The week was coming into an end. Greenery could not believe that she had not seen her father since Sunday afternoon. The diner was packed as always even in that Thursday night. They worked tirelessly cooking this and that. The noise was deafening as pots clashed, sizzling oil roaring with the introduction of onions.
710Please respect copyright.PENANAlkxwSV4dUL
Greenery diced the carrots adding it in her sweet-chillie beef stew which was to go with Basmatic rice. Stirring around the pot she could see the meat falling off the bone just the way she wanted it. Finishing on that she pulled out her meat deluxe pizza adding a few herbs before placing it on a platter ringing the bell and moving on to the next.
710Please respect copyright.PENANATr7iKWAfUS
Taking out the four white and gold bawls she plated the steaming rice, going to the stove she dished the rich beef stew, when she was done she put some parsley placing all four bowls at the counter ringing the bell again.
710Please respect copyright.PENANAG9PrUbJEZI
Today the chef was making the desserts along with some complicated dishes. As much as this was a diner it served a wide range of cuisines from Indian to Italian. Most of the things she was learning along the way following a few recipes from the huge recipe book.
710Please respect copyright.PENANAke4c6tfPUf
More orders came in with Greenery jumping on them running around pulling this and that cooking this and that. It was past eleven when the last customer was served. The kitchen was a mess and they both just took a deep breath leaning against the counter laughing out loud on doing something which seemed impossible to finish.
710Please respect copyright.PENANAKC4dSosIzD
" How did you manage on your own?" Greenery asked taking deep breaths.
710Please respect copyright.PENANAOdvU7pmkiR
" I seriously don't know." She answered. Laughing they both cleared everything throwing the trash away. Greenery threw herself on the dishes washing the greasy plates followed by cutlery and the burnt greasy pots. By the time they were done it was past twelve. The head chef had cleaned the floor as the waiters cleaned the front. Some of the staff left while I stood waiting for Suzzie who was counting the money balancing everything up . She was done in no time and we locked up the shop. Getting into the yellow March we drove where she dropped me at my intersection.
710Please respect copyright.PENANAPrIq2zzK2p
" Bye Suzzie," I said closing the door.
710Please respect copyright.PENANA0lF9urVTAU
" Bye girl, see you tomorrow." She waved back.
710Please respect copyright.PENANA8Ok48Y04En
Greenery made her way down the dirt road. Zipping her jacket as the wind seemed to be a little bit cold. She was proud to say that her weight was slowly coming back. She could already feel the difference with the large scale of food she ate along with all the workout from walking and working. It seemed one thing was looking up. Just as she was half way she heard the bushes rattle by the road. Her steps came into a halt trying not to make noise as she stood seeing if she was hearing things. She would not foolishly call out if there is anyone out there. The sound did not come again her assuming it was just the wind. She continued walking but aware of her surroundings. The sound came again accompanied by foot steps as tall figures emerged from the bushes. No one had to tell her a thing as she sprinted down the road, she went on and on adrenaline pumping through her as she went running.
710Please respect copyright.PENANAiClTRRFUhq
She ran like her life depended on it, slipping on the pebbles now and again, she pushed on. They would not catch her, over her dead body. She could barely see where she was going but that did not stop her. The road was steep pulling on her muscles but that went unnoticed as she ran. The sound of feet far behind her could be heard which fuelled her to run faster.
710Please respect copyright.PENANA8v4caB12PZ
Her house came into view, she ran on jumping across the gate when she got there not wasting time on it. She fell to the ground rolling over and standing up. She ran to the door searching her pocket for the key, with it in hand she tried opening the door only for the key to fall. She picked it up looking back to see the guys approaching the gate. She opened the door as they came into a halt by the gate.
710Please respect copyright.PENANALiNM6J7hAv
" We will avenge our Sabasian!" One shouted as they retreated back. Getting in she closed the door locking it and running up to the room where she also locked the door. Luckily the windows were closed since she had been late at the morning. She did not dare switch on the lights as they would know where she was. Her body slid down the door as a sob ripped through her leaving her violently shaking. With a hand on her mouth she held her sobs in case they were in the house. Memories from the institute passed through her eyes as she shivered so bad her skin had goosebumps.
