "Why, Melanie, you naughty girl! On top of fraternizing, you married the Angel of Life?"
Lin gave an enraged cry.