710Please respect copyright.PENANAHGZqBeO8up
Lord please...
Lord please....
710Please respect copyright.PENANAMEHdBEdlLo
Tears streamed down her face while she hugged herself with her other hand.
710Please respect copyright.PENANA5BbE449ruX
Her alarm went off almost bleeding her ears. Quickly she turned it off, her eyes hurt so bad it seemed they would roll out. She still sat at the same spot, not moved even an inch. Her eyes had not closed for even a minute. Light flooded her room chasing the darkness away. She had heard her father walk in but too scared to stand up, had heard him walk out four hours later still too scared to move. Every part of her body ached but she paid no mind to that.
710Please respect copyright.PENANAHnvPQNTnDx
Slowly she stood up staying away from the windows in case someone was spying on her. Walking into the bathroom she locked the door taking a shower turning around every few seconds to make sure the room was still empty.
710Please respect copyright.PENANAgwQ8UqedYB
After the shower she wore leggings, a sweater and running shoes. She pulled her backpack on her back making sure it was tight on her back so it would not fall off. After breakfast which she had forced herself to eat she made her way out of the house scanning around to make sure no one was there before locking the house.
710Please respect copyright.PENANAjzFnfg7kWo
Every step was followed by eyes scanning all around. She did not close the gate because that would mean she had to turn around. Taking a deep breath she went sprinting down the road, heart drumming as if it would escape. Any sound sent her freaking out increasing the speed. Ten minutes she left the dirt road but continued running until she was at the bus stop. Her whole body was covered in sweat.
710Please respect copyright.PENANANBz4KWMkwm
Relief washed over her realising that she had made it. She almost laughed at the thought of escaping death. The bus came into an halt and she made her way in. Taking a seat where the people were crowded for a change. After a long ride the bus stopped at her station and she dropped off taking the road to the school. Each minute she looked back making sure no one suspicious was following her.
710Please respect copyright.PENANAtslSjHGxAE
The school bell went off as she was by the gate. Quickly she made her way into class. Nothing was head as her mind went crazy playing back what happened the previous night. By the time lunch hit she had had two panic attacks from thinking that her culprits could be anywhere here. Everything in her body hurt, nothing seemed right. Her eyes were bloody red, face pale and swollen.
710Please respect copyright.PENANATxvtzZOCGY
Greenery made her way down past the park , court and field. She walked to the college ground not caring who saw her and said what. She kept on walking not sure where she was going until someone pulled her hard bringing her from her rage.
710Please respect copyright.PENANARcmL1dwMgn
" What are you doing here?" She recognised the tall lean guy. He was one of Sabasian's squad.
" Here to kill him now huh? You just can't stay away?" Greenery could see that the guy was furious but so was she. God help her she would beat every person on her way but at the end she was getting to the intended person.
710Please respect copyright.PENANAuzULR1JZ4F
" Let go of me." Her voice was dey from not speaking for so long.
710Please respect copyright.PENANA1bfZ5aipJ1
" I will not do such a thing. They should have sent you off somewhere where you would kill yourself. Why are you back hey!"
710Please respect copyright.PENANAZgl57gT2TW
A crowd had collected by now all eyes on the with their phones recording everything. This was a joke to them. This was something they would watch later and get a good laugh. The boy's words hit her right on the open flesh. She could not help the tears that went flowing down . Whispers could be heard some laughing out loud. They did not consider that this was a persons's life.
710Please respect copyright.PENANAqOoqvApBnO
Suddenly the crowd parted making way for someone.
710Please respect copyright.PENANA1A3SPN4Efx
" What's going on here?" It was Sabasian asking. His eyes meet hers and he paused for a second.
710Please respect copyright.PENANAa2coIvVWvn
" Greenery what are you doing here." He asked politely yet firm.
710Please respect copyright.PENANAZzo4A2kie2
" Everyone back up, don't you have something to do? Will let go of her now!" His voice was firm. Will grumbled something then shoved Greenery from him causing her to trip and fall landing on her knees. Sabasian was down helping her up in a second. She stood up straight seeing that the crowd was still there and not burging.
710Please respect copyright.PENANAb9sLeZx8rP
" I know what I did was wrong. I know I humiliated you. I know I deserved what I got but I have paid for it. I am a person too and make mistakes. This is my life and I am scared out of my mind here. Call off your goons please. This is not funny, this is my life." She said barely standing up as she shook like a leaf.
710Please respect copyright.PENANAHz4N2xP9gO
It was so quite you could here a pin drop.
710Please respect copyright.PENANAtgzB05OQAH
" Come here, " it was Sabasian leading her away from the crowd to an empty class where he locked the door.
710Please respect copyright.PENANAIkBpiogwx4
"Sit down," He said pulling out a juice bottle from his bag and giving it to her. Greenery did not hesitate as she took the bottle juice and drowning the liquid which was water. Her legs felt as if the would break so she took a seat in one of the chairs willing her heart to calm down.
710Please respect copyright.PENANAFIRlERgedh
Sabasian sat next to her.
710Please respect copyright.PENANAPpflgxKjOz
" Seems you have been crying for days tell me what happened?" He asked.
710Please respect copyright.PENANAxk8xT2QyvX
The tears collected again as a wave of hopelessness hit her. The tears fell on their own one after the other. Her lips were quivering.
710Please respect copyright.PENANAioRSTYc9vs
" After work....," it seemed difficult to talk but she took deep breaths trying to calm herself.
710Please respect copyright.PENANAurxRBjUmjM
" After work yesterday I was walking to the house when three guys jumped from the bushes. I did not see their faces, did not wait that long as I ran for my life. I can't Bash, I can't. " she said shaking her head.
710Please respect copyright.PENANA4d656axeiL
" I can't do this" She said looking straight at his eyes tears flowing down.
710Please respect copyright.PENANAVwq9pX6XsY
" I can't take this,"
710Please respect copyright.PENANAqfQpUquqzY
It was there that Sabasian stood up sitting by the desk in front of her and pulling her fragile body into his. Greenery froze for the longest time. Shocked to no end but his arms were too warm and strong she found herself finding comfort in them, solitude. She held on to him crying her life out, she cried for all those months, cried for her life as it crumbled. It was ironic how after everything they were back comforting each other.
710Please respect copyright.PENANAu76M0nneCA
Sabasian felt his heart break for the girl in his arms. She had walked into his life forcefully never to be forgotten. He wondered who could do such a thing to her? How could they all be so cruel? He wanted nothing more than to make them face his wrath.
710Please respect copyright.PENANAByuyen7vSs
Time passed, ten minutes turning to an hour as the girl had fallen asleep while crying. Slowly he scouted her up wishing there was another way out of this building. Sighing he unlocked the door finding the hallway busy as always. Every person stopped what they were doing to watch him carry the thin sleeping girl. A few gasps were heard as if sensing it Greenery buried herself deep in his chest for him to protect her. He made his way to the parking lot where he got into his car laying her in his backseat. His classes had been long done, he had only been here for football but that could wait.
710Please respect copyright.PENANAEv9MsAGkn6
He drove off the school right to the traffic as it was a Friday afternoon. It took thirty minutes for him to get to his house. After graduation he had bought himself a two bedroom house near the town border wanting to be away from everything. He loved his house so much ,him having something to call his own bought with his hard earned money from working at his father's firm on holidays and investing. He was also a forex trader making his own money.
710Please respect copyright.PENANADcpHkM89Gq
He parked the car at his garage scooping her out as he walked inside the house. Getting in the bedroom he placed her on the bed pulling a blanket over her. He stood there after watching her curl in his bed, twisting and turning now and again.
710Please respect copyright.PENANARuvOQCUA4g
Taking a step back he was about to walk out the room when she screamed knocking his breath away leaving him clutching the door frame.
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"No! Please stop! Stop! Please! No!"